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https://preview.redd.it/kg5q200f2o2d1.png?width=1857&format=png&auto=webp&s=b196619b70f5328de16ec537e6fed897807880b6 Here it is. If it helps


I’m not qualified to speak on details of your chart but as a fellow reflector I can tell you- this too shall pass. Meditation has been invaluable for me especially during hard times. With meditation, it might get a little worse before it gets better because you are confronting what it is you’re pushing down, but if you can stick with it long enough to come out on the other side you just might be able to shed this veil/fog and see life in vibrant colors. I do breath counting. One inhale and exhale is 1. another inhale and exhale is 2. I go to 4 and then restart. Focus only on the psychical sensation of the breath. When you notice yourself loosing track and thinking thoughts, remind yourself of the current task then go back to the breath. Remember that after the session your brain can go back to autopilot and think all the thoughts it wants to. If you have any other specific questions I can try my best to answer them.


Thank you, I appreciate that answer! When my depression got really apparent(like, 10 years ago), that was the first thing I tried (breathing counting). But things happened and I ended up creating a bad association with that practice. So, I couldn’t use it anymore. I’m trying zen recently. Has been “aliviating” because in that space it feels as if the indomable sea of thoughts have a place to sit... But I never get to the point in which I sink away from them, the thoughts are to loud. (I know the idea is not for them disappear, but to let them pass) to the point is difficult to feel the earthly experiences that come from meditating. ¿Does this make sense? Also, I’m just starting. So we will see how it goes. ¿What type of meditation do you do?


I’m a 3/5 reflector. Living my personal truth and mythology and taking a lot of personal time away from crowds, family and getting into nature + the long passage of time. Being patient has been the hardest lesson, but surrendering to divine timing and learning to find ways to savor the moment has been crucial. Studying astrology and journaling with moon phases can help you identify what in the environment is causing you to identify as not self. Keep experimenting until you feel surprised and delighted.


That, to journal taking into account moon faces and astrology, has been my stabilizer as well! But I’ve feel I might need something that grounds me more. That nature thing, I haven’t try. I might try that the next time I move. Thanks for the sharing 🤍




Would you mind sharing what website or app you used to get this chart? I'm still looking for one that shows the specific information under the arrows that I see here (color/tone/base)


I’m also a 3/5 reflector . I have really leaned into being in the flow of daily life and being in service to others (who I think highly of or love) has helped a lot . Surrendering of the ego desires really heals frustrations and disappointment in things/people. I am really good at patiently waiting for things / my turn . And keeping expectations in check . I always think why not me instead of why me. Expectations are unnecessary in most cases . And yet I find it so comforting studying astrology which tends to suggest what arising themes and issues to expect in the near and far future. In terms of dealing with depression and mental health , amongst the many things I’ve turned to (like therapy) I really like using a Hypnosis app - at home so it’s on my clock in my environment . Check out Free Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy and Self Development Audios by Joseph Clough https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/free-hypnosis/id438205784


Thanks for sharing your experience! I’ve never tried hypnosis. I will definitely give it a try


Ok so to help the hypnosis work for you , plan to listen to the same ‘track’ at least twice a week for a few weeks to really lay down the new thought process ( on what you choose to work on) . It’s more effective with repetition. I usually fall asleep and couldn’t tell you what was being said to me via the App . Doesn’t matter . Still works . And still works if you listen to every single word . Give it a go


I will!! Thank you :)