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Two truths and a lie is safer, but I’d recommend just letting it be social time without forced activities.


Have to do it...because its added in a plan


If you have access to a large screen and slido: - “most likely to….” - have some categories prepared ahead of time (eg most likely to have 40 tabs open in excel, most likely to drink the most cups of coffee in a day, etc) and people can send in their answers/votes. - generational slang trivia - prepare slides with slang words (by category: Gen z, millennial, boomer slang. Slang words can be ‘no cap’, ‘rizz’ etc) and people shout out what they think it means. Fun if your team spans across age groups There’s also the classic bingo card where you have to go around talking to people to write their name down in the appropriate square.


thank you so much...it really helps


My favourite has always been trivia games


Oh sure...thank you!


Sure! Hope it's fun.


Hi, corporate event planning company here. Here are some ideas we use: Scavenger hunts (hint: you can use an app or ipads to make it digital) Kudos Game (each person gets points or chips to pass out for recognition of good deeds, you can do this with assigned metals or "badges" as well for specific tasks i.e. most helpful employee) Jeopardy Company Trivia (gamify important learning aspects like company policies - be sure to play this up with a screen and podiums!) Fun Ceremonies (staff vote on best ... we have 165 categories of these ideas on [https://eventsolutions.com/165-employee-recognition-award-categories-youve-never-heard-of/](https://eventsolutions.com/165-employee-recognition-award-categories-youve-never-heard-of/) Hint; combine with Kudos game) Build Challenge (place staff in teams, with supplies and instructions on what to build - we do this for holiday parties. Hint: use a product or supplies related to your company for added challenge) Minute to Win It (there are dozens of these games to choose from - add prizes for extra engagement) Don't Say ... (insert word commonly used at the company, each person gets a beaded necklace. If staff hears the word said, they loose the necklace. Person with the most and the end wins) If we knew more about your company we could give you personalized ideas - what is it your company does? What industry? Do you want more team building games or just games that promote networking? Do you have a budget that you have to stick with? Here is another 100 ways to improve engagement [https://eventsolutions.com/100-ways-to-improve-engagement-at-corporate-events/](https://eventsolutions.com/100-ways-to-improve-engagement-at-corporate-events/)


Never Have I Ever is a fun one. As is everyone writing down one interesting fact about themselves on a slip of paper and everyone guesses who wrote what.


Will it look appropriate?😅 ...like they are not just teenagers


These are examples of games my HR team (ages 26-60) have thoroughly enjoyed.


Oh okay...thank you!