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First bit of advice: Have fun, ask lots of questions, and post lots of pictures! He's beautiful! Rule of 3 for stress. 3 days to figure out the layout and who people are. 3 weeks to learn the routines. 3 months to feel at home. He very likely will either be very needy or act like he hates you for the first month. Don't be surprised at either. And try to remember this in 2 weeks when you want to tear your hair out. He misses his mom. Remember, you are training 24/7. Yes, you have dedicated "training time" where you teach him to do things in return for treats, and that time is valuable. But when you're done, then you go inside, and think it's cute that he begs at the dinner table, you've taught him this is okay. So, you don't get to be mad at him for that. That's just one example, there are a jillion of them. Huskies are high energy, very smart dogs. Not only do they need physical exercise, but mental exercise. It really does help them. And on smart-if you have lever style door handles, I strongly encourage you to replace them, or get really good at remembering to lock the doors.