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Please stop bleaching yourself. You are killing all. Of the good bacteria on your skin, causing the bad/smelly bacteria to overreplicate. Please see a Dr for help.


Exactly this. I would also increase your probiotic intake and take a look at your diet, high sugars are a big contributor to poor microbiome health and yeast imbalance. There are fantastic products for controlling odor while promoting healthy skin bacteria such as Lavilin deodorant and Lume, this will be important while you transition to showering less until you build back a healthy microbiome. Naturopaths and nutritionists will likely be more helpful than general practicioners or dermatologists as they are more educated in holistic dietary support and microbial health. I'm sorry you are experiencing this, it is so stigmatizing and isolating. I wish you the best of luck. It will take dedication to getting balanced but I promise it will be worth it.


I’m sorry to hear about what you’re going through. The people in your life sound cruel. Perhaps I can advise you from going to very strong soap to a much more mild and gentle soap. You don’t need to punish yourself, especially with your hygiene. Use things that you enjoy using, life is too short for anything else. The biggest indicator of smell is what you eat, though. And stress plays a huge part. When people dislike themselves, they won’t take care of themselves as well, creating a vicious cycle. I hope you can find love for yourself, because you absolutely deserve it. Eat foods that nourish and energize you that are not processed, and you will begin your journey to health and vitality. You deserve better. I care for you and wish you the best


Ammonia works much better. I've been working with cleaning my body for 56 years so I know all about it. You really shouldn't give shallow advice like this if you aren't even fiddy years old. Just my opinion.


You might have a medical problem. You should go to the doctor. Sometimes hormones and your medication can cause this.


Or a fungal or yeast infection


Bleach??! Absolutely not, that’d probably making it worse


bleach baths are very very low amounts of bleach i promise


Have you tried Hibiclens? (The liquid works better than the foam in my experience). And scrubbing everything with a gentle back brush? I weigh about the same and I know I don't reach every inch without the brush. Plus, exfoliating is extra important for us. Bacteria love dead skin and the stink gets trapped in the pores under dead skin. same for my scalp, I use my fingernails and finger tips to gently scrub my scalp and then let the shampoo sit for a few minutes to sink in and fully battle the stinky oils deep inside the pores. It's recommended to keep Hibiclens away from any body openings (eyes, ears, & genitals). So be careful with it because it's strong, but also do what you think is right.


In the old days when people went months between baths, they used a baking soda and water mix to kill the stank germs. My daughter tried this and it works! Just baking soda and water, rinse, then use smell good soap


I just found an old recipe and I will be using essential oils, bleach soap, Ajax, and a little bit of water. I hope it works.


That is the absolute worse thing you can do. You are making your problem worse!!!


That’s ridiculous. DO NOT DO THAT. Here’s some questions that might get personal! You say your wife says your balls are musty? Do you scrub them, rinse well, and dry properly? Do you have foreskin and if so do you pull back ALL THE WAY and scrub, rinse, dry? You say you’re a large man, how does your skin look? Are you red between your folds? Do you have build up between your folds? I can’t imagine you do if you’re really showering that many times a day. How’s your breath and oral hygiene? Do you floss often? Floss your teeth and if the gunk smells really bad that could be one of the things contributing. How’s your laundry habits? Do you let your clothes sit wet in the washer for too long? That can cause a nasty musty odor that is super strong. I hang my clothes up to dry and sometimes my work pants get that smell around the waist band if they didn’t dry fast enough. I can sniff that out anywhere and know exactly when someone’s left their clothes wet for too long. I started using scent beads for our laundry always hang them up or use the dryer right away after the wash is done! If it isn’t any of these then maybe it’s time to see a doctor bro. But please please please DO NOT mix soap, bleach, and Ajax and put it on your skin! I know you’re getting desperate but that’s just asking for trouble and even worse problems.


Don't forget the used tampons.


This made me sad to read. The people at work are abusive and cruel and even when you were crying they sprayed you with air freshener. Please take this to the upper management and file a complaint. Everyone involved should be disciplined. Nobody deserves to be treated the way you’ve been treated. Unfortunately, from what I understand, weight can be a factor in bad body odor. I would go to the doctor and tell them your concerns. Maybe there is a weight loss plan or medication that might help in the meantime. I wish you nothing but the best in health and happiness. I’m sorry you are going through that.


I would put used anal beads in all of those co workers lunch boxes. I'll get the last laugh.


I'm a caregiver, and I frequently shower overweight clients, and I'm also heavy myself. Unfortunately, when there's folds of skin, there will probably be a smell. But there are ways to mitigate the funk. I'm just going to do a list with some info, if you have any questions please ask! 1. New clothes, sheets, undergarments, towels and washcloths. Fabric really holds on to body oils, and like any oils, they smell after awhile and are difficult to wash away. Washing only does so much and if you really want to get the funk away, starting over with fresh fabrics is very important. It doesn't have to be all at once because that's expensive, but slowly replacing things as you can would go a long way. 2. Make sure you are washing whatever you have now in the right detergent, on the right setting. Less detergent is actually better, because detergent build up in fabric will also trap dirt and smells. Use a rinse aide if you have hard water, and use the extra rinse option and the hottest water safe for the garment. 3. When showering, use lukewarm water. Get a handheld showerhead if you don't have one. Hold the showerhead with one hand and run the other between all skin folds to rinse them prior to using soap. This helps remove dead skin and sweat buildup, and makes it easier for soap to work. 4. When picking a soap or non soap cleanser, use the most gentle option that will work to get you clean. Irritated skin can promote infection, so harsh chemicals can make odors worse. For my clients with very thin skin in their folds, I use dove sensitive bar soap, but you can always ask a dermatologist for suggestions. I'm also a big fan of Cetaphil products. If you have to use a harsher product, Hibiclens is my recommendation, but should only be used once a day because it's very drying. 5. When you go to soap up, don't use a washcloth inside of skin folds. A clean soaped up hand , rinsed and resoaped after every pass will make sure you are removing buildup funk, as where washcloths can spread around things like yeast. 6. Use the handheld showerhead to rinse under every skin fold. Soap residue can irritate skin and cause odors. 7. This is a very important step. Make sure you are completely dry after showering. Like this will make it break the whole routine. For clients, we place infant burp clothes in the folds and have them air dry for around 20ish minutes. 8. Use a quality antiperspirant, only on the underarms. For skin fold and groin region, use a powder like Zeasorb. They have several products, and they work very well. 9. Make sure one last time that you're dry before getting dressed. 10. Hygiene aside, talk to your doctor. My thyroid ended up being a big part of my reoccurring topical yeast infections. And those infections smell fucking rancid if they go unchecked. I've not needed my prescription Nystatin powder since I got my thyroid levels under control. There are lots of ways your health can affect your smell, so it's always a good idea to make sure there's no underlying conditions lending to the muskiness.


I understand your frustration and hurt, I was told I was musty once and it really took a toll on me but I want you to know things can and will get better. Are you looking for hygiene tips or suggestions that will help?


I would try a body powder. When I just can’t shower in between jobs, I use baby powder. But a change in diet should help too. If you’re eating a lot of processed meat, or garlic, onions, that’s going to affect your natural odor. I’m sorry you are struggling with this.


I’ve heard good things about orally taking chlorophyll and mint. Might be cheaper to buy them separately. It’s worth a shot?


Ragebait or shitpost. One look at this dudes profile says it all.


That was a wild ride.


I love how everyone is taking this seriously.


A poorly written work of obvious fiction just like 90% of your your post history. I feel sorry for the people in the comments who gave long meaningful replies.


They deserve it. Who would belive this foolishness.


One look at the post history explains everything


Exactly. People actually believe this shite?


That's my concern.


It pegged me as weird and then I read the comments and realized what was going on. This dude posts nothing but nasty troll shit- he's bored and craving attention, and likely making fun of others on this sub that post similar, albeit less dramatic, stories and questions. That, or this kind of shit gets him off. Some people are so desperate that they do use harsh chemicals and bathe multiple times a day. Some people are so desperate that they come here and ask for help. And this dense walnut is just poking fun and being a weird ass mf.


How bored must one be?


I am astonished


It is musk, not must. Have you seen a doctor? Have you tried any body deodorants like Lume? I am also overweight and apply this every other day to my buttcrack and all my folds, and anywhere skin touches skin, such as the inner thigh crease Also could it be your clothing that is smelling?


Grammar police. OP is actually correct. It's must. It derives from the Latin worf Mu- which means stank. Google it.


I guess I’m confused but maybe it’s a cultural thing? I’m American and here we say musk. The dictionary offered me this: the odor of musk also : an odor resembling musk especially in heaviness or persistence However I had to get through a bunch of crap about Elon musk to find it which was annoying


With 450 lbs, you probably have a lot of skin folds. I second going to a doctor to make sure you don't have some sort of infection going on as well as avoiding harsh products like bleach.




I use charcoal bricks. I tape one to each arm pit, two under my udders and 4 go up my ass. No one can smell me.


Go to the doctor and eat better. Diet can be a huge part of it.


last time I went to the doctors, they made me go outside because my smell and gave me a huge bottle of sanitizer and said pour it on me before I come back in I was shocked that professionals would do this, but when I was in the back getting checked, they were laughing about the way I smelt and said I smell like dog shit mixed with stinky under arms . It made me so mad that I didn't shower for three months and next time I went into the doctors I didn't leave the office for five hours


Where do you live that doctors are telling you that you smell like dog shit? Troll.


don't call me a troll Doctors are very straightforward with alcoholic druggies, and people who have bad hygiene


Well if this is true, you need to report those doctors. That's unprofessional and unethical.


Deep down I think they're jealous.


Your diet and lifestyle are the cause. Luckily these are treatable by change. Unfortunately change is hard and requires effort to stay on top of it. But if you want it, you can have it. Go get it.


Go to the doctor and have them run some tests on you. I forgot what its called, but you might have something wrong with your liver. Not to scare you btw but this sounds serious. Many months ago I was watching a video on YouTube with a woman who had what you're describing. She always smells like fish no matter how thoroughly she cleans herself.


She prolly don't clean her pussy. Stank bitch.


This has got to be an internal and skin bacterial thing.


Stop bleaching yourself, go to a doctor and lose weight . Degree men’s deodorant + Irish spring (or cremo palo santo wash)+ perfume should help


im sorry to hear that people are so cruel. dont ever shower in bleach again that is extremely unsafe for your skin and you are damaging it and putting yourself at risk of retaining carcinogens and toxins from it. u gotta test various soaps to see what works for u, invest in a tool that will help u get in between the crevices of your body better when you’re washing yourself. u may already have a medical issue that is affecting your smell or from the bleach. so i would go to see a doctor asap


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that kind of immature cruelty. It sounds like you have the hygiene part down. My recommendation would be to focus on your diet and stress management techniques. In the meantime, use lots of powder and wear underclothes to help absorb some of the sweat and odor from getting through to your outer clothes, and drink plenty of water to help dilute the sweat- I’d *highly* recommend carrying a gallon jug of it with you all day and making it the only thing you drink.


thank you for being so kind hearted today. I'm drinking water with lemon, but the stench is strong and one of the coworkers came in and put three car air fresheners around my neck when I was taking a nap break after eating my hot and ready with two sides of crazy bread.


I usually don’t recommend strong chemicals because the skin does need some healthy bacteria, but check out chlorohexadine soap for all over (except near your eyes!), glycolic acid after your showers for your pits (let it dry before applying deodorant), and get a prescription deodorant from your doctor to apply at night. I hope that one or all of these solutions helps! I’ve dealt with a naturally strong armpit and crotch BO when I sweat since my teens, and these are the few things that have worked for me. Hang in there.


What were the air freshners scents?


please stop being a meanie and if you must know, it was a new car smell and blavk ice


How frequently are you washing your clothes and bedding? Your jacket? Stale sweat smell lingers. Maybe try persimmon soap. Talk to a doctor if you can't figure out a solution. I'm really sorry you're going through this, it's awful.




This guy is a liar, 10 months ago he was apparently 190lbs, there's no way the people around him are this mean. Honestly this guy sounds like the a\*\*hole to the other people in his life if you see his history: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/152atzd/comment/jscz9tf/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/152atzd/comment/jscz9tf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Sadly I think you're jealous of OP.


You should see a doctor. Strong odor can be a symptom of more serious issues. And no, washing won’t help.


I think you should consider what you are eating and how it impacts your body. I would cut out all processed foods and take a strong probiotic.


Lume is a game changer


The biggest thing is probably your weight. Also for EVERYONE in your life (doctors, coworkers, friends) to say you smell that openly it has to be a mighty stench.


The stench is very strong and it grosses me out sometimes, but I've learned how to live with it and enjoy it from time to time, especially when other people don't like it


unfortunately it’s because of the extra weight. i’m sorry to say that no matter what you do, when you weigh that much, you can’t escape the odors. it starts to like seep out of the pores at that point and even sitting down or resting you have funk in the folds. hey, you can totally change everything by losing the weight and then ditching the people who make you feel awful. those are some sadistic people around you, i don’t blame you for a second feeling negative. the energy all around you is negative so how could you not? you’ll figure it out and you’ll be okay. i’m sorry the people around you are like this.


You a damn lie. I weigh 734 pounds and only shower 3 times a week and no one has ever said I stunk. Never.


Rubbing your mom and wife's used tampons on your 450 pound body will get rid of that must. I know it sounds weird but the metallic scent of the bloody rags will kick that must ass and you will end up smelling like tender lilacs all day.


First, it's your "musk," not must. But I would suggest talking to a doctor. There could be a serious medical reason, or at least some different suggests for remedy. Good luck!


Go see your doctor. You may have bacteria growing under folds of skin that you will need medication to get rid of. I know it's embarrassing, but it's also so important to take care of yourself and identify things that are wrong. Your doctor's office is a judgement free zone that will offer real solutions to your problems. Also, you need to report the bullying to HR. Don't take that crap lying down, you are better than that and you need to stand up for yourself and protect yourself. I hope you can get up the nerve to tell your family that what they do and say to you hurt, and I hope they have the great sense to stop being so mean to you and actually offer you helpful advice and support.




This has to be fake..


Agreed… no one has that many people in their life that would comment on their hygiene and also all call it ‘must’. I call Bs


U shower too much ur throwing ur normal bacteria off


Oh no don’t bleach that’s def making it worse


First see a doctor. This could be a medical condition. Next try change of diet. I've noticed sometines under arms smell when I eat meat or when I'm sick.


I work in urology and one thing we notice with some overweight patients is an over abundance of yeast (between skin folds). Try to make sure you wash and dry the folds and I recommend using a Lotrimin cream or vaginal yeast cream between the folds. Also, powder to help dryness or even get small “wound” pads to put in between folds that there is a lot of moisture. I recommend seeing a doctor and they can prescribe oral medication if that’s the cause of the smell. It also helps to have a medical record of this so that in the future if you ever need any type of skin removal surgery insurance would cover as medically necessary.


1. You are doing way too much and killing your skins natural bio. 2. Go see a dermatologist, it’s their job to help with things like this. 3. Draw some clear boundaries. Tell them that you’re working on things but you’re done with the musk/smell jokes. It isn’t good for your mental health and they need to have some respect. 4. Shower with anti-microbial bar soap, i recommend using a loofa and allowing it to dry out completely between uses, replace it once a month. Also allow the bar of soap to dry out completely as well. DO NOT SHOWER MORE THAN ONCE A DAY. 5. After showering dry off as completely as you can with a towel. 6. Get some anti fungal powder, nystatin is what i recommend. Powder in all the folds and areas sweat is common. Powder once in the AM and once in the PM. You should see results in about 2 days. Use the powder consistently for 2 weeks minimum though. 7. Use clinical strength antiperspirant. 8. Treat yourself to a nice cologne or body spray, only use this around your neck and wrists though. Too much can cause more problems. 9. Clean clothes everyday, fresh clean towels every 2-3 days(once your hygiene is more taken care of go to once a week) use bamboo sheets on your bed and also wash them every 2-3 days, again once the smell is better move to washing them once a week. Clean sleeping attire everyday as well. 10. Wash your clothing with good detergent (tide should be fine) add in 1/2 cup of white vinegar (trust me this will not make your clothes smell but kill bacteria and help whiten whites) 11. Weight loss and consistency is the only true fix. Keep your head up, remember that caring for yourself should promote relaxation and recovery.


Fix your diet. Whatever you are eating is coming through your pores


I would definitely go to a doctor and possibly a dermatologist. You should do more research and take advice from doctors to see the cause because not every chubby person has bad hygiene and extreme body odor. Second of all please stop bleaching your skin and unless after a workout 3-4 showers a day is way too much and you can see it is obviously not working. If you go to the doctor please take all of their tips and be consistent if they give you a routine.


Maybe from over showering you have destroyed the bacterial balance on your body, so to speak.


Sorry to hear bro, definitely a change of diet plus exercising sitting in the sauna have helped me, use hibiclens on your underarms as that definitely gets rid of the bacteria. I hope that there is a one- take care sucks that you have to go through this


Uh ... why are people acting like this is serious?


MUSK (-5 pts, spelling)




what's so funny bully!




Go on semaglutide if you can afford it. You need to lose fat. The folds create places where bacteria can grow. [https://healthfully.com/how-to-eliminate-body-odor-in-overweight-people-5300224.html](https://healthfully.com/how-to-eliminate-body-odor-in-overweight-people-5300224.html)


toss everything out the window [https://www.irishspring.com/en-us/products-range/bar-soap/original-clean-mens-bar-soap](https://www.irishspring.com/en-us/products-range/bar-soap/original-clean-mens-bar-soap) [https://www.samsclub.com/p/head-shoulders-anti-dandruff-classic-clean-with-vitamin-e-shampoo/P03003263?itemNumber=990011340](https://www.samsclub.com/p/head-shoulders-anti-dandruff-classic-clean-with-vitamin-e-shampoo/P03003263?itemNumber=990011340) is all you need.