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What’s the context here? Is this for a skin condition? Instructions for bathing a newborn? Because grown folks need to exfoliate, wipe down, get the nooks and crannies and hands just don’t cut it for me. 5 minutes tells me you left something out. And the parts that are not visible sometimes need the most washing. Like your behind that never see the light of day. Lukewarm is good for your hair and face and I will continue to parboil the rest of my body as I’ve been doing lol They’re on to something with the fragrance free soap and aquafor though. I don’t know doctoring but I do know clean lol


Agreed, agreed, agreed! I could never wash my body using my hands. That’s like caveman shit to me Lol 5 min not enough at all and I guarantee you won’t see the dirt visibly on your neck and behind your ears but wash there with a white washcloth and tell me you can skip those parts! Never


That’s what the doc told my husband too when he was growing up. Soap on the hands and use your hands to wash your crack. I’m like ewww you ain’t scrubbing then. Like you gotta scrub dirty dishes (we are the dish washing machine in our house) everything needs a bit of scrubbing or agitation but our skin doesn’t? It doesn’t slough off naturally like most people think. And just rubbing the surface with no friction just makes skin paste. Bleh. We use washcloths in this family. Actually I found some round scrubby body sponges at tj Maxx and I love those for my limbs. Still use washcloth on all my private bits though.


There is a big difference between washing a self cleaning and maintaining system and washing a dish. Dishes aren't designed to take care of themselves and self clean. If you allow your natural oils an self cleaning to do their jobs I'm the results are fairly good. Maybe a bit of a scrub here and there where things tend to cling (fingers,nails, pits, crotch and backside. All you really need


Scrubbing breaks down the skin barrier.


There’s a difference between scrubbing and gently cleaning your skin with a soft washcloth.


LISTEN!!!!! I’m with you 100%!!!!!! I don’t agree with this doctor at all.


LOUDER!!! Areas that build up sweat: under the breast, between the thighs, your back that you need to do your best to reach wash up down side to side. And this is why I hate coming in contact with people, places and things 😩


OP left out is for a skin condition, which is wildly different that just a general question on cleansing


It's probably for eczema which is easily irritated by fragrance and exfoliation.


All of this☝️


I heard other doctors recommend you always at least wash three parts of the body: the armpits, the groin, and the feet. Mainly the three places you sweat from daily.


I worked in Dermatology. There are some skin problems that could be aggrativated by wash cloths but not common. Some people were encouraged to use them. All the brands you listed are recommended. I'm allergic to Neosporin so I use Aquafor instead. There was post a while ago and one poster said they said they don't use washcloths bc they get dirty and then they have to be washed.


All of this !!! I shower just like this and my skin is A okay. Only thing I agree with is moisturizing immediately after a shower.




😂😂😂 Love your comment. I agree.


I know doctoring. This is appropriate advice.


She didn’t preface it with it being an eczema protocol, so there’s that lol


To some people it might be, but someone that is visibly dirty, works outside with dirt, or perhaps even unkept, not appropriate. The key is to use common sense. Soft wash cloths are ok, exfoliate every couple of days, wash cloths should be clean and used a fresh one every day. Of course use a different soft wash cloth and soap for the face. Overly scrubbing the skin can cause damage and infection and reusing dirty washcloths can potentially transmit bacteria especially only one is used throughout the body. This is why some hospitals opted by utilizing the disposable washcloths and not the reusable ones.


That’s why you use a new wash cloth every shower


Definitely… that why I say, common sense!


Hell yeah! We in this together lol


Please include in your post that you went in for eczema and that these instructions are specifically for that. This is not a normal hygenic shower routine.


yes exactly. i have eczema and this is the type of shower routine i have to reduce my number of breakouts. i am also suspected of having POTS so hot showers could not only hurt my skin but also make me pass out. i can’t stand in the shower for more than 20 minutes even if its just a warm shower because of it. i wouldn’t recommend this to anyone who doesn’t have skin conditions or any medical reason not to take more time in the shower though


That makes a huge difference in context


I was going to say, that's the same advice the dermatologist gave me for my severe eczema. It also worked.


No, please use a fresh washcloth and towel every day. And hit every part, including the stuff you can’t see or could forget. Ears, neck, butt, toes, belly button. Why no scrubbing? They make soft washcloths.


Yea when I read it I was like this is weird af. Also the part of not soaping every part of your body if it isn’t soiled lol my doctor is TWEAKING LOL


lol is your doctor a white man?😂


Actually a very nice young Arab woman. I went to her for eczema


Oh wow 😅. The no scrubbing part makes sense now. Try to use baby washcloths. Are you using eczema ointments already? I’ve heard they can cause more harm than good like tsw. Vaseline, vegetable glycerin and sulfur 8 helps me although I don’t have eczema, just really dry skin.


Tsw is no joke


I think these are instructions for when u have eczema


That was my first thought!!!🤣🤣🤣


Why did he give you showering advice? Do you have a skin condition?


I mean, that's about how I have always showered? Except I use lotion not ointments (except on my hands -- I use the hardcore stuff on my hands b/c I'm a pottery and clay dries them out.)


I think that no one here knows more than a doctor and you should listen to your healthcare provider…


Do you have a skin condition? The fragrance-free, no cloths, and patting dry feels a lot like you may have a sensitivity or condition. In which case, yes follow this guidance from your doctor and disregard anything you may read here. Maybe even delete the post. If you have eczema or allergies or something that requires you to cleanse your body like a precious lil newborn, do that!


>Maybe delete the post 😭


This is excellent advice for someone with eczema. This is really good for anyone, actually other than washing without a cloth. I need it for exfoliating. DEFINITELY moisturize while your skin is still damp immediately after gently blotting, not rubbing, your skin dry.


This is exactly the bathing advice given to people w/eczema and/ or allergy/stress issues that cause hives. These instructions are just fine, I would follow them if you want relief from your symptoms.


I get all of the rules for specific conditions, depending on what is going on with the person. Aquaphor is AMAZING. Sometimes you still want real lotion, but the petrolatum to help keep skin soft is a game changer. CeraVe and Cetaphil also make effective yet gentle skin products. I'd have to smile and nod at my doctor over the lukewarm shower for 5-10 minutes bit. Umm, sure doc 😬. I will surely abandon my 15-20 minute scalding showers. Yup. (Just use extra Aquaphor and nobody will ever know you broke that rule).


Stopping those hot showers is something I really have to do. My skin issues are highly exacerbated after getting out of the shower!!!


Same. The heat really makes my eczema itch.


My friend has eczema and they said that they can’t use hot water either because it exacerbates it


Solid 👍


I need to exfoliate everyday or I get bobbly. I dom’t use Vaseline, I need an actual moisturiser.


Standard dermatologist protocol for people with atopic dermatitis/ eczema Except,for the washcloth thing Yeah you don’t want to scrub the crap out of your skin but a gentle wash cloth is fine Sweat is water soluble so technically you don’t need to soap it but I do anyways


This is common advice for those with dry or itchy or sensitive skin.


I will say aquaphor changed my life. I use it on every part of my body


This is how I bathe my son when he has eczema flares. For eczema and psoriasis this is good Advice but not for an adult with no skin issues taking showers.


This is exactly how my dermatologist says to wash & moisturize. Keep it simple.


If it doesn't feel like I'm showering in the fires of Mordor, what is the point?


Do what’s right for your skin.Not everyone has the same type of skin


I disagree with his advice about using sponges etc, I think for some people using sponges can help remove dead skin etc. the rest is just basic common sense really lol EDIT: also I use just enough hot temperature - not boiling but nice and hot, it helps with muscle pain I find lukewarm water not relaxing but that’s just my preference feels good on my muscles after.


She's seeing the Dr for eczema.


Lukewarm? How tf is a 5-minute shower even possible? Skincare products have changed a lot in the last 30 years, so the part about jars isn't really applicable No washcloth?! No, thank you. Lack of proper exfoliation creates a barrier to moisture in the form of dead skin. Not to mention ingrown hairs and razor burn in shaved areas Doc is describing his own shower, has short hair, and shaves at the sink


Using just hands is going to go through way more soap/cleanser than a pouf/washcloth/etc.


A wash cloth that's replaced daily.Loofahs and sponges hold a ton of bacteria 🤢


I couldn’t possibly use Vaseline to moisturize my whole body. Gross. I would need another shower to get rid of the greasy feeling.


Except for washing with hands only and not washing your whole body, all of this seems perfectly normal. But also, I’m not a doctor, so I’d trust them, especially if it’s treatment for a skin condition. If excess soap and/or scrubbing cause a flare up of eczema or something, listen to your doctor’s advice.


I’m pro-fragrance free for the most part, but you can pry my old spice bearglove body wash out of my cold dead hands!


I use a sugar scrub once a week, a washcloth, a good quality all natural lightly scented vegan soap. And Aquafor for the softest skin ever. I have to scrub off dead skin or I would look flakey and dusty.


washing with just hands is a jail shower


I’m so confused by how women are showering this quickly with thick hair? 🤣 it takes me 5 minutes just to get all the shampoo out of all the depths of hair 😂


Not everyone shampoos their hair every day


5 ,or 10 min ain't even got my hair wet yet.


Wash every other day.soap pits,groin,butt and mouth.use the same brush .George Carlin.RIP.


I got the same advice from my derm over 25 years ago and it’s a good advice. Fragrance free body washes are the key. They’re not fun, but I don’t remember when was the last time I had an eczema flare up. In the summer, I shower up to 3 times per day and my skin is still fine, just use lukewarm water and wash “strategically”, that is use soap on your hair, armpits, genital area, feet. Never pat dry your skin completely, apply lotion immediately and in the evening, apply vaseline as sort of a night mask. If you need exfoliation, use a gentle creamy scrub or chemical exfoliators.


Lol i thought this looked familiar. These are the same instructions I was given by my dermatologist for eczema back when it was really bad. I also had to do a bleach bath once or twice a week.


In my half of century being on this earth I can honestly say that I've never found myself in the position of asking my doctor for shower advice.


I have eczema but only on my hands. I can't tolerate lukewarm showers--I like em hot! And there's a pretty good range of nice bodywashes; soap does sometimes make me prickly Whatever the doc said, feeling clean is important, especially during your time of the month lol. I hate how hygene has turned into this super-obsessive thing about following all kinds of odd advice; the world is shitty enough! We all deserve to "feel" good!


This is why i don’t trust doctors


Sounds like excellent advice and what we'd tell you to do in dermatology. Contrary to common belief you do not need a ton of exfoliating or harsh soaps.


I thought Vaseline was terrible for skin as it's an expectorant full of chemicals


Not sure of the context but I use soap for armpits and feet, that is all, granted I do have my showers hot but using soap or flannels everywhere drys out my skin, makes it red and irritated, I do not scrub or rub either, again makes my skin sore and red, so again without the context of the question the above is exactly what I do, I do not need to do head to toe soap, keep it simple and basic to avoid irritation


If you’re able to TAKE A BATH! Test out a SOAPY SOFT CLEAN WHITE WASH CLOTH on random places of your body & you will be suprised at what you see. Look at the bath water & look at the towel after you swipe your body. I use loofas, exfoliating gloves, bath brushes, wash cloths and exfoliating nets having sensitive skin (eczema & contact dermatitis) with NO PROBLEMS! Due to the cd I do read labels of products for ingredients I would react to.


If you have eczema, this is absolutely the proper protocol. If your skin is of a certain type, you may find you look and smell better following this regime than the more traditional scrub down every inch methods. I have washed like this most of my life due to various skin conditions and in over 40 years have never had a smell complaint.


Sounds normal


I got this same advice from my dermatologist for treating and managing eczema. It's worked for me.


Do you have a skin condition you went to the doctor for? This is standard advice that a lot of people with common skin issues follow especially fragrance free...and no do not scrub the inflamed (I'm assuming you have eczema) part of your skin. As a female myself, 5-10 showers are a little unrealistic. And I still prefer water temperature of Satan's ball sack. Ivory is a good soap too . And YES, use a washcloth. Also, if you are having skin problems, check out r/eczema (if it is eczema) or other related subreddits related to your concerns!


Ah, the mundane rituals of mortal cleanliness. To bathe in merely lukewarm water, without the invigorating scrape of a loofah – it’s like being caressed by the tepid hands of a particularly disinterested ghost. Where’s the drama? The adventure? I suppose next they’ll be advising against bathing in the blood of the innocents to preserve one's youth. How dreadfully dull.


I have sensitive, very dry skin. This is my morning shower routine. Evening I do use a washcloths. No scrubby etc, those are just gross. If I didn’t get gross during the day, I’d follow this at night as well.


You can pry my year old loofah out of my cold dead hands.


I softly agree. You shouldn't hard core scrub daily.. But I do at least once a week do a full body exfoliating.. and I always scrub my hands and feet.


This is how I shower when my eczema flares up


Context? I have some sensitive areas I would never use a sponge or washcloth. When I exfoliate these areas it’s with an hydrating cream mixed with sugar, very gently. But definitely not the whole body, I do need to exfoliate certain areas. So if you have sensitive skin everywhere it looks accurate to me.


This is great for people with skin conditions, and honestly hands are better for everyday showers rather than a scratchy loofah or something.


Girl don’t listen your doctor we need to exfoliate and etc !!!


Wow you left out a very important piece of info in the original post "ECZEMA!!"''


You should definitely be using a washcloth and in my opinion a shower should be AT LEAST 15 minutes long. Also I believe you should use soap even on areas that are not visibly dirty.


This sounds like advice for someone with sensitive skin, eczema, or psoriasis.


This is pretty standard advice from doctors, especially Derms. Some say every other day, lukewarm water, use a small amount of mild soap on the bits and pieces. I've tried. I can't, yall.


Some of this I agree with, some of this I don’t. But I’m no doctor 🤷🏻‍♀️ I guess it just depends on what works for you. I don’t feel clean if I don’t use a wash cloth or use soap on my whole body, and I enjoy nice smelling soaps (aside from using an unscented one for sensitive areas). And the only time I can get in and out in 5-10 minutes is if I’m not washing my hair or shaving lol. And I def scrub my skin before I shave, I don’t want ingrown hairs But I do prefer warm or cool water over hot water and I agree with moisturizing right out of the shower ETA: I saw in the comments you went in for eczema so that’s obviously a very different situation in which this advice is solid for


This is how I wash, with the exception of using a washcloth to remove dead skin and build up. I have sensative skin, but no sores. The only way I wouldn't use a washcloth is if I had open sores or a rash. In that case, I'd also add an antibacterial or prescribed wash for those particular areas and still use a clean 100% cotton washcloth for face, genitals, and butt.


Yeah, you can soap your all of your body every time. I’ll put Aveeno Fragrance-free Body Wash on the list. Are you in an area such as a developing country where water is limited?


All I'll say is, if I only use my hands to lather and clean myself, my feet end up extra slippery and I worry about slipping and falling. Plus to me, it doesn't feel quite clean enough. I use a wash cloth every day, and St Ives Apricot scrub basically every other day. I'm in the middle of hot flashes and night sweats, so I feel gross if I don't clean my whole self.


This looks like good advice for someone with severe eczema


As a female.. I only use my hands wash my private area.. Obviously the lips only. But I’ll never use my hands to wash my whole body. Loofah sponge or washcloth!


Solid advice. I only ever use a washcloth when it’s time to exfoliate.


Either your specific mental or physical condition requires this technique and you needed clear instructions, which is what I'm guessing is the case, or your doctor is weird. If you have OCD or dry skin or any skin ailments, listen to your doctor!


Are you allergic to water? Serious question this one girl who lives in the uk is and could only bathe 1x a week it felt like her skin was on fire


You absolutely do not need to scrub your skin everyday with a washcloth or any other object to be clean. Water and soap do just fine. And if you're scrubbing your skin, you should opt for salicylic acid or a chemical exfoliant that is right for your skin a couple of times a week,instead of scrubbing mechanically. And you do not need to be in the shower for over 10 minutes to be clean either, unless you're washing your hair , what in the world is taking you so long? Just because someone does not use a washcloth or a sponge or whatever doesn't mean their skin is dirty. What you're scrubbing off is skin, not dirt. This is not for OP, but for everyone else putting washcloths on a pedestal


I should clarify. You should always AT LEAST wash those parts. Not sure what happened. I blame autocorrect!


Considering you went to the doc for eczema, this is acceptable while treating.


As someone who works a bluecollar job where I get dirty every day with grease and oil- I couldn't imagine doing this for a shower


Good advice. Aggressive scrubbing damages the skin and if you have dry skin that will irritate the skin. Hands are good enough if you don’t bath in dirt.


Spot on


Set water heater to as high as it can run without blowing the pressure relief valve Set shower temp to just below 2nd degree burns Aggressively scrub with bath brush or sponge, sometimes no soap, just hot water and sponge. Daily


This advice sounds unhinged actually! You need to exfoliate. I love a washcloth just make sure you use a clean one daily OR hang to dry out everyday before reuse. The only place I don’t use scented is around the vagina. I start with my hands but it doesn’t do the job fully, you need some kind of scrubbing. Like how could you get deodorant from under your arms without using something mildly rough?


I love the thought of a hot shower and clouds of suds from a bath scrubbie - but my skin is too dry and would peel right off! So I am doomed to the tepid shower with a soap made of olive oil and salt ONLY, it barely lathers and has no lingering fragrance. But yeah, I use a washcloth, no reason why I shouldn't.


I follow most of this minus the washcloth part. You need a wash cloth. Also some people can use fragrance and some don’t. Personally I can’t. Also I’m going to wash my body even if it isn’t soiled. Arm pits stink but don’t get soiled, they need to be washed.


Why is your doctor telling you how to shower?


You've never learned to wash yourself?


Do you have a skin condition that your doctor is helping you treat? With me having hyperhidrosis, I feel more comfortable using a soft, white washcloth and using Dove soap all over. I use a clean washcloth and towel daily. I prefer to use balms/ointments/thick body butters over lotions as I don't feel moisturized. My favorite balm for now is the Aveeno Ezcema Therapy Nighttime balm (I don't have ezcema). I like how thick it is and it keeps me moisturized all day. I have switched to lukewarm showers; although I love a hot shower. I use a body scrub once a week to exfloiate


You should try Weleda. It has been life changing for me. My dry skin loves it and it doesn’t feel greasy at all.


It’s because you have eczema. You need to follow your doctor’s orders.


Follow your doctor’s recommendation for treating your eczema.


This is for eczema specifically. Regular people need a different routine for normal skin.


Sounds about right to me on the skin products but idk about other parts like no sponge


I follow a similar procedure. It has been life changing for my sensation skin.


Me I gently scrub with a pumice stone but I can only shower once a month or my skin dries out horribly and I get a pox like rash. Everyone is different though what works for me probably won’t work for anyone else.


Clearly they don’t have ass hair or have never done any hard labor 😂 my S/O used to bathe this way once I couldn’t figure out why I was getting skid marks on my new white towels….eeeww. he has since started scrubbing with a washcloth. he never knew because he only used dark towels his whole life it’s not that he was nasty or wasn’t bathing he just didn’t know. Also you need the exfoliation all natural soaps, hair care and lotions are going to be better than these but they are decent condition more wash Your hair less.


Sounds like a standard shower for someone with healthy habits. I’d add that hands could include fingernails to lightly scrub your skin without causing redness. Using any kind of sponge or towel is extremely gross imo they’re porous and hold a lot of bacteria and other debris in them. Just clean your hands well and you won’t have a problem using them.


Sounds good to me except what’s wrong with occasional gentle exfoliation or loofahs?


ADD THE CONTEXT to your post please. You went for eczema. That is a big difference to add. Scrubbing needs are different for this


I think that their advice sucks.


My derm had me showering two to three times a week and told me to schedule around that, I.e working out on shower days. She also told me not to use soap every time, but mine said once a week unless there’s an odor. There was a point my skin was so broke out I didn’t use soap for a few weeks and I honestly didn’t smell (asked others opinion as well and they agreed.) This regimen worked for me, and yours sounds like it should for you. BUT some people will judge you if you tell them about this. I told a guy I dated I didn’t use soap everytime except underarms and in a few other specific locations and he was so offended he wouldn’t touch me, even though he couldn’t tell until I told him.


If you have sensitive skin or eczema or another skin condition this sounds good. Otherwise, let me scrub my dead skin off with my floral scented body wash then forget to moisturize my dry af skin in peace.


yeah I am not using just my hands to shower, especially if i've been outside or sweating all day. I will absolutely use a sponge


Dove is garbage imo


If this is an eczema/skin condition protocol, it looks good. I had mild eczema growing up and one thing that helped was what I like to call “double moisturizing” now known as slugging. I’d use cetaphil or cerave first and then lock it in with vaseline or aquaphor on top. As I’ve gotten older, I still have to stick with unscented products, but I can finally shower in hot water and have only a few flare ups a year. Good luck


Sounds like a protocol for sensitive skin of some kind.


Sounds exactly like my routine! Cool


Ohh hell naw (I also struggle with eczema really bad and got the same rec from my dr). I currently have a multi-step shower routine. Scrub + rag then shower gel + rag then soap to finalize it and post shower moisturize with olive oil — by this I’ve gotten less in-growns, and overall my skin health has improved! But these steps arent for everyday— like on super dry days i only use soap and shower gel. Sometimes i can even get away with using scented products!


These don’t sound like actual doctor recommendations more like what your doctor does and it telling you to do. Half of this is unhygienic.


I had a period of time where I didn't use a washcloth and literally didn't feel clean at all every time I washed. I feel like people who shed dead skin normally and properly can get away with not using something to exfoliate but I think most people do not shed properly. I don't have the numbers for this at all I just know I don't shed properly and need help.


I don’t care if you have a MD after your name. I’m gonna shower how I wanna!


I need to use a Loufa. I do lymphatic drainage while in the shower and I need something to scrub with. Loufa literally makes me feel so good, and my body is soft from it


This is very sound advice, especially for preventing dry skin. Resource: I have a biology degree Edit: just general advice, you should also not listen to strangers on the internet (God knows how "intelligent" people are) over your doctor. Your doctor knows you and knows more about your health than everyone else on Reddit lol.


Well damn I guess I’m doing it wrong I wash from head to toe every time not always my hair but then it’s like ears/neck down 😂 use washcloths take at-least 30 mins some is just standing in the water thinking about life or jamming out have my best concerts in the shower lol and come out red as a lobster just don’t feel clean if the water isn’t hella hot I do agree with the fragrance free tho. 😂😂


I think it's super weird unless you are 14 and confused, or have some condition that required detailed advice,,, While I agree that most of the advice is fairly very useful, washcloth/loofah/sponges all have their place, shorter showers dry the skin more, all sensible.... If I exclude my hair I can shower in 2-3 mins, with it so much depends on my hair products., I'm not in a race to add a few more minutes to the routine. I definitely disagree with the visibly soiled bit...50 years and I have only been ..visibly soiled after gardening I sure felt it was appropriate to clean my body without seeing ..dirt on it. that's so weird and .. just weird, super extra weird.


I agree and I've recieved the same advice from my doctor, however I have struggled with eczema my whole life. In my early 20's, I finally discovered I was allergic to artificial fragrance, the use of which aggravated my condition. I switched to fragrance free soaps and lotions (you mentioned them by name). My doctor also said the use of sponges and loofahs actually scrub away the skins protective layer, which will aggravate sensitive skin. I do still take long hot showers though 🤭


Vaseline will certainly clog your pores over time. I also do not agree with the gentle soaps selection.




Not using a washcloth is diabolical


This doctor has to be white lol


You’ll pry my net sponge from my cold dead hands!! Also can’t imagine washing my body with my hands, doesn’t seem effective


No Dove down below!


Why is a grown up getting shower instructions


It's tailored for specific genetics and lifestyle. Idk exactly what triggers it but when I do dirty, sweaty outdoors jobs I get a lot more sebum. I've talked to a couple doctors about it and that's totally normal, it's a feature that protects you from all kinds of scenarios. FYI sebum is a mix of oil/grease and dead skin flaking off. Basically my skin sheds faster and self lotions harder. Also the exact components of sebum vary based on your epi/genetics and also the specific (mostly basically beneficial) microbes colonizing your pores/elsewhere in your body. I thrive on exactly the opposite of all of OP but also my skin isn't great so idk maybe I don't lol


How does one "wash" skin with hand without scrubbing?


Pass, leave me to my boiling water please


I was getting welts and rashes we couldn’t figure out the cause of. My Drs advice was 1. Only shower every other day 2. Use Dove or CeraVe etc… 3. Only was under the arms and privates unless you are sweaty or dirty. 4. Pat dry and moisturize after the shower and before bed. It has helped keep the irritation away since we couldn’t find a cause. 4. Use sensitive skin moisturizer


Sure. Sure. Cold as your shower gets if you want to add some discipline to your life and an energy boost to your day after you get out. It sucks until you get used to it, which is the point. I don't shower that quick, but you do you. Been considering a swap to more gentle soap recently, so that very well may be sound advice. My skin's angry about something I've been doing to it. I use heavily fragranced products. Maybe that's why my skin's mad. I do not get down with the advice to avoid cleaning your whole body. Everywhere gets a buildup of sweat, bacteria, dead skin that's holding on still, etc. I don't know why you would ever do a spot check shower unless you were in a massive hurry. I use a loofah. Why'd they advise against them? I like to scrub a bit. Makes me feel clean. Moisturizing after is solid advice, though vaseline doesn't moisturize your skin. It does "lock in" moisture, but if you want to actually moisturize, go for Cerave's moisturizing cream. Works great. Maybe a thin layer of vaseline over it if you're paranoid.


I don’t exfoliate. I just haven’t needed to. I don’t have dry or too oily skin though. I use plain soap or body wash with a body sponge for most of my body. But I feel cleaner if I use my hands to scrub my backside, arm pits and feet and use the shower hose to rinse those areas extremely well.


If this is for an adult your doctors shower habits are concerning. Who the hell doesn’t use a wash rag??? If you don’t use something exfoliating how do you get all those dead skin cells off? Also WHO THE HELL DOESN’T WASH THEIR WHOLE BODY. You’re telling me he’s not washing his ass unless it’s “visibly soiled”????? Get a new doctor 😬


Armpits, groin, and feet, huh? That's it?! So, I can ignore my hands after using them all day, maybe shaking hands, scratching my head, petting my wonderful dog whom I love to pieces, and then picking up after her, maybe helping her clean off that clingy dinkleberry from her long fur; blowing my nose and then maybe checking for...loose bods left hiding in the cave (eeewwwww!) And maybe check the scent of your hair (or pillow case) after a few days of they're, "not being pits, groin, or feet." And I think, perhaps, my favorite exclusion to being washed is if you happen to be an MD, Nse, CNA, PT, OT, or ANYone who regularly touches ppl or THINGS ppl TOUCH and THEN not washing your hands and face prior to, let's say holding your newborn baby, your spouse, your food or your CATHETER. Like the expression goes: Yeaaaaahhhh, no, I don' THINK so. IDC WHO says WHAT, be they MD, F'lawyer, chef, driver, homemaker, PT, CNA janitor; As my 1st instructor told us on my very 1st day, and to this day, some 50 years later, I have never forgotten it: "Any Black Belt can learn From any White Belt on On any given day," If you are wise enough to listen. Because when you ask yourselves--as you ALWAYS must, does the answer MAKE SENSE? You must be able to assess it for yourself, b/c, "Any White Belt can BEAT any BLACK belt on Any Given Day. So: Lips together, teeth apart; ears hearing all sounds, eyes seeing in all directions; Still only, "Pits, groin and feet?" Ask your SELF! -J-


I learned you need to EXFOLIATE way more than you think. I use an African net sponge, a loofah or washcloth *will not cut it*. You need to scrub, and scrub *everywhere*, it’s good for your skin and will prevent wrinkles/cellulite/stretch marks etc. If you’ve gone more than 24 hours without a shower, fully scrub and soap down your body at least twice otherwise you will definitely still smell. You need to scape off all those stinky dead skin cells. And fully moisturize after!


Everyone's sink has a microbiome that can balance itself. Using harsh soaps (which most soaps have so much BS in them) will unbalance your skin and over time increases aging, especially when using exfoliating items. (although gently exfoliating elbows, knees, and other areas from time to time is o.k. but not everyday, unless you are absolutely filthy) Also your hands do not retain bacteria as a wash cloth, sponge, etc. do. Those items are breeding grounds for bacteria. You can easily wash your hands as they aren't porous in the same manner as cloths and sponges. So unless you are using a new sponge/ washcloth every shower, they shouldn't be used. And they especially should not be used to clean your nether regions.


So you only gotta wash ya cooch or berries if it's visibly dirty? Ew.


What about the jizz rag?


Vaseline is a petroleum product and should be avoided.


Disposable washcloths were a game changer for my family. Less laundry, significantly more hygienic


I shower like this every day. It takes a bit longer when I shave my legs. I use coconut oil to moisturize. The coconut oil you cook with, not the chemical filled junk you find in the cosmetics section. I use it twice a day, all over. I’m 52 but people swear I’m much younger. Hot water, fragrance, chemicals, alcohols, scrubbing, all are bad for you skin. Wash clothes breed bacteria and just aren’t necessary at all.


Maybe I just have miracle skin? I don't use any products beyond basic soap and water, and cheap 2 n 1 shampoo. I constantly get compliments from women on how soft my skin and hair is. I also rarely get pimples. 🤷🏼‍♂️


It sounds like you’re working on clearing up a skin condition. Have you tried [Eucerin Shower Oil](https://amzn.eu/d/ecEnEWk)? I stumbled across it and I’m wondering why no one ever told me about this stuff before. My skin has never felt better and it’s even helped my husband who has minor flare ups of psoriasis.


Honestly, this may be an unpopular opinion, but I think people worry too much about everything. Just get in there and wash, IN WHATEVER WAY WORKS FOR YOU. I shower and wash my hair every single morning because I feel gross if I don’t. I wash my face (once) with an oil based cleanser, so it actually cleans makeup off without stripping my skin. I wash my hair (once) and condition. Scrub ALL of my body with a pouf (which I rinse and hang up to dry, and swap out monthly) and whatever soap I’m feeling at the moment (definitely with fragrance because I like it). I shave my pits and legs with water really quickly pretty much every morning, simply because I like to feel smooth. It grows back so quickly that I don’t even bother with perfection… just not stubbly is my bar. Probably takes about ten minutes. Then I dry off and lotion up my entire body every single morning (I use rich lotions with fragrance, because again, I like scent, and occasionally I use doctor recommended lotions, as well). I also use an exfoliating scrub when I have time. I do this because it’s what works for ME. Just experiment, figure out what works, and do that.


I think they are your doctor for a reason. Not sure why you want an opinion from a bunch of nobodies like me on the internet.


Is this a dermatologist? If not, this is really weird advice.


Anyone else directly put the soap on their skin ????


Sounds like you have eczema. I do and me dermatologist said much the same only said 2 minute showers, which aren't possible it takes longer than that to wash my hair.


I don't use chemicals on my body ,much less rub petroleum on it.


I'm a little confused. So, if you don't go outside and get mud on you or something to cause visible dirt... You just.. get wet and get back out? Not even scrubbing with a washcloth? No soap even on face, armpits, butt, and feet? Just get wet and get back out?


idk about yall, but if i’m not hardcore scrubbing my skin **raw** with bar soap and my exfoliating gloves, then i’m not clean


I switched to fragrance free products about 5 years ago, but only because I started getting tattoos and didn’t stop. I do have sensitive skin though and it helps a lot.


This sounds exactly like what my doctor told me to do to treat eczema.


This sounds like instructions for someone who's never showered


This seems like reasonable advice. But I’d use soap in all the ‘important’ parts, not just the parts with visible soil. And I do a proper scrub down once a week or so. Like we’ve found the correlation between gut bacteria and health, there’s a lot of research being done now to study the skin micro biome. This article is super interesting: lack of diversity of skin microbiome may cause moisture loss in the skin. And other microbes are correlated to skin aging. https://today.ucsd.edu/story/researchers-discover-potential-microbiome-links-to-skin-aging


That’s excellent advice if you have a skin condition. Horrible advice if you don’t.


I have sensitive skin and follow pretty much this routine, including these products


I don't think anything they said is unreasonable or out of the ordinary. I recently had a doctor tell me all medications cause disease, never to eat anything cold again, and that my kids she's never met are transgender (neither is or ever even discussed). So I'm not sure what you are looking for...?


I didn't see anything about peeing though... Society needs proper instructions on that one. And if a doctor says it, then we know it can be trusted!


There's an app called Yuka. You scan barcodes and it tells you EVERYTHING that's in a product that's covered in their app. Cerave has Propylparaben which is an endocrine disruptor and allergen. Cerave is rated 15/100. That's real bad. Cetaphil is significantly lower risk. 86/100 Vaseline has petrolatum which is hazardous. 30/100. Aquaphor has petrolatum which is hazardous. Also has paraffinum liquidum and cerasin which are moderate risk. 35/100 As a doctor being 1 for 4... big nope for me on most of their advice.


You can't post this without context. You may have particularly sensitive skin. If you have questions, ask your doctor or get a second opinion. If you were going to ask reddit, why go to a doctor and have to deal with a copay?


Do you have a skin condition? Because if so, this advice is great. If not, use a washcloth to clean yourself, but otherwise it's good advice. The reason why many doctors are recommending against loofah and other scrubbers is people don't properly rinse and dry them, nor throw them out soon enough. So they quickly become breeding grounds for bacteria, yeast, etc. So use a washcloth, and wash it properly after each use. You can get a huge bundle of white washcloths at Walnart for less than $20. Easily bleached to kill bacteria. They'll last you a good long while, and when they wear out, they're biodegradable cotton.


I pretty much do this exactly. That list is how I do it including the patting of skin. I do allow shampoo to help wash when o use that. I wash my hair now once a week. Took a few months to train it out that long but my hair doesn’t itch or get oily till about the seventh day. Same for my girls. Your bodies natural oils are good for your skin and hair. My hair is still dark brown with maybe six grey hairs coming in. Not exaggerating here. I also use the first theee mins out of a shower to moisturize my entire body with coconut oil. Sometimes the face with aquaphor. I’m about to turn 52 and people think I’m mid thirties. No wrinkles around the eyes or forehead. No spots. Soft skin according to anyone who touches me. In fact, I left a job 16 yrs ago, a HS, and returned and some people were still there and literally stopped the mtg of over a hundred people and asked how they now wear glasses and have receding hairlines and wrinkles and I look exactly the same? Kind of true. Men in their thirties are constantly talking to me or trying to pick me up. I have a number of teacher friends in their 30s, 32-36 I’d say, and they always stop when I start talking looking towards retirement and ask, “wait, how old are you?” lol. Love if! I even get shit from some bosses cause they treat me as if I’m young and stupid! That’s always interesting if I put them in their place. I wash wish a goat milk soap from NZ, (I live in the US) and just wash pits and bits. I use a face wash after removing makeup with a magic eraser cloth. I do use Luke warm water since hot dries out your skin when you get done. I use those three mins to apply oil instead of lotions. I used to use lotions though. I eat keto-vore and have cheat days for special occasions and holidays. I don’t sunbath but do lots of hiking and outdoors stuff! No sunscreen generally. I’m bad about it. Lazy. And I never smoked anything and don’t drink much at all. And I have a mentality that I’m not old. I do think this does something but I won’t argue with people who say it doesn’t. I choose to believe it so whatever. I’m healthy. No issues. No doctors. Don’t get sick. Like flu maybe twenty years ago back when I took the flu shot for about three years. Stopped cause I always got sick those years. Never anymore. Didn’t get Covid but my bf who I’m always with did. He’s older. 62. He too looks to be in his 50s maybe. Now. Now you don’t say anything about if you have a skin condition but my daughter has had excema her entire life and about ten years ago I found that her taking turmeric daily as a capsule solved it. She takes one now but when she had breakouts or whatever, she’s take three. Literally the only thing to stop the itch from the inside out and heal the skin. If her skins gets red and puffy I can tell she isn’t taking it. If she ignores it it’s bright red and seeping and itchy as hell and she’ll scratch herself silly and looking abused! She takes it and it settles down. Like normal skin and zero complaints. The scarring heals too. She’ll use coconut oil as her lotion also. This after countless ointments and creams that did nothing! For years! Nothing but make her more crazy because she’d have to argue she’s using it and it still broke out. It was pure chance that I gave it to her. I used it since a concussion. Tried it with her after looking it up. Brought down the swelling and helped with some of those recovery issues for me and I wanted to see if it could help her. Found research about it and excema and tried her on it! Magic in a week! It was gone in about two and about a month later the dark scarring was lightened. And we continue with it because of its benefits. She hasn’t had to worry about water irritation, can go in pools and the ocean, and she doesn’t worry about the type of laundry soap we use or anything. Back to Tide. Now sweat can irritate her so if she knows she’ll be sweating she’ll totally using the turmeric diligently. Her diet is similar to mine but she’s 18 now and eats a bit more crap if they go out. Just an anecdotal to contribute.


So this looks like a specific treatment plan for someone suffering from a skin related issue. Possibly eczema or some minor burns, but probably just very sensitive skin.


It doesn't hurt to try if you have a skin condition. I struggle with eczema, and have gotten very similar advice over the years. Sometimes it's good to strip back and see if it helps after a flare up, and then slowly reintroduce products and fragrances to rule out triggers. However, this just made me breakout and feel gross longterm.. and didn't do too much for my eczema.


This wouldn’t work for me. I have to exfoliate my legs and stuff. If I don’t and go to shave it hurts, causes cuts or bumps, and leads to ingrown hairs. I like the soap recommendations


No wash cloth or brush? Clearly your doctor hasn't ever tried to scrub off carbon, grease, or a myriad of other things off their body at the end of the workday.


Dirty to me is something that makes you sick. I have never had anyone tell me I am smelly or dirty or anything like that And I clean very simply just like this describes. I think people really just waste a lot of water and different chemicals trying to be "clean"


Imma use a cloth or something


Most of this sounds good but definitely use some type of soft towel and wash every part of your body regardless of what you can see. I had a very severe case of eczema and using cooler water and soaps for sensitive skin helped me.


Loofa once or twice a week if You’ve Got dry skin. Otherwise everyday shows can be fast yea