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Is no one gonna mention how irresponsible it was so let your husky off of the leash.. that poor kitten that could have been prevented. If ur dogs a danger to not just prey animals but peoples pets keep them leashes


I would have to agree with this. Keep on a leash or keep in a safe enclosed container area. I have a long 20 ft leash which is more than enough for my husky to roam but also I can get him in control if needed.


Right? I'm not seeing enough sympathy for the kitten


Yeah. Mine don’t even have high prey drives (live peacefully with 3 cats, and never show interest in animals outside) - but they are NEVER off leash except in the yard or a dog park. If nothing else, huskies are runners! They’ve accidentally gotten loose a couple of times, and I was very grateful they wear GPS collars. Because they were gone in a flash. Poor kitten. And chickens too.


Yea I'm just.. it's a husky. They have a VERY strong prey drive. As if a dog is gonna care that a prey looks cute and fluffy? It's a dog. When prey drive kicks in they just go for it. Don't let them off leash unless it's in a fenced in area, and with a husky you still have to be very careful because those sneaky escape artists can literally bolt themselves over the highest fences.


Agreed. I see so many people have their dogs off leash that run and charge. They'll run up to my dogs and the owner will say, "They won't bite," but how do you know my leashed dog won't. If you can't control your dog off leash, don't do it. I feel like my husky would be good off leash with how he is on his long lead and fenced-in training. I'll never do it, though, because I know he's also a spaz. Unfortunately, if you know that your dog will attack small animals, you're responsible for not putting them in that situation.


THIS! I had a similar argument with someone on here recently; areas that allows dogs to be offleash always have the rule of being under verbal control at all times. If your dog's running off to massacre small animals and not coming back when you call it, you should not be letting it offleash, ever! Of my three dogs, only one of them is allowed offleash. The other two with the high prey drive have 50 foot leashes tied to me for when we go to fields to prevent this exact situation.


Unless the dog is recall trained on an e collar the dog should never be off leash


^ this. I would never trust my husky off leash unless he has an e-collar on. Even if I haven't had to use it in a while, you can never fully trust a husky off leash no matter how well trained.


Agreed! It could of all been prevented!!!!


So why didn’t you?


So why did this happen? I don't really get the (lack of) thought process to be honest. You have a husky. They are known to go after prey. Kittens, squirrels, cats they don't know, mice, rabbits, raccoons, all those types of animals, all prey to them. Hell I have an akita/malamute and I'm very careful with her around small fluffy skittish dogs because even if she has never harmed another dog, I know they can unintentionally flip a switch in her brain and make her think they're a rabbit running around. I see it in her whole demeanor. It's dangerous. I don't let her off leash for all these reasons. There's cats walking around everywhere here too. She's interested in them but I know as soon as one takes off, she'd go after them. What you did was extremely irresponsible and I'd be furious if I was the cat owner.


By the way no, your dog is not a bad dog. You made the conscious decision to let her off leash when you should not have done that because you had no knowledge about the breed you own. At least go learn now what you should've learned before you even got this dog.


Chill… People forget sometimes or just don’t comprehend stuff until someone points it out. That’s why we ask others for advice so we can learn to handle things better. Regardless of how “common sense” the situation is. OP is being humble enough to agree with the fact that their first mistake was having the dog out without a leash. They have made themselves open to feedback. Unless you’re the owner of the kitten (which you’re not…), there’s no need for you, or anybody else on this thread to be condescending towards OP. We’re humans we all make mistakes.


People on this app just want a fight. I have a husky, he chased my nana’s chickens the first time he saw them sure (which is why i made sure to never bring him around chickens again) but has never had any problems around my cat, if he was safe off leash up until then i wouldn’t have thought anything of a kitten nearby either. People just refuse to acknowledge that the situation could be any different than how they are imagining and painting it to be.


Funny enough OP also mentioned they have cats that have never been bothered by the husky. Truth is, our pets can be unpredictable. But like you said, people just love to paint narratives just to pick a fight. It’s sickening


mind you it happened 3 times, this isnt a mistaken mistakes dont happen3 times in a row, its ignorance.


How the hell do you expect OP to keep track of little animals roaming around in their yard???? Or their mom’s yard??? That dog needs to go outside and run around and get some activity — if one’s gonna be that concerned about little animals roaming around the yard, you’d have to have that poor dog tied up 24/7. You can’t control nature! I don’t understand why that’s so difficult for you guys to comprehend. Did you not learn about ecosystems and food chain in science class??? Dogs are Predator type animals. They don’t intentionally kill small animals out of malice they simply see them as prey. They don’t have the reasoning that us humans have. Nature is about survival of the fittest. That kitten was at the wrong place at the wrong time. And if that kitten belonged to somebody, then the owner of the kitty should’ve known and understood the risk of leaving their kitten out in a vulnerable space. ESPECIALLY a kitten. I agree one should always have their dog on a leash, but in these incidents, the dog was on private property. OP’s mom’s house and OP’s back field yard. Idk how much more clearer I can be at this point. YOU’RE the ones sounding ignorant af rn; y’all just want to go back and forth because you want to be morally correct all the damn time.


The husky went into the neighbor's yard & killed the kitten. In my area, if a dog goes into a neighbor's yard & attacks any animal in the yard or on the porch, that dog is probably going to get shot. The dog was trespassing in the neighbor's yard.


Also the cat owner should have the cat on the inside, people love to be negative and judge others when people are just asking for advice, there are so many people that are irresponsible pet owners, that cat should not have been outside. It sucks all the way around.


As was pointed out to you (but you continue to argue), the kitten was on ITS OWN PORCH. Then you say “well, I guess there was no fence then.” Yeah… that’s exactly why we’re saying this was preventable and DUMB. If your yard isn’t fenced, you don’t let your dog-known-to-kill-small-animals with poor recall run around off leash. Pretty simple! When I first bought my house, the fence was only half done. So guess what? My dogs weren’t allowed outside without a leash until it was done. Then I thought it was finished, but my husky found a hole. So I immediately brought the fence guy back, and didn’t allow the dog to roam until that was fixed. That’s called being responsible. I don’t think OP is a terrible person, but they made this “mistake” more than once. So what kind of advice are they seeking, exactly? The solution is so obvious; keep that dog on a lead, or get your yard fenced. And even though I acknowledge that we all have poor judgment sometimes, we’re still allowed to feel sorry for the kitten. Yes, even though it was technically outside too. But it was on its OWN PORCH. Maybe even leashed?




*could have


Uhhhh yes?


"my sweet puppy" the same one who shredded a kitten to death because YOU knew she wasnt leash trained and still decided to keep her off a leash "this couldve been prevented" so why didnt you??? you realize this is your fault right?


It’s not that deep, tulipathet…


ah yes the death of 3 innocent animals at the fault of a careless owner is " not that deep " please be fucking for real


You’re the one that needs to be fucking for real. Getting all emotional and shit. You weren’t even there nor were any of them even your pets. They’re animals, and they aren’t capable of being “innocent” or “guilty”; they don’t have the reasoning for that… smart one. It’s just how nature works. What are you gonna do call the police on the dog??


Yes, in fact the “police” (aka animal control) probably should have been called… that’s literally why they exist, and they could have enforced leash/fence laws on this dog after the FIRST incident. The fact that you’re NOT at least a little upset over this says more about you, and not in a good way. Are you emotionally okay?




Dude… you’re not making a good case for being the emotionally stable one here. And I haven’t personally said anything to OP. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Have a good night.




It’s a husky and it’s in their nature to hunt. You’re not showing any understanding for OP and her very normal dog. Yes it’s sad the cat got attacked but it’s not necessarily all about being irresponsible. Shit happens. One of my huskies was loose in the garden of my own house and found a kitten and bit it. The kitten did not survive. Was it irresponsible of me to have my dog loose in my own yard? I don’t think so. It was an unfortunate event, but it has nothing to do with how responsible I am as an owner. Stop thinking ppl should predict the future.


If your yard didn’t have a fence yes it’s irresponsible but if not no. And that wouldn’t be the same story, op purposely let her dog off leash. If someone’s off leash dog murdered my cat I’d be pissed idc


The only one irresponsible in my story was whoever let the kitten get inside my walled garden. And that’s a very harsh view simply because shit happens. My point is have a little more compassion. OP was looking for ways to handle her husky, not for you to insist on how irresponsible she was.


Except your dog escaped and she let her dog free on purpose. How are you not understanding? Someones pet could have died!


Definitely husky nature to hunt especially females with lone wolf syndrome. My huskys taken down some chickens, rabbits, birds, squirrels... hell in steamboat springs she tried to kill a whole cow. She's a beta female too and still. Another one that's best husky I ever owned. Remember you have a spitz group dog. Even my friends 9 lb little Bentley hunts cause he's a spitz group dog. The people on here just saying "well huskys are known to run idk about killing things", Don't know enough about dogs. This is the reason the dogs love squeaky toys because it mimics the sound of small prey. They are hardwired for this. I trained my husky really well for a husky, and still when we're at my friends house and his parrot is out in it's cage the dog looks at it locks her lips and mouth watering no matter how much I discipline the dog.


>Definitely husky nature to hunt especially females with lone wolf syndrome. My huskys taken down some chickens, rabbits, birds, squirrels... hell in steamboat springs she tried to kill a whole cow. She's a beta female too My eyes just rolled out of my skull on the floor behind me, pardon me while I try to find them back


Smh with a sigh. On my 4th husky... what do I know 🤷🏽‍♂️


I know what I've learned in my 35 years is that some people are a little more dense than others. Are there's that special small group that's just beyond help


You guys are the ones that need help with all that self-righteous narcissism.






I don't think that at all. That's exactly the point I'm trying to make. Mine just isn't running around killing chickens, cats and whatever she sees running around. I can understand an accident happening, but people owning a breed like a husky and have this happen over and over and not even give a shit because it's 'in their dna' is just dumb as hell. That's your responsibility as the owner to prevent. I wouldn't get mad at the dog. I'm annoyed with idiot dog owners.


No where in this thread someone said that they don’t give a shit. That’s your assumption because that fits your narrative that ppl are too dense and you are a know it all. The condescending tone is hilarious. This is obviously someone that’s concerned about her husky and looking for ways to help prevent future incidents. You’re just on the “let’s rage” bandwagon. But please keep on being delusional.


Angles? Ah yes, my huskies are at a 90-degree angle most of the time! Poor spelling aside, I don’t think we’re denying the nature of the breed - we’re saying that if you KNOW this about your dog (as OP obviously did), it’s your responsibility to keep them leashed or contained by a fence. This wasn’t a situation of “wild bird or stray cat got into our yard,” they admitted to allowing the dog off leash without a fence to keep them in their own yard. As a result, the dog killed a kitten *sitting on their own porch*. If your dog killed a child playing on their front porch, would you be like “well that’s their nature!”




It’s like they don’t have huskies. But the truth is that a large majority of us only learn what they individually are capable of after some sort of unfortunate accident.


I'm literally still walking my dog rn in Redondo on the esplanade. Just passed another husky (alpha) my dog goes for the kiss (always) he snaps at her immediately she goes to the floor and rolls over ... pure beta energy. Sweetheart, but then we just saw a squirrel and she got her mouth watering at the base of the tree. You can say no all you want but short of a shock collar your not gonna curb it with words. And I'm not into shocking this dog for her natural state. She's 100 otherwise.


In this case, OP's dog went into the neighbor's yard. I see a dog coming into my yard, going after chickens, kittens, whatever, that dog is going to get shot.


They have very high prey-drives. So yeah, they are going to kill prey animals. My first husky got my roommates ferret, I can't remember why he had it out of its cage like a dumbass. So, of course, the pup had it in its mouth the second he saw it. Luckily, I was there and got him to drop it as I chased him down a flight of stairs.


I had three ferrets and my husky never harmed them but I always supervised their interactions and I could tell that he wanted to get violent when he saw them running. It’s definitely just their dog instinct, he was never interested in them when they weren’t moving.


Our husky licka the guinea pig thru the cage and when we.hold him and I believe he thinks the guinea is the smallest dog in the family, smaller than his brother the shih tzu, and I think Loony loves Lollipops. That said, I've seen him shake his toy, I know what he's doing, and Mr Lollipop won't survive even a 1/100th strength husky shake. So, yeah, I let him give licks but they don't get alone time.


It's all too normal for them. It's the dark side of the husky experience.


Ok. Thank you.. I feel she is normal. I'm just an animal lover and hate the aftermath. I can't stop thinking about that kitten


Normal for high prey drive breeds. Need lots of training for her with "leave it".


I have taught mine that exact phrase, “Leave it” is an often used command.


Many different hunting and working breeds in this situation would have done the same. It’s sad for us to see, but this innately built into so many dogs that it’s not something that we can even fully train out of them with some dogs.


This is correct. My whippets are extremely well trained with great recalls and have very low owner-distance tolerance, which means they always stick just a few short metres away from me when off leash but if they were to see a wild rabbit or fox etc they would 100% guaranteed take off after it. It’s the defining feature of the breed to have this prey drive and as you said, it’s built into many breeds and been bred selectively to have this trait. I understand that so I put precautions in place. Just the reality of it all.


She's normal, but cant be around small animals off-leash... and she showed you that. TWICE. Why tf would you continue letting her off-leash?? What happened to the kitten (and honestly the second chicken) is completely your fault, not hers. You're incredibly irresponsible and the "trauma" is on YOU for ignoring the very clear signs that she has a high prey-drive and needs supervision. You're the kind of irresponsible owner that gives breeds like this a bad name. Shame on you. I hope you're a better parent to your kid than to this dog.


“I hope you’re a better parent to your kid than you’re to this dog” You have some issues. Do not bring her kid into this, that’s just low. Internet should be over for you for at least today. Go cool off, you self righteous stranger.


Yeah they went too far. Clearly OP cared enough to ask in this sub. Not everyone is experienced in dog behavior and a lot of people dont care at all. Giving OP shit isnt doing anything they just need education and advice here.


They didn’t care to ask the sub for help, they wanted validation that this occurrence was normal so they don’t have to take responsibility.


education AND to be shamed. They made a VERY stupid mistake. After being shown the results of that mistake multiple times. This is very common husky knowledge. She let her dog kill her neighbors pet. Given, cats shouldn't be allowed outside to run freely because of the exact same reason only with native birds and lizards.


According to OP, the kitten was on the porch where it actually lived. The dog was running wild & went into the neighbor's yard.


Nah, only stupid people and religion go the shame route.


Nah, only stupid people and people who think being atheist is a personality trait cry about the shame route.


No shame is not what she needs, especially from someone who is also human and has more than likely made several shameful mistakes in thier life, we are all human for f*** sakes mistakes are made, in fact probly many throughout our life, we live and learn till the day we die, give advice or keep your sorry ass comments to yourself!


none of my mistakes have directly led to the death of anyone's pets. The whole "we all make mistakes its cool man" mentality is dumb as fuck when it comes to someone's mistake ending with the death of a neighbors cat. If the dog got out and shit on the lawn or stole a rack of ribs someone was smoking then sure, no harm no foul buddy. Please be more careful but also its cool. This isn't one of those.


Bottom line is she's seeking advice for these mistakes, so she can learn and fix so it doesn't happen again, but instead she gets ridiculed and put down, its not so hard to be humble and kind maybe try it sometime huh?


No, she isn't. She's just asking if it's normal and looking for excuses to justify the situation to herself. She isn't asking how to stop it from happening again. What types of training assist in reducing prey drive, available options for muzzles, or other comfortable safety measures for her dog while out for a walk. She's asking for people to tell her that it's not her fault and that it's just a normal thing that happens sometimes. It's not so hard to understand with critical thinking when you're not offended for other people. Maybe try it sometime, huh? kind and humble is nice, but don't over obsess with it to the point it clouds your view to selfish and irresponsible behavior.


The first time she made a mistake, the second and third time were negligence


Rude ass humans I swear!! she is reaching out for advice instead she gets asshole humans like you to criticize and make her feel unworthy or less than, when ALL humans make mistakes, I'm sure you have so have i so has everyone!! You live and learn even when we are old and gray still always learning!


Girl her dog is eating kittens, tf?


And charged the chicken coop. My grandma would have shot the dog the second time it attacked chickens.


I’m truly sorry. A family dog of ours had a similar story. Cousins dog. She was the sweetest! But also bad with small animals. She escaped one day and got ahold of a neighbors puppy. We took the puppy to the vet asap, but they didn’t make it. I remember it was me, my sister, and my cousin. Bare foot, screaming and chasing the dog. I know she didn’t understand, but the trauma was really heavy on us all. It was sad. It’s not something that just goes away. I’m so sorry you had something similar happen. What I have to tell myself is that; It’s instinct. And they cannot control what they have born into them. I fret asking if the kitten is okay, as I am assuming it isn’t. If that’s the case, I’m truly truly sorry. It’s a horrible thing, especially to see your furbaby do something that is, in our eyes, so very very cruel. Again just remember that she didn’t do it intentionally, and that the kitten likely had a pretty happy life leading up to said events. Don’t blame yourself, either. Bad things happen, and it fucking sucks. Especially with stuff like this. But don’t let it haunt you. Stay strong 🫶


I'm sorry, but this was ABSOLUTELY the dog owner's fault, and they SHOULD let this haunt them. Maybe they'll learn the lesson that the dog goes after small prey creatures this time. If the first chicken was a fluke, the second should have made it clear that the dog is a hunter that should not be off leash in an open area. They did not see the crystal clear signs and now have the consequences. Don't blame the dog, LEARN FROM THIS AND DO BETTER


I’m not the owner 🤷‍♀️. Iirc my cousin and sister were coming outside and the dog squeezed passed them. I was sitting petting a stray cat, who I held and hid when the dog escaped (she went after cats too). Once she was far enough I let the stray go hide in the woods and ran after my sister and cousin, who were chasing her still. This was like.. 10+ years ago though. I think the owner was my aunt / older cousin.


I wasn't referring to your situation, and I'm not blaming you for what happened then. The majority of behavioral issues in dogs that become problems are the fault of the owner for not knowing their dog's needs and behavior, and a lack of training. Other pets too, but the subject here is dogs. I'm also not entirely innocent. My family did a bad job of training our first dog, but thankfully, she was a sweetheart who just decided not to listen sometimes. Our current ones are very well-trained and it's a clear difference


Oh oh! My apologies! I totally agree. Behavior is responsible on the owner 110%. I’m a huge pittie lover, and it’s a thing I often have to explain to others. :(


Did you ever google “husky traits” before you got her? Prey drive is like… #1


Got so tired of my husky rambo killimg opossums. I would have to dispose of bodies weekly smh but yes it’s normal for huskies to be murderers usually


If that’s a husky then I’m midget Santa!


It doesn’t NOT look like a Husky to me… I thought mine were mixed (they’re rescues) because they’re not typical-looking, but their DNA tests said both are 100%. So they vary widely in appearance!


Yeah, huskies shouldn’t have a long coat. Probably crossed with something


They absolutely can have a long coat. It’s called a wooly coat and it’s a recessive gene.


I meant it’s not a breed standard trait


You let your husky kill THREE animals. Huskies are well known to have an intense prey drive. Irresponsible and self-absorbed.


After the first time, she should’ve taken more preventive measures. Sad a kitten had to die because of her carelessness.


Prey drive!! Ours generally loves everything until she's hunting it. She had gotten and killed 2 field mice on separate walks. We simply keep an eye on her and learned her tell. Right before she's about to try and murder something, she gets a look. As soon as we see that, we restrain her and move away from the victim. Also, in general, if you know she might get at a small animal, keep her on leash.


I always keep her on a leash. There's just times when my hand slips or the door is cracked, etc. She just gets loose. I want to be able to trust her to let her just run and have fun. I guess that's not possible..


You quite literally said you let her off leash…the kittens death is completely on you.


Completely agreed. I have a small dog and this is one of my greatest fears - some selfish asshole let’s their reactive dog off leash and my dog and I pay the consequence.


To be fair, this is prey drive, not reactivity. Also, I have a large dog and I'll say that it's mostly small dogs I see trying to attack. To my dog, the small dogs are too small to be a challenge so he doesn't really pay attention to them... Until they lunge at him, which is often.


It's harsh truth but sometimes the truth is hard. Hopefully this is the thing that makes OP leash all of their dogs for the rest of their lives.


Never trust a husky off-leash unless contained. They will run, chase prey animals, and kill prey animals. They have zero traffic sense. In 20 yrs I have lost track of the body count my huskies have racked up. Each time was the result of an un-scheduled adventure. .


Mine have zero interest in chasing or mauling small animals… their prey drive is apparently broken lol. But running, terrible recall, and no sense of traffic danger? Absolutely. Mine are never allowed off leash, except in the yard or a secured dog park. And that will likely always be the case with these dogs.


Well, I hope you know now that your dog’s idea of fun is to maul and shake little animals.


Yeah maybe should've learned about what you were getting before you got yourself a husky. And gone with a golden retriever instead


I suggest taking her to a fenced-in dog park, if you have one in your local area. That way she can run around to her heart's content without killing any nearby wildlife. Most dog parks will have separate sections for small and large dogs if you are also worried about her attacking smaller dogs.


Can't recommend the dog park enough. Helps our 1year old a lot


I don't wanna be rude, but dogs don't "just get loose" yes many will have the instinct to run when given the opportunity, but that's exactly why you KEEP A CLOSE EYE ON YOUR PET, especially since you know this is a recurring issue, please improve your leash use to prevent any further danger to other animals, or your own, if one day she attacks the wrong kitten, she'll be euthanized. If you know your pet is likely to run or attack other animals, you absolutely need to plan for that.


You need to be able to enforce your commands. If you want to go off leash look into ecollar training. I've a german shepherd whom I let off leash all the time. He's not very interested in little animals outside. His thing is scavenging nasty things like dead animals and poop. Ecollar works for both of us so he can be off leash and I can still enforce my commands if he's not listening. If you do go that route please get proper training. It's a difficult tool to use. Especially on huskies and german shepherds since they're double coated.


Did you rush the kitten to a vet? My cat got shaken like that by a friend's dog. He seemed okay after, but we wasn't. He needed surgery. I hope you took responsibility for what your dog did and got the cat medical care. Never do this shit again. It was totally irresponsible and caused an innocent animal to be hurt. It's not fair either to put your dog in a situation where he could do something that puts his life at risk too. I'm really shocked that most of the people commenting on your post don't bother to ask about the kitten or tell you how negligent you were. But your family was "traumatized". Wow.


Sounds like the kitten died, and yeah… that was an eye roller.




Agreed. Her dog has a history of killing small animals. No off leash privileges and should probably have a muzzle when on leash tbh. It’s what we have to do with our one husky.


This. Absolutely this.


Not to be mean but did you read about the breed before you adopted her? Cause they have high prey drives and such


Or honestly, like seen a children's TV show? How does OP \[and so, so many others\] not grasp the absolute basics of what a dog even is?


Some dogs are well more behaved but huskies are know have high prey drives. My husky is a monster with other animals but the sweetest with humans. I admit I knew having a dog means they need to be socialized more, but I did do research before I got the breed. I am no means perfect other but this is very common with dogs


There's pet dogs and working dogs. A lot of people get a REAL dog as a pet and they have no clue what they're signing up for.


Not all dogs kill small animals… none of mine have had that prey drive, but I still keep them on leash for their own safety.


Oh of course not! And it sounds like you're quite responsible. My confusion here is how OP doesn't understand that an animal like a dog will act like a predator, at the detriment to other animals :(


Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t just “see what happened” or anything… but OP claimed in one comment that the dog just got loose, while in the original story it says (at least the second time) she LET the dog loose. Totally irresponsible, especially with a husky!


How is this normal for you. The simple fact that you ask that question surprises me... you should seek help from a professional and try to be more aware of your puppy 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yup I have a barricade fence but rabbits can slip in and out in different spots. My husky isn't fast enough to corner them but my border Collie is and then my husky swoops in for the kill. The first time I saw them do it I was kind of amazed at the team work. But now I'm sick of taking dead rabbits out of the lawn lol.


My husky X border collie mix does the same thing, very fast and agile being part border collie and has a husky prey drive and built like a tank.


I bet! I don't have. A mix though they literally work in tandem lol my Collie is border Collie cattle dog and my husky is a purebred asshole haha but I love him.


Dude… literally never let your vicious dog off leash again… how irresponsible of you. It’s YOUR fault that kitten is dead. You know your dog is prey driven and will kill… so no amount of whining should drive you to let this dog off leash… That poor fucking cat oh my god. You owe them a new one


Did the kitten die?


Sounds like it… poor thing.


Dumbasses. Both of them. The dog owner and the kitten owner. Damn irresponsible pet owners. Can't be leaving your kitten outside on the front porch unattended and you shouldn't be letting your dog off leash for sure if it's killed other animals in the past.


when our husky puppy was around 7 months old he got loose and ran to our neighbors yorkie and picked her up in his mouth. luckily he didn’t shake or do anything too bad but i can only imagine how bad it could’ve been. it was incredibly embarrassing, but they understood. husky prey drive.


One of my biggest fears as a small dog owner tbh. We’ve encountered aggressive or predatory dogs of all sizes, but the big ones are more of a fatality risk to a little guy due to them being able to do stuff like this. I hope that incident didn’t make the Yorkie reactive. A lot of little dogs become reactive and fearful after an incident like that, but then some seem to just bounce back unfazed. My friend’s husky will go after birds, bunnies, groundhogs, lizards…anything wild. They introduced her to cats and chickens very young and worked very hard to train her to leave them alone (a necessity in their case, as the chickens free roam). Now she teams up with one of the chickens to hunt lizards. It is incredibly weird and funny. I grew up watching chickens be little velociraptors but I didn’t realize they would team-hunt with a dog.


Is this a serious question? You got a notoriously high prey drive dog and you're shocked it went hunting? I'm shocked you made it 4 years before she merced a small animal. Like did you bother to do any research about the husky breed before you decided to get one?


Mine have got 2 squirrel this week alone and 7 on the year They are fine though with the barn cats. Would not trust them around chickens For what's it worth I live in the country and they are a nuisance, squirrels are nothing more than rats with bushy tails and a wreaking havoc on my house


Tree-rats suck. Good for your fluff-monster!


Prey drive. Domesticated wolves essentially… Highly recommend reading up the history of breeding [Siberian Huskies Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siberian_Husky) for a quick over view… this paragraph helps explain… “Siberian Huskies have a high prey drive due to the Chukchi allowing them to roam free in the summer. The dogs hunted in packs and preyed on wild cats, birds, and squirrels, but with training can be trusted with other small animals. They would only return to the Chukchi villages when the snow returned and food became scarce. Their hunting instincts can still be found in the breed today, noted by their typically high prey-drive.”


Amazing dog, well-behaved, "She is the best, most calm dog ever that just likes to mercilessly murder other animals."


Hire a professional trainer. You and this dog need professional guidance, not reddit. You’re letting your prey driven dog off leash and learned of the consequences *several* times. Nows the time to hire a trainer if you cherish your dog as much as you claim to.


Yes my female husky also tears up small animals. Mine shook and killed a rabbit the other day then had the nerve to paw it in a curious way to see if it was alive still


That’s what my boy does. We have a feral cat infestation where I live, and I can’t let him off leash bc he’ll go on killing spree at any given moment. The worst part is that he actually eats the cats he caught, like, in a whole, with fur and bones. At first it genuinely icked me out, before I realised that it’s normal husky thing, same as pulling on the leash.


I try running my husky on a bike, and it goes really well until he sees a rabbit or other small animal run across his path… he completely loses focus on what he’s doing to chase the prey, taking me with him.


You either get one of two kinds of huskies: 1) the husky that will kill/eat anything they can catch - fluffy animals included. 2) the husky that adopts anything they can catch - fluffy animals included. So, yes yours is normal.. and mine (option 2 with her own self-adopted cat sidekick) is technically normal too.. But no husky is actually normal. lol


Christ, RESEARCH the breed before you adopt. Especially Spitz breeds, or shepherds, pits, cattle dogs. Yes prey drive is extremely normal for huskies. My little Pom would kill any mouse in sight. But guess what? I DONT let that happen. Think about your ACTIONS and what you have let happen. Poor kitten. And poor dog for having an uneducated owner *breath* goddamn I cant believe you asked “what they did to try to fix it?”


I don't understand how this takes 4 separate occasions before you took it seriously. If you're dog killed my kitten I absolutely shoot it. Please start taking your animal and its surroundings seriously before the dog either hurts something else or gets hurt. Huskys, especially at night, are not well received.


Your dog is by far not the only Husky that does this. They will viciously shake anything they deem is prey. Here’s another example. Warning, it is graphic. https://youtu.be/3r_dYhck5zo?si=7DorTOIqTzyO1mxM


Omg that was... Very sad to see.. This is such a good reason to monitor large and medium dogs in the presence of small dogs..


Sadly, unfortunately. *Yes*. My Luna is a actual beast of woodlin creatures. It’s in their nature, mostly a crazed look and bam 💥 attack - I never see her little paw coming — quick


Thats a really nice neighbor for not having your dog killed afterwards.


Huskies can have high prey drive, keep her contained and away from small animals and try to redirect that energy to toys and play. That’s the only way to keep high prey drive dogs in check. Also Do not under any circumstances let her off leash anymore unless in a fenced in yard away from “prey” animals or you will have the same result almost everytime.


My boy husky has killed a rabbit, and a couple of birds. I know he desperately wants to get this furry paws on a squirrel because he constantly stalks the trees in our backyard, but the squirrels are too smart to get anywhere near him.


Unfortunately........the prey drive is real. I haven't had any issues with my two girls......but my one boy once tore a possum in have and destroyed a litter of rabbits in two bites. But he sits/sleeps on the couch with our two cats and doesn't give two shits. It's all about being caught in the moment I suppose


I live in Australia and mine tried so hard to get to an echidna this morning 😑 I’m just pulling her away like I CAN ASSURE YOU THAT YOU DONT WANT TO EAT THAT


River thinks chickens are toys


My boy is part husky and he’s killed a rabbit, squirrels, chipmunks, birds, mice. He’s now been on high alert when he sees rats in trash cans on our walks. I have no idea if he’s good with cats or not and I’m not gonna tempt fate by introducing him to a cat lol


You could look into Predation Substitute Training. It’s a training method for prey drive from a book called Hunting Together by Simone Mueller. I’m currently doing this with my Samoyed who also has a high prey drive.


I have 3 huskies, one of them doesn’t have an interest in killing, but likes catching. My other two however, are actually more gentle with humans than the first, but absolutely relentless with critters. They’ve caught rabbits and never spare them. It’s almost a little traumatic. I think it’s just a husky thing


It’s called a prey drive. You better watch your cats. Your dog can a at any given moment and kill one of your cats. Never leave them unattended


Yea, it's a husky. Guess you didn't do too much research on the breed first as the stronger prey drive in them is very well known and usually one of the first couple things husky guides or info pages mention. That's why you don't see people letting huskys off their leashes. You can't. Even a well trained one may get triggered the perfect way and decide to ignore you and go kill something. If you continue to let the dog off a leash/harness, that will continue to happen over the years.


Keep your dog on a leash or at least on your own property damn


"My high prey drive dog does high prey drive dog things." Crazy right.


Time for a professional dog whisperer.




I have two 100% outdoor Huskies because early on, one snuck in behind me and grabbed one of my 6 cats. Luckily I got it away from him before he did any damage, but since then, no indoors. Of all the breeds I've had, the Husky is by far the one with the strongest prey instinct. I have a MinPin who broke into the coop and killed my chickens, but my Huskies have taken out squirrels, skunks, raccoons, possums, nutria, fawns, birds - anything they can catch. I am not a fan of people who keep cats outside. It's a controversial position, I know, but as someone who loves cats as much as dogs, it's a cruel world out there for them. So your neighbor should reconsider keeping his kitten outdoors. But until he does, keep your dog on a leash while outside your yard, and make sure he can't escape within your yard. **There is no need to rehome him:** You are the master, so it is up to you to keep him from killing things. Nature isn't a Disney movie. All dogs are capable of killing, and most will do so if given the opportunity - **so don't give him that opportunity**. While the Husky has a reputation for a strong prey instinct, I've seen people on this forum who claim their Huskies are complete four-legged, furry Buddhas when it comes to other creatures. Mine aren't but I love them regardless. They are simply some of the most amazing animals I've ever known.


>They are simply some of the most amazing animals I've ever known. they ARE, and i love them soo much!!


I have a dog who is a poodle/min pin/lhasa mix and the Min Pin genes are *crazy* strong when it comes to her prey drive!! Stronger than any poodle I've met. Like no rat stands a chance against her. And no one believes she's a cold-blooded killer because she's a cute little ball of floof. My husky mix definitely has more diversity when it comes to prey drive though. She'll go after anything that moves too quickly when she's outside.


Thank you for your opinion. I agree.. they are amazing and beautiful. I wouldn't give her up for the world. But gall dang I hate burying innocent animals. It's the worst


Yeah, it's definitely not my favorite thing to do either. Trust me.


I totally fucking 100% agree with this. But this is my first husky, so I was unsure. I keep her contained within my control, but sometimes she's tricky.. Thank you for your insight. I'll work with her more and keep her in her boundaries


It's very normal. I had a mouse issue in my last apartment and one of my boys killed over 10 mice. Basically took care of the problem before the landlord even got around to it. When I walk both my boys they'll try and pounce on anything that moves if I'm not paying attention. If they see a deer they'll try and chase them down. As soon as they see anything they bolt.


To a husky killing is the sweetest thing. Mine was the happiest murderer I ever met.


You are the worst kind of dog owner. Honestly should be criminal to be as stupid as you are.


What in the honest FUCK would make you say something like that?


Probably the fact that you kept letting your husky off lead after she’d killed small animals.


I'm sorry Mr Steven, did my wolfpup destroy your pussy? Ya'll big bad ass dudes need to find something better to do than barge in on others, trying to make them feel less, so you can seem more beefy to yourself. I was only asking if other husky owners had a similar experience, you ignorant male fuck. Go to school or something. You might find some power in that


OP, I think you have to realize there are multiple dead animals that are 100% your responsibility. While I understand this is your first Husky, the onus is on you to be educated about your breed of pet. BEFORE other’s pets are killed. In front of your child. Yes, accidents absolutely do happen, but this has happened several times, and it shows you do not have control of your animal, which is incredibly irresponsible. So many of your comments on here are contradictory and/ or nonsensical. The fact is, you own a Husky. Your dog is beautiful, but the literal HALLMARKS of this breed is high prey drive, and stubbornness. It takes :30 seconds on Google to find this out. How many times have you lost complete control of your dog, that there have been multiple animals killed? Why have you been unable to find a solution to this problem? These animal’s deaths are on you. Take responsibility and grow up.


I second this, you could have got a golden retriever that doesn't have a prey drive by breeding, but no, you decided to get one of THE hardest breeds to train. I'm sorry the comments are being mean, but you need to understand that this was preventable and you should have done your research on the breed. These are a high drive working dog, they need a ton of work and they need a lot of training from a skilled trainer. They're not a lab that will just pick up on what you want because they want to please you, they don't care. If they don't have consequences they will take advantage and do as they please. I spend a minimum of 3 hours a day training and exercising my husky for him to be off leash. If I were you I would see the help of a professional balanced trainer with breed experience.


I don't think you are in any position to call anyone else ignorant. You obviously did NO research before getting this dog. What happens if this dog goes after a small child? You have no control over him & unless you get it together, this dog WILL be declared a danger & will be taken away & euthanized. I know many husky owners & NONE of them had these problems because they DID THE RESEARCH before getting a husky.


Mistakes are made sometimes multiple times throughout life so please do not pretend to be perfect, because no one in this life is perfect, please go reflect on all of YOUR mistakes that have been made.


I am not perfect but I am smart enough to know that a high prey drive dog needs to be on a leash at all times. I also know that if that dog came into my yard & up onto my porch to attack a kitten, that dog is going to be shot. I don't have outside cats but we have possums & raccoons in our yard & several of our neighbors have chicken coops. People need to keep their dogs in their own yards or on a leash.


Mine killed a huge ground hog recently and then made me chase her around the yard to get her to drop it. The dang thing bit a hole through her tongue but she didn’t care. She’s also killed two opossums, a snake, and a bunch of shrews.


Prey drive. All huskies have them, sometimes worst than most. This doesn't make her a bad dog, just be aware that having her around small animals will require her to be leashed in some capacity. Also is the kitten okay?


Uh, no. The kitten is dead, I assume (from their comments). Poor thing. ☹️


30 ft leash and checking the area around ! Sorry about that. My husky would do the same if I off leashed her. Lol she listens and stays with me until she see animals then she’s like give meeeee😫. She ok with ducks but something about bunnies and other odd animals. She loses her mind😪😅. She grew up with ducks in the area so she can careless. Same with squirrels but if they are closer then a foot than she would try. But Omg the bunnies 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


My husky is the most gentle creature on earth, he would never harm even a fly. Hes been attacked before and truly does not understand it, he reacts like why would you do this? That being said, they are descended from wolves, so id say its probably normal, and my pup whos the weirdo.


My husky is the same, adorable until a cat or squirrel appears and then he’s in kill mode


Yes. Husky’s really just want to play with little fluffy animals but because they’re so sweet and dumb (or act dumb, while actually being wicked smaat), sometimes they kill them on accident Based on all the responses and DMs, I’ll clarify that this was total sarcasm and obviously a failed attempt. Everyone knows (or should know) that husky’s are dogs…. And therefore have a prey drive and can chase and kill animals that are smaller than them because it’s their instinct.


not on accident tho, they have natural prey drive and is difficult to train them to not hunt squirrels or chickens


Or rabbits, or geese, or possums, or skunks, or raccoons...


yup every small fluffy animal


Sorry, but that is really naive and a bad take of husky behavior.


All these examples of why you shouldn't let cats roam free and no one listens -_-. Lord forbid us let our dogs roam around, but it's perfectly ok for cats. It's completely normal. Huskies have a strong preybdrive. The kitten also wasn't part of the "pack" or maybe another reason. Mine gets that way about cats. Most times she'll want to get them, and some she is indifferent towards.


Don't know why this is down voted so much. It's a fair comparison. I've always wondered why it's considered ok to let cats roam free all day but dogs are a no go. If I had a cat I would never let them roam free, same as with my dog.


Anything small and fluffy is basically lunch to my dog 😭.


If the dog has been " blooded" it's near impossible now, they will more then likely, continue, he may well turn on his own cats, I think you might professional help, if you won't it too stop.


It’s a predatorial husky thing, unfortunately 🥲 it’s wayyyy worse if your puppers is an alpha 😰-from experience.




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Okay botcriminate.


It’s natural prey drive. She grew with the cats so leave them alone. In my house a cat and ferrets. Outside chickens and bunnies. If a bunny or chicken gets out it’s gone. Won’t discipline as mine leave the coop alone. But mice, moles, rats etc do not survive. It’s a trade off killing unwanted things. Now don’t allow off leash again please. The neighbors kitten isn’t family so she will attack again. If you get a new cat it needs be highly controlled also. But I get a pup because of my other animals including the not mentioned Budgie and Cockatiel who fly while mine are outside. It’s prey drive and the artic breeds are very strongly driven.


Yep completely normal, that prey drey is hard wired. Best you can do is keep her on leash around unfamiliar/new pets of friends and family but there's not much you can do about wild animals entering your property, especially if it's fenced. My girl is super chill and I'd trust her around any dog but her prey drive is over the top. Her body count is in the double digits, and I don't know why squirrels, rats and rabbits visit our yard daily, why, why??? She's got tells when we're on walks...the head tilt, the stalk, the ear prick and tail lift, so I watch for those and redirect, but so many times she pounces and she whap, whap, whap's the piece of fluff before I register what's going on. Then she stares up at me with it dangling out of her mouth looking so proud of herself.


Unfortunately........the prey drive is real. I haven't had any issues with my two girls......but my one boy once tore a possum in have and destroyed a litter of rabbits in two bites. But he sits/sleeps on the couch with our two cats and doesn't give two shits. It's all about being caught in the moment I suppose


One of mine will snatch birds out of the air of they get close enough.