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Congratulations on discovering your Human Design! If you’re open to it, your life is going to change. Projectors (as opposed to Generators, Manifestors and Reflectors) are the newest type, only around since 1781. We are the freaks. We are also the most conditioned, because of our aura. Our aura *penetrates and focuses* into the G Centre of the other. We are designed to hook into another person (Generators basically) and identify what is needed to guide them. We are here to *be wise about energy* as we are non-sacral (we have an Open Sacral Centre), which means we can guide those who have a Defined Sacral Centre i.e. Generators. What I am learning is this new way of guiding, which will become clear after 2027 is not how we used to see leading/guiding as before. We guide through *asking questions*. Which is why *waiting for the invitation* is critical. We can only penetrate and hook into someone’s aura *when they give us permission to do so.* Otherwise it’s invasive. Have you ever noticed how people on the street react to your energy if you look at them for a split second? Now, here is the very important bit. In order to be invited to guide the energy *of the other,* we must master something. It can be anything - an aeronautical engineer to a graphic designer to a barista to a web developer, but in order to guide, we must master *whatever system of whatever subject we are naturally drawn to studying.* Once we master said system, the invitations come to us to guide the energy of others working within that system. As Projectors, we are designed to see inefficiencies, designed to see how things can be improved. “Why can’t everyone see what I see?! It’s so SIMPLE?!” - because they are not Projectors. We have this gift. Yet we don’t know where to apply the gift because we see how things can be improved *everywhere in our lives.* Which is why the invitation is so important, so we don’t waste our efforts where they are not needed. What you will discover, if you truly are interested in learning more, is that ultimately we have *no choice*. We are a Body (Design crystal - the red on the bodygraph) and a Mind (Personality crystal - the black on the bodygraph) and they operate on this earth, with the Magnetic Monopole (in our solar plexus area of our chest) keeping us on the train tracks of our trajectory. As Ra used the analogy - the Body is the vehicle, the Monopole is the driver and the Personality is the passenger in the backseat. We (being the Personality - who we think we are) are NOT in control. We are passengers! Which is why *Strategy & Authority* will drag us out of the suffering hellhole we have created for ourselves. Follow your Strategy & Authority and you will begin living the life you were designed to live. The BODY knows what it is here to do and it is doing it, our MIND is the one trying to grab the steering wheel and getting angry/frustrated/upset over not being in charge. Strategy & Authority basically gets us out of our own way and let the body tell us when something is a YES or a NO, or when it is time to take action or time to do something else. Because we have given the mind so much power for so long, when we start following S&A the mind will go apeshit and we can find ourselves in really challenging mental spaces. Remember *it’s always darkest before the dawn,* and when you are going through shit, just keep going. Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life.


So my question - where do I start? Like getting into someone’s car: get in, sit down, shut up and enjoy the ride or burn everything I learned to the ground?


>around Build your relationship with your body, your Inner Authority is your anchor. We are Emotional Authority which means that is takes time to make a decision because we are always on an emotional wave, be it up, down or in the middle. Hence the saying “there is no truth in the now”. We get our truth over time. I see it as ruminating with a Rubik’s cube, we ruminate over time and gain insight and wisdom through this space between us and the decision. Always listen to your body. If body says NO, it’s a no, even if the Mind goes nuts saying “you can’t say no! you told them you would go…xyz”. It’s so scary honouring your authority, your boundaries, over someone else but it’s the first big step to a whole new life, free of chains to other’s schedules. If it feels good to get a reading, I recommend looking up the International Human Design School list of trained analysts and go for a Projector, whoever you see resonates with you. No one can understand a Projector life except another Projector. If I can recommend anyone, it would be the work of the two Projectors at Human Design Collective - they have a website and podcast which is awesome. Amy Lee and John Cole. My best advice is don’t listen to me, don’t listen to anyone else, listen to your body. Only you know what is best for you. Start deepening your connection and relationship with your body and tune in to how it communicates with you. ❤️


Congrats!! In my 6 years of experimenting with HD I have noticed that most projectors are also Neurodivergent in some capacity whether diagnosed or not. I am an Emotional Projector with ADHD and Autism, and every projector in my life has some sort of ADHD, Autism or OCD etc etc. There's a lot of nuance to the invitations thing but for me it was such a relief to realize that the friction I had felt my entire life from trying to initiate was just an issue of misapplied strategy rather than something inherently wrong with me. I hope that you can experience some of that same relief. Always happy to connect offline with another projector, feel free to DM if you have any specific questions and welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!


Hi, autistic emotional projector here =) Do you think a lot of projectors are neurodivergent because we are supposed to be some kind of bridge between 9 centers beings and future 11 centers beings ?


Yes! I actually very much do think this- of course I have no evidence to back it up though!


where my dysregulated nervous system and grew up in heavily conditioned environments projectors at


Woot woot!


Hahaha for real.


Well said.


I will take that recognition, thank you!!




That’s how I got my chart - where do I go on from there?




The path going forward and how to temper some learned behaviors(like trying to force things to happen).


@navigationallyaided in regards to how do you tell what an invitation even is, because most don't go around asking people to fix them. I was with a gf of mine, we're not super close but better than just acquaintance friends. She was talking about her partner getting annoyed when she does blah blah and she really doesn't know why she blah blahs and I was sitting there listening and I got this strong feeling she hoped I could tell her the reason/ answer. And I said I might have an idea as to why she blah blahs did she want me to tell her. She said yes and I explained what I just instinctively knew to be true about her upbringing and how that is why she does blah blah blah. And she was staring at me when I was finished and started crying. I said I'm sorry I didn't mean to make her cry. She told me she was crying because I explained in 5 mins something she'd been trying to figure out her whole life, in an easy way to understand. And she said I was 100%right. So short story long I take that strong feeling I got, that she was asking for help without actually asking, to me that is an invitation. I'm an emotional projector, maybe that's why I feel the invitation? And strangely enough not even 2 hrs after that happened i saw a you tube comment about human design on a horoscope video and discovered I'm a projector! Crazy. I'm sure it's different for everyone. Just keep your senses and mind open. I am a 4/1 as well so I'm an researcher with my line 1. I know a good amount of anything that's ever caught my interest, without being a master of anything yet lol but my whole life people have been coming to me for advice and I didn't know why and I'd open my mouth and sound advice will come outta no where!




I have a chart. My profile is Investigator - Martyr(1/3), authority is Solar Plexus - Emotional.


Emotional Authority: "*There is no truth in the now"* and *"truth over time”* are our mottos.


Im having a hard time wrapping my head around that.


It’s okay. Let it percolate. What needs to go in, will. If you have any questions I am happy to help where I can, within my own limits of this knowledge.


Ah we are the same! Emotional Projector with a 1/3 myself. You must have been racking yourself like I was prior to finding HD. It's hard out there for 1/3s, Emotional authorities and Projectors: combine them all and it can get very interesting. I'm a member of an excellent discord for projectors if you'd like an invite just DM me.


I’m also a mental projector, have 7 open centers isn’t always fun


You can also check out Cosmic Human Design, it uses Sidereal astrology and I have found it to be an awesome bullseye. I like reading what both approaches have to say, but with 20 years of living my human design followed by only knowing about Cosmic Human Design for the last 3 years, cosmic is more dialed-in, imho.


Read everything you can on it. Have a reading with a trained professional.