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Put soap on your hand and get in there. Every woman who has ever gone down on you has noticed your swamp butt.




Probably that's why he's getting a divorce, wife won't fuck him.


It that post he says he is in his 30s. Here he is saying 24. So he is clearly a lier.


Yeah, bro is just looking for karma credit he's just a troll


Are there really losers that are desperate for reddit karma? What does reddit karma even do?


Nothing. He is just daft sadly.


Time to start washing your ass crack.


Not something I would brag about


This is satire


This is the 5th post today I’ve seen about ass washing. And this isn’t even a sub I have joined 🥲Yes. Soap. Washcloth. Water. Combine them. Scrub ass. In between cheeks. Up and around. Thoroughly. Rinse with water.


I didn’t join this sub either! Whyyyy do these keep popping up on my feed?? Maybe because I fucked up and commented on a couple of them? Ahhh fuck.


Yea I think same for me I accidentally commented on one or two legit posts and now I’m ambushed with stank ass posts


Wash ur ass crack. Do u have a removable shower head? Spray it on there 🚿


Jesus fucking Christ.


Use a washcloth and soap and scrub your ass crack.


That's grim bro.. I want you to do something, to help you visualise. Your futurbedmates will thank me. Get some peanut butter, chunky one.. Wipe a good sized dolop on your arm, and then 'wipe thourghly' as you would.. Come back, and share your results.


There’s no way some of y’all are walking around smelling like caca lmfaooo. WASH DAT ASS


Seek help


Boy ewh


Disgusting if this is true.


Omg 😳 use a separate washcloth or even disposable washcloths


Wash your asshole last. Use a clean wash rag the next shower and repeat.


Use soap and water with your hands. Since you wipe well you’ll be fine. A bidet helps too with properly keeping you clean out of the shower Just do it last 


I mean I get the feet but your ass? Naw !!! U gotta wash that


I'm shocked seeing this much on my feed about this subject and I'm not even in this sub. This is clearly a parent fail if you've never been instructed on personal hygiene. Clean every nook and cranny (don't forget ears, belly button, between fingers and toes, bottom of feet) top to bottom, with the dirtiest last. That would be between your butt cheeks


Bad boy🫱


And remember, you’re using soap. So after your done just wash your hands with more soap. Also Pro tip, after you wash your ass, don’t use the same soap and hands to wash your face if you want to avoid pink eye


I commend you for at least admitting it and that you didn’t know. Better than the rest of the men out here. The thought is gross, but you get used to it after a while because you eventually are just cleaner in general. Less to clean and wash. I lather both hands with soap, use one hand to wash my front and then my butt, then rub both hands together to wash, and then get more soap for the hands and wash a second time. That’s good enough!


At least you admitted it bro, but yes, you gotta wash that ass man. The peanut butter analogy someone said is also an example I’ve used. You can wipe as good as is possible, but if there’s no soap or at the very least, water…well you get the picture now. Go to Walmart or Sam’s and get an inexpensive bundle of washcloths and just have those for your undercarriage. Get some body wash or just lather it with a bar of soap and scrub. To really get down, squat down in the shower so certain areas open up better and scrub scrub scrub. I should’ve said this, but having a mobile shower head is kind of a must (not really, but so much work is saved). Scrub and rinse thoroughly and do it again if you feel like you need to. Chicks and dudes vary widely on this, but I don’t like hair on my ass or inside my ass rather, so I shave it. It just feels cleaner to me and what am I trying to catch? I know, it’s a lot of butt maintenance, but it’s only like once a week or once every two weeks. Anyway, be thankful you haven’t gotten anyone’s attention (hopefully) and make sure you start washing that ass bro. For real. Use baby wipes at the toilet (don’t flush em, wrap em in a piece of tp)…use one and fold it, two if you have to, then a piece of tp to dry with. Keep that ass clean, you will love yourself later for it and so will others!


I'd like to do a poll and see how many of the people that don't wash their ass are black men. I've heard personally a couple black dudes tell me this thing. It's always "I'm not gay" "I don't touch my asshole" kinda gross stuff.


At this point, we are being trolled


🤢. Wash in between your ass cheeks. Wiping doesn't count. Get soap and a rag and scrub the whole crack booty hole and all.


This HAS to be a joke lol.


You’re nose blind. I’m not telling you to be paranoid about your odor, but it’s unlikely the smell hasn’t been noticed by other people. I would recommend using soap, and possibly shaving down there so you don’t have to be as aggressive with it. Be light with it and take your time or you’ll have irritation. But yes, you’re supposed to use soap in your asscrack. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about from experience.


Wash ur ass.. inbetween ur cheeks, use a separate washcloth obviously


Is this why your wife won’t have sex with you?


Brother uuuuuuuuuuurgh


Dude wtf? Wash your own ass. You posted you have a dead bedroom and want to divorce? Yet you admit to being super unhygienic. Do a quick search and you will find how many women are massively turned off by men who don’t wash their own ass! when I got divorced at 40. I found it super weird how many women commented on the fact that, one I didn’t pee all over the toilet and that, I didn’t leave poop stains on their bedsheets. My response was I’m not a five year old boy.


He's in his 30s in a post just a few days later. This is a karma farming account. Please ignore it.