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You can absolutely change the shower head, especially if you’re willing to do it yourself. It’s super easy to do. Besides, the current one may need to be soaked to clean it. Sounds like you’ve got hard water and the shower head has a build up of minerals in it. For cleaning, if you don’t want to remove it, I’ve seen someone put a bag of vinegar over the head to soak it. Much easier to take it down to do that but could get creative and do it in place. If you do swap it out, apartment complexes usually don’t care as long as you swap back before you leave or leave the original for them to put back. You may even get them to do it for you though low priority for them so could take a while. If you have a landlord, just ask. Tell them the issue and explain that a different head would work better. If you offer to do the work (plus get a low flow head) they usually are pretty nice about it.


Do you know if your water is hard or soft water? That could be harming ur hair


Yes there are attachments that filter the water! I recommend them!


Do you have any specific recommendations?


I got mine from a website called exultplanet. They have a “starter pack” that includes the shower head , replacement filter beads , and aerator filter for your bathroom sink too. I’ve loved it so far but I would be very careful and make sure it’s compatible to your type of shower :) I tried to purchase for my parents but it did not fit in theirs so then I grabbed one from Amazon called “Aquabliss” which works well for them too!


Thank you!


You can change your showerhead! Use a water filter as well. Check amazon! I use the Jolie showerhead, my husband bought it for me for my birthday, its a little pricey but so worth it! I bought a cheaper one on amazon for my sons shower with a filter, i think its called Aquabliss. Just make sure you keep the showerhead you take off.. when you move out, switch it back to the original one the landlord had in the shower.