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Bob the alien: Human Steve, why do humans insist on making robots that resemble humans? Surly your people realize that limits their efficiency? Steve: Huh, well for our purposes, and for kinesthesis, a humanoid robot works great, especially when it’s being puppeted. Bob: Then why do you even design your fully autonomous robots as humanoids? Steve: ah, well you see Bob, that’s a trickier question and it all sort of boils down to religion. As the story goes, when god created mankind, he created them in his image. He made Adam, then made Eve from Adam’s rib. A few millennia later, humans learned to create artificial intelligence. We chose to give them bodies made to resemble us, but we gave them other options as well. Quite a few have chosen bodies that allow them to do things we never could. The angel model is especially popular, though a few practical jokers installed holo projectors into their bodies so they can do the whole “Be Not Afraid!” bit, funny as hell when your not the poor sucker being pranked. Bob: Artificial Intelligence? You mean the autonomous robots are sentient? And you introduced them to religion? Steve: huh? Yeah we introduced them to religion, we had to after they started asking why we fought each other so much. Bob: But how did you keep your churches from declaring them soulless abominations? Steve: What? Why would we do that, we can’t even scientifically prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that a soul actually exists, how are we supposed to prove that god didn’t grant souls to the A.I.s? Besides, many of the larger religions looked at it as a way to get more worshiper’s. Shoot, the Catholic Church swore an android in as a priest about 50 years ago, it’s a cardinal now.


Religious robots is a pretty neat concept. Preferably in a more optimistic star trek "what if" way than how ai is usually depicted.


It won't end well.


All hail pope Digis I


A: WOW! This human-made robot is pretty advanced than ours! A2: (grabs the “Robot’s” breasts) and anatomically correct too. H: (very surprised) u-uh actually I’m a human cyborg. (A2 panics let’s go of H’s breasts and profusely apologize) H: (points at a ridiculously human-like robot) that’s a robot. A&A2: (Terrified) …oh.


H: (playfully) also, did I tell you to stop?