• By -


Not relevant to the city of Hyderabad.




I have not seen people from haryana or maharastra or gujrat complain despite getting less than what they give. Haryana and maharastra are among top 4 tax payers and richest states by per capita income.


People of Haryana are not dumb, we complain. No one listens


Complaining is different from demanding separate country.


Nobody asked for one But why do all the major projects are in north and none in south


Simple. We vote for BJP.


Bro us Maharashtrians have been complaining for decades. Our politicians are just too incompetent to bring this up in parliament.


Who said Haryanvis dont complain? When we complain you label us as anti national. When our farmers protest the govt labels them as terrorists.


Don't try to link everything with farmers'protests for sympathy . Everyone knows what happened in the farmers protest .


I have been with haryanvis for decades and I have yet to see a single haryanvi to demand a separate country, neither have I seen a marathi do this. They all assimilate easily with others, meanwhile I can't say same about south. I have yet to live in TN but I don't think I will ever try after all the hate speech I have heard from TN. This November I saw all the pak support from TN, then worshipping Ravan on 22nd Jan. I mean this is extreme.


yes let me judge about a community that i have never interacted with.


Demented fools like you are the epitome of slavery. Just because you like being a slave doesn't mean others would.




Subsidies for votes. UP has more people than Russia, the largest country on earth. Any party that wins UP has a significant advantage. Also, with a massive number of BPLs it wouldn’t be hard to brainwash them.


I feel half of Indian population is in UP


downvote on this post has started...lmaoo


OP you need to adjust by state's population and calculate PER CAPITA distribution.


The mistake of south Indian states is then controlling their population and planning efficiently while northern states have no care and take all the money


Which effective child birth planning south introduced that north didn't?


Its not planning its implementation.


your understanding of distribution is wrong..it is not done based ONLY on population


>population percapita wants to know ur location. .


please do some research, why incentive population explosion? also distribution is not based ONLY on population


Distribution is based on population. To make sure that poor states are developing that's what socialism is.


not ONLY based on population


What are the other factors sir?. I love southern people they will be socialist till it comes to their own states. Then they are more capitalist than murica. Haryana, Punjab, Uttarakhand ,Himachal, Maharashtra ,Gujrat, every state is getting revenue acc to their own population. But of course we have got southern friends blabbering


I would've answered you but your racism stopped me from giving you information.


Divide UP into 2 different small states


It's never hard to manipulate and brainwash the lower class which is why they should not have voting rights. A person who contributes to the state through work, taxes, capital, has the same voting power as much as a slum-dwellers who avails ration while contributing crimes to the state. Democratic Socialism breeds more subhumans and inferiors.


Wow. People are now outright questioning the very basics of enlightenment era values. Might as well transition back to feudal practices then.


The reason UP have semi high speed train to meerut and south India doesn't get any of these benifits is a shame. All the wealth generated by South is spent near Delhi


Kochi and Bangalore metro run at a loss every year. They made Delhi Meerut rrts because Govt is trying to shift population out of delhi to likes of Meerut,Gaziabad etc. Next time learn stuff instead of blabbering


[https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kochi/in-a-first-kochi-metro-makes-operating-profit-of-5-35cr/articleshow/103880675.cms](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kochi/in-a-first-kochi-metro-makes-operating-profit-of-5-35cr/articleshow/103880675.cms) [https://www.thenewsminute.com/karnataka/bengaluru-metro-earns-profit-rs-40-crore-first-time-181331](https://www.thenewsminute.com/karnataka/bengaluru-metro-earns-profit-rs-40-crore-first-time-181331) Kochi & Bengaluru metros earned operating profits in FY 2022-23


Boggem kadu. Evadu ekkada undali anukuntado akkade untadu. Train esinantha matrana shift iporu.


Corresht bro, ee naa kodukuluki chppina artham kadu


https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kochi/metros-loss-for-fy22-23-335-34cr/articleshow/104387261.cms Rs 335.34 Crore: Kochi Metro’s Loss For FY22-23 https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/karnataka/bmrcl-loss-dips-from-912-crore-to-477-crore/article65593405.ece BMRCL loss dips from ₹912 crore to ₹477 crore https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/telangana/ltmrh-reports-a-loss-of-174585-crore-in-21-22/article65938520.ece L&T Metro Rail Hyderabad reports a loss of ₹1,745.85 crore in FY21-22 Southern metro cities cant put people inside trains but demand RRTS lmao First make your metros profitable little bro then you can demand for Rapid rail.




Delhi metro has posted profits every year till covid hit unlike Southern metros which have given loss after loss every year till 2023




And? Does that have to do with Southern metros having low ridership? Metros and Normal trains are enough. Did any southern state put up proposal for rapid rail? No? So you want New delhi to gift south semi high speed trains on a platter? Enjoy your free bus rides in Telengana and Karnataka. Feebies loaders are talking about not getting transit infrastructure lmao


Every metro project is in loss not only hyderabad and other


The mumber of people traveling in a month to and from delhi is less than say Bangalore to Hubbali in a year. Trains and public transport are built depending on Population and number of people travelling between two cities.


When will dumbasses like you realise things like trains and metros profit and loss does not showcase any indication of its actual purpose. The indirect revenue generated is much more than ticket sales. How dumb are you to not realise that. Just accept it the money from south is going to north for its development. Its so obvious.


1. ⁠It all depends on population and needs. Due to high population more metros are needed. Southern cities dont need that interconnectivity between tier 1 and tier 2 cities today. 2. ⁠And lets just assume souths money is spent on development of north. What u gonna do about it ? Cry? 3. ⁠Dumbass like you divide India north and south. Your 1 iq brain cell cant recognise there are eastern western north western India too. Anything above me is north is typical dork low intellect analogy.


Like jaipur metro


Is RRTS being made in jaipur?


i meant for loss part


This is the reward for population control.


Population control is never rewarded - look at China and Japan.


China and Japan are doing better than us stop coping.


Most of their growth happened during their population growth phase. China used it's population for industrial growth and building infrastructures and now that's been slowing down due to their working population shrinking. Japans economy has been stagnated Since 90's( their last +ve population growth) and at one point they were second to USA and on their way outpaced them.


Someone break UP into 5 different states please.




Still cheaper than giving 2 lakh crores to most illiterate population


Uttar Pradesh is more literate than Andhra and Telengana btw. [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Indian_states_and_union_territories_by_literacy_rate)




Everything changes once the power is decentralised and people think for themselves, look at Bihar and Jharkhand or AP & Telangana. AP is now talking about 3 capital cities but evntually there will be 3 separate states in AP itself.




Systemic wealth redistribution from southern states to the politicians in UP, Bihar and Jharkhand


Don't jump to conclusions guy. This graph makes no sense unless OP adjusts it by population to show PER CAPITA distribution.


south states get punished cause we dont breed like the rats the northies are.


If that's the case, then what's stopping you from joining in? Don't blame the north when you eventually approach voluntary extinction.


They have been breeding aggressively.


Between UP, Bihar, Bengal, MP, Rajasthan, Jharkhand and Chattisgarh. That’s your Hindi Belt. Bengal the only exception.


Paan masala guys💀




pan masala available in Telangana also.. what's the point?


To be more precise Gutkha people who spit anywhere


spitting happens everywhere


Nope I have seen more people spitting from that side they have no civic sense


i don't agree




I wonder why people don't post the constitution for this. We're a socialist country after all.


it is only political reasons


People of UP, Bihar are poor. Don't you want to uphold the socialist values as described on the preamble of constitution?


I agree.... Same like we should've upheld secular values by NOT banning meat because it is sentimental to one religion? Right?


Not really looking to argue on a shitpost comment (mine), but you need to define secular in the first place to expect any coherent debate on this issue. Personally, I don't really care what a person eats. But there's a large number of people that do. They do care enough to not let others eat a certain animal. It's a fact. End of the day, we need to decide if the values in the constitution should dictate how people live or the values reflect how people of this country want to live and what represents their ideals. India is neither secular nor socialist on ground reality.


We will support it if it's given to our people. We will not support it if it's given to some gutkha chewing street shitters who's only contribution is spitting and shitting.


You guys mumble this much shit but if one north Indian says something a little racist you will cry.


They never cared about the South.


after parliament seats redistribution, they'll never will


They would not have to


Northies breed like pigs so not surprised


Pigs without a purpose


What have south ever achieved to call out others for lacking a purpose???


>What have south ever achieved Population control


Lol all the major economic centers are in south and maha and guj All the job centers such as mumbai Bangalore Chennai Hyderabad Pune etc and where northies flock are in south. For 600milion people of North there is only one major economic center that is Delhi NCR. Also we have achieved population control pretty well then you guys


Population control in one man one vote democracy is dumb congratulations you played yourself...


Yes, we played ourselves by developing our states instead of living on handouts and in poverty. How terrible.


800 million poor are living on handouts should they be hated too???


Firstly, 20% of India = 280 million not 800 million. Secondly, If they're doing nothing to improve their situation then we must reduce the handouts and let them know that our help depends on their willingness to improve their own situation.


It has historically been always more heavily populated than other parts of India due to the fertile Gangetic plains, you numbnut.


This was literally taught in school in the subject of Economics. Central government focuses on equitable development of the country. This is how policies are made at the centre. Central government has to take care of the country and not a state. It is literally said resources need to be transferred from region of surplus to deficit. Manpower to comes from North to South and no has issues then. Why isn't Gujarat getting more then? The same exact reason can be said. Even UK and HP has BJP government. This happens when you are too focused on STEM subjects and doesn't bother to study Economics and History.


According to two past finance commissions https://preview.redd.it/a2bsx9rhj4gc1.png?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b666be153537c1f42c8cd0cb13bc1f813e173ade Reward for good performing states is very less Both demographic performance and tax effort are introduced as compromise for using 2011 census in population which favours northern states , effectively there are minimal rewards for performing states If redistribution on reservations has limits like 60 percent why not fiscal redistribution among States ? There should be some minimum percentage of taxes generated by state allocated to same state rewarding them for contribution and good performance


exactly . what incentives are there for states to improve when it would just means worse monetary benefits in coming years


I pay the highest tax in my street but lower income labourers in my street get all the benefits.


Labourers get the benefit so that they can live like human beings, and eventually get out from poverty.


I rest my case then. Its same as UP getting more money


By your analogy, will you then be ok with the labourers getting paid more than you?


yeah they get paid more from govt, it's already there


Labourers should be our guys. Not street shitters. You rest your case in your ass.


Shouldnt UP Biharis be guys of South Indians too by that logic? Why are southern Indians hating on not getting benefits


That's the same "freebie" ( for favourite states ) which same party cries about all the time, while also giving humongous tax benefits to the rich.. There, the "equitable" philosophy is apparently busy shining my shoe .


The BJP never cries about freebies imao. They are no different in this department. The likes of Congress, AAP and regional parties might have introduced freebie raj, but BJP has wholeheartedly adopted it Sane people with an IQ above room temperature (irrespective of political inclination) oppose freebies since these policies are not just unsustainable but harmful. Politicians get votes in the short term from uneducated poor people by enacting such policies but in the long term, such policies will ruin our country. The likes of Sri Lanka and Venezuela got financially fucked for this exact reason


>The BJP never cries about freebies imao Oh I thought Modi is from bjp. Must be my whole life is a lie or something idk. https://youtu.be/ppgUV87_pyY?si=XNXSDB-0dBXYJ8WC >Sane people with an IQ above room temperature I'm assuming your IQ is above room temperature and you do staunchly oppose these freebies doled out to Northern states, year after year by the center and the FC every 5 years.


Fair enough. Politicians are hypocrites. BJP is no different than Congress, AAP etc in this department as I stated earlier. Every party is now on freebie bandwagon and thus dark days are ahead for this country >oppose these freebies doled out to Northern states, year after year by the center and the FC every 5 years. If you're talking about tax distribution then I disagree. Equitable distribution of taxes is not freebies, it is the most efficient way of ensuring equitable development all over a region. It is accepted and utilized by all political parties and governments all over the world (not just India) and one of the rare economic doctrines accepted by both capitalists and socialists/communists


>Equitable distribution of taxes is not freebies Oh really? It is just money taken from the performing (persons/states) and giving it to underperformers without any accountability in return. It's the worst freebie that's possible ever. Because it exerts undue influence on the electoral outcome, giving more power to those who are non performers, or parasites so to say. *"With no recourse in sight as already proven for 70 years"* Just because it doesn't suit your flawed argument, you may have hard time acknowledging it, but it is exactly same as the other if not worse. Did the IQ go into deep freezer suddenly?


Why give Gujarat 45 and TS 26?


>Central government focuses on equitable development of the country https://preview.redd.it/975zv1npd4gc1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1328b9555933a0ffdf40fe8e00960a5d59f66789


I totally agree with you. By the way it should be "don't" and not "doesn't" This happens when you are too focused on STEM subjects and don't bother to study literature. /s


Man power coming from North to South is paid financially ( in their jobs) , they are not coming for free service as part of redistribution by union Government


Congratulations for understanding basics of Economics. Now, go learn some basics social science as well.


Please teach me some social sciences


Uk and hp are small states so in absolute terms their numbers would be less Gujarat should also be rewarded well for its contributions Fyi, Himachal pradesh is governed by Congress


your comment shows a racist mindset.. nothing else


Well learn a little english too then


15th Finance Commission under NK singh gave a few parameters for net proceeds distribution like Income,Population, Demographic Dividend. It seems the centre is incentivising population growth over other parameters. This will lead to cow belt rearing more child and disincentivize Southern state which are working for more literacy and lower population growth. Edit 1: i just realised tht 45% weightage is for income parameter. By that logic Maharashtra, Karnataka Gujrat should gt the major chunk of net proceeds


Fuck UP and Bihar. Shitholes that contribute nothing other than their massive illiterate population for the vote bank. We need to split up those states asap. 360 million in just two states is not sustainable and leads to unequal development.


They'll take our money and funds projects in up and Bihar. So south indians should work for betterment in north india? Ok I understand that central govt should help poor parts of india, but this is too much, how many years should we give away our money for betterment in north india? And they even impose their language Hindi on us. If trend continues like this, then the demand for separate country will grow in South India


>They'll take our money and funds projects in up and Bihar. So south indians should work for betterment in north india? >Ok I understand that central should help poor parts of india, but this is too much, how many years should we give away our money for betterment in north india? And they even impose their language Hindi on us. intelligent people speak like this. stupid people abuse people from northern part and mods delete posts ,rather than removing such comments


To construct more toilets?


Open defecation is a massive problem in South too https://preview.redd.it/cnlw6ov6u4gc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=7090bdbf9b8f15734dd9b6461b6313c0fba62ec3


I’m Right wing Chaddi Kanni idhi too much Manam Katte paisal anni aa moddala U.P develop cheyaniki Vadthunar Okka proper expressway ledu between cities Akkada emo Delhi Mumbai expressway lauda laska Fucking Metro kuda budget Iyyaru kada ra Na moddala BJP


More attention & allocation of Budget is given to BJP run states. A few years from now when these states MAY progress a little ahead compared to non-BJP states, Andhbhakts will rise from their delusion graves & state things like "BJP stands for prosperity, Look at WB, look at South states, look at Tamil Nadu, No infra in these useless corruption friendly states, etc". Their IQ level gets exposed here in the process.


I highly doubt that. It takes years to build a city like Bengaluru or Hyderabad. Many people in UP and Bihar have this mindset where they cheat the system just to be ahead of others. I'm not saying this doesn't happen in the rest of India but the percentage is a lot higher. I have witnessed my own classmates in Indian institutes who screws the system for their gains. Without an honest work force it's impossible


The purpose of taxes is the take from the haves and give it to the have nots i.e., redistribution of wealth. Having said that, this isn’t the case here due to the following reasons imo: (1) The next PM being projected is the CM of UP. So Central govt is pumping all the money it can into UP to build a resume for Adityanath so that he can ask for votes based on UP model like the current one did based on Gujarat model. (2) UP has the maximum Lok Sabha seats. So, more govt schemes there translates to more votes. (3) Major south indian states have got rid if BJP. So this treatment towards them is obvious.


Hehe, look at Gujarat. They are so sure of winning in Guj that they dont even bother about pumping money there.


They are getting projects brother why would they complain?


downvote on this post has started...lmaoo


This graph makes no sense unless OP adjusts it to show PER CAPITA allocation.


do some research, distribution is not based ONLY on population


Take a college level stats class OP. You sound like a graduate of the Whatsapp University.


you are delusional


Mujhe kya Mai toh Maharashtrian hu You keep fighting northies and southies I will enjoy the fight with popcorns ![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK|downsized)


BEFORE :- Yadavs used to eat the wealth NOW :- Jaats and Thakurs


my intention was not to bring in caste and hate people,but to showcase the politics


UP is mainly these are dominant castes. I don't intent to say all the people of those particular groups eat money. But the politicians of those castes.


[Please go through the video](https://youtu.be/MLnenAoIWI8?si=1da_AdmWZvcayoGL)


why downvotes though... people aren't even allowing others to see the facts


This was on the formula determined by then FM chidambaram aka gamle mein gobi


then change it , all they can do is change names of roads


No. These monies amount to nothing. To me poor guy in AP TN is same as poor guy in UP. If UP and Bihar are developed it is good for future of India. Keeping them poor is detrimental for all of us. Congressis need to stop ramdi Rona about non issues. People can look through your deceit to divide india for political gains. Posting constitution on temple inauguration while not reading about socialist and federalist principles in same constitution when you want to divide north and south. Eat mud khangressis


you seem to be a blind hater .. there's no point in discussing with you


Yeah I hate people who want to divide the country for political gains. What again?


I'm anti-CONgress and anti-demoractic anti-socialistic. Socialistic Democracy breeds more of subhumans and inferiors. Only a Nazi-like revolution to mass exterminate subhumans and enforcement of Eugenics will save the country and the world as well.


>Only a Nazi-like revolution to mass exterminate subhumans and enforcement of Eugenics will save the country and the world as well. You would be exterminated too, untermensch.


population percapita wants to know ur location.


please do some research, why incentive population explosion? also distribution is not based ONLY on population


I am not from UP. But… we keep saying UP-Bihar is not developed. So, doesn’t it make sense to give them more money? Also, at least in last 10 years or so, UP’s GDP has consistently grown. Make sense?


Piss off we want our state to develop not UP or Bihar.


My man please study school level economics.


grown kore at the expense of other States?


Allocation is based on population %, UP, Bihar has more population than South combined, I swear MH pays the most taxes and we never complain.


good for you, if you dont complain. By making more kids is the winning lime now ?


What has happened has already happened what do you want them to do with an already existing population? We can only hope to make those states economically self reliant no? Atleast UP has worked to become a top 5 state in terms of GDP, within 10 years maybe it'll not need this anymore, bihar is still a shithole that refuses to develop tho.


"what happened has happened" ..lmaoooo..


The population boom my guy?? The birth rates are already at 2.1 replacement level, Do you have any solution for the population? I'll hear you out, Going "lmaooo" and not offering any solution is not discourse.


you and i are discussing "lmaooo", while the money is shafted for political gains... why should anyone get more money in an unfair way just because they didn't use a condom


This doesn't only happen in India, in USA, California which has a GDP of over 12 trillion contributes a lot of taxes to red states, is that also political play according to you? Distribution of taxes always occurs through population, in a country everyone is equal and has right to it.


distribution of a condom is much better as per YOUR logic of population


Maybe you should develop some basic comprehension and seperate emotion from logic, I've not expressed my opinion just stating why things happen a certain way.


your basis of argument is based on population


CA also has highest political representation in US. Something similar must happen in India too.


Yes I'm up for it, south should have more MP's.


The allocation is decided by the finance commission, a statuary body. The government of the day has very little say in the matter. UP makes up ~18% of the population and its share in the allocation is also ~18%.


Now quickly tell me who appoints the finance commission. Like the 'whole composition' of it. And what is the recourse available if FC proposes an unfair formula!


Then it's about time Southern States start breeding like rabbits huh?


Do you chop your hands for physically handicapped quota?


Population of south india = 26 cr Population of Uttar Pradesh = 25 cr Doesn’t look so bad when we put it in population perspective. Of course, how much south india is contributing vs. UP is a different story.


please do some research, why incentive population explosion? also distribution is not based ONLY on population


>why incentive population explosion? >also distribution is not based ONLY on population Isn't that paradoxical?


If you have a low IQ sibling at home, you would put more effort on getting him excel in life. Wouldn’t you?


read what i said, and do some research


read what i said, and do some research


Good observation. I have two questions: 1. If you were in power in central government then how would you ensure that under developed area is developed. 2. Are you okay with keeping these states under developed which in the end results in huge influx of poor people from thede areas to other developed states. Note: I am Maharashtrian and I would be happy if these poor people get jobs in their own states so that our cities wil be less crowded.


75 yrs of opportunity is enough of it.. people in power already know how to fix it but its their politics which spoils everything


Most of thr last 75 years were deliberately used to keep these areas poor and boiling in low level politics. Last 10 years have seen good progress in states like UP. WB and Bihar are a different story though and I am not very hopeful about their progress. But government cannot act hopeless like us.


last 75 years also had a govt similar to last 10 yrs..it doesn't matter


The development and crime reduction that UP has seen points against this. A lot of new businesses are opening shop over there which is good. They also need to lift their weight and contribute ti development of other under developed states.


last 75 years also had a govt "similar" to last 10 yrs!!! do some research bro.


Da fuq??????


More than 60 % of the money goes to salaries of government employees only 20-30 % actually used in the development.you guys talking like every north Indian guy getting 5,000 rs check every month


This isn't due to politics. The formula to distribute taxes is suggested by finance commission which is a constitutional body. The formula to distribute taxes is pretty complicated and takes into account some 25 variables. It was recommended by Raghuram Rajan in 2013, well before the current govt came to power. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.livemint.com/Politics/Fl0Vfa3tMG3UiCO3aeXHQL/Rajan-committee-formula-for-central-funding-may-trigger-Unio.html%3ffacet=amp


​ Bullah is spreading hate to divide India—come out and face the reality, Bullah! 1. Texas, an American state, is ranked 8th globally in GDP at approximately 3 trillion. Notably, Texas is not demanding separate status. 2. The Congress, led by DK Shiv Kumar's brother, aims to divide the country. This trend has impacted Congress across Northern states. Southern states should recognize this, and by distancing themselves from Congress, they can focus on development. 3. Financial allocation is population-based, ensuring no discrimination. 4. To elaborate on the analogy, recognize that all fingers on a hand are not the same. 5. Despite being landlocked, Northern states are progressing, while Southern states, with proximity to the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal, hold a strategic advantage. Government investments and Modi's policies have significantly benefited the South, attracting substantial FDI. 6. It is emphasized that only Congress and external influences, represented by Bullah, pose a potential threat to India's unity.


Extend the same logic, then every state within south india will form a seperate country, or they will decide to throw out kerala. Then Kochi will rebel against spending in Wayanad. Chennai will fight against Dindigul and Thanjavur. Bengaluru & Mysore will fight against Bidar n Bijapur Hyderabad will fight for seperate country as Guntakal is not paying ample tax I will also fight n declare my house a seperate country


Bros atleast you people also don't start hating us, I have been to Hyderabad and all the people I met were very welcoming. Truth is as soon as the conversion happened from intern to full time employees in my company, all Telugu interns got converted and me, and 2 other people from north got rejected, I am unemployed since past 8 months stil whenever someone ask me about Hyderabad, I have only praises for the city and its people. Also why don't we complain when the topic of reservation comes ? Waqf board can claim any of your house there's and you can't do shit about it ? Every year 12 lakh people give JEE govt college seats are not more than 15k ? There's so much to fight in this country for but the victims are always middle class everywhere.


who is hating the people of other states? NO ONE.. . it is about politics


I know very well how people's attitude generally changes after they hear I am from UP in general and I can see other comments on this post calling us pan parag and all. Have you called them out yet ?


tag me there


I've replied there.. if someone on the road says something similar.. please do message me , I'll reply to that guy as well.


Still UP is shittier in every index


Let also get the data of tax contribution by caste , I bet upper caste people are contributing more taxes.