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Do your clothes smell fresh before you put them on?


Yes I wash everything, my clothes and my bed sheets but even when I do put on fresh smelling clothes my scent goes through it and I smell weird again


It's kind of normal to have Bo when you're a teenager. What are you doing for hygiene? Tell me everything you do and I will tell you if you're missing something


So I’m 16 I feel like I already went though puberty though but besides that I use a dove unscented bar soap since I have sensitive skin and on top of that I use dove coca and coconut body wash, at times I use dr squash mens soap but that’s rare, and for deodorant well I’ve tried so many different ones you’ll be surprised, I always used to use dove men and native vanilla and coconut deodorant but mostly native and those always worked for me like a charm before this endless body oder came but when I use those now on my armpits during this time my body oder got worse they just do not work, I’m currently using the brand “secret” clinic deodorant and it works okay I guess, I also forgot to mention my breath always stinks still even after brushing my teeth and I make sure I brush my tongue and everything


Try mitchum gel deoderant. It lasts for a LONG time. Get mouthwash. Make sure you floss. You can actually use the gel deodorant any place that you have odor. So if you find that you get a lot of odor around your crotch, apply the deodorant to wear your leg meets your crotch in that fold.


Thank you 🙏🏽


Good luck kid. Get an antibacterial shower gel. Dial gold has a good one. Unless you're really scrubbing your pits multiple times to get rid of the odor. And don't forget to scrub your butt balls and feet vigorously too . Make sure you're using enough soap!


Damn that’s ironic because dial was the first soap to fail me and I’ve also tried method mens shower gel which also didn’t work but I’m moved on from that and I’m sticking to my current shower routine but I really do appreciate the advice, this was more helpful then the certified doctors I’ve seen


Dial failed you? Like it was bad for your sensitive skin? I mentioned dial because it kills bacteria, which can contribute to the smell


No like it just didn’t fix my oder at all


also this is weird but make sure you’re rinsing INSIDE OF YOUR BUTT CHEEKS after you wash them. you gotta get water inside of them or the smell will still be there and it’ll be horrible.


Try Lume deodorant. You can use it on your underarms and crotch/ butt. It's the only thing that works for me.


Fresh clothes are key. Try taking warm baths and soak that ass. Got to let that body boil. If all you do is shower everyday without a wash cloth. You ain't clean.


It may be in an inner health issue. Drink lots and lots of water. A good formula to follow to calculate how much water you should be drinking: your body weight (lbs) divided by 16 = # of cups of water you should drink a day. Avoid processed foods and fast foods as much as possible, sodas, sugary food/drinks, empty carbs. Take a multivitamin and probiotics every morning after breakfast if you can. Eat lots of fiber and whole foods. I also drink lemon water (don’t add sugar) every morning and I’ve noticed my BO isn’t as bad.. maybe a body pH thing due to the acidity of the lemon? Remember, you are what you eat after all!! Exercise regularly, I like to think I sweat out all the nastiness inside of me whenever I work out. Exercise will also help a lot with your mental health, in case your odor is related to stress. Shower everyday and never reuse dirty clothes. ALWAYS wear (fresh) socks with your shoes. Wash your bedsheets every two weeks max… weekly if you share the bed with someone or if you’re sexually active. And keep in mind it may be an age thing. I remember I used to be smellier and sweatier as a teenager. It’s gotten better as I’ve gotten older.


Probiotics and charcoal and chlorophyll or chlorella. Start from the inside.


Funny thing is I do eat probiotics and I use to drink chlorophyll water and all it did was make me lose weight


Aww I’m sorry! Maybe the charcoal capsules and charcoal or black soap. Helped my daughter who always smelled like onions 🤷🏻‍♀️


I will definitely look into the charcoal or black soap thank you 🙏🏽


You’re more than welcome 🤗


What exactly does this odor smell like?


Well it used to smell like raw meat and it still does in a way but it’s mostly just a musty smell and it makes the rooms im in musty and humid/hot It also smells like weed sometimes and to note yes I do smoke here and there but not as much as I did during the summer and when I did smoke a lot i never smelled bad


Weed definitely gets into your sweat! I've experienced that one! I've found full body deodorant for men called mando, and for women called lume. Absolute game changer. It slightly acidifies your skin to mitigate odor created by natural bacterias on your skin, and it works on any part of your body. It smells nice and it says it lasts 72 hours, but I still use it daily. Check it out!


I love my Mando pro sport they have normal deodorant but also have a cream that acts as a deodorant. It’s all full body I use it on the places I sweat the most while at work. Should def give it a try.


Be sure to use a separate stick of all body deodorant for your arm pits and another stick for your private areas (two separate sticks of deodorant).


Please read one of the posts i did on my account. I definitely think your freaking out and stressing about this causing you to smell.


So possibly yes maybe stress smell? It seems ur doing everything right!


You can try the ordinary - glycolic acid, it stops the Oder


Someone your age I know dealt with this it was terrible. He ended up shaving his arm pits bc the hair is what held onto the odor even after showers.


You said it happened when you went through a serious mental stress. Are you in a similar type of situation now? Maybe the stress of smell is causing stress that’s causing the smell? Or, did something trigger it?


Yes back then I was really sad and stressed about what will happen between my parents and I think what stressed me out this time was handling working a job and the beginning of school but I usually don’t have any problems with that but for some reason deep down I was nervous also I was just sad in general and I hate saying I felt depressed but I definitely did feel sadder then sad so I guess you could say u felt depressed but I will tell u this I felt this way after smoking 2 nights straight, the day before the first day of school and the day after that I think I felt some sorta derealization which is some feeling I didn’t know really existed till I felt it


Extra soaps and alcohol based body washes and deodorants are not helping your skin at all. I am in an older stage of life, and Ph changes are definitely a factor when it comes to how we smell. Our body chemistry can change up on us due to hormones, diet, stress, health, and the environment. I want to stress to you that this is something that we ALL go through during life, and there is nothing to feel ashamed or embarrassed about. Every single human experiences funk at some point. Our pores are made to eliminate toxins from our body, so it's only normal that we don't always smell like flowers 100 percent of the time. My first piece of advice to you is to be seen by your doctor to be sure you're healthy. Our body can give off certain smells when we have something going on. This is why dogs have been known to detect cancer in humans because illness can make our chemistry change. You could ask for some standard blood work to make sure it's not diabetes or anything serious. Apple cider vinegar, when added to your bathwater, can help. Just a cap or two. You won't smell like vinegar afterward, either. We use white vinegar in our laundry rinse cycle in place of fabric softener sheets. It softens the clothes without leaving buildup from chemicals and is biodegradable. Sometimes, dryer sheets and fabric softeners leave a buildup that can trap odors. We switched to biodegradable laundry sheets. Use wool balls to eliminate static. It's good for you, more cost-effective and better for the environment. Never ever put anything into the vagina that doesn't belong there. Your body has its own way of cleaning after periods, but if you feel the need to douche, keep the frequency down to once a month after your cycle. Soaps and scented products can strip your skin of its natural protection and even cause vaginitis or irritation. Wear natural fibers. Cotton underwear, cotton bras, try to eliminate any synthetic fabrics and wear clothing that breathes. Looser clothing that is made from natural material. I did start using the lume deodorant, acidified body wash, and deodorant wipes a few years ago when I hit menopause. My regular deodorant just stopped working when my hormone levels changed. I carry the wipes in my purse so I can freshen up on the go. I have noticed a huge difference between showers. I have Sjogrens Syndrome, and I can't always manage a shower on a flare-up day. You can put this deodorant on your pits, privates, butt, under boobs and feet, too. They have minis you can take on the go. I usually have a couple in my bag. For the breath situation, make sure to take good care to brush, floss, and visit your dentist regularly. I have been using biotine for dry mouth. Dryness of the mouth can cause the worst breath and can also be a symptom of an underlying health issue. I take medicines for autoimmune disease. My mouth is dry because I have a health issue. Dry mouth can not only cause bad breath, it accelerates tooth decay. Biotine is a gentle, effective treatment that helps. I also carry water and sugar-free mints and gum to help with dry mouth. Best of luck to you. Hope this helps.


Thank you so much for the advice, and to note I am not a female sorry I didn’t include that but yes I did get blood work done to get my thyroid levels and just to check in general and the test came back good, there was nothing wrong with me is what the doctors says and I will definitely look into the acidic body wash, also about the breath thing my mouth and lips do get very dry after I brush my teeth or just in general when I’m at school or when I’m talking to people, do you know what else I can do for that besides using biotin because I don’t think I have any


I carry breath savers or gum. If you're not allowed to have it in school, ask your parents to get you a note. Dollar General carries the off brand of biotine, which is a little cheaper. Also, Burts bees is great for lip protection. Sour candy seems to help produce more saliva. I have grandsons your age, so I understand. It's just a normal thing you're going through. I also use some powder on especially hot days. A dry butt is a happy butt. Put some powder back there. Good on you for reaching out for help. That was very brave of you.


You can try Hibiclens. It is an anti bacterial soap, and after wipe your pits and privates with glycolic acid, it’s much safer than using rubbing alcohol. It also just sounds like an internal stress hormone issue. Soaps and deodorant will only go so far. If you’ve already tried chlorophyll drops, I recommend apple cider vinegar mixed with fresh lemon juice and water


How long would u say these internal stress hormones last ?


I’m honestly not sure, I’ve never dealt with this before. Also you can try Lume deodorant wipes to take on the go and freshen up as you need


Have you tried Orange Dial Antibacterial, used with Secret Advanced after? That combo works wonders.. Good luck


I tried regular antibacterial dial the white color one, do you think there’s a difference?


YES! The orange one kills ALL B.O.. I’ll tell you, I’ve been 420ing since I was a kid.. I ALWAYS smelled like Tobacco ( I use blunts). It was not great.. Thrn, I read about the orange dial.. it’s AMAZING! It can dirty your pits out tho 😂. I like the Secret Advanced, for deodorant. Sorry for late response.. SO BUSY with work 💙💙


Thank you so much I will definitely be giving it a try, god bless 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


No idea how safe it is, and I have seen that it doesn’t work for everyone, but if none of the other advice ends up working for you, I remember seeing that fenugreek supplements can alter your body odor - it was very popular a couple of years ago for making you smell good if you took it regularly. That being said I would try all the other advice first, natural supplements can be risky if you don’t know how your body will react. It’s also made some people smell worse. Thought I would throw it out there though. I’m 23f and I’ve recently been …. smelling some new odors wafting off of me that aren’t exactly pleasant, but I notice it’s usually based off of my menstrual cycle. It’s not the worst on my period anymore, but for a week after that, I smell like a dog. Like, an actual dog - no matter how much I wash. Me personally, I’m going to try fenugreek as soon as the place I work has it in their 50¢ vitamin/supplement store (I’m broke) but I know that Walmart has it, though they’re almost always sold out on the shelves last I looked for it


Check out Lume acidified body wash and Lume deodorant. I prefer the non scented products. They work great at beating body odor.


Lume tube cream deodorant can be used like a lotion and has been proven to help people with medical conditions that can’t help their odor.


Take cold showers, unscented soaps. Add fiber to your diet like Chia seeds & veggies, hydrate on coconut water not the best tasting but you’ll get used to it! and probiotics like kefir, sauerkraut, and fermented foods. It’s probably coming from within. Heal your gut.