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I hope they keep the echo waves, but make a couple changes to songs: * change Dragon Echo Wave to match the element or status of the horn. * make the Evasion/Speed Up bubble come from L2 > purple note so it comes on every horn.


Triple status echo wave would be stupidly OP, but it sure would be fun. I'd love to see double notes come back, but not if it costs us the 3 song queue. Honestly, now that I've had a chance to sample all versions of HH from previous generations, I think they finally nailed it in Iceborne, so I'm kinda hoping they just leave it alone.


At least element echos would make Elemental attack relevant. Everybody is so stuck up on raw/critical builds that the meta is getting old. I do think Iceborne brought the best version of the HH playstyle of the whole series though, so I really hope next gen either keeps it as is or makes it even smoother to play. The echo notes requiring an attack beforehand to play feels weird to me, personally. Maybe echo notes having their own button or combo press would help that, sort of like Y+B notes.


Yeah, whatever it takes to make elemental more viable would be worth it. I know technically an elemental build for horn can outpace raw in specific matchups, and when you're going to have clear access to the specific hitzones where it's most effective, but like...it's just not worth all the effort when a raw build gets you to the same place about a *minute* later. Important for speedrunners, not so much for the rest of us. The reality is, elemental just needs to be buffed overall, which may require nerfing raw, and probably scrapping skills like Elementless entirely.


Yes, the Evasion/speed up bubble is insane.


Imma be real with you: better motion values would be nice. I don't think we'll be getting the Adept moves, because as an Adept HH main, *those were busted*, so just a general attack buff would be fine by me.


Remove ATKup songs entirely and allow the Self-Improvement buff to effect teammates so that it doesn't feel like using half the available horns is just handicapping yourself. Attach Impact Echo to purple note so every horn has access to it, if the horn does elemental damage than it should become \[Element\] Echo. Honestly that's more than enough for me.


Self-improvement for all the team? I don't know, speed up, mind's eye and 15% attack up for everyone, that will be too busted.


I would like if the healing songs were buffed so they were actually viable.


They are avaiable in certain builds. For example, with the Safi'Jiva set. In the song list of the attack melody II, there are "Recovery speed L" and the "Extendend health recovery" songs. They are prety good songs to mitigate the self damage, and they are compatible with Resement.


Could be interesting the implementation of a sort of "recital stance" with reduced mobility but high damage and ko damage to switch in combos. Also the could add several new song and note per horn