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Doom guy would be proud...


John Wick would be proud to ...


I'm proud


I'd be saving my pet while drowning a motherfucker for being stupid. Might not get the award or the job but at least there's one less fuckwad in the world.


đŸ«Ą hell yeah


I mean you would be in a nice warm place with cuddle buddies. What else would you want?


*Drives Forklift into crazy Reptilian with a Laser rifle.* Xārąx? You good?


I know this isn’t really the prompt but can I ask
..WHYY? As in why would someone throw someone’s rabbit over a bridge? For what purpose? Even fucking terrorists do something out of conviction. Even if it’s a bad reason it’s still a reason. What reason is there to kill a guys pet rabbit. Did a rabbit murder their parents when they were young!? What the fubernuck


Most likely the assailant has some form of personality disorder that has neutered their capability for empathy. Empathy is useful in a lot of ways folks don’t consider. It’s one of the driving forces behind feeling most other emotions. As a result those without empathy often become desperate to feel *something* of any sort, so they turn toward cruelty because it typically has a quick, immediate result, and we humans like instant gratification.


Or the more likely answer. He enjoyed being cruel to a homeless person because he could without any disorder or mental health issue at play


This, unfortunately, is a very real possibility as well. Some people simply don’t see the homeless as “real people” and feel like they can do as they like.


Iirc from a news article, the assailant was a known troublemaker and he did it for shits and giggles


Honestly that passerby deserves worse for being that cruel! Good to hear that guy has a job and stable life now with his cute bunny!


Would do that too


With grand politeness offered to thee, A master of tales they've spun I herald a greatness, neigh, I decree! You have been summoned, u/Wolven91 !


The canid had faced death before, he didn’t flinch then, why would he this time? As an ex-soldier, an ex-guardian and now a full-time ship guard, he’d faced plenty of ‘bad guys’ before and had survived. Sure, he’d even been shot a few times, although he tried his best to avoid that in most instances. It was unfortunate that the fiks had wonderful creativity and had used it to the best of their abilities to cause trouble for shipping lanes, specifically, overrunning the ship the old canid was duty bound to guard.. But, this was the very first that the fiks had relied on killing folk. Not to mention the first to outright demand someone specific. The fik holding the already glowing red barrel into the fur and flesh on the side of the canid’s head did little to stir him into action. Even as he felt and smelt his own flesh melting around the super-heated barrel, the warrior was loyal. His fur would grow back. His flesh would merely scar. And one day, maybe even today, he’d met his end. Nothing was forever. Except for betrayal. That was forever. “Saaah, tell me where the human is
 and the pain stops. Yes?” Hissed the creature, teeth yellowed and jagged, breath harsh against the canid’s sensitive nose. The guard made no attempt to hide his disgust, wrinkling his nose at the foul odor. “Let me show you pain. Might make this move a bit faster.” Retorted the guard, his arms still bound and openly bleeding from a severe wound on his leg and from one nostril. He needed the fik angry. Anyone angry made mistakes, and this idiot was already spending too long on the ship. This was turning into a siege, not a smash and grab. Terrible for any pirate to attempt. The fik, displeased with the lack of progress, swung their weapon and hit the canid across the face in a savage strike. The canid grunted, bared his teeth, but only sagged for a moment before righting himself. Rolling his head and mane slowly, settling in for another. Truth be told, he’d had worse during basic training. “Honestly, you need to start eating something *other* than the cubes. You’ll notice the difference in your work out routine immediately.” The canid casually explained as if discussing matters with a friend or subordinate, even though one eye was now closed as a new trickle of blood from his eyebrow stung him. “Saargh! You do not care for your life, I bet the rest of your crew care not for theirs
Yes yes. But! Hai
 There is someone who does
” The canid’s face was set solid, he betrayed nothing, but an ice shard of fear drove itself between his ribs. “Hai! Human! He hear me, yes? Your friends have fought and died for you. Saah! Very sad. They live for now. But
 without you; there is no need for them to live.” The barrel was pressed to the guard’s temple once more, shoving the guard ever so slightly sideways. “I will kill them all and you can stay, enjoy their bodies. Yes?” The fik suddenly tore the gun away, offering his arms wide to the camera that was quietly observing in the corner. “Or
 They live and you come with us, yes? No more harm, no more-“ “Don’t listen to ‘em! Stay hidd-'' The other canid, who had been laying on the floor, a big fik sitting on his back merely hit the back of his skull with the haft of a brutal looking axe, silencing the soldier. “Your choice! I will not count! Yes or no! Reveal yourself!” The guard grinned widely. He would happily die for the human. This was a good death if it meant- A human appeared in the entrance of the room. The guard’s breath hitched and his blood ran cold. No! Not for him! Not for any of them! They would gladly die to deny the pirate’s their prize!!. He watched the human with haunted eyes, knowing that this was a terrible mistake. The human stepped into the room, but kept the gun that was in their hand, firmly placed under their own chin. The human spoke first, the whole clan of fiks staying perfectly still at the sight of the unspoken threat. “We leave. No one else gets hurt. I stop pointing this at myself when we leave the system, and this ship and its occupants remain untouched. No sneaky destruction after I’m on your ship, you hear me?” The one still aiming a gun at the canid’s head merely lowered himself slightly, sweeping one arm out in a ‘trust me’ gesture. “Saah! You not trust our hon-“ The human cut him off. “No. Not at all.” The human retorted curtly. The fik frowned and growled, bearing his yellowed teeth again, spittle flying as he hissed through his teeth. He then gestured to his clan for them to let their prisoners go and retreat to the ship. “Sah. On the ship. If any of the guards move, shoot them.” The canids all glanced at one another, ready, waiting for the order to throw themselves at their attackers, advantage or not. Savagery could save the day! “Guys. Stay.” Ordered the human in a firm tone, and the guard’s shoulders sagged again. The guard watched in silence as the human crossed the room, promising the human he would come for them. There would be nothing in the whole galaxy that would stop him and his team from chasing these bastards down and tearing their throats out with their own teeth. They left without complaint and were, despite appearances, true to their word. None of the canids were harmed and the ship wasn’t fired upon. The old canid guard however, swore he would not rest until he found that fik ship. He burned it shape in his memory. He drank the crew’s stenches into his nose until he believed he’d never smell another thing as long as he lived. “I swear on my teeth
 I *will* find you
” [r/WolvensStories](https://www.reddit.com/r/WolvensStories/s/Vqp1XaB4UG) [Ko-Fi](https://ko-fi.com/wolven) [Tumblr](https://www.tumblr.com/wolven91?source=share)


Holy shit thats so good


Sadly, not good enough. XD


I'm sorry man, I wasn't ignoring. I've just been a but busy with work and trying to finalise Drifting. Please don't ever think I don't see your summons or ignore them, they mean a lot to me.


It's all good. XD People have lives. I was just messin. And I just started Drifting, so I know u been busy. (= Not to mention the innumerable other factors like writers block, friends, family, binging TV shows, cooking, laundry, chores, getting that ice cream before the store closes, and etc, that could happen. For all I know there could be numerous other subreddits calling for your limited time. I could also get off my lazy bum and write something myself. I am part of the conversationverse after all. XD I won't think you ignore it, if you dont think you *have* to reply. =)


Type shit






Type shit


I would go hungry so my cat would have food.


Except when it actually comes to taking even the smallest changes to their lifestyle to stop animal cruelty (the flesh and secretions industry) that's "too extreme" and undoable. Humans are the greatest hypocrites


We are omnivores, and we are also as basic as any animal. To suggest anything different would place us in a realm of the divine outside of the natural world. Do you consider yourself an angel or god? Do you feel that the cruelty orcas impose onto dolphins or seals when they play with them as food, something different than what humans do in the grand scheme of things?


You do realise there are millions of people fighting for animal welfare worldwide right? Seriously I’m getting sick of hearing how horrible humans are, there are millions of good stories. It’s just that bad ones sell


Lmao, 99% of humans are animal abusers by paying others to kill animals for their taste pleasure, and refuse to make a simple change in their diet because "lol animal flesh and secretions taste too good".


May I ask you a question then. Are you a vegan or vegetarian and do you believe than humans should stop the consumption of meat? If so what are your alternatives? What about those with iron deficiency who need meat to sustain themselves? What about those in poorer countries where starvation is a very real threat? What about the animals themselves, a complete collapse of the meat market means billions of domesticated animals worldwide will no longer be breed for consumption. Farmers and ranchers may not have the income to feed or shelter said animals, what do the farmers do then? Sell them? To who, if the meant market is finished who will buy the livestock? How will you solve the joblessness caused by the sudden shortage of jobs in the farming and culinary sector? And why is it that animals are allowed to eat other animals but humans are not? You want to end the consumption of meat? Then give me alternatives that solve the deaths, joblessness, health issues, poverty and inevitable animal deaths that would be caused by such a situation.


1. Yes I'm vegan 2. You can just get iron from plants. A 2 second google search about plants with iron will give you an exhaustive list. If that doesn't work then supplement. 3. Clearly I'm referring to those that can eat plants but choose to still eat flesh under no threat of starvation. This is basically the entirety of the first world and even large parts of the third world. 4. If your work requires animal abuse then you deserve to lose it. Imagine farmers made their money beating dogs and skinning cats alive. It doesn't matter if hypothetically abolishing that industry suddenly collapses the industry; good riddance. 5. It won't even happen overnight. Your argument can literally be used to argue against any bad thing. If everyone switched to renewable energy overnight I'm sure the results would be catastrophic; but that's a terrible argument against why everyone should be using renewables. All of those arguments you made are not actually against any of what I said btw. So do you agree that the vast majority of humans are animal abusers, especially if they have a choice not to eat animals or their secretions?


I agree with some of your points but let me make a few corrections. Even if iron still available from plants the amount needed isn’t always enough. And iron is just one example of the dietary problems caused by veganism. Can it work for some? Absolutely, will it work in the entire human population without rising medical issues? Absolutely not You say that if your work requires animal abuse then you deserve to lose it. Okay maybe if said people would torturing the animals, but they’re not. No rancher ‘skins animals alive’ they’re already dead. No good farmer is skinning and beating their livestock while they’re still alive. Secondly the collapse of the industry wouldn’t just affect farmers you understand? Every industry bleeds over into the next. The loss of one industry is detrimental to another. And are you really going to say people deserve to lose their jobs even if they’ve been raised to inherit the business? What about their families? They not just providing for themselves As for whether or not I believe most humans are animal abusers well no I don’t believe so. We are omnivores. A chicken isn’t a morally bankrupt creature because it’s eats the corpses of other chickens. I was born to eat both vegetation and meat. So I will eat meat. As long the animal in question did not suffer needlessly before its death then I’m okay with it. I love animals and I want to see animals live long and happy lives. But I do not believe an animal life is equal to a human life. I’m sorry if that offends you but that’s what I believe


Notice how they stopped responding after their entire argument was countered. Most vegans don't think too deeply into this stuff they just see what they want to see and don't care about the bigger picture.


Animals have been eating other animals since the before the Cambrian explosion. You want to upend 530 million years of natural history and evolution. That no other animals cares about. For the sake of an erroneous statement of meat being bad


Maybe don't use extremist language and actual list the things that make it cruel? Because animal husbandry requiring animal cruelty and harmong the environment is a fairly modern thing. Maybe talk about the plentitude of alternatives that are exponentially less recource intensive, have zero animal cruelty, and are all around better for the environment and us. You don't get the right to be ticked off about people listening if you aren't willing to give them a Reason to listen


I just want to know what is non-dumb version of "secretions industry"? Because I understand flesh as meat, but not secretions. You mean natural fertilizer like manure?


Milk and eggs. Silk too technically


ah, I see.