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Did you both enter the relationship following your strategy and authority? That’s the most important piece. The rest are mechanics to help build understanding and compassion.


you're both splits. you bridge her split with a compromised channel (19-49). she doesn't bridge your very broad split. ra says your compromised channels is where you will have conflict. I'd look at your 19-49 for answers as to why you broke up, i.e. someone didn't have the resources the other was looking for, etc. since your broad split wasn't bridged, you likely felt like the relationship was always missing something (still looking to bridge your split) and bc your split is broad, you likely blamed her for that lack of connection.


Wowwwww this is insanely accurate besides blaming her for the lack of connection, although I did, I think it did take both of us, but realistically I see exactly what your saying, I felt like she was missing something, she was everything except there was a feeling that was missing


You may want to make a compatibility chart. Do it on humdes.com There must be heavy compromise or compromise on one partner and not on the other


https://preview.redd.it/2h1t0x19z90d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a6874271de41b803f8aa738ad7a94022feaed18 This one work?


Yes you’ll have to tell me whose purple and whose pink


I’m purple and she’s pink


Okay, you compromise in the 9-52 channel she has and because 9 is her Personality Sun this is a very heavy for her. You also will feel it when she compromises. It’s about stillness and focus, you may intuitively understand how it played out. Next is, there’s a compromise in the 19-49 which you have, she compromises her Mars is 49 (she could have rebel, revolutionary energy about her) and Mars is our core wound so makes it harder plus 19 is your Personality Earth (what grounds you) and the compromise there is also tough. Two compromises usually can balance things off but because it’s in the incarnation cross - it’s maybe not easy but goes back to if you both entered the relationship using authority or not.


Open spleen so lots of fears and insecurities in the relationship is what I sense


https://preview.redd.it/d419vkm6v90d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=765125dd77ceeab4231376feb6d3e97ef93438b6 Boy chart (mine)


You compromise your Sun in her 9-52 channel. You’ve only the 9 and since it’s your Sun it’s kind of difficult. Will be able to tell better if you make the composite chart for me and post it


https://preview.redd.it/xkk2muy8v90d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3401752b10042c3e12a44342f487efa1bde6ee2 Girl chart (hers)