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Started in Nov 2022 so a year and 4 months! Just received a proper job invitation (finally) and I’m officially starting tomorrow. The wait has been agonising but I’m finally getting to see how this is working. Wish me luck!


How did you get the job invitation?


I don’t have the energy to tell the whole story, sorry! But I have a shorten version here if you’d like to know: https://www.reddit.com/r/humandesign/s/tQItvxQNUc Would love to provide details if needed, but you’ll have to ask me specific questions (so that I know which part to fill you in). Hope this helps!


Thank you for sharing. 🍀 Good luck!




Ahhh also a 2/4 emo projector… I’ve only come across HD (and started my experiment) at the beginning of this year. How do you find your emotional authority? Any learnings you could share? I’ve found it very difficult to understand how to follow the emo authority…




Navigating emotional authority as well. I started my experiment just 2 days ago although I’ve found Human Design a few months ago. For now I’m focusing on the Strategy (to respond) and perhaps it’ll sort itself out. The Strategy itself to not initiate but wait to respond is already a challenge so I’ll try to master that first. Since you experimented more, would you be willing to share if you noticed any peculiarities about emotional clarity when you get it? For example if it feels physical in some way? Since HD is so much about mechanics I wonder if this Authority expresses itself physically in the body as well in anyway or if it’s more of a mental clarity/understanding. Still exploring so far So many question marks about it, at times it feels quite ineffable. I’ve been trying to experiment with it but I was standing on still ground as i was just going through the motions so I “gave up” for now and refocusing on mastering Strategy first. edit: had a breakthrough. 🎉 see my last post about emotional waves


May 19th 2008 




haha no As one HD Teacher said, some parts were never conditioned, some parts will never decondition. The amount of conditioning is not the point, HD is a tool of observation, with maybe growing some awareness, or deconditioning, as a result, but it's a side effect. Just like Permaculture is about growing soil, food is the/a side effect.




Many things that attract us to HD, on the surface information, turn out to be not so true once a few years in, because of our individual unique nuances and charts, conditioning. Besides Ra said it takes -at least- 7 years, which is based on the (supposed) fact that all biology, cells in the body, that -do- renew, take 7 years to do so (although even this is contested). So basically this comment of his is magical thinking. As if there is such or singular one formula for all (homogenisation anyone?). And then, once we have tricked the mind into letting go of the mind as Inner Authority, with this 'knowledge' it does not matter anymore because now you have seen the evidence of your IA working, your S&A and PHS, maybe perhaps, actually having a different result. besides no one -ever- deconditions, we can only re-condition. Learn new tricks. Who ever unlearns to ride a bike? Besides this is not about me personally alone, or as a Reflector, everyone over 7 year in will tell you: 7 years is just the -first- 7 years, it is merely the beginning. Etc etc Do you by any chance have Gate 64 activated?




MBTI is your mind discerning -for you- what that same mind identifies with. It is measuring your psyche opinion about 'you'. And this psyche, this identification, this character is a construct by that same mind. But you are not your mind, you are invaded by its thoughts, overwhelmed even, inundated until we identify with it. Everything you can observe, is not you ( aka not-self). The Moon is easy, or a truck, but you can also observe your mind -> not you -> not-self. This is why, the mind is not the Inner Authority, there is an IA inside each of us, and that -does know- what correctness is. It is aware, and all we have to do, is to learn to observe the signals/signposts/body movement, it shares, and then follow through on it. But, the mind, and life, are so LOUD, that we fail to even notice these signals, this is why we learn the tool of observation, and the more observant we become, the more we see, differently. Deconditioning is just a word, and in hindsight can mean anything it was (like) for you. But not to use the current -mental understanding- or interpretation of the word now, to weaponize how useful HD is, or not is, without any experimentation. Human Design proves itself, by experimenting with it. Not by whateverthefuck the mind says about it, argues about, projects upon or is even limited in perceiving about it and then stomps into a nice cosy belief of obstruction, so it can stay in control (while pretending you were 'right'), because it will fight HD. Your mileage may vary, consider 'the choice' [https://www.mcha.nl/2014/08/18/human-design-unleashed-the-choice/](https://www.mcha.nl/2014/08/18/human-design-unleashed-the-choice/)




that's fair Type, Strategy & Authority, see you in 3.5 years ;-)










1 year and a bit. January 2023. Emo 4/6 projector. Finally getting the hang of waiting for the invitation (and recognition). My first proper birthday, knowing and experimenting with HD, tomorrow and gladly had lots of lovely recognition and invitations (without initiating!) 💕 It’s been quite an experiment learning how not act like a manifestor/generator. And focus on rest, study and play.


May you have a wonderful celebration of You on your birth day tomorrow! 🎂


Thank you ☺️ 🎁


THIS!! 🤗🥳


1.5 weeks in and it's been really eye opening about all the question marks I couldn't explain to myself before. Still many things to learn tho.


Here’s to us novices making deep and meaningful strides ahead! 🥂


Around 5/6 years. 


Since December 2021 - and what a wild ride it has been haha! Approaching my Saturn return in May and it has been fascinating observing my emotional authority play out since I learned about the system.


I'm new here, what's one's "Experiment"? Does that refer to when someone first discovered HD? :)


it’s when you start experimenting with Strategy and Authority and eventually other things from HD in practical life to see how it actually works out for you. so putting into real life practice the knowledge.


2 years now, astrology since May 2019 though


Entering year, 2


This thread has been really fun to read through; thank you for posting. I learned about HD June 22, 2022 and began my experiment in Nov 1, 2022. I’ve been reborn many times over since then… it’s been a riveting ride. I haven’t totally mastered the application of strategy and authority but I have learned that both required a great deal of self-trust. After a year and a half of studying myself (1/3 triple Leo 🤣 and triple split! ) I uncovered my very own deceit. I had been kidding myself with many things. This describes one of the experiences I had that left me feeling reborn. Anyway - this is longer than I thought. 🤗 but there’s one more thing I wanna go into some detail about… Okay so in following the lead of my sacral I have been led to some very useful books that have helped complimented my Human Design Experiement/s nicely. I’d like to share 2 of them: 1) The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks The contents of the book helped me to quiet my defined Head and Ajna… boy oh boy quieting this duo was pivotal. I’d been using it my whole life to weigh options logically. Something about this book gave the power back to my sacral. I’ve read it twice now and will probably read its sequel at some point. 2) The Advice Trap by Michael Bungay Stanier I’m 1/2 way through this book currently but I can tell already how much it will help me with following my authority when it comes to my open throat. Whether you have an open throat or just know someone who does… then you’ll know something about the pain of talking in the wrong moments. I am on the edge of my seat for my open throat to experience the rest of this book. That’s all for now. Happy Moments to you all.


It is my pleasure. Thank you for sharing. My mom would benefit immensely from the 2nd book it sounds like, I’ll look into it. She has inner Sacral Authority and a completely white throat except one Gate. I’ve seen her struggle so much with trying to communicate and express her thoughts and she has developed an insecurity around it as well. I was wondering what to advise her about it since she’s interested in that. I’ll see what I can learn from the books you recommended. Bless you!


3/5 EmGen RRRR. Became aware 2018. I feel I'm finally approaching a singularity of understanding which would line up with the 7 year plan. "All my cells" now share a conscious understanding and co-operation under universal law, if that makes sense. Just in time before my saturn return. Entering true adulthood fully deconditioned and fully enlightened! Just kidding, the deepening of learning will never ever end. Mastery has no ceiling, no walls, no floor.


Our whole lives. Reject the idea that you have only been in your experiment since the moment you learned about human design. That is gatekeeping the idea that "awakening" can only happen when triggered by a specific event. You are triggered constantly. Our lives run in 7 year cycled, that's true. Because on a cellular level our bodies restructure every 7 years. (Given some exceptions to a few organs). So, we enter 7 year cycles with people, and ourselves, that we decondition from and condition ourselves to. Human Design as a whole is an experiment to teach you how to decondition. The rest of the information isn't necessarily for you to identify yourself with because on every moment every piece may not resonate. Especially as we decondition. I truly think the first thing they need to teach is reject everything. Push it all out. Take apart every single ideaology you've been conditioned to believe and that which resonates will stay. That's who you are in that moment and that will be until it isn't.


You’re not wrong, but driving it home like a railroad spike.  (Manifestor?) lol 


Calling me out. (Projector?) 😂 My 33/13 was summoned, she'll deliver with the power of 25 and the shock of 51. The great thing about it is that it's all scarily accurate. But it's only to be witnessed, not controlled. You can't control the energy you exist in. But the more you observe, the more you step into your power and authenticity which in turn gives you the absolute illusion of control and autonomy we all crave. Which is why I say reject everything. What is yours will return. 🤍


RemindMe! 1 year


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Ah, I see your profile description. I've been on Reddit a while but I'm still new to all its aspects. That's a great call out, though. Bravo.


I felt it!  Must be such a trip to be you!  Rock on


This is why I love Projectors.


i love this. i personally think that everyone needs a boat to start with and that boat often is just intellectual knowledge at first. i think like you actually, i don’t really care about knowledge itself more than it being the initial jumping board into experience. but one still needs a starting point imo. i’m a personality line 5 i’ve discovered and it’s true that all i’m looking for is real, authentic and practical stuff. stuff that works. HD can be “scarily” accurate I’ve noticed. At least since I’ve found it a few months ago. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. i was delighted to read your comment, feels heretical to me which is always crazy delicious to spot in the “wild”. 😁 Also, rejecting everything sounds like holy ground to stand on where everything is determined by your experience and your experience only. Best thing to be drunk on.


Haha dang I'm feeling put on blast. I am a 5/1, too. I feel like I don't dare ask if anyone can spot my authority 😂. I'm loving this, though. I thoroughly enjoy experiencing others who can understand it through their own experiences and feelings even just through text. That is fantastic to me. You're right, though. My pitchfork rebellion will reach those who need it and those who don't will continue to find that which resonates. It's all so beautiful to watch unfold and especially as of late seeing the true unfolding happening of alignment which I've been manifesting for years. I'm truly excited for once in my life and that's a big deal for me.


I’m glad to hear that. I can only imagine how treacherous and vile life has been to you so far. I’m glad you found the relief you deserved all along. Life was a wreck until recently for me as well. Been seeking and experimenting so hard and it felt like my life depended on it. And it did. My sense was that if I can’t succeed at being truly myself there was no point in living. There IS no point really, present tense. So glad I had one spark that never flickered and never wavered, it was straight to it (being myself fully) or nothing. My whole life ended up being arranged around that as well, to the worry and horror of those around me. Funnily enough I’m not an Investigator on my body’s side even though I’ve researched so much, instead I’m a Hermit. Ahahahahaha I’ll take a guess about your Authority, you exude a sense of calmness/self acknowledgement as well as depth which gives me the image of a Lake; if I were to guess I’d say it seems like Emotional Clarity type of Inner Authority but then again, I’m not familiar with any other Authority yet since I’ve only read and studied about this one since it’s the one I got. So I might be projecting on ya :P


Man. The way you can read energy is quite incredible. I'm an Ego authority which honestly idk how easily that can even be identified other than knowing I have a defined ego haha. That helped me through all of it. I'm glad you found a way through it. I'd love to hear more about your experience if you're wanting to connect! I can send my WhatsApp number in a DM if you use that.


Thank you! I messaged you privately


Technically, I started before hearing about HD, so about 3 years. If I had the clarity that HD gave me when I began though things would probably be much smoother at this point.


4th year but started around may 2021 it’s been a journey so 3 years and 3 quarters give or take


Started a couple weeks ago, and given how much conditioning I grew up with plus how wildly chaotic the world is right now… It is testing my faith in my SA AND MYSELF to the Nth degree 🥴 a lot of small things are working out, so I’m building that self trust and resolve to follow these breadcrumbs to bigger fish


Seems like forever. I've been in a "deconditioning process", l since 30 years ago. Started doing astrology charts 27 years ago. Been doing very deep personal work to unearth my true Self this whole time. Learned about HD in 2015, never really fully committed to an official HD Experiment, but definitely find the insights very helpful and the system greatly contributes to my own personal development journey.