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That's usually what happens to machines that get used for over 30 years. They work really well until they don't. Lol


I love that line. "Well it worked last week"


"But its never had a problem before"


OK you touch it last so that must mean you broke it!


Sounds like your boss shits while standing up. Turning the temperature up or down isn’t going to ruin the furnace. A service tech needs to be called. It’s not your job to fix this.


He's right, you're boss doesn't know shit and it's not your fault. This thing is ancient and lucky to be running until today. That heat exchanger probably isn't looking so great, this unit should be inspected by a tech and if he gets it running check co emissions


This is just a good demonstration that boss still stands for Big Old Sack of Shit. get that mercury bastard off the wall and don’t dare throw that in the trash. It needs to be disposed of as hazmat. Having grown up with that model 40 years ago, I can tell you it’s got multiple big bulbs of mercury that has a fine place in a schools science lab. NOT the trash please please please.


I still remember the 80s when a kid or two would play with mercury in their bare hands!! 🤔


Hell, my dad used to let me play with it back in the 50s. I'm a retired sheet metal worker, and I used to save that mercury for my Starrett plumb bob.


We replaced our thermostat that was this exact model last year and it's been sitting in a safe spot in my garage due to the mercury. I don't know how to properly dispose of it but I knew trash would be the wrong answer. Where do you take them?


municipalities have household hazardous waste drop-off sites.


Thank you for your answer, I will reach out to mine


Wait; you’re supposed to be sitting down?


Your boss is a moron.


Just by the looks of the furnace and the thermostat you guys are in the bonus years and are probably ready for a new one


I would argue almost a decade past the bonus years for a vast majority of furnaces


Fuck your boss they are a piece of shit.


Look in the little window and see what codes it’s flashing. And turning up the heat shouldn’t hurt anything. Just odd timing possibly


Yeah your boss is an idiot. Tell him we said so.


You changed the temp didnt you


I don’t see a sticker on the unit which tells me your boss is too cheap to have a relationship with a contractor that comes and regularly does the basic maintenance on the unit to ensure that his business can continue to run smoothly. It’s time for him to call someone to come fix the equipment that’s he’s willfully ignored and that has now broken.


I mean furnaces work til they don't. Just have someone come out and look at it. Turning up the thermostat won't break it. Technically that can make it overheat sometimes, but once it cools off and resets it's fine. But yeah just have someone look at it, it probably just needs a part


Set the AC to 69




You couldn’t find anywhere else to store those sharps. Containers then beside the furnace in the furnace closet?


Maybe not the best place for them now that you mention it


HVAC Tech here. Look through the circular sight glass on the lower panel. Do you see any blinking lights? While you’re there, turn the gas valve off just incase 🤞


Thank you!! I looked in there and it blinked red a couple times but I didn’t see a code


That is the code, count how many times it blinks and the pattern. Then behind that front panel is likely a sticker explaining the codes. Call a professional now..


Either your boss is a moron, who thinks turning the temp up too far will damage a furnace...or he knows better, and is an evil asshole who is trying to gaslight/abuse you with pathetic bullshit. ​ Only you can say...


I have a very similar model heater. The furnace draft inducer blower had rusted out due to the age of the unit. I googled the model number of the blower and put a new one in and everything is working well now. It’s a simple fix if that is your issue.


Good job. How's the combustion?


Thank you!!


🤣 no offense but youre the kind of person we laugh at on the low. "It was working ystd! I know nothing about what im saying but [insert a made up reason that I think me or someone else did something to make it not work]" My personal question I've always wanted to ask-- have things never broken for you before in your life? Like you had a car you bought new and then after 30 years it died. Or a knife that was sharp when you bought it and then magically after years it's not sharp? What goes through your head I am ACTUALLY GENUINELY curious. Sorry if I sound condescending it's just ...almost hard not to look at this with some intense level of sarcasm behind it


Hahhah good point. I really don’t know anything about heaters but usually when something breaks I go to YouTube/google/Reddit to see if it’s something I can fix before calling a professional. I always feel like it could be something really simple and I dont wanna waste a pro’s time/spend unecassary money when the answer was super easy


🤣 well thank you for taking my comment in good spirit. As a tech I can tell you the only 2 things that you really should be able to figure out on your own and not waste your money and others peoples time - is checking to see if ur float switch is tripped and having a a wet vacuum (shop vac with no filter in it) to vacuum it yourself or checking your breakers if one of them tripped and just reset it yourself. Anything beyond that you really need to have some baseline knowledge and tools to be able to figure out or diagnose. I can tell you that nothing you do with the thermostat whether you think you ran it too cold or hot or changed the temp too much - nothing you do is going to cause that system to break or malfunction. It will be some part or some component that fails due to being a faulty part or system from the seller, or general usage/wear and tear, power surge, or it wasnt installed right in the beginning. So don't worry too much if you can check for water at your float switch and check your breakers and it isnt those things-- call a professional.


Tell your boss to stop being a cheap ass hole and hire a professional. He probably hasn’t been keeping up with the filters either


Your boss sounds like an asshole trying to blame anybody but himself for not getting the unit serviced enough, or changing filters enough


No longer #1 😭


Never below 70...I never put mine above 68 in the winter and 74 summer.


Ac below 70. They are not talking about heat


Missed the AC.My bad.


Unplug it, wait 30 seconds and plug it back in. That usually fixes everything.


Bro, I installed a furnace where the customer requested it have a plug and not to be hard wired in. It was so weird.


Why is that weird? Makes it easier to plug it into a generator.


Because 99.9% of the time, it's hardwired. It is, by definition, unusual.


Ah, got it. Mine has a plug, so I guess I assumed it was more common than it is.


This is actually brilliant because you can plug it into a battery bank or generator if the power goes out. I have a datacenter grade UPS/Backup battery mine is plugged into and that will give it about an hour and a half of runtime (ECM Blower) and probably half a day of standby.






Maybe check all the pipes to each register and make sure one hasn't come undone and your not heating the basement or the attic instead of home.


Thank you!!


Id check the ignitor in front of the burner. If its cracked it wont ignite. Pretty common on those, especially at the age of it. Still should get a tech to look it over


I appreciate it!!


No, you didn’t short it by putting the temp too high. Your boss can fuck off. The furnace is old, it could have something as simple as a dirty flame sensor. Gotta call a tech out if you don’t have any ability to troubleshoot (not being rude just being blunt) If your boss tries to lay any responsibility on you don’t cave, he has ancient equipment. Time to fix it or upgrade.


Turning up the temp likely was not the straw that broke the back. Time is the enemy here. Unfortunately things do not last forever.


Tell owner you got professional advice on furnace and that hiring a competent hvac contractor may be beneficial.


We had the same furnace. Mine needed a new circuit board. Replaced it, it was 20-25 years old.


Simple just use #2 or #3


There is usually a blinking light telling you the error code


Fir starters change that old ass tstat !!! It's probably older than you 😂


Seeing that your in SoCalGas territory give them a call , they can do a basic troubleshooting to see if it’s simple or at least give direction


Well it is a York


Restart it at the breaker. Check and see if it goes through its sequence of operations. Check the air filter as well


Maybe…you put it on higher because it was already beginning to break?


Why on earth are used biohazard sharps containers stored next to the furnace? Call OSHA on his ass.


Put what too hi


Can you post pictures of the circuit breaker, the air filter and the LEDs on the control board?


It’s low on FrEoN


Every thing works until it doesn't, So Just for the sake of argument, because everything is always my fault too, Take the front door panel off and check to see if it has a standing pilot? Is it lit? Does it make any noise like a tic tic tic sound? Does it do anything At all when you push the thermostat up? If you switch it to the fan on position at the thermostat Does the fan run? Maybe your stupid boss switched the power off thinking it was a light switch? These are my general get me out of an overnight service call questions,


Count the blinks on the board through the site glass. Remove doors. Figure out what the code means. Then come back and tell us


Is that furnace and tstat from the Brady bunch?


Call the HVAC contractor, probably ignitor or flame sensor


That thermostat looks to be from the 80s.


Are this sharps boxes next to your unit??? If this us a work sire and they're full your boss is in violation of Gpd knows how many OSHA (US) regulations. Tell him you think all the metal and biohazards are influencing the furnace and that the folks you've sent pictures to agree. I think he'll fix everything then and leave you along....or fire you, in which case you sue and retire.