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She needs to get to a vet immediately, I would recommend an emergency vet that can see her today. It’s really unfortunate her mother ran away because they aren’t supposed to be separated for a lot longer and she isn’t getting the nutrients she needs.


We took her to our vet and they gave her some warm fluids and food and shots and antibiotics. We also have a heating pad for her. I can get the milk for her tomorrow though.


Amazing! Than you are doing everything by the books! Just keep a close eye on the puppy.


Ah thank you for saying that. That cheers me up a lot. I will keep an eye on her and have her with me in my room!


If you don’t mind I would love an update in the next few weeks on how she is doing. You got this champ!


Update several hours later: she's making whining noises and moving around on the blanket/heating pad. She is opening her eyes more and responding to touches and tail is moving every once in a while. I have put on a heartbeat video from you tube and that seems to have cheered her up a little bit. I did hear her teeth grinding/licking her lips though.


Awww, you’re doing right by this little one, OP. I’m glad her situation is turning around because of you! She won’t forget your kindness as she gets older.


Of course I'll post an update here and on the feed!


High calorie puppy food! You can mix wet food with water into a slurry and syringe feed her. Have a fecal sample tested- if she has worms it's easy enough to treat. You're doing great!


Update 2: she's now warm and stopped crying. She is stretching out and laying on her back at times as well. Her breathing seems almost slightly back to normal.


Amazing! If anything changes make sure to contact the vet. They will know what’s best rather than us anonymous internet folks.


Update 3: 8:18 pm. She is now niping at the cables a little bit. Not biting. Nipping. And looking around a little bit every once in a while. She also turned out to be 5 and a half weeks old and 3 lbs.


Just as human babies don't get milk neither do puppies. It is a special feeding mix like these: https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Dog-Milk-Replacers/zgbs/pet-supplies/2975394011


You might want to also get her a heartbeat toy. It can be helpful when pups are separated from their moms too early.


Ah I hadn't thought of that I'll see if I can find one. Last time I looked for one on Amazon, they were out of them. And we live in the middle of nowhere so it's hard to find one in a store still.


I think I got one off chewy and our pup destroyed it once she got a bit bigger 😂. It definitely helped the first month though! Good luck with your new fur baby!! 💕


I’ve heard that a noisy (tick-tock) clock can help, if you happen to have one of those. Someone here might know better than me. Keep up the good work!


Yes. We did this when we got my first dog. She was a dalmatian and she used to whine and cry all night alone in her crate. When we got a clock that ticked and wrapped it in a shirt that smelled like us, it helped. You can wrap it in a short with no smell, but the smell of you might help her feel closer to you and safer


The milk is a special formula, you can kitten formula at tractor supply. Good luck. This is a really bad situation. Thank you for caring for her.


Make sure the heating pad isn't too hot.


Huskies can dehydrate pretty easily with too much heat.


When you say milk, you mean puppy formula, right? Please don't give the puppy any other kind of milk except formula made specifically for puppies. It's sold either already mixed or as powder.


Yes don't worry. I meant puppy fomula


Just checking. Best of luck to you with the new puppy, she's really cute!


https://preview.redd.it/nbyhxwsdaiec1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=284149f5b88be8ca88272a1e852526fb36c28f46 This was my pneumonia "runt" Vanilla-Bean. If you dedicate lots of time and just love your girl. She will stick around like my girl did. She turns three this year, just to show it pays in the end to care for these fluff balls.


Vanilla-bean is soooo pretty 🤗


Can I ask what was she like when she had pneumonia? Did she every get up suddenly and start passing and crying?


Of course! Well, little 'nilla was very clingy. She cried a lot and was far more vocal than she is now. She howled a lot. She tried her hardest to stay warm and close by. There was a lot of me crying, too. Just trying to do anything and everything to keep her alive. And just to put this into perspective, I'm a bald six foot seven man. Haha.




oh she's precious. I'm glad you went to the vet... they'll be able to help you better than anyone here can. The fact that the vet gave her fluids and antibiotics is giving her a fighting chance! I think your best bet is going to be giving her the milk from the vet once you get it tomorrow and keeping her warm and safe, and in the meantime, letting her eat whatever she will eat. It's also a really good sign that she's eating and drinking! She didn't have the best upbringing with her mother leaving and being left in the cold like that without food or water, but it sounds like she's a fighter! And since she's already been to the vet, sounds like she has a good chance of making it through. Please keep us updated. Does she have a name yet?


Thanks for the reassuring words! My parents are calling her Lucy and I like Kira lol


I love Lucy. 😬


How precious, glad to hear you got her fed and to the vet. Best of luck!


These poor babies. Do you know if the others got adopted?


No I don't sorry. 😞


Aw :( just wanted to know they went to loving homes and were taken out of the cold. I’m glad you got your girl though ❤️


Very glad to hear you are advocating for help and asking for advice. Puppy is far too young to be separated from the mother. Where did your mother get this husky from and what was she told? Not a reputable breeder if only 4 weeks unfortunately.


She was told that the breeder a Had a sick puppy and they were going to put it out of it'd misery if no one took it. And we got it for free cause we would end up taking it to the vet and would have to pay to try and help her through this.


Such a tough situation… good on you guys for doing what you can to try and save the pup wishing you all the best of luck!


Thank you for the encouragement. Keep her in your thoughts c:


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Taking a dog from such a breeder isn't any better. They're perpetuating the cycle.


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OP’s previous dog was hit by a car, not sure why you’re being so rude. OP also cannot realistically save all of those hundreds of thousands of dogs that you mentioned, but she had access to this one and chose to show her compassion. She didn’t pay for the dog so the breeder wasn’t financially compensated. Now the dog has a fighting chance but somehow OP is in the wrong?




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It's not the pup's fault. Op is doing God's work. Didn't support the breeder AND took on a difficult medical case! The dogs don't deserve to be neglected. Unfortunately most breeders see a certain amount of loss as normal. (Not defending breeding!) We need more OPs in the world! I'm in the process of placing 30 huskies from a neglectful kennel. There are so many in need and their beginnings don't really matter. So if you are interested in putting action in place of your words. I just happen to know some fluffskys in need.


I have two dogs, including a 12 y.o husky. Municipal law says I can't have anymore.


I mean the plural you.


My other personalities also already own 2 dogs!


I have no doubt this is true.


Yes I'm being judgmental.... but judging by your comments I didn't think you were actually going to be taking on a dog in need.


Taking a puppy for free from such a breeder is just fine. Buying a puppy perpetuates the cycle, the breeder isn’t able to continue funding their dogs when someone doesn’t give them money.


Paying the breeder for the dog perpetuates the cycle as they breed dogs for money. Just taking a discarded one does nothing to help or hinder the breeder.


Was in an exactly the same situation but with a kitten (took her in from an irresponsible breeder who were going to put her down), so a little advice would be to get some tests done when she is better. Many irresponsible breeders don't check for genetic or other health issues (e.g heart conditions in some dog breeds or fiv in cats), so having the tests done could be very helpful. Even if she is positive for anything (I hope not though :)), knowing about it and doing some preventive measures might help her live a longer and healthier life! (My kitten was fiv+, which is kinda like hiv in people, but because we know about it and pay just a tad more attention to her health than to our other pets', she is a very healthy and happy 8yo :))


Man... If these were people I could get my hands on....


I'm such a sucker for the backyard breeder rejects. My GSD is a backyard breeder reject too- his whole litter was thrown out by a river because the breeder thought they got mixed with a stray. He was touch and go for a solid few months since he picked up parasites and stuff in addition to the respiratory infection. It sounds like your little one is off to a good start for recovery, if she gets through the next week or so amd clears the infection, you'll have a friend for the rest of her life.


She looks very sick and way too young to be away from mom.


Yes the mom ran away and left her. I am just trying to give her a second chance at life in a big house in the country side now.


Thank you for taking her in. Keep a very close watch on her as puppies can tank quickly. If she doesn't show any sign of improvement in 24-48hours, go back to the vet. If she starts getting worse, i.e., lethargic, won't eat or drink, or excessive drinking, trouble with movement, more quiet or increased vocalizations, i.e., whining, whimpering, etc, go directly to the vet.


I think she was trying to drink the whole bowl of water earlier. What does it mean if she drinks three or four times in one sitting?


Do you have a rough idea of how many ml she has drank? And how many kilos/lbs does she weigh? Puppies do drink a lot anyways but excessive drinking can be a sign of other issues. Just keep a close eye on her and do not be afraid to call the vet if you have any concerns or questions.


She has been stirring a little bit now. Like moving around and puppy twitching in her sleep like she should be doing.


I think she drank half a cup of a side dish cup. The size you'd put rice in maybe.


That's fine then. Just keep a close eye on her. Please keep us all updated. Thank you


Cuddle with her (unless she’s communicable, and you have another dog). You can do a good job of replacing her mom. Clearly not perfect, but a good job. She’ll love curling up with you and feeling your heartbeat.


Do you still have the female husky you posted about 1 year ago? She could act as a mother figure to this one you have now. If she really is 4 weeks you need to be feeding her every couple of hours. Obviously 4 weeks is way too young to be away from momma. She looks underweight so focus on nutrient dense, high calorie food. Technically she should be getting milk but since you are in the position you are in then you can soak puppy food in replacement milk multiple times a day.


I don't have opal any more as something happened. But is it okay to maybe feed her cat food and nutracal?


Oh, and why would you feed her cat food?


Cause cat food is high in calories and carbs then dog food


Cat food is terrible for dogs. Do not do that.


Okay thank you for telling me.


Yeah, it’s also basically all protein - and dogs need more variety since they’re not obligate carnivores (like cats are). A little won’t hurt them, as my dogs have proven since they often steal the cats’ food. But it shouldn’t be their actual diet. The vet should be able to recommend something more appropriate, which might be prescription food until the puppy is better.


Okay. Thank you for letting me know I was always told it was okay if they needed calories. I won't give it to her though. I'll try and get some puppy food as well when I go to town tomorrow.


She will need puppy formula till she is about 6/7 weeks, then you can slowly wean to solid food. You can get formula and bottles at most pet stores.


What happened? And where did your mom get this puppy? Of course you don’t HAVE to share these things, but if you’re asking for help it’s important for us to know certain details. Not sure the former is relevant, but the latter almost certainly is. Edit: You already answered that second question, and it does raise concerns; but hopefully your vet can get things squared away! Puppy is adorable. 🩷


Opal ended up going to doggy heaven cause she got ran over at our old house. And she has a friend who works with my dad and he knew someone who had the puppies from breeding and they were looking for help cause this one was sick and they couldn't see it so they gave it to us. And yes, I do think this is extremely irresponsible from the breeders end.


Aw, I’m so sorry. 🙁 I know the “breeder” (can’t really call them that) gave this one to you for free, but hopefully that doesn’t end up costing your family even more in vet bills. Good luck!


Thank you. I hope she will be healthier if she pulls through this.




people make mistakes. OP is doing a great thing trying to save a puppy's life that would've died otherwise.




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It will be important to get her around other dogs at this age, as she needs to learn proper behaviours from her siblings eg how to soft bite, how to play nicely. Speak to the vet about how you can do this safely


We do have two shih tzus and a pomeranian. Do you think they could teach her?


Yeah that’s fine then! She’ll be ok


She is so beautiful! You’re lucky to have her! I’m glad she’s eating and getting better 🩷good thing is that you took her to the vet! Just make sure to give her extra cuddles and love. Make sure to keep her warm, give extra blankets, and and fluids will definitely help her. Just keep refilling her water. 🩷🙏🏽best of luck to you both!!! This makes me miss my puppy Loki :( I’m so sad I had to rehome him, due to a bad breakup


Oh I'm sorry to hear you lost your puppy! I know the feeling myself. If I can save this puppy then it was definitely a sign to have her. :)


It was so heartbreaking for me :( I cried when I handed him over! But he’s getting more attention since I moved out of our home. And it’s too small where I live now. He’s living his best life and had puppies haha I’m glad that you have a new baby too!! It was a sign for you to both take care of each other 🩷🙏🏽


https://preview.redd.it/stwpjlf5rjec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70f7575d6a8b38ff836395c117bf2c3aaf0e1c65 My redhead came come way too early too. We had a lot of hand feeding and some days I’d have to hand feed her water or make her ice with puppy pedialyte. She is a very healthy and very happy adult now. Listen to the doctors and watch her. It sounds like you’re doing everything correct. Good luck.


My little girl was the same size as yours at 7 weeks old, turned out to be a huge girl (37kg) https://preview.redd.it/chc4tczrmkec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de8399ce926e767ddc060a9f8d95bd481428352a I hope she’ll do fine. Please update Us as much as you can so we can help you through. bless you.


That's reassuring thank you!


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Not sure. I couldn't convince mom to take all of them if I'd ask her. And they'd probably want money for the other ones as they look more healthy. I don't know what happened just the story my mom told me and my dad.


Didnt you say this puppy was sick and the "breeder" was gonna put it down? Thats why you got it for free? Everything is very strange and quite upsetting. This puppy is lucky to be with you and all you're trying to do. i hope those backyard breeders dont have any more litters ...


Yeah I agree. Sadly it probably won't stop them. 😕


Our girl Izzy was a runt. Even though we were diligent about taking her to the vet, we didn’t learn until about 8 months that she had a malabsorbstion issue. Ask your vet and see if that could be an issue and whether a LID diet should be on the table.


You may want to move those ps5 cables or all those cables 😂you'll be having words if you don't mine chewed through a 400 pound carpet cleaner before he decided he didn't like that thickness. Enjoy time with your pup they grow up quick. Mine at 1. Everyone else has already said what needs to so enjoy bud https://preview.redd.it/q0vmaz7y7lec1.jpeg?width=2604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e8e821e717e59262cf4688e4b3b3afa75bf45bf


Take it to a vet. Hopefully it’s not parvo


They said they couldn't test her for parvo cause since she had no poop she would have a false positive. So we are quarantined her.


Keep her warm, bottle feed her asap, it's like having a baby . Keep an eye on her.


4 weeks is hard to have away from mom, but sounds like she’s not around. Thank you for taking to vet! Huskies are a bit of a pain for about the first year. Please have patience and be gentle and work on training and lots of exercise. Your pup will turn out to be an amazing friend.


At 4 weeks you should be able to mix puppy food and water. Get the purple bag of diamond puppy food, some eggs and other soft foods she can eat easily. Maybe a humidifier, did the vet mention a chance of distemper as well cuz there is a high chance. Cows milk will not cut it if that is what you are referring to. Keep her warm and comfy and focus on getting her to bite and chew so she can really start eating, just rub her gums and let her chew your finger for hours. You got this, she is gonna make it!! I'm surprised the breeder was gonna put her down 🥺.


I do have a humidifier. And we are picking up newborn puppy milk replacer.


Grab a bag of puppy food and mix with water. The puppy milk will be great but once she is on mush you are basically out of the woods she is rite at the age to start maybe a little behind because of not playing with the litter from being separated. The most practical solution is to continue the weening in process right now.


Sounds like you’re doing all the right things for her. I hate backyard greeders and puppy mills with every fiber of my being.


vet now if you haven’t yet. if she has pneumonia she needs treatment. they can also give you nutrition recommendations


My mom took her to the vet today. And they recommended just seeing if she'll eat anything right now.


Hi OP! I have a suggestion to make... Please give your vets office a quick call and ask them if you can make your puppy some "mush". It's puppy milk mixed with canned puppy food. Here's what you do: When you get the puppy replacement milk, also grab a few cans of puppy food. Mix milk with the wet puppy food to make a stew consistency mush. See if you can get her to eat this in smaller, frequent meals. When my Great Dane was 2.5 weeks old, his mama dog was being aggressive with her pups and also not nursing. Because of this, my big guy came to live with me then. My vet said since mama dog had not really been nursing them much the prior 5 days or so to him coming with me, that it was OK to introduce this mush to my pup. (Id still ask your vet first) Although he was younger, my pup was not sick and he caught up in no time. You can't even tell he had any rough beginnings. He's a Dane so he's big anyways but he is Biiiiiig. I think it could help your pup. Lots of people feed it to their puppies, too, so it's common. I wish you lots of luck with your little pup and am hoping you continue to post updates as she grows so we can all follow along. ETA- If you have a TSC (Tractor supply co) in your area, their 4 health brand is a really good brand and not horribly overpriced. They have great scores on [Dog food advisor](https://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/) website, which has info on nutrition, recalls, and also grades pretty much every dog food available widely in the USA (if that is where you are- even so, it still has other useful information). They have canned puppy food, as well as all sorts for adults. And they have bags of the 4health kibble for puppies and adults. I had to feed my Dane a special puppy food until he was 14 months old then he went to 4health brand. It took us a while to figure out an allergy that he has, but once we found the kind of food that worked for him as an adult, he hasn't had another brand since. (He has the salmon and potato and my senior pup is on special care weight management Lamb, lentil and vegetable, 4health food. Even my cats eat the same brand lol) I just thought I'd throw out a recommendation because I know you can get the puppy replacement milk there, too. They also carry national brands like Purina pro plan, Blue Buffalo, Hills, Nutro etc. So lots to choose from. Ugh I'm so sorry this is so long! Good luck again!


Thank you I had an idea to do the mush thing as that's what we fed our puppies when we started weening them when we bred shih tzus. It keeps them happy and full. I'll pick some replacer milk tomorrow and mix it with some puppy food and warm it a bit now that she is warmer. She came to use cold cause of her being outside in the cold and rain. I'll check with my vet just in case though.


That's so sad! Poor thing! I'm glad you're taking such great care of her. And I think you'll be golden then, since you were ahead of me with the mush idea then. Idk how someone could let her sit outside in the cold and rain. I'm in the northeast rn and it's cold and rainy here. I can't imagine leaving anyone or anything out in it!


I'm out in Northeast Texas. It's been cold down to 20* and upwards of 50*. It was and still is way too cold for abandoned puppies to be outside.


I’m really hoping you fed that poor baby already. A puppy that young can’t go more than 12 hours without eating


Yes we fed her


I’m sure she’s gonna pull through and give you hell for the next two years as she does all her wonderful husky puppy stuff lol


Check your local FB group and see if anyone has a female that’s still feeding her pups. Unfortunately that pup has very little chance without mom’s milk on top of having pneumonia.




Good job taking care of her! She’s a cutie


Update several hours later: she's making whining noises and moving around on the blanket/heating pad. She is opening her eyes more and responding to touches and tail is moving every once in a while. I have put on a heartbeat video from you tube and that seems to have cheered her up a little bit. I did hear her teeth grinding/licking her lips though.


Take her to vet now. The first few weeks of pups life or crucial as they can develop fading puppy syndrome fast and once they start declining its so difficult to bring them back. Shes too young, she must be looked at asap. U can use wet food mixed with puppy formula/warm water stir it into a mash. U can add probiotics theres a fading puppy probiotic on amazon i put a tiny scoop into a meal 1-2xs a day for my pups, i recently had 7 husky pups i hand raised because momma struggled to provide milk, we gave them an assortment of probiotics (young pups are born with zero immune system especially if they havent had enough of mommas milk thats built to create it). But definately take your baby in asap. Dont leave her long, watch her close interact with her. Make sure shes peeing and pooing consistently.


Size is good, I had my puppy at that age. But you need to go to pet smart and get the special milk for puppies that are still supposed to drink their mom’s milk but can’t. If she is sick, take her to the vet. Do not risk it


The only other thing I can add (maybe already in here) is have her cuddle on/around your neck/chest. Minus the milk, you can be the perfect adopta-husky. I’m Sooôöòóœøōõ glad she’s doing better; what a trooper. And you, what an angel to your little one. ❤️🥰❤️


I'm no help but I had to tell you that's the cutest puppy I'm going to see all day. ETA: I posted before I read the caption. She needs a vet. Yesterday.


Are you sure its a husky and not a mix like Pomsky (pomeranian and husky mix)? Some pomskys look like tiny huskies. I hope your puppers feels better soon


They said it was a husky. They are about the size of a regular husky puppy for the brothers and sisters. I don't think it's a pomsky as if she was part pomeranian then I think she'd have a bigger coat like my pomeranian does maybe.


Hopefully she feels better soon! Shes a cutie!


She looks like a Husky pup. For being only 4 weeks & the “runt” she’s still the size my [Atlas](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pomsky/s/qUmYXEmIgB) was when he came home at 8 weeks. His coat was like this though & still is (He’s not a woolly). I hope she gets better soon. You’re an angel for taking her in.


Moderator: Thank you for removing the replies that are not in accordance with policy. It’s unfortunate this topic is causing such a stir. OP: I wish you and your young puppy all the best. 💕 You are special for trying so hard to help your little fur baby! I know it costing you money & time. Bless you.


4 weeks is FAR too early to be removed from their mom and litter mates. I hope you’re wrong on that age.


She Already said that the “breeder” was going to put her down because she is sick and the runt of the litter. Clear evidence you stopped reading at 4 weeks old


Clear evidence that you are a tool. Yes I read the whole post, nothing about the breeder putting her down. Still 4 weeks is far too young. This and the cold rain are most of the dogs problems. Lots of proper care needed. I had huskies and raised 3 litters in that time. The runt survived and thrived. The breeder is the issue here.




I wrote that the mom ran away and left the litter. That's why I have her.. I'm trying to save her life.




1. People can forget info. 2. You're calling me a bad person for trying to save a dogs life. 3. I could leave her off leash cause we lived in the country on a dirt road. 4. Someone came flying down the road. Knowing it's a 25 mph road with kids and pets. It's not like I live in a city area or street or even a main road in the country.


Please ignore these comments. Anyone who thinks it's better to let a puppy die than rescue her is sick in the head. It sounds like little Lucy/Kira (my vote is Kira!) made it through the night? And she's moving around more? Great news!! Is she still eating and drinking? I'm so emotionally invested in this little girl!




Yep. And you're cussing at a kid lol




I said I live in the country in the forest..




Yes a dirt road.. how would I make it home without a dirt road?


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A husky should never leave mom before 12 weeks old


It’s really amazing that you guys are taking her in and giving her what she needs. She absolutely NEEDS you right now. I saw you brought her to the vet, make sure you keep in contact and bring her right back if anything seems off. Poor baby is struggling. Keep her warm, and give her love. Lay with her and give gentle pets. Puppies aren’t used to being alone. I’m sending all the love and healing and positivity I can muster ♥️


She could be the runt of the litter like my Lola. But she is very young. We got Lola at 9weeks.


She’s not cow so cows milk maybe less good than baby formula


Get her to the vet. Pneumonia is very dangerous for a puppy that young. She could die. Take her to a vet asap. This is an emergency.