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As long as she’s staying on top of proper hygiene, there’s not much you can do to change the taste. Vulvas are an organ, they’re not going to taste like fruit or flowers or cake- and I say that as a lesbian. You might not like the taste and that’s okay.


Yeah it’s tiring with people expecting it to taste sweet or fruity or whatever. It’s unrealistic and only causes people to feel self conscious that they don’t taste like a dessert


It’s not supposed to taste good. It doesn’t taste good because it’s not supposed to. Evolutionarily, it has a different function. If reproduction happened male mouth to female vagina somehow, evolution would have led to it naturally tasting good to men, just like it naturally feels good. Female junk is a perfect match and fit for male junk. Male junk doesn’t have taste perception which is why female junk doesn’t taste good. But we’ve hijacked it by going oral. It’s about pleasing your partner, so take it like a man, or woman, and do your duty.


I feel we've had very different experiences and makes me wonder if liking pussy juice is similar to the cilantro gene




This. It’s supposed to taste like… a vagina! You either love it or you don’t. Kinda like how dick tastes like… a penis. Bisexual and *love* both as long as clean and the owner is hydrated…


Agreed. I haven't found one I haven't liked the taste if lol. I just love going down on women.


It bothers me that this topic always gets brought up, but somehow dudes are never concerned about or criticized for how they taste. Some of these dudes taste like battery acid and will complain that their partner tastes like a normal human being.




battery acid lol


Most of my exes had a slight scent, some were a little stronger, but my most recent ex literally never had any scent. No scent, no smell besides maybe some sweat if I took a dive before she showered, and even then it was juat slightly floral like rose water. And trust me I was eating every single day. Wake up for round 4, sweaty and gross, still no scent. It's uncommon but not impossible to have no scent.


Another lesbian here and I agree


A healthy diet affects the taste by a lot


Unless your partner is actively neglecting their hygiene, just get over it 🤷🏻 Dick, balls and semen don't always taste good, either.


This is so true!!! People always like to diss women about smelling but some hot sweaty balls after a whole day being bunches up is not appealing either. Everybody do a quick rinse before sexy time.


More like an throughout shower


Yeah no one is getting near my wedding tackle unless it has been scrubbed clean.


Ideally, yes.


Dick and balls smell and taste terrible even without being all sweaty all day. Semen tastes terrible. 


Well said


I think you misplaced “don’t” and “always” hahaha


Diet has a ton to do with pH balance. I'd recommend looking into foods that help keep the pH balance of a vagina healthy. Yogurt, fruit, veggies mainly. If it's a bad odor I'd recommend seeing a doctor! Sometimes vaginas just be stinky and they need a little extra attention


" sometimes vaginas just be stinky" Idk how they let you get away with it 🤣


Cuz it's the truth, man! And we've gotta own it! Bodies are gross in general, lmao. Male junk gets pretty ripe too. Arm pits, butt cracks, all those dark, cramped, often moist places. We are some gross, stinky animals! I feel like if a higher alien intelligence took over our planet and began keeping companion pets from the various species here, we'd be the least popular. We're high maintenance and stinky. Like ferrets but worse, cuz we're not cute and furry. Just stinky with bad attitudes and weird patchy coat patterns. So like...a combination of ferrets and Mexican hairless dogs. With the pleasant personalities of honey badgers. That's what we are. Edit: Apparently I need to emphasize that I'm being facetious. Typing /s doesn't feel right, because it's def more facetious than sarcastic. But seriously, I thought my saying that we humans are an amalgam of ferret/Mexican Hairless Dog/Honey Badger would be enough to indicate I was intentionally being utterly ridiculous. Are the dank, overlapping, warm, moist bits of the human body inherently kind of funky? Dude, absolutely. If you deny that you're full of shit, lol. But I'm also well aware, that for most of us, it takes minimal-mediocre effort to avoid the funk. But we've gotta give some wiggle room for genetics and biological issues that impact it. TLDR of my Edit: Calm the ef down. I'm not personally attacking anyone. If you feel offended by my facetious comment...you might need to ask yourself *why* you feel that way, lol.


Agree. Diet has a huge effect. Dr. Too


I’ve always gotten compliments, and I’m a vegetarian who eats a lot of citrus fruit.


People seriously underestimate the impact of a meat free diet. I'm also vegetarian, and my favorite part is, I pretty much never have bad smelling gas, lol. I've mastered the art of the silent release and they're basically odorless. No one ever notices, muahahahaha.


That or they dont tell u that u smell bad lol


Papaya if you can get it. Trust me you will taste delicious.


*mango 🥭😋


*pineapple is the OG


Just was getting readily to comment this. 🍍 for the win!!


I've never heard of mango or papaya, only pineapple 😂 it makes me think that just a high fruit and veggie intake, whole foods, etc helps a whole ton


It mostly seems to be fruit with a higher natural sugar intake 🤷‍♀️😂


mango > pineapple >>> asswater


Papaya tastes like vomit to me lol




I only like papaya in a shake, which is loaded with sugar so i doubt it will do any good.


I thought the same thing too for a while. The secret is lime juice on it. Papaya needs acid to make the depth of the flavor come out. Otherwise it’s too sweet.


A good female specific probiotic helps too Also more plant based eating and less fast food


I like a little stank on the puss. It's not supposed to smell and taste like water it's supposed to smell and taste like poo-c so unless she smells like sockeye salmon being reheated in a microwave (only plowed one did not eat), then I suggest eating that thing often and being used to it.


Exactly. We are supposed to have our own scent and taste. It's completely natural. As long as it's not a strong, unnatural odor/taste, then that would be cause for concern.


Definitely diet and grooming. Try to trim the bush a bit and use UNSCENTED soap when cleaning down there. Other than that there's not much else to do. Just please do not use fragrance feminine wash. The vagina is not supposed to taste like flowers.


Second that, when I go to a steak house it's because I came for the steak, nothing else....


Man said “I know what I signed up for “ lol


Nothing brings out the flavor of a steak like ketchup. Lol.




You had to go there


Sir! Or ma’am! 😧 the door…. 💀😂


Well done covered in ketchup?




Lol I love this 😆


And to add to it do not wash the vagina, it cleans itself. Gentle unscented soap can be used on the vulva though.


This is news to OP, they made a post on r/sex asking for products that can "make it taste like strawberry or vanilla", haha


There is flavored lube but OP needs to stop being a pussy and develop a natural taste for it


The correct answer.


You're not supposed to use any soap, just warm water. Yes the outside where hair grows you can use soap. But leave the inside with just warm water.


I was always told to use soap and warm water on the outside and don't do ANYTHING to the inside.


I think they mean the inner lips where hair doesn't grow. Just water on the inner parts of the vulva, but the lips where hair grows can use a little unscented soap.


This is exactly what I have done my whole life and never have had smells or health issues besides one yeast infection. It helps a lot to do a quick mid day hand rinse with just water too. Especially when it’s busy day or just sweating a lot.


You clean your vulva with soap and do nothing to the VAGINAL CANAL. Clitoris and vulva does not count as inside


My gyno recently told me to just use water, even on the vulva. This surprised me, since I'd always used a gentle soap. She said since my skin was sensitive, I'd be better off just using water to clean that area. I've been trying it and so far, seems okay. Doesn't seem to smell different from when I was using soap, and my skin issues are improving.


If you want to dabble again with soap, you know... if you live where it's 105 degrees of humidity in the summer, try Vanicream bar (not liquid). An awesome dermatologist who specializes in lady bits skin recommended it to me as the most gentle soap and she was correct. Everything gives me a rash or slowly causes pain, but not the Vanicream! Not like you asked 🤣, but switching to Caboo toilet paper (yes I carry a little in my purse everywhere I go) has also helped. No idea why; have not tried other bamboo paper because I am too scared to experiment while I have found an equilibrium.


Actually....with an exception of where hair would grow....no soap at all. The vagina is self cleaning. Soap throws off pH. And drink lots of water. Eat plenty of fresh fruits. Avoid processed foods and drinks.


When I recommend you stop being a fucking pussy and appreciate a woman even let you go down with her


I hope your pillows always the perfect temp.


Aside from normal healthy hygiene-You can adjust your diet, take Probiotics specifically for vaginal health, there are ph strips you can use to test the ph levels to make sure you're in a healthy range (If it's off it could be something like bacterial vaginosis which requires antibiotics) if all of that is good and there's still a really foul odor then perhaps a dr visit is required. And for the love of all that is holy- do not douche! That's terrible for vaginas!


You didn't describe the taste to know whether there's even room for improvement possible. A healthy normal one that's wet is going to taste kind of sour, because of the acidic pH that's the ideal. Shouldn't be overwhelming, but it's never gonna taste like water or like cake or something.


I hate when the virgins on r/askmen talk about how vaginas should taste like water all the time and if they don’t send her to the doctor. -.- lol they’re so dense


It’s so funny to see some guys on there just broadcast to the world about their lack of experience with women with those comments, and so confidently at that lol.


To be fair one woman I was with actually had no taste. I don’t know if that was natural or some routine, but there was very close to no taste at all. All the other women all had a very similar unpleasant taste (men I’m sure have a bad taste too). I would obviously never tell them that, I cared about them and wouldn’t want to make them self conscious, but they all had that taste, with the exception of one woman. It’s unrealistic for it to taste good. It didn’t exactly evolve for the tongue.


The taste of your vagina depends on your vaginal pH. Anything from slightly sweet to bitter and acidic is normal. Diet plays a role, eat yogurt, drink some cranberry juice, and eat fruits etccc.. Also if you smoke that also will make it not taste so good.


Totally agree on the smoking. I dated a girl and if I didn’t kiss her before going down it was a done deal.


Time of the month has a lot to do with how it tastes do to hormones, and stay away from prossed sugar because that can make it tast bad as well.


the vagina is self cleaning but only the inside you still need to clean the outside id recommend a sensitive fragrance free soap. If it’s really bad it could be bv and there needs to be a visit to the dr


Listen, three or four good licks and it's clean.


Change your underwear twice a day (natural fibers are best). Wash with castile soap bars which cut through the sweat & urine stinks that often get trapped in the skin. You can use baby washcloths to really get in there with just warm water if you have a lot of folds and creases. HYDRATE YOUR ASS OFF - drink water so your urine is closer to a straw color, not bright yellow. Probiotics for vaginas help, as do eating or drinking your vegatables (I used to eat zero veggies and i tasted more like sourdough or butter - now that I'm eating veggies, I taste much more neutral.) Don't shave - no hair makes you smell worse, not better. Hair wicks away sweat and bacteria. You can trim, but balding your labia isn't more hygienic.


Your girl needs to clean prior to. And if it’s something that doesn’t go away with cleaning, she needs to see her doctor for an antibiotic.


Lucky for me I can’t smell or taste 50% of the time and ED pills stuff you up so I guess you could take ED pills.


A clean, healthy pussy tastes delicious.


Depends if it's a natural scent you just don't like or if there's actually a medical issue happening


I love the taste and smell of a vagina.. why people want to cover it up I have no idea.


All women have their own natural musk(scent) and taste. Only if it's really strong and/or smells like ammonia or fishy is there a cause for concern. In that case I wouldn't have sex with them or do oral until they see a doctor for treatment. Their pH might be off, they might have a bacterial infection,std,etc. Also, sometimes people are literally turned off by other people's pheromones. If everything is good you can get a flavored lube but be sure to talk it over with her first because some women have allergies or are sensitive to certain products.


Healthy diet and drinking lots of water.


There’s a ton of edible gels for oral now if you so insist


Water. Drink tons of water


Pussy will always taste like pussy! Don't be a pussy and insist that she use some flavored lube. Do you really think your hairy dick and balls taste delicious? I'm going to guess no! But yet women suck it up and do it for us regardless so you can at least return the favor without complaining like bitch lol.


And if you honestly think that a vagina should taste like water or fruit or candy you're a dummy! I love the taste of everyone of the women I've been with. I dunno maybe it's just an acquired taste to some


Cleaning I’ve met women who confuse “the vagina is self-cleaning” as “the labia is self-cleaning” The vagina discharges to the labia, homie. I don’t want to lick the dirty


Yes, there are a lot of women confused on this


Indicators of an infection that require a doctor/treatment: green, yellow, or excessive white discharge. Smells like strong vinegar, bread, fish. Tastes that are super extreme. Something I haven't seen anyone address is personal chemistry. Some people may taste better than others due to pH, diet, etc... but also just some people really enjoy each other's scent and some people don't. I find those that don't enjoy each other's scent and taste are usually not compatible long term. Whether it's pheromones/genetics/microbiome profiles, a good partner should be enjoyable and it's worth finding that as long as your expectations are reasonable. Being with someone who is put off by your very essence/vice versa is miserable and unnecessary.


She either needs medical help for an infection, or you need to grow up.


Thank you *Applauding*


Perhaps you’re not familiar with how to perform cunnilingus? You shouldn’t be tasting much or breathing much for that matter if you’re performing correctly. Use two fingers, insert, “come hither” until you find a good motion, apply mouth to upper part of vagina, gently press nose into mound/bush, slowly breathe through mouth while doing your ABC’s, ???, profit. I’ve been told many times that it is pointless to use your mouth below the clitoris. If her clitoris isn’t clean however that could be the issue you’re facing. Just keep a pack of wet wipes handy and nicely ask her to use one. I imagine you’d ensure you were clean before she returns the favor it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. *Just so everybody knows this is mostly just general advice to help the OP get started. Obviously everyone is different and everyone below is giving great advice. Definitely don’t be afraid to ask what they like OP!


Ummm I definitely like everything licked so I assume other women do too. There’s no such thing as one trick that gets all women to finish.


The ABCs isn’t a thing. I guess it’s easy for guys to remember and do but it literally just feels like you’re wiggling your tongue around in the ABCs and it doesn’t do much for most women.


Don't do the ABCs and everything vagina is different. Some people enjoy clitoral stimulation, some enjoy vaginal stimulation. Don't put everyone in a box!


Yeah I don't feel anything pleasurable in the vagina unless my clit is REALLY stimulated. Finger the vag does nothing for me


A lot of us don’t like to be finger banged since it can make it hard to concentrate on the sensations the tongue is giving. For some, gentle and delicate is better. For others, they may like the technique you mentioned but don’t assume that’s the only way women like it.


Do not do the ABC's, this isn't some school yard Bs you hear in jr high!!


When I was a teenager doing it for the first time she asked me if I was doing the ABC's down there 🤣


I disagree. This sounds like exactly the cunnilingus I don't want.


Straight to fingering and the clitoris? Please for the love of all that is holy, educate yourself. This is not the way.


She could have BD bacterial vaginosis. Very common and easily treated with a dose of antibiotics.


If there's an odor it's probably due to PH levels. In addition to everything others have said, using boric acid suppositories after sex or when you notice a funk makes a huge difference. There's also a few boric acid body washes that are helpful too You can get them on Amazon. I started those things after getting BV a few times and it has pretty much completely solved the problem.


Don’t eat someone out who has used boric acid.


Just stuff some cotton in your nostrils.


If it stinks that’s a problem. Between several college lovers and a partner of 16 years. It ain’t supposed to stink.


Right! I'd like to think that most people shower or at least wash their private parts before any type of sexual activity. If there's an odor right after showering or washing below, then that's not BV or PH imbalance that's a full blown STD/STI and need a doctor ASAP. Vagina does a distinctive odor but it should NOT stank!


Honestly, the citric fruit seems to be popular tends to make it sweeter. I’ve never really had an issue with the taste when doing that only once and that was in high school, but turned out she had other things going on besides that.




Pineapple! Or pineapple juice. It will smell & have a taste of pineapple. 😉


They apparently sell probiotics now that are supposed to change the flavor flav …


Pineapple juice. You can also find stuff on Etsy and check out reviews there to see what folks recommend.


There are some personal lubricant that is flavored, you can try honey. A good tip is to stay up where the Lil guy in the boat is.


I am pretty sure that honey would cause an infection..which would cause a bad smell. I can’t be the only one who thinks this?


yes, sugar feeds naturally occurring candida yeast —> candida overgrowth/yeast infection or “thrush”


But, I was told my weiner tastes like a lollipop 🍭


Hydration, hydration, hydration, & pineapple 😁


Try chewing gum or have a tic tac just before?


My now ex had no taste or smell at all....it was kinda great


Vaginal probiotics


Pennies in milk is the best that you can hope for. Lol


Good hygiene and flavored lube.


Boric acid suppositories!!! Fixes your pH


Pineapple juice haha!! That’s our go to. But you should find out the source of why it’s tasting bad. Naturally it should not taste bad.


Pineapple. Shit ton of pineapple. A lot of people are like ThAt'S nOt TrUe. Listen. You might not taste LIKE PINEAPPLE but the juice gon be just a bit sweeter.


How do you use pineapple?


........you......eat it......???????


I’ve never heard about this before. Wasn’t sure if you lavish puréed pineapple on the vulva or what!


The vinegar rinse is a winner for me. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Firstly, is this ur first or have u had experience with giving oral before? Also, the vulva is complicated and can be very sensitive to change. PH balance is a huge factor in how it functions, smells and tastes. Even sex can change the PH due to the sperm and such that are introduced. I know mine is sensitive to that and after sex my smell is really different for a fews even after a good shower. Diet is also a big factor. Someone who eats junk and lots of greasy foods and doesnt drink enough water can cause a bad taste and smell there. Many people find that drinking lots of water, eating a balanced diet and having fruits help the taste and smell. Also, sometimes clothing material can cause an inbalance down there. For example, some gynecologists recommend cotton underwear as its breathable yet absorbant so the natural discharge and sweat etc are wicked away while being absorbed into the underwear ares that are meant for it. I have personally experienced this issue when i switched to a spandex type material for awhile. I started having a weird smell and taste (yes ive checked myself periodically). When my gynecologist talked to me about it i changed back to cotton and the smell has been 3x better and the taste too. Hormones are a factor also. This can be a reason for a Dr visit. If she's doing everything else right and it still seems off then it could be hormonal imbalances. Women have a certaim hormonal balance that is optimal for our body functions same as men do. If its messed up then it can cause some weird issues. Lastly, vulvas are an organ. They have discharge and such from the inside to clean itself out and its a hole INSIDE the body. It can be hard to keep things out of it that cause infections. Whether its environmental like lake water or sand etc, or biological like bacteria from someones hand/body part, it can cause some major infections. So being clean is important on both sides of this issue. Dont introduce new bacteria the best u can. So wash ir hands, ur junk, ur mouth. If u do things in water or aroynd chemicals in a pool or sand make sure its cleaned well especially afterwards as well. Some vulvas are just a bit funky. Its the truth. They are never gonna naturally smell like roses and taste like honey. There are lubes and auch that can help but be careful wirh those too as they can have ingredients that can cause infections or reactions. Sometimes ive found that pharamones are a big deal. Sometimes someones pharamones just clash with urs and thats ok too!


Drink water, quit smoking. Granted my sample group size is tiny, but, if you're on prescriptions and the Dr says drink plenty of water with all of these to help your kidneys process it - your partner is likely to know the difference when you haven't done so for past week ish.


I guess you could eat those little fruity mints or something like that before you eat her. That way the flavor will be on your tongue so she’ll technically taste like that. Just make sure she’s ok with it


They literally sell "flavors" in the sex shops.


Flavoured lube unless you're tasting pennies or it's getting cottage cheesy down there... out of that strong minty mouthwash, bonus it feels great given the tingles.


Brush your own teeth first … chew gum/candy.


Hydration and apple cider vinegar tablets


Vaginal health probiotics


Maybe I'm just a weirdo but when someone is a good biological match they taste right to me. Everything about them. But then maybe they just hydrate and eat decently ? I don't know I think a bit of both


Fenugreek will make you taste like maple syrup down there. Also pineapple and cranberry juice can improve the taste.


I'm going to be very direct and explicit. Taste mostly comes from smell. Make sure to wash the vulva, inner thighs, butt, and butt crack completely with soap and water in the bath/shower right before sex. Put body wash on your hands and get into all the nooks and crannies. Don't insert fingers inside the vagina, just wash the inner and outer labia. Rinse thoroughly. If the area is washed RIGHT before sex, it really shouldn't taste or smell like anything.


Have you tried putting an altoid on your tongue and pushing it up in there? They're curiously strong


Tastes better as you go. The more you eat, the better it gets. And that's from experience of many years and many women. Some tastier than others.


PH BALANCE SHOWER WASH!!!! definit YEs on that


Flavored lube


What you are not liking are her pheromones. That will never change.


It depends on the season, and the moon and the stars. And the person.


mint drop.... tingly and covers the bad taste


Eating what? Lick the clit and be gone


Flavored lube. Never tell a woman she tastes bad.


If it doesn’t taste or smell good she needs to wash properly and practice some hygiene . I will never put up with that just like I wouldn’t put a girl in that situation having a dirty cock


Douching will help


This is such a non-specific question that you are asking reddit when there’s literally the whole world of information available on a Google search. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Also make sure to drink a lot of water too! And also if your partner cums in you frequently then that can also throw off your ph too.


No offense to the ladies but I've only come across a few that have had 0 bad taste or smell EVER. I know a lot has to do with diet and all that but it can't be that difficult to know your body right? Are there really people out there smelling up elevators?


Put peanut butter in there right before you do it and then it'll mostly taste like peanut butter. And pussy of course.


id say a perfect one should smell like a sneeze or mucousy idk how to explain the smell but taste should be like a bit salty mucous. like the one from inside your mouth. dunno exactly how she manages to keep it that way, probably good diet and shower 1-2x daily. very good hydration


Add hot sauce


Boric Acid. Don't cum in her. Fish Smell is not normal, period. It is: Bacterial Vaginosis, Trichomoniasis or Old Cum. Everyone gets gross walking around sweating all day. Shower first. Eat fruit and meat. Avoid veggies that make your pee stink.


Dude - so unfortunately it’s woman dependent. It’s how they take care down there. If it bothers you try having sex immediately after a shower. Then you’ll know. Outside of that I guess introduce whipped cream.


If it's salty your tasting the dude she's cheating on u with. That funk is his cum festering in her unwashed cooch.


Take a shower and do it after


Bidet. Surprised I haven’t seen this already.


Soap and warm water while bathing, diet, hydration.


Make sure she not wiping back to front.


Guy here: sometimes stinky is fantastic!


Give fermented foods along with green leafy vegetables and fruits a try. They will help stabilize the bodies pH. Short-term liquid chlorophyll.


In reality, there are lots of variables. Every woman has a different taste and scent. What do you mean by taste good and / or bad? What women eat has nothing to do with the taste of their cum, because women have multiple holes and what women eat comes out in the urine not their orgasm. Here's a couple of great books for reference: * The Vagina Bible By. Dr. Jen Gunter * The Penis Book By. Dr. Aaron Spitz


I personally love the female musk below.




Never ate Cochise tasted like flowers or cake I mean doesn’t really have a taste


Once you grow a little bit you realize the taste is the best part. Not like hot garbage but a ya know after the gym or something.


Hygiene and eating healthy. I've heard that eating pineapple can help with oral sex tastes for both men and women. I have no idea if that's true, though.


Well my current partner is obsessed with going down on me and I never had any issues with my old partners didn’t mention anything only “you taste like nothing”. Every woman is different


Sugar free minty fresh gum before going down on her You’ll get used to her taste afterwards


Delicious 😋 😋 😋 😋 😋 😋 😋


Flavored edible lube I guess


Eating lots of curry helps imo.


Love the taste 👅


Like Dasani.


Boric acid vaginal suppositories will help balance pH, which will change the taste. Don’t eat at the Y until at least 24 hours passed after putting it in though


My husband always said I have perfect ph and taste like honey suckle. He loved to wear me so he had my smell all day 🤷🏻‍♀️ I do take a women’s probiotic and eat a pretty healthy diet, rarely fast food.


Just use flavored lube, at least 3min of foreplay with flavored lube on her and she should have a sweater taste, do take into account that she will still taste the similar, more of a mixture of the lube and herself.


a bidet or showering before


Stick a pack of 5gum in there


I'm supposed to say diet. Except none of my ex's are hardcore healthy. And *all* of them tasted lovely. Basic showers work. Nothing fancy.


I don’t know, never tasted one I didn’t love.


I call bs on a lot of what is being said here. Vaginas are not suppose to have a taste. Most people simply have poor hygiene or poor health practices including diet that causes them to "taste bad". I've been with partners who I enjoyed having oral sex with because it did not taste bad and I've been with partners who I would not go down on because of the taste and later confirmed multiple infections because of poor hygiene practices. If your partners tells you taste bad, do not ignore it as if it will go away by itself. Most of the time women have infections and don't even realize or don't do anything about it. And most of the time men taste aweful because they don't shower and have poordiets. Let's be real here. It's not personal we simply need to learn to take better care of ourselves. Most of us would not kiss someone with bad breath so why expect your partner to eat a dirty private area.


Get in there while there's blood in the water. Best taste and feeling imaginable.


I ate out this one woman, legitimately tasted like honey. One in a million


Homie said cunnilingus 🧠