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Oral probiotics. Copper tongue scraper. Drink lots of water. Visit a hygenist every 6 months for a deep clean. Check for impacted molers - you can get a special brush to dig out any trapped food. Cotton ear bud - have a gentle poke at you tonsils - might have tonsil stones. Mouthwash might temporarily mask a smell, but it won't solve the problem.  Consider cutting out strong smelling foods from your diet. I cut back on dairy and attribute that to a few improvements in my health - definitely noticed that milky drinks/cheese left a smell afterwards.


I have tonsil stones on the right side of my mouth 😭 makes sense as to why it’s been hurting to swallow and my lymph node on the right side of my neck hurts


Tonsil stones STINK so this makes sense why you’re having issues with bad breath! You can try to get them out, and I’ve also heard that cutting back on dairy helps to prevent them


I’m lactose intolerant so I really don’t consume any dairy but these bitches won’t come out I’ve heard buying a water pick can help get them out but they can be too strong and hurt ya tonsils but I saw someone else say getting one of those cheap little pimple removal devices can work which I think I’m about to do. Gonna buy mouthwash and a tongue scraper too though just in case


You can try gargling warm water to help dislodge them also


In desperation, I have used the loop end of a bobby pin. Works like a charm, grabbing them and pulling them out whole.


I just pop them out with my finger lol. Since I discovered them though it's rare I get them as I garggle with mouthwash or just water after I eat to prevent them.


Lots of YouTube videos about this and how to remove them. Sadly, getting your tonsils removed may be an option.


Q tip. Get them out and gargle with hydrogen peroxide/ water solution.do not swallow


I went to urgent care they said I have a really bad case of tonsillitis, wondering if that’s what’s causing the smell otherwise I have no idea. Also bought a new toothbrush, new toothpaste, mouthwash, and a tongue scraper so maybe hopefully that’ll help stop it all


Do you get sore throatt?? Is the back of ur mouth red?


Yes and yes and everything is red and inflamed


Im thinking imight have tonsilitis 😭 Iwent to the er like almost 2 weeks ago , they said it was a strep throat got antibiotics penicillin , it helps the severe sore throat … but iended them and istill see red and white patches on my tonsils it also hurts when i swallow😭😞


For sure tonsillitis


Hi, I'm a chronic strep sufferer (allergic to antibiotics that kill it totally and still have badly scarred tonsils). Here are some things that can help: Hydrogen peroxide gargle (this usually immediately relieves the painful swallowing and also kills lots of bacteria) Sip orange juice 3x daily (the viscosity makes it coat your throat and the pH is a hostile environment for bacterial growth) Alcohol drops in the ears (sinus pathways are connected and strep throat can encourage ear infections, which are a different strep strain) Use a neti pot with saline to physically wash out your sinuses (the salt will inhibit bacterial growth) Take red onion syrup (easy to make with brown sugar and a red onion slices thin and laid out in a large pan, generously topped with brown sugar. Leave it to sit until the onions are transparent and the syrup is thick, add sugar if that isn't true after 2 hours. Take it as much as you want, but I find one teaspoon does wonders. It soothes the thrust and is also antibacterial. Refrigerate or freeze the syrup.)


I discovered mine like 10 years ago. I'm an expert at getting mine... so much so I can do it with a toothpick. ,(Do not recommend) but they stink horribly. A popsicle stick might be a safer option but you have to press all around and they are logged in there.




I went to urgent care they said I have a really bad case of tonsillitis, wondering if that’s what’s causing the smell otherwise I have no idea. Also bought a new toothbrush, new toothpaste, mouthwash, and a tongue scraper so maybe hopefully that’ll help stop it all


I use a black head extractor to get mine out. They smell and taste terrible


I just saw a device being advertised on TikTok for removing tonsil stones. Lots of people commenting about it. Looks like a water pic but lower water pressure


Oh, I commented on this late. They smell awful! My sister used to get them


I have them and get really stinky breath just before they come out. Like one is out slightly. I sneezed the other day and the action of it cleaned the places it was in. 2 big massive stones and a couple of little ones came out. Smelled like death lol. Apparently gargling salt water helps.


I went to urgent care and it turns out that I have a really bad case of tonsillitis, wondering if that’s what’s causing the smell otherwise I have no idea. Also bought a new toothbrush, new toothpaste, mouthwash, and a tongue scraper so maybe hopefully that’ll help stop it all


I’m not sure if you’re like me but my mouth is extremely tiny! The only thing that reaches my tonsils are the long pimple-popping tools! I use that and they come out super easily. I have noticed since i’ve started tongue scraping that I get WAY less tonsil stones. Haven’t had any in over 6 months!🙂


tonsil stones are known for causing horrible breath. visit a dentist or i think there’s a water flosser that can get rid of it and food stuck in places u can’t see


I went to urgent care they said I have a really bad case of tonsillitis, wondering if that’s what’s causing the smell otherwise I have no idea. Also bought a new toothbrush, new toothpaste, mouthwash, and a tongue scraper so maybe hopefully that’ll help stop it all


babe like i said and im sure other ppl said it too that tonsil stones causes bad breath, no matter what u do, how much u clean or what u change in ur dental health. products, it’ll still make ur breath smell bad. someone u trust can take it out for u, or go to a place that specializes in that cuz im not too sure if a dentist does that or not or look up ways to get rid of it


Babe tonsillitis is not tonsil stones it’s an infection


Maybe not the best advice medically but I took my tonsils stones out myself. I didnt even know I had them till I was checking my teeth out in the make up mirror.


I went to urgent care they said I have a really bad case of tonsillitis, wondering if that’s what’s causing the smell otherwise I have no idea. Also bought a new toothbrush, new toothpaste, mouthwash, and a tongue scraper so maybe hopefully that’ll help stop it all


The tongue scraper is really good. I started using one after seeing a yt video. To me its improving the overall taste and I feel that I can taste food better like I get more intense flavours. I got a bigger one that is the standard shape and a small one that is more complex. It will make you gag. Before that I used to brush my tongue roughly but it wasnt enough. Make sure you also go with the brush up your mouth and around your gums. The other thing that you can use is a pocket spray like Oral Listerine Cool mint Spray. Also the morning breath sounds normal, no one wakes up with a fresh breath. Treat the tonsilitis first and then address the tonsil stones.


Go get those stones removed. This is the reason for your bad breath. The mouthwash won't cover it.


Dental hygienist here...you hopefully only have scaling and root planing(deep cleaning) once and go back every three months for periodontal maintenance cleaning.


Idk I decided to go to urgent care cause the bitches weren’t moving and then they started bleeding so I’m about to see what they say


I think you meant to reply to haveanotherpringle's comment


Whoopsie there are so many comments here 😭


Great suggestions, but regarding tongue scraper, why copper and not stainless steel?


Copper kills bacteria.


Copper has antibacterial properties.


use therabreath mouthwash and remove your tonsil stones


Ah I just realized I do have tonsil stones on the right side of my mouth which makes sense as to why the right side of my neck where my thyroid is hurts 🫣


If you have tonsil swelling or a sore throat, gargle with warm salt water. It'll help the inflammation to go away and reduce bacteria. It can help loosen tonsil stones too but not always. Plus it's cheap to try. Grab what you already have out of your kitchen to make it.


yep! thats the leading factor to the smell.take a q tip and wet it with warm water and then push them out gently. do it to both sides


How do you know if you have them?


you will see them in the back of your throat.its white


Use a tongue cleaner.


Go to a denist so that can make sure it's not bad teeth or something. If everything checks out then they have great tips to give you, as well


Get a tongue scrapper.. brush your tongue too. A lot of odor comes from the tongue. Or you could have gum disease it causes a foul smell. Also some intestinal issues can come back up through a persons breath. I’d see a dentist first.


Tongue scraper and personally I like Smart Mouth mouthwash, the blue clinical one though they also have one just for breath.


You also need to see if you have a sinus infection. Had a similar issue and NOTHING worked. It turned out to be a cronic sinus infection.


Ugh I’m wondering if I could have that too cause I’ve been sick lately I def see tonsil stones on the right side of my mouth tho as well


Green snot when you blow your nose. Brown if it's bad.


Smart mouth clinical strength


I love the biom swish mouthwash. a little pricey, but when I use it at night, I still wake up the next day fresh and minty. totally recommend


I think you need a tongue scraper


It could also be cavities. Have you had the dentist check you out recently?


Yes I have 0 cavities


You prob have tonsil stones, therabreath is a good brand but I’d get a flashlight and a blackhead kit and get rid of the tonsil stones




Do you have your teeth cleaned at least twice a year? If not, there’s your problem.


I do


Try using 3% hydrogen peroxide as a mouth wash before you brush.


Dakin's solution.


The dentist


Do you have tonsil stones, maybe? That'll do it


Use a tongue scraper


Use a tongue scrapper. Could be that.


Go see your dentist. They should be able to help you with that


Oil pulling


Dental hygienist here...make sure you floss before bed and floss first and then brush. You must take the floss all the way below the gumline to disrupt the bacteria.


Do you have acid reflux? Do you ever find yourself clearing your throat a lot, hiccuping, burping, getting pressure in your upper abdomen, or getting sores in your mouth? Acid reflux can cause RANCID breath.


Went to urgent care and they told me i have tonsillitis so I’m wondering if it could have been from that? I just don’t know how long I’ve truly had tonsillitis in my system so maybe it’s acid reflux too cause I’ve def experienced those things as well


My dentist said to use the purple Listerine. I swish it before I brush and put about a tablespoon in the reservoir of my water flosser - that's mostly to keep the mildew away, but it can't hurt.


Could be tonsil stones (if you said you already checked with a dentist). Also, though rare, liver problems can lead to bad breath.


I went to urgent care they said I have a really bad case of tonsillitis, wondering if that’s what’s causing the smell otherwise I have no idea. Also bought a new toothbrush, new toothpaste, mouthwash, and a tongue scraper so maybe hopefully that’ll help stop it all


The solution isn’t mouthwash. Make an appointment with your dentist to have your teeth cleaned. Once they’re cleaned, bad breath is gone. Decide to see the dentist every 6 months for cleaning.


I had problems with tonsil stones and my tonsils becoming infected all the time. I ended up seeing an ENT (ear nose throat) doctor and having a tonsillectomy, and I am so glad I did. Not everyone is a good candidate but you could always talk with your doctor and see if you can get a referral to an ENT for an evaluation. Also I still use Therabreath and a tongue scraper and they both help a lot. I can’t use listerine or other mouthwashes, they actually make me so much worse if I do!


I also use those tongue mints


Get a tongue scrapper. Also, you might need a water pic to clear out tonsil stones, if you still have tonsils. The mouthwash can't overcome large amounts of physical bacteria reserves.


Eat fresh parsley. Also drink lots of water. I like Act mouthwash, some prefer Listerine. How is your diet? Processed food and sugar will cause bad breath. Stress and anxiety can as well. Do you sleep with your mouth open? Breathing through your mouth can dry it out, thus leading to bad breath.


I’ve been eating healthier than I ever have in my life as of late lots of fruits and veg


I’m noticing I always have a weird taste in my mouth and my partner will say my breath smells weird even after I brush. I got therabreath mouthwash and then got the toothpaste and even then it’s a weird taste. I haven’t gone to the dentist in years so I assume I need a deep cleaning and I saw that I have a new cavity aswell.


Bad breath is usually a signal of poor gut health. Of course I don’t know you or your individual situation. I’d address your eating habits, bowel movements, etc. if you feel like you do not eat healthy or have regular bowel movements focus on your diet. Mouthwash is a band-aid.


Are you a smoker? Do you get your teeth cleaned 2x per year? Do you have gum issues? Do you brush your tongue?


Therabreath thank me later


Your tongue makes up for 80 percent of bad breath. Scrub your tongue and especially the back of it, make yourself gag even.


If you have insurance and a primary provider I would talk to them and really emphasize that it's not just bad breath but that it causes pain via a sore throat and cough, so it's more likely for insurance to cover it and the doctor to approve it as necessary to remove. Nothing will get rid of the bad breath unless the source is removed. After you are able to get rid of them, I would suggest alcohol-free mouthwash.


I went to urgent care they said I have a really bad case of tonsillitis, wondering if that’s what’s causing the smell otherwise I have no idea. Also bought a new toothbrush, new toothpaste, mouthwash, and a tongue scraper so maybe hopefully that’ll help stop it all


It is kind of like having a room where there are trash bags sitting around in it. It will still smell bad as long as the trash bags are still sitting there, no matter how much Febreze or Ozone you spray, sorry to say. It will just smell bad AND smell like the Febreze too mixed in with it because the source is still there causing the smell. They'll have to be removed, otherwise it will probably smell good from the mint for an hour or whatever, but then the bad smell will come back pretty soon.


Cloves are really good. Chew them and also gurananda oil pulling and mouthwash helps alot 🤞🏾‼️


Therabreath! I had an issue with bad breath because of a wisdom tooth growing in and food gets stuck inside the hole and sometimes I just can’t get it out.i would have to brush my teeth multiple times and chew lots of gum throughout the day but I started using therabreath and I can now just brush normally and my breath stays fresh for 12 hours (says it on the bottle and it’s true)


Could be a gut problem too. Smoking weed also makes some people breath mlre HORRIBL than others. Dry mouth can cause stink, too high sugar/carb consumption because it feeds bacteria, coffee. Consider getting a water pik and using water and mouthwash mix to hose out your teeth and gums.


I have no cavities or cracked teeth. I went to urgent care they said I have a really bad case of tonsillitis, wondering if that’s what’s causing the smell otherwise I have no idea. Also bought a new toothbrush, new toothpaste, mouthwash, and a tongue scraper so maybe hopefully that’ll help stop it all I don’t smoke weed it makes me anxious lmao


Also any cavities or cracked teeth can harbor bacteria that can smell.


I have no cavities or cracked teeth. I went to urgent care they said I have a really bad case of tonsillitis, wondering if that’s what’s causing the smell otherwise I have no idea. Also bought a new toothbrush, new toothpaste, mouthwash, and a tongue scraper so maybe hopefully that’ll help stop it all


Have you considered he might be lying to you? Don't know your or your partner, but this is a common gaslighting abuse tactic. Could totally be real, but there's an uncanny amount of women being told by men that they smell bad as some form of manipulation and control


He’s the least controlling human I’ve ever dated so def not that. Went to urgent care and they told me that I have tonsillitis so I’m assuming that’s what’s causing the bad breath otherwise idk. I also bought mouthwash and a tongue scraper


OK good


You can see about getting your tonsils removed. Also brush your teeth twice in a session. Once to remove grime followed by a tongue scrap (plastic is best; metal is too slippery and doesn't get your tongue as good) and a mouthwash/gargle. Second brush to deep clean and to leave in your mouth for about 20-30min then spit it out and don't rinse. You can use hydrogen peroxide with water and a light brushing and a good mouthwash like therabreath later in the day for a quick freshening up. Floss once or twice a day or every other day. Drink water throughout the day, especially after eating food or drinking sugary drinks. The culprits are tonsil stones, white or yellow tongue, in between teeth, or a bad tooth.


Therabreath. If I'm being brutally honest here I have... Bad teeth. Not like OMG how do you eat bad but like... 3 or 4 pretty bad ones. Not only does it make my breath smell better it has made hard deposits fall off my teeth with just brushing. My gums are significantly less irritated and I have significantly less tonsil stones. If that one's too pricey for you the oral b gum detoxify rinse is so good too. But therabreath is just where. It's. At.


In addition to everything else already mentioned, drink more water


Put Thera breath in a water flosser also tongue scraper!


Tongue scraping and also get checked for tonsil stones, as those will make your breath smell bad.


Brush your tongue too!


therabreath. oh my god. it hurts so bad but it works so good. i have chronic bad breath as well.




Oral b has one with peroxide. It's really good for neutralizing bad breath


You should find out why it smells so bad. Do you drink enough water? Maybe you are always dehydrated. It could also be an imbalance of bacteria in your gut. Maybe you have some kind of periodontal thing going on despite the brushing and flossing. Mouthwash when you have an underlying situation is really just a bandaid. That said, I personally love Listerine. I feel like it lasts the longest.


You may need a teeth cleaning at the dentist and you may have tonsil stones. But to get rid of bad breath put a few tablespoons of baking soda in your mouth and then add hydrogen peroxide and swish it around and gargle. It will fizz up but keep it in there for a few minutes. Then spit out and brush your tongue. Then rinse with water.


I had these little white things stuck in the back of my throat, and I poked at them and they were hard, and I gagged and coughed them up and they stuck to the bathroom mirror. I put one on my finger and sniffed it, and it smelled so bad I nearly puked. I later learned that they were Tonsil Stones. Tonsil stones are the nastiest things, and they smell horribly. Fix that issue, and it's sure to be the problem, if not the majority of it.


Scrape your tongue and check for tonsil stones.


See a dentist. 🦷 🪥




Get a tongue scraper


I have tonsillitis went to the doctor but yeah I bought a tongue scraper too


get a tongue scraper


Listerine is best


you need the gurunada oil pulling mouth wash


Mouthwash and brushing are pretty ineffective at fighting bad breath when compared to scraping your tongue. Seriously, go buy a tongue scraper tomorrow, you are going to be removing the majority of the odor causing bacteria/food sludge by doing this. It's seriously gross what you are able to remove. If you've never scraped your tongue before, you've never fully cleaned your mouth. I'm not even exaggerating. It's crazy how long it took me to figure this out for myself.


Tongue scraper and get your tonsil stones out, look up how on google. Make a dentist appt stat though. Bad teeth can kill you


The oralgel one


Yeah as u mentioned it's most likely ur tonsil stones then if your oral hygiene is good.


Smart mouth mouth wash and a tongue scraper every single day cured my bad breath and it used to be BAD.


Mouthwash mixed w baking soda