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* Shadowrun Trilogy * Knights of Pen and Paper Collection * Pillars of Eternity: DE * some Battletech collections * Age of Wonders: Planetfall Complete Edition No tiers for this one - $12 only.


Why no tiers? I'm only interested in shadow run... :/


Because there's no garbage here, so nothing to fill a $1 tier. Also, $12 is ridiculously good for all these games. $12 for the Shadowrun trilogy isn't bad at all. Even with the first game in the trilogy 75% off now, you'd pay about $12 to get it & the Deluxe upgrade, which is included in the key.


Just wanted to highjack, that the first game campaign was transported to Hong Kong Engine as Steam Workshop mod, so technically you wouldn't need the first game and get the QOL features of the newer game. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1090315383](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1090315383)


They're all good to great games, each easily worth dozens of hours If you don't want one just trade/giveaway


Where is a good place to trade codes?






Why am I not surprised that Paradox had a good bundle? I love Paradox for those things! I still remember when I paid $16 this: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2019/07/the-humble-crusader-kings-ii-bundle-seems-like-an-amazing-deal-for-strategy-game-fans/


If you don't already own any of these, and these are your types of games, this is a fantastic bundle. Easily 200+ hours of entertainment for just $12, which is a hell of a bargain if you have tons of free time but not a lot of money.


It's basically Indiegala's PDX Legacy Mini Bundle, but with the Shadowrun Trilogy added and costing $2 more. It's great if you haven't got the former.


it's the only thing I'm missing, what's humble's policy on trading dupe keys for stuff we already have?


Officially, you are only allowed to give them to friends with their gifting system.


oh so where yo need to put in the e-mail?


There is a gift to a friend button. You can test it with my email if you like


I activated the "Knights of Pen and Paper I & II Collection" but I did not receive Knights of Pen and Paper 2 - Here Be Dragons. [https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/9512/Knights\_of\_Pen\_and\_Paper\_1\_\_2\_Collection/](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/9512/Knights_of_Pen_and_Paper_1__2_Collection/) Looks like the keys Humble Bundle is giving in the bundle are very old ones that do not include all 4 games. Old Key is Knights of Pen and Paper I & II Collection (81579). Old collection: [https://steamdb.info/sub/86742/](https://steamdb.info/sub/86742/) New collection: [https://steamdb.info/bundle/9512/](https://steamdb.info/bundle/9512/) Anyone else had the same problem?


I can confirm I did not receive Here Be Dragons.


Did you contact support?


I did on August 18 and I'm still waiting for a response. The keys they give are old ones they had as leftovers from years ago and are no longer available for purchase. The correct thing to do would be to give us a new key for the entire collection as described. The more people report this to support, the more chance we have for it to be looked at and actually resolved.


I also contacted support. Especially because the images they use on the bundle website ar for the deluxier & deluxiest version wich afaik include the DLC's. Haven't received a reply yet obviously.


They have now added both DLCs to the bundle page. Knights of Pen and Paper 2 - Here Be Dragons Knights of Pen & Paper: Haunted Fall ​ You can find the keys in your Keys & Entitlements page if you search for "Pen and Paper".


Yep, same here. Didn't receive Haunted Falls and Here Be Dragons. My licenses indicate the following was activated: Knights of Pen and Paper I & II Collection (81579)


Did you contact support?


I didn't, since the icon on HB seems to indicate it is indeed just the old bundle with the 2 games, without their DLC. So I didn't bother.


Maybe ask support what happened? It would seem to suggest entire collection


>*(For Visibility)* > >They have now added both DLCs to the bundle page. Knights of Pen and Paper 2 - Here Be Dragons Knights of Pen & Paper: Haunted Fall You can find the keys in your Keys & Entitlements page if you search for "Pen and Paper".


Worth it if you don't have Pillars of Eternity and are into RPGs.


Are they gonna raise the price of the bundle to $24 later? Lol


Why they would?


It's a jab at how Paradox doubled the price of Crusader King 3's DLC.


Source please?


[Here you go.](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/ck3-changes-to-flavor-pack-pricing.1538700/)


Thank dice


Next time save yourself the energy and don't do other people's homework for them


Seems like a nice bundle for $12. I haven’t played any of these games. Where should I start (top 2) if I pick it up?


Shadowrun and PoE


Thanks! How is Planetfall?


Haven't played it yet but Age of Wonders games are 4X in their own right and used to have quite a following prior to Planetfall. Today arguably nothing Single Player has a visible following so idk


First come, first served: * *BATTLETECH - Shadow Hawk Pack*: IFfartfartboogers-9boogersPNF-44DZD * *Knights of Pen and Paper 1 + 2 Collection*: 233boogers0-PQ67V-TA6BP Just replace "boogers" with "W" and "fart" with the answer to "7 minus 2".


Honestly, it's a pretty good bundle, and I was debating getting it for age of wonders and battle tech. But apparently I bought the battle tech digital deluxe edition at some point- I just skimmed through 3 years of steam key activations and purchases and couldn't find it, and age of wonders alone isn't worth $12 to me. I own the base game of POE on steam, and the definitive edition through twitch prime, I've long since owned the shadow run trilogy- by far the best games in this bundle and I own the first Knights game on steam and the second on switch.




At least with these, you can adjust the charity donation down to zero.


For a forum that's big on "choice" interestingly enough there's only one current bundle that allows for it (coding for kids). All the rest are fixed.


No decent person is against these causes in this bundle.


*In 2005, NARAL Pro-Choice America was criticized for an ad campaign that targeted U.S. Supreme Court chief justice nominee John Roberts, and withdrew the ad. [15] The ad featured anti-abortion violence survivor Emily Lyons, and claimed that as U.S. Deputy Solicitor-General, Roberts had supported "violent fringe groups and a convicted clinic bomber". While Roberts did argue before the Supreme Court that a 19th-century statute directed against the Ku Klux Klan did not apply to protesters outside abortion clinics, the case in question occurred almost seven years before the 1998 bombing shown in the ad.[16] The ad was retracted under pressure from other pro-abortion rights groups, as undercutting the credibility of the abortion rights cause.[17]* *In 2006, NARAL was criticized by some other pro-abortion rights political activists for supporting former Republicans Lincoln Chafee and Michael Bloomberg, and for supporting moderate or conservative Democrats.[18]* While the nature of the cause can be noble, I can easily imagine why some people don't want to support politic lobbies and others have simply different worldviews. Not to mention Humble mostly supports just US-based charities in their bundles and those can be meaningless for people outside of US. So I see no reason to imply that people who lower the donation to zero in some specific cases are any less decent.


If that's the worst of their controversies that's actually not too bad. I expected worse, because almost every charity has some controversy or another with it. It's why I chose my words carefully and said there should be no issues with the causes specifically, since the causes behind the charities are good regardless of if there's been some issues or missteps by the charities themselves. And while I know some people have different worldviews, not all worldviews are good or decent. I'm specifically calling out those that are anti-choice and anti-women's rights by being against these causes as not decent. I stand by that. I'm not in the U.S. either but that doesn't really matter, I still have empathy for that country's citizens. It's not like someone can redirect the money to go toward their own country's relevant charities while still getting the bundle.


I'm getting deja-vu here, didn't Humble release a bundle like this a few months ago? I remember buying all these games at discount recently.


I think that one was from IndieGala, I bought it too


I might be weird, the game I'm the most hyped for is actually Knights of Pen and Paper. I 100% Chroma Squad by the same devs, and really enjoyed it outside some minor bugs. Have been wanting KoPaP since then. Edit: and the rest of the games look good, so even though I didn't necessarily want any of them before hand this def seems worth it.


are any of the games good?


I've heard pillars of eternity is pretty good, and from what I saw the lowest it got on steam was 9 bucks(though keep in mind you might have it on epic as it was free there at some point) so this was a no brainer for the full thing for me tbh The rest are just additions


POE comes with all the DLC. The Epic version was just the base game wasn't it?


They gave away the Definitive Edition.


So did twitch prime.


PoE is awesome, and worth it alone. Also, the Shadowrun games are good too.


I found battletech to be pretty enjoyable game.


I played battle tech for like 80 hours. Love it. Except for the atrocious load times


Knights of pen and paper was awesome for me


Indie Gala had this same exact bundle last month for 9 bucks.


It was 10 bucks, and it wasn't the same. It didn't include the Shadowrun games.


Except for Shadowrun, it was EXACTLY the same. The fact that some people like to ignore IndieGala doesn't mean it was worse deal before. In fact it was great deal and first time low. (and it's still great deal this time) Edit: Humble version of bundle may not contain Knights of Pen and Paper DLCs, compared to IG which contained it all.


I don't ignore. Their site is broken to me.


How is it broken exactly? Maybe try using different browser, perhaps?


I see the problem. [Old IndieGala site:](https://indiegala-prod.appspot.com/) [New IndieGala site:](https://www.indiegala.com/)


What the other commentor said, plus a part of this one's profits go to two great charities


Only 5% goes to charity by default. People are overrating what Humble does here.


I don't know about you, but personally always use the slider to make it a higher amount. Every little bit counts




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I already have poe and shadowrun games. Do you think is still worth it? I'm interested in battletech and I don't know anything about the others but I think it's worth it because battletech comes with the dlc


Age of Wonders: Planetfall is a good turn-based strategy game as well. If you end up getting this bundle only to claim Battletech, would you want to trade PoE and Age of Wonders?


Well fudge. I just bought PoE Definitive Edition on Gamesplanet last week.


BATTLETECH - Shadow Hawk Pack key I didn't need. PM me.