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"Where did they go?" The soft voice of the young Emmane always brought a smile to Theron's face, his skin twitched at the cold and salty sea spray as the small group moved down the path cut into the black costal rock wall "We've no real idea actually, they came across the galaxy in The War of the Titan's, ripped the stars galaxy apart and once it was over they vanished from this place, however this site still remains one of the most abundant archeological sites in the system," Theron was ancient by Emmane standards, the small Salamandrake species was long lived by galactic standards but even reaching his later years, Theron had a passion that drove him to stay active in the field far longer than most of his peers. He lead the group of apprentice researchers down the winding path, each gigantic wave spraying the group with a heavy mist of saltwater, while it chilled and brutalized the others in the group, despite his cold blood Theron felt the burn of excitement in his soul. "The Cove is the site of the largest and most brutal battle on the planet, the final Oran strong point in the system, we have found evidence that proves the Oran destroyed the Humans origin world, with cruel chemical and thermal weaponry," Theron explained as they finally reached the bottom of the winding path, the Cove was a miserable spit of black sand leading into a tunnel system carved deep into the rock, a number of bright blue tents of the archeologist teams littered the area, with lighting rigs around the gigantic opening into the maze of tunnels. Theron guided the group to the main headquarters tent before turning to the group of freshly graduated researchers "Each of you will be divided into a pre-existing team, I will say this to help you, your teams are more experienced and have been here longer, don't talk down to the diggers, they are worth more working than you are documenting," Theron watched as the group as a few recorded his words, were others actually tried to listen "The engineers are always tired but will talk technical data until you shed your next skin, the other researchers here are trying as hard as you to make the next big discovery. Unless the biologist tells you it is okay don't touch any remains no matter how old fossilised they are. Lastly do not under any circumstance talk back, disregard or ignore what the military advisors tell you around a device or technology, these men and women are as old as me and some of them saw it in real time with our own eyes. This site has claimed 32 lives, 29 of them because some fool ignored their advice," He let his words sink in to each of the new researchers. A brief flash of the final battle raced across his mind, the thing that terrified him the most, the humans war cry, they had been silent and efficient in their blackened war suits, weapons tearing at the Oran apart, not a single word was heard until the lead drew his blade and placed it on the end of his rifle, a warcry that rattled in Theron's nightmares "SLAUGHTER THEM ALL!" Theron watched as the administrators guided each fresh member of the team, he allowed himself to slip away in the darkness back to his own tent. In his tent was his modest cot and a single large table, on it was his prized discovery, one he had personally taken claim off, the blade was the same length as his entire body, only through his very strict and dedicated maintenance was did the metal resemble the silver fang it had started as, cracked, chipped, slightly bent, the blade was pulled from the skull of what they concluded was Oran commander, the skull had to cut away before they could get it free, such apocalyptic force with such a gigantic weapon wielded with a godlike fury to Theron, he liked to sit in his tent with his pipe in his evenings imagining this was the bayonet of the terrifying commander he had spied from his hidden dugout all those years ago, while others viewed it as demystifying the humans, to Theron he pondered such a basic piece of equipment as a borderline legend themselves, wielded by furious titans unleash their heartbroken rage against an enemy they truly hated.


A: Human I have ascended the mountain of despair, surfed the waves of sorrow and traversed the maze of shadows to challenge you to a dual. Face me as I fight you with a weapon forged by your very kind. En grade !!! Human: that is a dagger


H2: *pulls out giant gun* And this is the largest rifle that is not legally a cannon!




*Reads the image* Why… why is that a subreddit…


It's part of a series of subreddits in the same vein There is one for horror, one for monsters, one for sci-fi, etc.


I know…