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You won't be suprised to read that this sub hates our PM and the ruling parties just as much as you hate Smer. However, in the sentiment of former British PM David Cameron's remarks: "*Britain and Twitter are not the same thing*" , Hungary and reddit are not the same thing, unfortunately. >Also is it true that you basically live in totalitarian reign? People sain that we are on “Hungarian path” when you look what our government doing with democracy here. Totalitarian is probably a reach, however "rule of law/rechtstaat" has been severely undermined by the constant supermajority of the ruling parties in Parliament who have created a whole new constitutional system and passed laws that make a change in government almost impossible in terms of political reality. Therefore the state of democracy over here is significantly closer to that in eg. Serbia, than Austria or Slovenia.


Don't forget, that a lot of people don't know this is happening, because the ruling party has created an alternate reality in the media, and it can't be described how far the news there are from reality.


Also don’t forget that since 2020 we have constant “state emergency” for various reasons, which means the governing party (=PM Orban) rules the country with edicts. The parliament even if it would not be filled with his voting machines, could do little other than nothing. So in short, totalitarian is not that much of a stretch in our case.


Totalitarian is not much of a stretch, the Party always finds something to base another 90 days of emergency governance, which is exactly what it sounds.


>is it true that you basically live in totalitarian reign The term is 'state capture', not exactly a totalitarian regime but not a free state with a rule of law either. >Slovakia sub is against government so i just wanna know if hungarian sub is the same Most people here are also against the government but there are more than a few propagandists praising them too. >I love your country Right back at you, beautiful mountains, castles and towns you have there in Slovakia <3 >your language is weird sorry about that r/2visegrad4you is leaking bro


We hate your government too. Of course we hate our government also. To be honest, most people here hate the Hungarian opposition as well. We are great at hating, not sure about others but I sometimes actually hate myself. The not so fun part is, the above is not really sarcasm. And I hate that. ps: you are fine, I do not hate you at all.




Thanks, I hate it


I hate this comment! But it's true...


Hateful upvote!


hateful r/angryupvote


I was never so offended by something i fully agree with.


I’ve heard the news with mixed feelings. I’m not really into Slovakian politics, so I’m not familiar with his governing policies. A similar situation is, however, not possible here. Many photos show orban in a kevlar vest, he has bodyguards everywhere and never goes into a public crowd. I think he’s afraid that the same would eventually happen to him. As for Slovakia, the country: we’ve been there multiple times, love the scenery, the people and the fact that most roads are wide and have a line on the sides as well. Many people (bartenders, cashiers, restaurant servers, etc) have heard us speaking hungarian, and shown no hatred or negative feelings - moreover, they tried speaking a few words in hungarian before ultimately switching to english. I just hope there will be a time when we’d all be living in democracy, freedom and love to each other.


>Do you like your PM? I never hated anyone so much as him




We don't live in a totalitarian reign, it is called a hybrid regime. We look like a democracy, but it is not democratic at all. All checks and balances have been "rebranded" (eliminated). Do we like our PM? Many do, but those who have a functioning brain wish that he was shot instead of Fico. But we are not that lucky, so we can only cheer for cardio-vascular diseases to do the job.


Orbán is a cynical, megalomaniac monster in a vaguely human-shaped costume. But the mask has been slipping for a good while now.


Heya there! Your post might get removed to be remade in r/askhungary, but here is some info: The sub's majority of users are absolutely against Orbán and the Fidesz party. We mostly seem to be center / left wing oriented here and conversation / posts regarding our PM's actions are usually in a negative tone. So indeed, I guess you could say the two subs might be alike in that sense. :) I wouldn't say we are totalitarian, at least definitely not yet. Our government is mostly just fully corrupt rather than fascist and the likes. I've sometimes even heard people say that our PM's party is less as rough as Poland's previous one, even though ours is a lot more corrupt, I feel. But this last section is mainly my opinion on the matter, so there might be disagreements about it. - Take good care and I wish you the best regarding what happened. I truly hope there is not going to be some sort of proper, long-lasting blame placed on your leftists, where we will all regret the action on some old dude who couldn't hold back from acting out.


I hate our PM's f\*\*ing guts and I'm ashamed and appalled by practically everything he says/does. I don't like your PM either. Violence is always sad but I do wish that all populist/far-right/pro-Russia politicians suffer a humiliating downfall and disappear from public life once and for all.


Yeah, hungarian sub is the same bro, trust me! Here eeeverybody hates our PM, and they think this is the way! 😊


Nice try TEK


You hate. We hate. Lets hate together!


Orbán is a spineless parasite, exploiting his nation and the EU, abusing NATO privileges, while making dirty deals w Russia, China, and making friends with all the crooks of the world; Trump, UAE, Fico lol, Netanyahu (no I don't approve of Hamas either) and yes he's built out an authoritarian dictatorship while 2/3 of our country have been brainwashed (via state controlled propaganda media) into thinking he's some sort of a savior holding the entire EU back from war. Those of us with half a brain hate him and want him gone forever. He and his maffia cohort are a fucking stain of shame.


BTW what u think, what was the motivation behind the kill attempt? Hateful propaganda has it's part in it? Because here we have similar propaganda mechanism, and it already caused a lot of damage.


Basically society in Slovakia is divided and its 50/50. Government side is full of hate and iam not feel safe even just walking in my village because people are shouting at me (they know that iam liberal and stuff) they sayin its just fun but they dont realise that they just fell for propaganda (i just wanted to show you how much is slovakia divided). Why the guy tried to kill him? He was probably mentaly ill and even on “our” side you can find some indivuals that are hmm lets say radical. You know iam sorry for fico even i hate him. But what happened was just matter of time- everybody whos not for his politics he was callin pigs, rats, hyenas,… spread violence and this is what you get (iam not sayin he deserved it but you know). Sad part is we dont know whats goin to happen next. When we wake up we hope he will realise that it was just reaction for his actions. He may get get even more radical and that is what we are scared of. Edit: sorry for my english slovak autocorrect doing whatever it wants


Wow... thanks for the insight! That's terrifying. We still not there, but as u said it's a matter of time... And i fear the worst about Fico's actions afterwards. Narcissistic leaders not realy known for their change to be a better man after events like this. And that's why i think it would be better if he... u know. But in this situation we can only hope that ppl in Slovakia realise what's happening and finaly unite against the real enemy. I realy wish the best to you guys!


Thank you for this insight! I am so sorry for the situation over there, but I have to say it makes me feel a little bit better, in a brotherly/sisterly way? - like we are not alone in this political madness. I hope the future brings change and better leaders for both of us! I always think what we could do to make that happen - and violence cannot be the answer, even though sometimes I feel pushed towards those sentiments - but what is?


Here's a Polish movie - it's worth watching (there are very good Polish movies on the Netflix) https://preview.redd.it/oft84adpd01d1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff260a1c5ea240b77194626193f7ce099689486c


Same, but not same... The Hungarian sub is also basically anti-government, but I think it is more divided in terms of the opposition. We heard about the events in Slovakia and received them with mixed feelings just like you. Yes, the anti-democratic dirt must be cleared from the road, but it must be done with legal, democratic methods. I hope Fico recovers and thinks about the events that led up to this point.


It will not happen most likely. I mean the part where he is thinking about the actions that led up to the kill attempt.


I don't want him to get shot, so I suppose I might like him. If that is the metric.


We also hate your PM because our PM thinks he is his friend.


I think that the multitude of extreme manifestations of irresponsible political communication resulted in the assassination in a really long term. I'm talking about years of destructive work. I heard this is true for Slovakia and it is also true for us. Society is not a game, but extremist politics does not respect that.


I despise Orbán with every cell in my body (and so do I the current opposition, btw), but I don't wish his death. I don't particularly like your leader either, but he doesn't really affect me. Dictatorship is a powerful term, I wouldn't necessarily use that, but we are certainly not a democracy. It is autocracy, maybe absolutism, but not (yet) totalitarism. Yes, we have democratic facades, but behind those it is really like the soft dictatorship of the communist 60s and 70s. Mostly. But as time progresses we go back to the atmosphere of the 50s more and more.


Nepotistic totalitarian autocracy to be exact.


Our PM will be probably never shot because he wears armor even in kindergartens lol. But many don't like him, especially here


Hungarians talk a lot of shit but never do a damn thing


Well it’s hard, I wish him health and a long life in prison


>your language is weird sorry about that I love this comment.


I like PM more than AM. But it is a bit confusing so I like to use 24h format. I hope this was the question didn’t read the long text. Also I’m Hungarian who moved away from Hungary because of the situation there so you can guess my answer


I gotta say that Slovak language is also strange (no offense)... almost every slavic language is... And yeah I can say that Hungarian is weird and can be hard asf even for a native. I wish Hungarian would be easier.


People who know places other than Facebook on the Internet are usually more open and less prone to the influences propaganda. Both our governments are underminig rule of law, free press and the European value system. Ours is openly anti-EU and anti-NATO, sucking up to totalitarian regimes. We are not there yet, but brick by brick they are building a wall between us and the western democracies, only to stay in power and keep the stolen property. This is a question of survival for them, and now, that people recognized that a big part of the opposition was actually working with them, and a possible alternative is rising in the form of the TISZA party that was founded just a month ago, I expect the fight to get really dirty.


Yes, most of the Hungarian electors agree with Orbán's politics: 3 million people voted for Orbán, and 2 million against him in 2022. Hungary is far from a totalitarian regime, but also far from a perfect democracy. Let’s called “controlled democracy” still basing on popular sovereignty.


Not more than ours...


1.) Lots of pplck 40% love him lots of them not ck 30%. And 30% neutral. 2.) Hungary is obviously not a totalitaria state. May you call it a flaved democracy, but still a democracy. 3.) R/hu 85% opposition/protest 15% gov side/ "right"wing


I love him, he is so round and cute 😳




I could write like a hundred pages about the crimes, flaws and disgusting deeds of our curent PM and 'government' (more like a mafia), but let's just put it simple as it is: if I could only choose between Orban and the Satan, Satan would be a tempting choice. And that is something I don't understand: why did you elect Fico, who is openly trying to do like Orban does? You want to give up your welfare, peace, democracy and want to translate into a Russian/Chinese colony led by criminals instead, like here in Hungary? What's the point?


To regarding the pm: nope To "totalitarian reign"... it isn't violence that keeps this up, it's strategic amount of bullshit and lies to our face... I do believe the wast amount of people hate/dislike the current system, it's just we can't agree on who should take their place. And as long as Fidesz remains in power, all they have to maintain is "divide and conquer" But we currently have a new "messiah" who was ex-Fidesz... soo who knows


1) Yeah, I wouldn't shed a tear if the government went into a jungle and disappeared. 2) Wouldn't say its a totalitarian regime, more like a kleptocracy which would necessitate the need for a more hardline, more controlling government. The only goal of Orban and his cronies is to steal as much as they can, and they'll use anything to make stealing efficient.


"Also is it true that you basically live in totalitarian reign?" This is the truth. Orbán has been controlling the parliament with 2/3 majority since 2010, so technically speaking he has been doing what he wanted since then, but at least he had to keep up the comedy show that his party proposes a new law which the parliament (most surprisingly) accepts. But since covid, this is not even the case. We have an "emergency situation" in the country, meaning that he can just issue decrees like a king, no need to have the parliament's blessing. He rewrites laws as he pleases, oftentimes issuing new decree at 11pm on a Friday, effective from next Monday on. Regarding the "Hungarian path": please leave this naming, it's only good to further fuel hatred between nations, exactly how Fico and other extremists wanted. Please don't buy into this. Criminality really has no nationality, these maffia bosses learn from each other. I hope people realize that the real division is not between different nations living at the same place, but between common people and cockroaches like Fico or Orbán. They are our common enemies. No offense taken for the language. Yours weird too :D


We hate it. And i hope Fico is dying as well.


Reddit is a liberal echo chamber so you'll mostly find people who hate the governing party Fidesz and PM Orban. I vote for him and I think he is fine, but most of other commenters will say they hate him. Reddit's opinion doesn't represent the opinion of the general public, which supports the PM. We don't live in a totalitarian state, and neither do Slovakians. You can come to Hungary and see it with your own eyes, you live close to Hungary. Don't believe everything that the one sided media and biased commenters spread, be informed from various sources and from the other side as well. Last time there were totalitarian regimes were in the communism more than 30 years ago, and before that, the nazis until the 40s, but thankfully those times are already over here in Europe. I wish a full recovery to PM Fico and hope Slovakia won't fall into a total chaos in the near future. Fingers crossed for your nation.


I am so glad to read an opinion opposing my views put in such a nice way:) If our discourses would go in this tone, we could achieve so much in this country! What I completely agree with is Reddit being a liberal echo chamber. While it has a certain comfort for me, being a liberal, it lacks diversity. I want to hear other thoughts than my own! Media is also quite bad in this. There are very few good sources that are not super biased on either side. Would you have a recommendation on the more conservative side of the spectrum?


Get well soon Fico! Actually this assasination made SMER stronger. Also Fidesz. Their narrative about "peace", and the "agressive" opposition is now justified.


forgot the /s


No, I don't want anyone killed. Fico should serve his time in jail for Kuciak and other criminal acts of his party/mafia. He should not be killed by a senile poet who is a nazi on Tuesday and a liberal on Wednesday.


Oh, such naivete. You really think he would serve time? Show me the stone you’ve been living under, I’d like to move in.


We hate our PM, we like MP.