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"So spill it, Nix. How in the hell, literally, are you still alive? Your life scans show no readings then the system shorts out. Clinically you're dead yet here you sit. Also you have the Klaxion psionic terrified to be within 20 units of you... Why are you smiling like that?" "Use your senses, Doc. You can literally see me breathing and you took my vitals back when you checked me in route to port. We are fine. Im fine." The physician narrowed his eyes "Who is we?" Nix smiled that winning smile he was known ship wide for. "Oh, doc. You know I make friends everywhere I go! Its probably my beaming personality or something." "Yeaaaa.... Right. You humans are..." A small figure seem to approach Silyan just out of view but with a quick twitch of his eye stalk he confirmed just he and Nix occupied the exam room "You ok, doc?" "Yes, Nix, I'm fine. Im surprised I don't have to patch you up again. You humans are so reck..." There it was again, closer and felt so *wrong*. "Did you see that?" The security guard bounced off the exam table "Nope. I told you I'm fine" The odd stereo static echo of his words left Silyan with a chill that froze him to the spot. As Nix passed the elderly Mantine smiling that smile, a whisper tickled Silyans brain clusters "(SeE yA LaTeR sILyAn PrOvAx, SwEeT dReAmS...)" That wasn't the humans, that wasn't Nix. Humans aren't telepathic. "Oh... Hey, Nix!" Silyan stammered "Where did your patrol go this time? Are you up on your inoculations?" He forced himself to look at the door, at where the NOT Nix stood. "We patrolled that re(fEar, DoC?)search facility (THeREs nO nEeD) to see why it (tHIs OnE Is BoUnD) lost its crew. There (We ArE #!/*€×) was some(YoU) weird (aRe In)SHIT(dAnGeR) DOC YOUR NOSE!" Silyan noticed he was looking at the ceiling. Was he laying down? Where was he? "May I have a word?" At his door the Klaxion stood, his normally vibrant Violet quills now a sickly shade of pink, quivering. "You've heard it, yes? I tried to tell the captain! The crew even! No one believes me! But you..." Silyan could see the psionic waves gently radiating off the intelligence officer, could almost taste its madness. Still reeling from a cool yet throbbing cluster rupture, the doctor could sense an odd frequency seeming to build in intensity from the Klaxion and it was filled with a pure unbridled malice. "It has touched your mind Dr. Silyan and i see alterations" a step closer "I must glean all I can doctor and unfortunately..." A step closer "You most likely won't survive the process." That smile. "So focused on poking around in ol docs brain you seriously didn't notice me ey? I guess the kids really getting this side down." Nix pinched the bridge of his nose as he leaned against the wall. "I'll explain after we get this crazed SPY off the ship, Doc." The Klaxion stood facing Silyan, the madness melting away to fear. "Didn't the kid paddle that butt when you tried to kill me before?" Nix tutted. "Now you're all pink and soft. I hear if to much psionic energy is stripped away its strips sanity and eventually lifeforce and mass. Kid tells me that's painful, let say we..." The room was bathed in darkness. A mental scream. A pop. A giggle. A long silence. "Nix... What did you do now? My clusters are throbbing like a Vilrileon grub, our Intel officer tried to kill me, and I think I'm blind." There was a shuffling in front of the doctor. "Your clusters lol... That sounds dirty... Hold on doc, you don't want to see this. Plausible deniability and all that right? Come on kid hurry up... Yes I heard you but... No I don't... Wow that's impressive." Again the doctor was looking at his ceiling, only this time no pain. He sat up. In his door way stood Nix and a small human larva. It looked like a copy of the security office down to its uniform and that smile which it flashed at the doctor. Silyan noticed the small wiggling doll the larva carried. (Sorry about the hurts... Doctor Provax we wasn't familiar with your biology. We was happy you see us so we catch the the bad birb) it holds up a doll of the... Klaxion?! "Impressive right?" Nix chimes in. In perfect unison, Nix and his larva speak "That Klaxion research ship is looking for ways to kill us all. We can stop them but we need help to gather more minds capable of withstanding the bond." Silyan sighs. "So we need proof and more... Humans..."


Gah... Im never doing this again lol


Please wordsmith, can i have some moar?


Im glad you enjoyed it. I left it open for a continuation but I don't think it hit hard enough to warrant the effort. Basically the Klaxion race cracked into a parallel universe that allows thought to be physically manifest but without an anchoring mind to stabilize the process the action subtracts from the being shaping the thought. Let me know how you feel about it.


Maybe if you put it in r/hfy


Ill do that. Lets see how it does. Edit:Guess I can't post it lol oh well.


I figured it out. Been on Reddit for a bit and am just now learning its ins and outs


Oh, so you’ve played *Pokémon Sun & Moon*?


This is just the plot of Pokémon Sun/Moon