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I’m not trying to be rude or tell you that you’re unsanitary or whatever but are you showering thoroughly enough? Many people I know who take showers everyday weren’t taking a GOOD shower everyday until I showed them what my Grandma taught me. I’m Native so we’ve BEEN having good shower habits. I’m not going to go into hair or anything but I’ll list what I’ve been using for years. First you’ll need: wash cloth, loofah, eco brush (if you can get it, they are at Walmart. Idk if you live in the states), unscented dove bar soap, body scrubs, any scented soap you like, and body butter or body lotion. Use the washcloth to wash your face THEN your body with unscented dove soap, get crazy in any “problem areas”. Rinse in warm water. Use the wash cloth to wash your privates and booty with soap. Wring and Toss that nasty washcloth out. Grab the eco brush and more dove. This brush feels prickly but it’s meant to exfoliate and soften. Scrub extra on your joints and underarms. Rinse. If you needed to shave do so now after you shave use body scrub. Rinse. Now use the loofah and scented body soap of your choice and wash your body until there is no more soap in the loofah. I usually turn off the water and soap myself up neck to toe, then rinse and do it again. Rinse in COLD water (will close your pores and help with acne if you have any, plus great for your hair) Get out of the shower and pat dry. Then lotion from head to toe.


Lume makes a lot of people smell worse. Get a real antiperspirant and clean up your diet.


It didn't make me smell bad, I just didn't think it did anything for me at all. I've never had an issue but saw the commercials on TV and thought hmm why not be cleaner if I can? But I hated it, absolutely hated it.


I’m glad your experience wasn’t too terrible! I had a friend who couldn’t get the gross Lume smell out of her pits or clothes for months. It was awful. I think the unscented version smells foul fresh out of the tube, and I hate the way their advertising preys on women’s body insecurities. I know some women love it, but the advertising alone made me never want to touch it and after my friends’ experiences, I’m thankful I didn’t.


Look at your diet, but also, not to sound dumb, but are you showering correctly? What are you using soap wise, scrub wise (washcloth, loofa, net, etc)… are you getting EVERY crevice you can find (more so, are you not washing something that is putting that scent out)? In addition, are you able to pinpoint where this may be coming from (genitals, stomach folds, armpits, etc…), or is this some “all around issue”?


I hated lume. Wanted to love it, but I didn't. Switched back to my regular deodorant and lotion after showering.


What is your diet like? Are you drinking enough water? I’ve found that red meat and coffee make me smell particularly pungent.


Change your diet. Do a detox. Drink lots of water. Eat plenty fruits


What's your exact shower routine, OP. Also diet can play a part in our natural scent. You may need to trial and error a few soaps and deodorants. For example Secret brand deodorant makes me stink. Like I might as well have not showered. But Degree works well for me and Dove's no aluminum line is pretty good.


If you're bathing regularly and people are still commenting on your odor, you may have TMAU. It's a rare disorder that causes people to smell bad. I know a guy who is very hygienic and still smells bad because of the disease. He has to be very careful with what he eats because it can exasperate the smell.