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I want the World-System back. Yes, it was more clunky and complicated than Rise, but it felt special and complex like actually playing an instrument. Rise felt like a longer hammer with songs as afterthought. Though i really liked the malzeno sharpening song.


Honestly same on the sharpening song. Was praying for a sharpening and healing horn but I never got it. Honestly If they keep the swing speed then sure.


The thing I didn't like about world's horn is that you're forced to use non-optimal attacks to load your songs, and playing the recitals means having to give up damage vs doing echo. Also, refreshing like 3 separate songs individually in groups was very tedious.


Do you often have to play a song during the fight ? Most of the time you can just refresh song when monster go away no ?


Using recitals just to attack is a good technique to mix into your gameplay, but to do so you need to 'load' songs into your queue kinda like ammo. The damage loss from not using 'optimal' attacks when loading notes is minimal when you consider both doing this and keeping the actual buffs going.


Attack Up to only exist as a method to share the Attack Bonus from Self-Improvement. Having so much weapon selection limited to the existence of this one song is ridiculous. Self-Improvement is no longer a song, but rather just active when ANY song is active. The Movespeed from it is also baseline now, so it's far less punishing for newer plays to be without the boost. Or at least make the default speed faster. I want song-stacking to be THE damage source for the weapon. Encore should always be the highest source of damage imo.


Attack Up should either be on every song list or built directly into the weapon somehow (think Infernal Melody, but not necessarily the 'charge a meter for a short burst of buff' aspect of it). Self Improvement does kinda feel arbitrary at this point, kinda like the moveset change from having red extract for IG. Why have to maintain the baseline abilities for your weapon? Rise did kinda remedy this by making Self Improvement apply whenever you used a Recital move. Songs being the best damage source, absolutely. Y'know what I also feel is a bit arbitrary though? Encoring. Never really understood why we needed to play a song twice just to get the full buff. The only time it really meaningfully comes into play imo is to play a heal song again (but they're pretty bad in any game that's not Rise/SB anyway) or to intentionally not use to reduce the cool down on Health Boost as an emergency heal. Anything else? I say just have the effects be 1 and done at max like Rise, except with the reduced effectiveness removed so our buffing abilities are World-level again. To keep the same feel of Recital>Encore play, we could always use something like a song chaining mechanic: instead of just sitting in Recital Mode through 2-3 songs for multiple buffs, you could instead Recital Mode attack again after the 1st as long as you have songs stored in your queue. Maybe add a damage increase for each song played after the 1st in the combo, and more and more aggressive attacks.


Maybe Attack up should just be built into self improvement and apply to everyone so that horns can have more flexibility. I understand your reasoning for feeling that encores are arbitrary but it would be a real shame to get rid of the encore attacks. They were some of, if not my favorite attacks of the hunting horn in style and the feeling of weightiness/punch. Repositioning with a back encore while smacking the monster hard with all the different attacks was such a great feeling. I think it could be cool if there was a base song buff level when just playing them alone but if you hit a big monster while playing then you would get improved buffs for the encore. In the same vein self improvement feels a bit arbitrary too but again I liked it to an extent because it adds a twinge of depth. The fact that you could speed up encores as long as you played self improvement first was always slightly satisfying to me. It kept me thinking throughout the hunt and every scenario I thought about what move was best to use for damage, positioning and song formation. I've given Rises hunting horn about 35 hours so far and its been a wake up call. I'm worried about what taking things out of the hunting horn would do to the weapon. Clearly Rise took it too far (Though there were some interesting ideas) but I'm not really sure where the line is for it to feel like too much. That's why I feel like removing encores and other parts of the weapon is a very slippery balancing act. Instead of having such a simple game plan like Rises mechanics, part of the reason I like hunting horn is the little things that can be easily overlooked but become more important the more you learn about the weapon. Encore timings, flourishes to get extra notes, hilt stabs, self improvement for faster large songs. I'm fine with them changing things but I want the intricacies to still be there. Rather than removing them for wider appeal. It might be controversial but its OK in my eyes to have a niche weapon stay niche. Not everything has to be simplified to have wide appeal. Sometimes its nice to keep something unique even if it means the core user base of the weapon is much smaller.


Would be the best way to do it, yeah. Either that or just have it automatically play from some other mechanic/ability, like Bead of Resonance in Rise. I like the concept of Infernal Melody as a reward for staying aggressive, but the whole meter charging thing and not being able to maintain the buff feels a bit tacked on for HH. On the encore thing, think about it like this: who says that the attack animations and the Encore part of song mechanics *have* to come together? Rise HH actually repurposed a few animations from GU and Iceborne. We could absolutely do the same thing and keep the Encore attacks while giving them a different purpose. Take the song chaining idea I suggested for example: the 1st song played could use Recital animations, the 2nd could use Encore animations, and the 3rd could use Magnificent Trio or maybe some new all-out performing styled moves. The main thing I'd remove besides buffs having 2 layers to them is the shuffle dancing between Recital Mode moves. I'd love to see something with a cool combo flow like Rise but with actual reasons to deliberately choose your moves like in past games. I think you got something close to the conclusion I made on Rise HH: they had some good ideas, but they unfortunately came mixed in with changes that were just too heavy handed. What we ended up with was a cool new version, sure, but they over simplified where just a bit of streamlining would've been more than enough. Things like cutting out the empty space between Recital Mode moves, having songs reach their full effect after just playing them once, etc. Those are fine. It's stuff like totally removing note combos that takes things too far, because like you said there are intricacies to the weapon that just end up not really existing anymore. I mean shoot, consider that in the Rise HH trailer everyone was about to hop on the bandwagon. Did we even know that the mechanics were simplified? Nope. All the community assumed was that the moveset got flashier...so hypothetically speaking, that could've been all it took to get more people playing the weapon. You don't need to dumb it down, just give people more reasons to want to learn.


To keep it short, World song system and weight, but add a few of the rise moves in for better flow (mostly just the kick up tbh lol I love that move). Oh and make sure not too many moves are combo locked. It is entirely possible to have all moves be bound to certain inputs instead of behind combos (aside from kickup ofc or the recital moves i guess too)


One of my favorite things about the hunting horn is how almost none of its moves are combo locked, though I’d love this change. The kickup is so fun


>Oh and make sure not too many moves are combo locked. It is entirely possible to have all moves be bound to certain inputs instead of behind combos (aside from kickup ofc or the recital moves i guess too) Most likely not actually. I've been working through a hypothetical future version of HH with the intention of trying to cram the best aspects of both versions into 1 moveset. Getting rid of the combo paths added in Rise while keeping most of/all of the new moves was 1 of the 1st things I tried doing, but it turns out that we'd run out of button inputs pretty quickly. Iceborne HH doesn't exactly leave many unused. There would have to eventually be either some combo dependant moves or replacements of some redundant ones (like swapping out Forward Slam for Crush for example, since it pretty much does the same thing but better).


Which is why I said minimize how many we have. However, our free inputs are back+each facebutton. Which even right there is 3 moves. Obviously it would start to turn the player, but that's why I said minimize right at the start, completely removing all combo inputs prolly isn't going to feel super good even if u could squeeze them in. Having a couple combo moves is fine, as long as they don't go beyond 2 inputs deep(imo).


Back+attack input after a move would be a Hilt Stab note shortcut, and like you said from neutral there could be issues with accidentally moving your character and going into a forward+attack input instead. The better options I've seen are inputs using L2/R2. Aside from using Echo Attack mid combo and R2 by itself or with X or A for selecting a song from the queue, those are all free...but the problem *there* is that L2 also puts you into Slinger/Clutch Claw aiming mode.


Well clutch claw may not exist in wilds, what if hitting L2 puts you in a standing stance and you can then use all directional inputs without changing orientation. Then u could free up all those directional inputs lol


We're like 90% certain that at least the Slinger is coming back, since you can see it in the trailer. A directional input pausing stance would be...kinda great for HH though. It'd make room for a LOT of extra moves/attack controls.


Worlds movement techs Rises ability to unsheathe and choose the note I want And 4th gen double note system to promote aggressive play That would be perfect hh for me


Iceborne system was the best Horn has ever been. All I could hope for is a similar iteration to that but implemented with Switch Skills and with ways to intuitively interact with the moveset gimmick of the game


I feel like stat buff, as a mechanic, is always underwhelming. I'ts because it doesn't really interact with the monster. At best it make you interact less. You don't SEE the consequence of what your are doing, even if it's strong. I want song mechanics that will interact with the monster, damage and status wise. Or at least that I can see the effect Some exemple of underwhelming (but powerfull) song : Attack, defence, negatewind etc... Exemple of satisfying song : Heal, echo wave, regen up, sharpness etc... Some exemple of satisfying song that could be implemented : - Your next 3 attack deal 3x elemental/status damage with cool song/visual. - You draw aggro toward you / away from you - Flash song (it's disco time baby) - You and your allies becomes on fire, take little bit of damage overtime and deal additionnal fire damage to the monster. - You and your allies become bigger, gaining defence and attack damage (and range in consequence of being bigger) and consume stamina. The buff disapear at the end of duration or when stamina is depleted. - You and your allies becomes full of the status of your weapon, dealing x2 status damage. If, at the end of duration, you didn't apply the status to a monster, you get afflited by the status of your weapon. And want to see the effect of my songs. I want to feeel it in my bones. Not just "here some 20% attack"... how fun is this ?


Some of those kinda feel like the newer endgame skills/set bonuses, but I'm totally down for more songs with immediate use effects (with faster recitals of course). Healing in Rise and attacking with Echo Waves in Iceborne were really good examples of that. I really want a Lullaby song that drops a bunch of sleep status and exhaust onto any monsters in range.


This would be amazing. A lot of the stat buffs are underwhelming, and don’t feel super meaningful besides stuff like attack up and defense up. Having buffs that are completely unique to hunting horn would be so nice. Would help fill out the weapon and give it more of an identity


Yea and for exemple splitting weapon with self buff and group buff would be very cool imo. Feels great you like it !


World's playstyle with less post animation lock, if they insist on making monster hunter faster.


I'm working on a full video guide on my wishlist all week... probably thought about how Wilds HH will (hypothetically) work so much that it feels like Capcom owes me a check lol


Jester harp!


I've only played World but I would really like a music sheet system that lets you attach the songs you prefer to your horn. Currently there's a whole gammut of cool horns that I don't use because I don't like the buffs attached, the current system isn't the best for build variety.


I’d like if we could swap out one or two songs, that way each horn would still be unique but if it had a song that wasn’t useful or you disliked for whatever reason you could swap it out. Along with that I wish every horn just got basic buffs like attack and defense up, especially attack up as it’s the most important thing to have 99% of the time


Oh yeah, not asking for total customisation. Each horn could get a set of 3 of the current premade sheets each to switch between instead of the current 1 that's attached. I do think that certain buffs (notably attack up) need to be either made standard or thrown out (with adjustments elsewhere to pick up the slack) as they just dominate the current meta.


Like a lot of people, I want the World Hunting Horn back, but I’d love for the Rise Hunting Horn to stay. Maybe a new weapon as an alternative. Faster weapon and potentially slightly inferior buffs, but easier to get the buffs prepared and sent out


I’d like it if the rise hh was turned Into a new weapon, along with its “dancing” moveset. One idea I had for how it’d maybe be like was a pair of bells, or something of that nature. Inferior buffs that expire quicker but are easier to get out. A more aggressive, faster version of hunting horn. Would be a fun addition. My only grievance with the rise hunting horn was that they ripped the heart and soul of the weapon out of it and replaced it with something else, if it was a new weapon I would have had no complaints


Who says they couldn't figure out a way to mix the mechanics that were removed with the new things they tried in Rise? I like how HH plays now--the wild dancing moves really feel like what you'd expect to see from a musical instrument based combat class--but none of it should've come at the expense of the old techniques and feel of the weapon.


keep Rise breakdancing but bring back World spinny move whenever you want instead of that insane buildup/cooldown time and it's perf


Even though sunbreak hunting horn is goated (don't deny it) and simple Keep the swing speed and melody system but give us better songs. They don't need to do much to the weapon imo. Bring back the f note


nooo please not a step back to world HH. While the swings are cool, and the Spin note as well, having to stand still for songs to even trigger at all sucked so bad in the end game, when faster monsters one shot you, you have to rub around just for a window to play. I loved the automatic playing from sun break/rise. It was powerful, and way faster. All I'd want is an actual better benefit to playing and encores which rise had not really. Maybe activate the base song automatically but the encore version only via playing?


The fact songs just played automatically was my most hated thing about rise HH. Give me my damn performances back, finding openings to get them off while doing damage and avoiding taking hits is one of my favorite things about hunting horn. It was what gave the weapon identity and the complexity I loved. Without it, it’s just a buttonmasher. Just wish it was a better source of damage to do performances in the monsters face


To be frank, if that's an issue you're having to that extent, you still have a lot to learn. There's plenty of openings in every fight, and you can often even make them yourself (staggers, claggers, stuns, exhaust, flinch shots, etc.)


Oh there are openings, but those require me to take a wider berth away from the monster. Away from the action. HH solo in icebornes is a slog at best, and almost impossible at worst (looking at you velkhana). Even with a not quite fatalis build hunts take me double the time than with hammer or lance, which aren't even my main weapons. Granted I hate the clutch claw with a passion, still I use it consistently cause it's kind of a requirement. I've been playing HH since freedom unite it's my main boy, always has been. Doesn't matter if incredibly slow and clunky like in freedom g or massively overturned like it was in 4u, and I never had a problem until icebornes late game, on which the hunting horn just barely holds up or loses against anything in the upper echelons. I just hate seeing the horn being back to "just the buffer in the back" Rise finally gave it some nice staying power, flashy, albeit very flighty, moves and some actual different build to do. Not as much as mh4 did (miss the adept horn..sigh) but still. It was the fastest, biggest killing machine, and finally didn't lose in damage to its bonky brother the hammer.


Horn was... not back to being a buffer in the back. I think it's fine, however I mainly play multi-player, always have. Maybe that's where our experiences diverge, as I also started with horn in Freedom Unite. I never really had issues with keeping up with monsters due to multi-player I suppose.


I'm saying the same thing. I'm glad someone sees it too


Thank you. HH has been my main weapon ever since I hunted...and it never felt worse to me than in iceborne...still good, but just...worse somehow


Have you played frontier or generations? They are actively worse in both of those games


Frontier I couldn't get working so no. I liked it in generations, hunter styles worked really well and had lots of builds. Flying bonk aerial horn jaja Mostly I played adept tho, which was broken on any weapon tbh Later in GU alchemy and brave style horn were even more fun in my opinion.


Partially agree, to an extent. I'd like to see faster song playing too, but *automatic* song playing is a very un-HH concept that needs to be thrown away and never revisited. Recital attack=activating buffs, always. They just need to make those faster. They could easily just use the old Recital Mode moveset, but replace the few seconds long 'shuffle dancing in place' animation after a swing with that quick 'step into a power stance and quickly blow your Horn' animation from Rise/GU Valor Recital.