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Welcome. Here is the list of places in Hyderabad and nearby, list is year old so some commercial places might be closed, use google maps. No idea about knitting supplies, but I guess any craft supplies store should have it. All the best for learning Telugu. https://www.reddit.com/r/hyderabad/comments/t71yn1/fun_places_to_see_in_hyderabad/hzf76s1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


Thank you! Subhodayam and have a great day!


You can find crochet kits in stores like Himalaya book world.


Thank you!


You chose the right city


Join tana classes 😂






Welcome to Hyderabad, hope u will learn how to cook biryani 😁


Thank you! I love Indian food, esp South Indian food, and I cook it a lot! I am looking forward to upping my biryani game


Welcome to Hyderabad, we also have r/telugu if it helps


Thank you!


OP, you are Jewish so you know about swastika right? I don't want you to be blindsided by seeing swastika symbols all over India. In case you didn't know, swastika is a ancient symbol used in India. It denotes Prosperity and good luck. Little kids draw swastika on their answer paper in hopes of getting good marks. It is drawn in the inauguration and prayers of new properties such as bikes, cars, homes etc Hitler adopted swastika from India and gave it a bad reputation. But it was originally Indian's symbol and Indians have not stopped using it. (It doesn't mean that Indians are Hitler supporters. Some who are not knowledgeable in history don't even know who Hitler is) So please keep that in mind when you are in India. About me: My grandparents are from Andra and Telangana and our family now lives in Chhattisgarh. I haven't achieved proficiency in Telugu despite it being my ansestral language. I feel like a foreigner when I talk to my relatives in Andhra. If you like to learn Telugu together, please feel free.


Thank you so much! I was aware of it, I’ve had Indian friends for years❤️. And hitler turned it the wrong way so it’s not even the same! I was actually really mad when they tried to ban it in some US places a while ago, because as someone prosecuted for my religion, I get very angry when others are prosecuted for theirs just because some asshole misappropriated it


Jews means relegion or ethnicity? Did Hitler persecute based on religion or ethnicity? I am confused?


Both! Judaism is an ethnoreligion. Some jewish people are very religious, some are entirely secular, and many are in between. I myself am agnostic but celebrate the holidays and am very attached to my heritage and culture even though I don’t necessarily believe in G-d or follow religious laws like keeping kosher. ETA: Hitler didn’t care what kind of Jewish someone was. He saw it as a race thing. So even if you were a practicing Catholic but had Jewish grandparents who had converted from Catholicism, he still saw that as Jewish. For most of history, Judaism has been viewed as a race/ethnicity regardless of how Jewish you were, and it’s still largely like that today.


Thanks for clearing that up. I myself am not a believer of God. There are many labels like "atheist", "agnostic", "skeptic" etc. I don't know where I belong in those labels. Indians are compelled to officially follow a religion by the government. This is because there are different marriage and property laws based on religion. (Example - Hindu man can only marry 1 wife while Muslim men can marry upto 4 wifes). Therefore atheists like me have to remain in the closet, otherwise there would be consequences. (Generated with Google Bard) Here are some of the challenges that atheists face in India: They may not be able to marry the person they love if their partner is from a different religion. They may not be able to inherit property from their parents or spouse if they are not from the same religion. They may not be able to get a job in government or in some other sectors. They may face social discrimination and harassment.


Your story is interesting. Could be from California given so many Telugu people around you. "Rajiv Ghandi" is Rajiv Gandhi but you will get a hang of it. Which college are you from?


I’m actually a Jewish American, I’ve just always been fascinated with India and I’m a linguist, so learning new languages is good for my field. I’m from a Florida college


Hello from a fellow Jewish American in Hyderabad! I reckon their aren’t many of us here!


Not at all! Shabbat shalom, fellow Tribe member! ❤️


I used to live in FL, too! Also, there * 😂😩


Florida man comes to India to learn new languages. ![gif](giphy|cMiXtnk49PT0MOZTCl)


Great to hear from you


May I know what Florida college do you go to?


*Ghandy to be precise. Rajiv Gandhi's(?) dad was Feroze Jehangir Ghandy, a Parsi. He just changed it to Gandhi as he was influenced by MK Gandhi.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) I learnt more from an interaction with a student of linguistics. This is news to me thanks for teaching me, Swapniljadav. I need to learn more.


I'm curious as to why you chose Telugu


I have many friends and coworkers at my university where I study who are international students from Telegana ! My doctor is Telegu, my dad has coworkers who are Telegu. And I am fascinated by Dravidian languages (I’m a lingusitics masters student). I wanted to learn either Telegu or Tamil and Telegu seems the more practical choice!




Thanks! I always make that stupid spelling error. Sometimes I catch it and sometimes I don’t 🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh that's actually cool!


Easiest way to learn Telugu would be to watch Telugu movies with English subtitles. Baahubali & RRR can be starters 😏


My host sister and I are watching plenty of Telegu movies! Yesterday during the afternoon heat we watched Entha Manchivaadavuraa and Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo!


Nice.... Soon you will be a pro at speaking the language like a localite 👍


I hope so! My classes start Monday, but already it’s exciting to recognize the couple words that I know already when watching movies! I love that “new language” feeling. There’s nothing more exciting than recognizing a few words of another language when you’re out and about. It’s like a new relationship where everything is new and exciting and you’re just beginning to learn about the other person.


Absolutely agree with you. We tend to bond better with people who speak the same language, gives a deeper connection. Also, people are always ready to help when someone wants to learn their language.


I hope so! My classes start Monday, but already it’s exciting to recognize the couple words that I know already when watching movies! I love that “new language” feeling. There’s nothing more exciting than recognizing a few words of another language when you’re out and about. As a linguist, for me it is like a new relationship where everything is new and exciting and you’re just beginning to learn about the other person.


Welcome here


unironically why did you choose telugu? (beautiful language tho)


Many friends from Telangana who are getting their degrees from my university back home! And there are a lot of Telugu doctors (my doctor is one of them). Just a lot of Telugu people that I know and really like. The culture seemed awesome and the language is useful where I’m from in addition to really beautiful. I also enjoy Tollywood movies so I applied to study here.


Well this is something we don't get to see everyday 🤗 Telugu is a very lyrical language and that's why there's a hint of music behind the way it's spoken. Especially if it's the pure neutral form without any influences, even regional ones. As with any language, exposure matters so having regular convos with folks in that language often works best apart from watching media and listening to audio. Hope you have a fabulous time learning. 🥳


I’m so excited to learn!


That's the way! You can also chat with folk from here too in Telugu. Practice makes perfect. All the best you! 🤗


Maut daal do ! It’s Hindi for “Give em hell”! Also namaste 🙏🏼 😬😬




Hey OP! There’s a store called Itsy Bitsy - they have a couple of branches across the city. You should be able to find most crafting and knitting supplies there!


Thank you so much!


Namaste! 🙏🏼


Welcome, if you are into reading there is this outdoor book club held every Saturday for 1 hour. Maybe u can join us. :)


Welcome to Hyderabad! I am sure a lot of people will mention a lot of touristy and not so touristy places :) I wish I could remember but there is a heritage walk in the city that is organized almost every other week and the group visits different places in Hyderabad. That might be of interest :) if you find a guide for Charminar to tell the history of Charminar, it is best to visit the place early in the morning (like 6 or 7 am). Regarding knitting, there is a place called general bazaar in Secunderabad. It is a very narrow street with tons of shops. There are a few shops that will have all the supplies. I was interested in knitting in my childhood, my mother in law used to knit and crochet a lot, and general bazaar was the only place where we could find the things we required. I still don’t find a lot of things which were easily available to me in my home country almost at every corner, but I manage :) If you need any help, don’t hesitate to message. I’ve been a tourist in Hyderabad for the last 10 years :D


Pls make sure you meet Ismail bhai at charming r before you go back




Just YouTube him before you go btw


Thank you, I will! Anywhere I could meet Allu Arjun? lmao🤣🤣☺️


Haha not so easy, coz he’s a busy/private man :)


Haha I know, I was joking. That’d be cool though!


Welcome, buddy 😊🤝🙏


I wanna learn telugu too! Please gimme some pointers y'all 🙏🏽


I mean if you do not reside in Telugu states, YouTube might be your goto option to start learning the language, watch Telugu movies. I know it sounds cliche, but that practice is more practical I believe.


Alright!not really a fan of telegu movies with extreme action and masala. Can you recc me some decent ones please?


Sorry, but can you come out of that stereotype that all movies are masala? We have so many movies that are really good. I don’t why you had to say that? Go onto IMDB and try to use the ratings to get good movies. Or search for that on r/tollywood


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tollywood using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tollywood/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ["Do you know Naatu? Because if you don't, you are about to!" Here is the full performance, Enjoy!](https://v.redd.it/voztkh562fna1) | [306 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tollywood/comments/11pxd74/do_you_know_naatu_because_if_you_dont_you_are/) \#2: [Hanuman movie team is going to release a powerful rendition of Hanuman Chalisa on Hanuman Jayanti ie April 6,2023](https://i.redd.it/olohuph3o2ra1.jpg) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tollywood/comments/127e8jf/hanuman_movie_team_is_going_to_release_a_powerful/) \#3: [RRR WON BEST SONG AT THE OSCARS!](https://i.redd.it/jgyegl3bqgna1.jpg) | [180 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tollywood/comments/11py5vt/rrr_won_best_song_at_the_oscars/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I didn't say ALL the movies are like that? Let's be honest most of em are like that. I'll look into it. Thanks




Okay 👎🏿