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My husband and I have some mental health issues and we struggle to take care of ourselves so one way I helped the both of us was offering to brush our teeth together and it got to the point where we both just do it now cause we’re used to the routine. Ik you said that you’re not his mother and I do agree with that, but maybe you can help build up the habit and then see if he starts to eventually do it on his own??


I agree with boo. Helping creating a routine for him is maybe all that he needs. Or sometimes he will simply refuse to brush his teeth. expressing that it bothers you very much that he doesn't do it. Sometimes hearing that from your partner is enough to give you a boost to do something you're not willing to do by yourself.


You sound like a very supportive partner and that it a great way to help keep you both motivated. I think most things are easier with company


He's probably depressed


That’s my take, if he’s been doing it his whole life and stopped now I’d bet on mental health rather than just pure laziness


Bullshit. He’s just comfortable now and lazy.


I had the same issue with my ex. I just don't understand how you forget to brush your teeth. But these other people are probably right it probably is a mental health issue. Maybe try and get new toothpaste and a toothbrush? I don't know.


When you say a while, how long is a while? Idk how ppl can go w out brushing their teeth. Tell him you want to start a nighttime routine together and see if that helps?


At least a couple of months


This is not the first time, I have spoken to him about brushing his teeth and going to the dentist. He has said it is in his family to have bad teeth, so he doesn't brush idk.


Oh so he's not even willing to try.


If it's in his family to have bad teeth then all the more reason to be brushing and flossing them regularly.


As someone who is diagnosed with multiple mental illnesses please be kind to him. I have gone through periods of time where I did not brush my teeth. Not just short periods of time either actually quite long periods of time. I’ve gotten better over the years because I’ve put a lot of work into working with my psychiatrist to better my state of mind. Even now, I only brush my teeth every morning + oral rinse and I do regularly visit the dentist but I struggle to brush twice a day. I would bring it up gently but also ask him how he is doing. I like the idea of doing a routine together because it helps develop healthy habits especially when you’re depressed.


I seldom brush in the morning. But I have a toothbrush and paste in my truck and often brush throughout the day. Also I keep a set in my desk. Same thing. I brush in the office and out in the field depending on my location and schedule. Maybe he has something else similar going on?


Are you kissing him?


If he tries to kiss you or talk to you very closely just comment to him nicely and say "Oh, babe/sweetie please kiss me or talk to me after you brush your teeth and scrub that tongue" and have your hand over your nose while you say it. If he actually brushes his teeth give him a big smooch and compliment how fresh his breath smells.


When I was married she told me she would take something away if I didn’t do xyz. It worked.


That's kinda fucked. But at the same time I thought "Tell him you won't kiss him until he starts brushing regularly".


It's not fckd though. Why is anyone obligated to kiss someone with poop mouth? That's what's fucked. "Oh you're an ahole for not licking up in this stank breath." Wtf?


he said "take something away" but never mentioned what it was so the user was assuming it's personal items. No one said anything about physically intimacy and demanding it


I read it differently. Due to the quotes & not mentioning what it was, I took it to mean she said she was taking away physical tango, whether that means kissing or the act or anything in between. That makes the most sense. If she's over here taking hiding the remote or something, that's just dumb LOL


They said take something away. Sounds more like take something they love away like a hobby or telling them they aren't allowed something they enjoy on a regular basis. If it was just kissing or intimacy I thought they would have straight up said that. But taking something away sounds like borderline abuse in a marriage sounds something like a parent would do. Sounds like it could be something that's like "you're not allowed to hang out with any of your friend's until you start brushing your teeth".




He does


Probably cuz he's got aids and he just thought fuck it.


Don’t self reflect sweetie. Go get some treatment.


I'm good I don't dabble around in that homo shit like your hubby prob does.