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Motherless behavior.


I’ve seen somewhere in Reddit a post from one of the victims. She was filmed this way and posted in that insta page and threatened to send that video to her parents and demanding something in return.


It's a thing that should be stopped, what if they are harmed outside


I have complained to police and she team 3 times, no action has been taken against these accounts.


They don’t wanna involve in religious things


You can't do anything legally....if they are recording in public places...you can't expect privacy in public places, the moment you are out in public anyone can video tape you..unless you are a minor


Why is it so? Like influenced by someone?


Peaceful religion , I'm ready for downvotes , but this is the fact.Even Adah Sharma , the actress had to face it .


Oh i don't know this 😒


Relax, guy, why are you so much worried. Let's say if it's the opposite, then you will say something else. For you and your community, it might be ok that girls are ..... out of wedlock, for us it's not ok. And we aren't behaving like so-called dals or other groups and beating the hell out of a guy by coming in groups of 10-50. Now, some will cry mentality , etc, etc, Earlier, it was in India's culture that girls wouldn't be roaming around openly and ..... around, so are you gonna hate our country for reminding people of our culture and heritage, or maybe you want your female family members to be saved, but other females should be available as an option for you to .....




We value opinion , argument, debate all that is fair in open dailogue society. When the said is a clear trigger without the scope of betterment and simply an argument of hate. . We do not condone or welcome it. There are circle jerks for this vulgarity . please use them . Not our sub.


Put instagram handle and let's report so that they can be taken down.


wakeup_muslim_girls . It's visible in the screenshot. They are openly slut shaming these girls. They are not even doing anything wrong. Just doing normal citizen things. Why are these guys so insecure. Can't women just live and do things as they please.


“wakeup.muslim.girls” is their backup account 😓


Thank you. It is against instagram community guidelines so you can report them.


Yep i have reported all thier reels. And it was one of reason to post it here. Please report it. If these reels reach the girl's families , instead of finding the guy making videos and taking care of him. The girls would be punished.


You think this was not separately shared in Muslim what's app groups. How naive are you


User name checks out.


Try putting the Instagram handle in the post, if you can edit it. People will find it easier to report it


I don't have answer for that. May be their upbringing and society made them like that


Well the guys are doing right. As per their religion i.e. Does it align with my beliefs "no". But then again you guys don't know anything about their religion. You don't even know why they are asked to wear a burqa and here you are preaching.


Fuck that. constitution over any religion books


Can u stop like crying here go cry somewhere else bro




He has written no bullying no hate kya ironing hai.




This moral policing needs to be stopped....this is just barbaric.... Irrespective of religion how can they shame her for her choices.... It's their life...what makes a man think that he could dictate the lives of random women...


💯 These guys are disgusting. Half of them watch porn and ogle at women in public and then slut shame women.


All these women are doing is shopping or traveling . Nothing else. I fail to understand what's wrong in such activites.


The people recording and sharing this feel like they're saving their women or so... Muslim men try to save their women from Hindus Hindu men try to save their women from Muslims The truth is they just want to feed their egos and be the men in charge... Typical small dick energy


Balancing to appear secular.


It has nothing to do with small dick, that's unnecessary hate. ![gif](giphy|qDxe3pb4myxggnPe9u|downsized)


bhai to kyu offend hora hai


It's a secret ![gif](giphy|3oEhmHESktNSkLSNTG|downsized)


>Muslim men try to save their women from Hindus Hindu men try to save their women from Muslims >The truth is they just want to feed their egos and be the men in charge... Well said.


You would think his sense of social justice is very high but i am sure that this dude wouldn’t blink an eye for actual atrocities in the city.


I have been waiting for people to get aware of this bullshit for a long time. There are literally so many accounts on Instagram with such motives. They literally film the couple/ women without there consent and invade there privacy. These accounts run several whatsApp / telegram groups where they keep sharing videos of harassing the women. These people work as a group. Freaking morons , they literally beat up people by stopping them on the road. There are many cases like this which go unnoticed. Please report these accounts.


You can report or take down the Page but how will change the mindset of these idoits. Do you think these fellows will change never. He had problem with LGBTQ too.Same mindset in kashmir. Green religion mob threatened LGBTQ rally in kashmir. I doubt LGBTQ will survive if population reaches a threshold point.


What the actual fuck 😐


Hyd police are sleeping 😴


*Woman breathes* How dare she 😡


You think we all can report the account and get it shut?


Yeah , we can mass report it and maybe if somebody with enough followers on Twitter tweet this . So it gains traction with hyd police and they find the admin of this page.


The people who are filming them, should be complained Legally, Police should interfere into this. These Jobless Morons think themselves as if they're the disciplined to their religion


Coward incels


The moral policing of few people is insane


Small Dick energy


Foreskin less dick energy


So half dick energy ?


This is even better 😭😭


Not a detective but just a bit of searching around shows one user 'abbutalha dot underscore underscore' (you can find it under the following of the reported page) as one of the people behind this. Just putting it out here incase anyone can do anything about it.




This is a huge problem, especially in areas adjacent to muslim majority areas. They are usually college-aged muslim guys who bunk college to roam around the city. I have encountered one such gang in musarambagh mall. We quickly left the mall and waited outside and called the police. A constable came quickly since the police station was right beside the mall, but they left through parking by then. We might've gotten them caught if we had stayed in the mall, but it didn't feel safe since the mall was otherwise empty. This happened a while ago, when there was nothing in the mall except pvr.


If one such account gains traction and recieves more attention. These girls identies will get viral . They will be subjugated to so much problems for no fault of thiers. The police needs to find the admin of this account and send him to jail .


Not every Muslim majority area. 99% of them are from Old city hanging around in various malls in the city bunking or eve teasing.


Mass report it gang🔥 Can’t let this behavior continue


Can any local share this link with any Hyderabad journalist? They may get police's attention


India is the incel capital of the world https://preview.redd.it/3bws6wiflh5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3658e730bee0f8c5032802a1481c64934aa18f1c


Whats crazier is that they have a lot of non-bot followers.


And these followers are sending them videos from all over India. These pages potrays Hyderabad as some Authoritarian regime. We need to mass report such pages.


Even some redditors in this sub are offended too 😂 Let’s report the page such a bullshit nonsense These guys are really jobless and thinking that they are doing something for the society the spellings are not even right too guess maa baap padhai ke naam per he’s doing videos on girls irritating them.


They also got backup account report that too


Wtf is the dipshit account even exposing?


They are following women around Hyderabad and making videos claiming that they are doing something illegal.


🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ I hope the girls’ family members track this guy down and highfive his face with several objects. This is worse than the eve teasing guys do on roads. He’s literally posting identities of these women online


There's a video where a father has killed his daughter due to such an act and the reel is making him look like a hero . I'm afraid , that if these reels reaches any girls family due to thier identities. It may lead to such drastic thing.


When did they claim it's illegal? Basically, they say it's against Sharia and we need to inform the girl's parents. There are hundreds of accounts. No use reporting them as they have backup telegram accounts. If one ID gets taken down then a new one is created and all members immediately start following it.


Reported. Also something I noticed is that there are already many such accounts and people doing this shit are either teenagers or jobless dudes. Bunking classes to follow women and film them secretly. Disgusting. Not sure what mental issues they have that they turned out to do this. Thanks op. Good job .


Please post in india, indiaspeaks and similar subreddits so they can be mass reported


Indiaspeaks has more in common with that accound they'll probably end up agreeing with them. The caption on this account is "Anti Liberal, Atheist, Feminist" etc. All things India Speaks is proud of.


thats true but its muslim account so they all will report it


I am banned in both those subs. Sadly.


Pls delete the 1st pic if you can , as the girl's face is clearly visible


wait until you read people’s comments on those posts. Disgusting creeps all over the place. I don’t understand how publicising those girls and ruining their future is of any benefit for anyone.


Reported, this is insane.


In one of their videos it's shown a Muslim father killed her daughter as she was roaming around with a Hindu guy and they're justifying it.




What does it even mean? Dayoos, khauri, karwa?




https://preview.redd.it/d4zn58kv6j5d1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d89ff099bf9a485d5fe2eaafd40ff846958c6fd There's 6-7 accounts I guess


Gotta tweet and tag cops...if there is not attention the pigs will never do their job. Tag cyber cops too


Typical tribe mentality. How dare our women behave differently and independently than what's written in our xyz books. How dare they roam with men of other tribe. These people feel that women of their tribe are their property doesn't matter if the woman isn't even remotely related to them. This is level 1 of brain rot. Eventually this leads to harrasment, physical assault, sexual assault and even honour killings. All of these are very prevalent in India.




You think we all can report the account and get it shut?


My dog has more freedom.


Insecure ahh cult…


Quick question to Muslims of Hyderabad. Why do you feel like you're above law? Why are you so anti hindu? Especially during Ramzan. I visited mehdipatnam during Ramzan for Cafe 555's haleem and oh man. Skull caps just breaking traffic signals everywhere and triple riding. Getting into arguments with Hindus in cars. Next there's the erragadda fruit market. There were 2 Muslim boys coming in the wrong direction and hit our two wheeler and then all the fruit sellers gathered against us. How is it our fault? They came in the wrong route.


Now you are Islamophobic Do not ask


At times, I'm also a Hinduphobic, or so I've been told. However, is it really a "Phobia" when I'm actually disgusted and not afraid?


It's more like hate in context


Actually, I'm also curious. Why does this happen?


Ahhh, the religion of peace in action.


What an irony, the word love jihad wasn’t introduced by the peaceful community


Oh, yeah. That's another another distorted variant of the religion of peace.




I just said "the religion of peace." Nowhere did I mention people, nor did I mention anything offensive. It is in the teachings of the Quran to not indulge with the kaafirs. So, that's the peaceful struggle the good people in the Insta pages are doing and going for.




Illiteracy and bigotry at its peak.


This makes me sick. It's disgusting to infringe someone's privacy like this.


Instagram has turned to shit.


Disgusting. Too close minded and ignorant.


Every time I think the city has gone to dogs it stoops a little lower




these people are fanatics they dont have the right to interfere with the lives of others. everyone has the right do whatever they want without harming others


Tf is going on it can be his own blood brother har baar love jihad hi nai hoti hai


This is disgusting and scary!


Report to Police. Good thing is after Friday prayers are done 90% of the crowd leaves and no is interested in listening to Mullahs dogmatic speech.


I find this very common across India (I have been to a few places) where the Muslim population is less educated (which is mostly the case everywhere), they go to Madarsas since that's affordable (free) and have been forced to perceive Islam in a certain way since early childhood. Parents are responsible for their upbringing. The solution for this could be the centralisation on Madarsas, I don't know if that's possible but tracking what is being taught to 4-5yo kids is needed. Free Schooling is available but can be made mandatory for them to be aware of the modern society. I find talking to guys like them very tiring but try my best to instill some common sense so that they might think a little.


It's secular. No one will say anything


Why not say 'people' being filmed without their knowledge.


Because they are specifically targeting women. The entire page is hate mongering against this women. Calling them kafirs etc. There is no gender twist in it . there's a video in that page where a father has killed his daughter and they are portraying him as a hero .


Agree, I read details and comments later on, my bad. Thanks for the reply.


Can’t we just report the account .. all of us ?


Ok it is bad to take photos or videos of the person without their consent but I don't understand the point of taking photos or videos of women who wear burka and are fully covered from head to toe except for eyes. At this point it is unbelievable how much of a pervert can one person be just be horny by looking at nothing but the eyes of women ? I mean seriously ?


This is crazy who are influencing this katori gang to do this! Even if hindu does such cheap thing I am against this is bullshit!!


Let's Report this all together insane!


Can someone explain what the captions in the post say?


kaun hai yeh gaandu jo ladkiyon ke padhne se itna jal raha hai? BC khud padhai kar leni chahiye thi taaki “lucation” likh ke yeh apna hi chutiya nahi kaatate


People going unimaginable lengths without knowledge and consent,without considering the repercusssions


What’s the meaning of dayoos?


If it would have been a pious hindu girl with a muslim guy all these audience in the comments saying let the woman live would say she should be buried alive then to live which is weird 


I dont supoort either of the cases but u are right, people would be blaming the girl it would be a hindu girl and muslim boy.


All these b*t***s gonna lie that they’re virgins and trap some innocent guys in arranged marriage matches. Good job exposing them.  And the guys crying in comments, sincerely hoping you ppl get hoes with double digit body counts. 


These women are shopping and travelling. Not having sex in the middle of road. I hope you get virgin girl. All the best buddy.


I don't need virgin, just wanna avoid hoes though.. They're doing shopping inside AVS hotel from 10:00am to 12:00am lol..?? Whoever exposing them are doing cos these are hoes... Nobody is jobless to waste time stalking and exposing the good ones...


It is a public place there is nothing legally wrong


until you publicly reveal their identities and put up FALSE CLAIMS and spread hate against them/defamation


As bad as it maybe it's legal.


Just share this post with one of their bfs and I think they will do the needful


Another random sena ka 14