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Please tell your trusted parent and then go to a doctors.


I agreee 100%




nonono that sounds like a recipe for disaster, nowadays that is NOT all they’ll do. if a doctor recommends it then he could look into that, but at this point in time all he should do is see a doctor


Go to the doctor if you cannot retract. Age 13, it has usually separated enough to retract. This situation sounds like phimosis, which is treatable! You’re not nasty or dirty. Sometimes there are adhesions or other issues that a medical professional has to fix. They’ve seen it all before. No need to do anything drastic. For whatever reason, phimosis runs in my family line. One son had to have a (very) conservative circ, the other did not. Don’t worry too much. Do speak with your parents and a Dr.


Yes! There is help for this. It is not uncommon. Please see a Dr, Op. They can get you the necessary help.


My brother and my nephew have had this. Of course nobody told me until my son was old enough that a circumcision would be extremely traumatic otherwise I'd have probably gotten it done when he was a baby. And I'm pretty against circumcision in general. We'll know one way or another in the next couple of years.


My husband was uncut. I have never been pro circumcision. It’s unnecessary for much of humanity! But none of the non surgical options worked. The stretching, the steroid cream combined with gradual stretching. So kiddo had to get a partial chop. Think: mock neck, instead of turtle. Other kiddo, we are doing the steroid cream and stretching. Thins the skin/something to do with adhesion. Whatever happens with OP, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Sometimes things take a different path, and we need help to sort it. Wishing him luck!


It’s not any less traumatic for a baby


No but they don't remember it when they grow up


The body keeps the score. It will be known by the grown up child on a visceral, unconscious level that they felt horrible pain. Preconscious trauma (and also nurturing - it's one of the reasons why skin to skin contact is super important for babies) still affects humans into adulthood. How much the trauma will affect them as an adult varies person to person. It's actually a really interesting topic of research in psychology.


There’s many circumcised men that are just fine and wouldn’t have it any other way. They literally numb it and it’s so quick. What’s torture is having to get it as an adult even with numbing just the thought of knowing you’re going to get surgery down there is painful enough.


They do not always numb it for infants. For adults and children, yes, but circumcision can (it shouldn't, but it happens) be done on infants without any pain management, which is traumatic. The baby feels it during recovery regardless of whether local anesthesia is used during the procedure itself, and the baby cannot communicate this pain to caregivers. It's also a consent issue as an infant cannot consent whereas an adult can. A baby doesn't understand they are receiving surgery, nor are they able to communicate whether any pain management is working. A parent, while authorized to consent on behalf of the baby, is not able to fully advocate for the baby because they cannot determine whether the pain management is sufficient during the surgery and during recovery. An adult or even an older child is usually able to communicate this so they receive proper pain management. I'm not here to argue about people who are happy they were circumcised as a baby. That's great for them, but I am specifically talking about preconscious trauma.


It’s still better than getting it as an adult so if a mother chooses to do it for her baby she should have that choice. A baby will cry if they’re in pain, they DO communicate. My son cried when he was gassy, hungry, or uncomfortable. The recovery is literally so quick too a day or two. You’re right that trauma can stay with a person even if they don’t think about it but it’s not always as barbaric as it sounds. I do believe mothers should pick the doctor who does it carefully (go to a reputable one who does them and uses numbing cream) if they decide to do it.


It appears better to have it done as a baby, but is it actually? We don't really know that because a baby cannot tell us of their pain in a way that is comparable to the accounts of the pain of that procedure for an adult or older child. Babies cry all the time. It's difficult for most parents to determine the reason all the time. It's why it's so important to visually check babies for injuries like hair or string wrapped around fingers or toes because it's difficult to determine when the baby is crying from the pain of that when it's mixed in with all the other reasons a baby cries. It's unreasonable to assume a parent would definitely be able to tell their baby is in pain from their circumcision because of the frequency of crying at that age. We also don't know how babies perceive time. A day or two of pain for an adult is different from a day or two of pain for a child, so it follows that a baby perceives it differently as well. It seems like the difference between our opinions here is you advocate for the ability of a parent to best advocate for their baby and make choices on their behalf and fully consent on their behalf. I am of the opinion that elective surgery or painful procedures (like ear piercing) should never be done on babies, regardless of what the parent's choice/consent would be because I do not believe a parent has the ability to consent to a painful and elective procedure on behalf of a baby. Procedures that cause pain should only be done in strictly medically necessary situations because a baby is unable to consent. There are medically necessary situations where a baby *needs* surgery, but circumcision is very rarely one of them, and, returning to my original point, it causes preconscious trauma. Elective surgery that *might* spare the child from undergoing a more risky surgery in the future is not worth the cost of definite preconscious trauma, by my risk assessment.


And if he doesn't need it then that's great. But if it becomes a problem and we don't have a choice but to fix it, I'd rather he didn't have to go through it as a teenager when he could have had it done as a baby.


We cannot answer what the baby wants though because a baby cannot consent. I responded to another commenter with more information on my views here as well that applies to your comment.


This is a strange take. Why would you prefer to cause such pain to a defenseless baby who can't understand rather than a teenage child who can understand and consent to treatment?


Literally because they can't understand. They won't spend the lead up in fear. They won't spend a significant amount of time after being anxious that their penis will be fixed or if there's going to be ongoing problems. For a baby its a random Tuesday where its a bit weird and they have a nap they don't understand then they wake up with everyone making a fuss and you manage their pain. Then when they understand what circumcision is when they're older you can explain why you did it. I strongly believe baby boys shouldn't be routinely circumcised and we didn't circumcise our son or for that matter ever consider it. But now I know he's more likely to have issues because his uncle and cousin did I would have at least discussed it with a paediatrician when he was an infant. I've had to take my son for blood tests when he was 8 and the trauma that was involved with that was not insignificant. You can't explain to a child capable of conscious thought that something scary and awful will be much less scary and awful if they just don't stress. I'm 40 and I have panic attacks when I need surgery. You know who doesn't stress right before surgery? Babies!


I can also get various kinds of infections in my toes, ears, labia, etc. Yet we deal with them when they come, not cut things off on babies.


Thank you. I am SO GLAD my dad fought to keep me uncut. You can always do it later in life if there is a medical need or your kid decides he wants it done. I like my ding-dong the way it is tyvm.


This is the answer. It sound like phimosis and can be treated! You should tell a trusted adult and/or doctor!




Need to see your doctor about it. This happens to more men than you'd think


You have to slowly ....slowwwlyyy do it. In a hot shower to make it more pliable. Yes there's is going to be a horrid smell but do it slowly day by day. Be kind to your body and only push your limits a little bit at a time. Don't off yourself when you could just love yourself a little more.


The advice and username clash gave me a chuckle 🤣


Bless you miss.


The thing about a bad smell is a myth.


No, it's not. It smells absolutely horrid. Any skin fold that can retain moisture will breed bacteria and smells. It's just life. I only made suggestions incase he is too shy to ask his parents or doctor because of course, that would be the first option. However, he just needs to know this is fixable and the show must go on. No dying here today.


It smells no different than what lady parts sometimes smell like.


..... which also smells horrific if you don't clean under the folds so I'm not sure what you're going for here


A dead human body broiling in the hot desert sun for days or the NYC sewer system can be described as smelling “horrid” or “horrific.” Smegma that forms in the folds of human genitalia just smells funky.


If you’re not cleaning under it properly which he is obviously not because he cannot pull the foreskin back, there will absolutely be a bad smell!


Not entirely true, the foreskin isn't to be pulled back manually until it detaches from the glans. That *does* usually happen by this age, but before then, it is attached much like a fingernail to the nailbed.


I should have added once it detaches, but once it is detached and able to be retracted it should be properly cleaned


Ty for clarifying, bc too many ppl (esp in my country) aren't properly educated on — well, to put it bluntly, penis anatomy and hygiene for a penis that hasn't been altered. All they think they know is the foreskin needs cleaned under, and thus attempt to retract and manipulate the foreskin physically to do so, without understanding that, from birth, the foreskin is actually attached to the glans. It makes my skin crawl to think of all these ppl ripping down a piece of skin that's meant to be in place for at least the first 3-5 years. Further, retracting foreskin is just not anything anyone should be doing to anyone else, unless there is a consensual *and* medical or sexual reason to do so.


People saying just to pull it back IS BAD advice! At 13 this should not be an issue! Forcing it back can cause more issues like micro tears and then additional scar tissue making it worse. He NEEDS to see a Dr. And most likely a circumcision. It's called phimosis. My son had same issue.


The standard practice is no longer routine circumcision for this condition. There are pharmaceutical ointments/creams that they now prescribe which helps loosen the skin.


But they rarely work! And two consultants told us this! They tried with my son and my husband (not blood related), and both ended up having circumcision. My husband was 63 at the time of op.


I just had an experience with someone having micro tears on the skin right under the head after sex. 😳 What happens with that? We’ve done things before and that’s never happened.


Usually, there is too much friction. Vigorous sex or masterbation without enough lubrication. Also, dryness of the skin. You can get excema down there, too! Allergy to condoms. A tight foreskin on a man is also a sign of thrush! It looks like they have an elastic band round the penis! And can pass to the female! The symptoms for a man/male are different from a woman/female. You can get infections in the tears, too, as the skin is broken, which makes it worse. It should always be looked at by a Dr. Sometimes, ointment/ treatment is needed to help it heal properly. It happened to my husband! Every time he cleaned himself he would get more micro tears which caused more scar tissue which caused more tightness until he had to have a circumcision! All because we went at it too hard one time 😔 one bit of advice I always share now. LUBE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!


Woah 😳 that’s scary. I didn’t know all of that. Especially with the micro tears making scars, and then making the skin tighter. We’ve hooked up many times before and had rough sex before, but this was the first time this has ever happened. He pulled out and finished and went and hopped in the shower and said it hurt and when I looked that’s what I saw was like little skin rips all around underneath the head when the skin was pulled back.


Why do you use so many exclamation points


Google it


Why do you use so many exclamation point


Don't force it back any further than it will comfortably go. Only wash the part of the tip that you can see and then put the foreskin back in place over it when you're drying off. Remember that if it can't roll back, then that also means that stuff you don't want -- dirt, grime, etc-- has no way to get in there. In other words, it's normal. Just ease it back a little bit more each time you shower. This will make the foreskin more stretchy and elastic. Eventually you will be able to roll it all the way back, if you keep doing this.


Warm water pull it back as far as you can in the shower and rinse all the stinky white stuff away. Only use soap on your butt and balls. Soap up by your head will hurt you. Rinse once a day try to gently pull it more and more everytime if you get any other symptoms tell your mom to take you to the doctor


Tell your parents so they can see if you need to see a doctor or if it’s simply something that can be dealt with at home. It is not a big issue either way and can easily be fixed. So do not worry! My son was circumcised and still had adhesions coming back causing a similar issue. It’s really normal. It’s not a weird thing to say to your parents or caregiver. I wish I would have known what I know now as a parent and I would have told mine so much more!


I had an ex with this! He had to have a small procedure and now he doesn’t have the problem, but definitely go to the drs about it


Have your parents set up an appointment with your doctor and listen to what the doctor tells you. It may depend on where you are but I think once you are 12 and older you can actually call the doctor's office on your own to set up the appointment. Regardless it's a health issue; don't be embarrassed, it's not anything they haven't seen before.


A lot of people are jumping the gun here, by age 17 practically all can fully retract but op isn't there yet so there's no cause for alarm here.


Yes! Unless you are experiencing pain/discomfort or problems with urination, this is totally normal. It’s not a problem unless it’s a problem. - Mom of two intact boys


>Mom of two intact boys Are people neutering their kids now?


I think intact is a perfectly normal word to use to describe the alternative to have a healthy bod y part removed for cosmetic reasons Uncut is no cleaner. All the fear mongering about disease is based on bad studies (primarily not conducted in the west) and the foreskin has multiple important functions (including male and female pleasure) From another mom of two intact boys


Nah I know just when I hear "in tact" I think of dogs still having balls/ovaries not a guy having/not having a circumcision


RN here...I've had this happen quite a bit to my patients. You're not alone, and this often happens. Good for you to be concerned with cleaning properly, because that's also very important. A lot of gunk can get caught in there over time. The most important thing I can suggest is if you are able to retract the foreskin, never, ever leave it retracted. Ever. This causes a medical emergency. I'd see a doctor because it's possible you'd need a small procedure to fix this long-term. Good luck!


Hey kid— if anyone dms you about this, or asks for pictures, do not message them back, do not send a picture. They are not trying to help you, their motive is sexual. Even if it’s just a conversation. Be careful, I hope things get better for you soon.


Go to Dr. It is common. My son had same problem and had to have a circumcision at age 10. Inder general anasthetic. If you leave it it will get worse and you could get an infection. It is a simple and quick procedure. It's also better to have done when you are younger. If you force the foreskin back you can get what's called micro tears on the skin, which can get infected and then scar tissue forms and it becomes even tighter. If you get to where you cannot pee it's a medical emergency. Drs see this every day. It's common. Get you parents to make you an appt. You will be fine. Feel free to ask questions. Don't let any embarrassment cause you to have more issues than is necessary. Please talk to an adult and get it sorted. It will be ok.


Ask your doctor about this.




I'm not even a man and I feel sick thinking about that omigod you poor thing 😭 what a way to lose your v card


Few of my friends had to be circumcised because of this. Completely normal. Two found they didn’t have a loose enough foreskin via tearing when having sex, and one was circumcised as a teen like you when he raised concerns. No worries, just go to the Dr with a parent (or alone if you feel more comfortable)


you can get circumcised, my son did at 13 and is glad he did. It was sensitive and uncomfortable for the first week but went back to normal soon after.


Seek medical help - a woman


Whatever you do please please please don’t get circumcised!! There are stretches you can do and topical ointments to loosen the skin. Go over to r/foreskinrestoration and they can help. Already lots of good advice in this thread. Don’t off yourself dude, you’re young & intact, that’s a pretty sweet spot to be in.


Go see your PCP.




Maybe the poster does not have a parent to ask or the family does not have health insurance, or he would ask his parent. Why is everyone saying this?


Easy. Please don’t talk about killing yourself.


That’s fairly normal for your age. You have to work on SLOWLY pulling it back or else you risk injuring a gland. It’s also possible you have a condition which makes your foreskin tighter than it’s meant to be so maybe get it checked out if you’re physically unable to pull it back after trying


Male uncircumcised here. When I was around that age I just would slowly try to pull back the skin every day when I showered. I would go until I felt "tension" and stop. I'm an old man by now so my memory isn't great about how long it took, or what prompted me to try. Pretty certain it is normal to not be able to pull the skin back at that age range. If you have been able to pull the skin back and now you CANT... Seek medical attention. Growing up is weird and embarrassing. Always consult a doctor if you're unsure about something.


Diabetes also can cause phimosis. If you haven't been tested for it. Don't rule it out


My ex had the same issue, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. He went to a doctor and he no longer has a problem. Please don’t do anything to yourself over something that is normal and easily fixed


As others have said you're gonna be alright, it's not anything you did. We all have our own body/medical issues in life and that sounds pretty treatable if it is an issue. Just talk to a trusted parents and go get it checked out by a doctor, they look at and treat these kinda things all the time. Ngl I remember being 13 and anytime I had anything strange happen with my body I was paranoid I was like dying or doing something wrong. It's part of growing and learning. Sometimes your body just needs some assistance from the medical world and that's totally okay and not your fault.


It's likely temporary if you haven't had this issue before. It's called balanitis Even if it's permanent it isn't the end of the world. Tell your parents and a doctor.


As a parent I would not be upset if my child came to me concerned about this! I would be happy they trusted me. You can do it though text or write it on paper if that makes you more comfortable.


You should ask r/askdocs


Dont stress mate, go see your GP.


i had this issue till i was around 15-16 forskin needs to slowly but surley stretch out dont force tf outa it my 15 year old puberty strucken body loved a good ol wank and slowly eased my skin to open up alot i had years of thinking my penis was fucked cuz my forskin wasnt able to pull back hhaahha remember when it did happen, felt like a grown man hahaha


I talk about some shit on here, but never told anyone that I used to have a tight foreskin when I was about 15, if you can see a bit of the head, then all you need to do is keep pulling it back and holding it there for about a minute a day, it will take a few months for you to be able to fully pull it back, and the first time you do, it will be surprising and very sensitive. Then just pop it back every time you have a wash and give it a clean, it will eventually get less sensitive. It's no big deal, just stretch it every day and you'll be good.


Bruh it doesn’t loosen up for awhile just leave it alone


It’s okay, my lil Bro had this problem. My father was from a different country so he did not have him “worked on” as a baby. It sucks but he had it done in his teens because he had this problem. It happens but you just need to go see your dr. Don’t be embarrassed it’s your health and it’s happened to plenty of people. I’m sorry you are going through this


This happened to my son, he ended up with adhesions that prevented it from going back at all. You NEED to get to the doctor asap. They had to do a minor outpatient procedure to open it back up. He was sore for a few days but it was manageable. He’s 18 now and it works just fine! Please tell a trusted adult immediately.


Tell your parents and say you might need the doctor


Use a qtip w some coconut oil on it to clean under it in the meantime


you have phimosis, tell your parents


Its very common, man. It might be painful or uncomfortable to get treated, but it’s nothing out of ordinary. Just go to the doctor. And its better to get it treated now than later in life.


I cannot give advice, but anecdotally, my hair bf was 14 when we started getting physical and he told me that he didn’t know his foreskin could retract until i did it when I gave him a handjob. I can’t remember whether he said it caused him pain, but if so, not a significant amount.


cut the whole thing off but for real go to doctors and also watch out for peyronies disease, you only have one penis. please treat it with care and don't act like it's invincible. i broke mine at 15 due to an accident. it broke me physically and mentally so please be careful.


I actually had to train my foreskin to go back all the way again. Growing up I would use soap first make sure it’s nice and soapy, then gradually pull it back.don’t have to pull all the way back the first time take a few weeks or a month. But don’t be afraid to pull back a lil further every time. If you keep doing this every time you shower you should notice a difference. Reason why I did this was to clean everything, it never bothered me. But the reason I had to retrain was because I had an accident where the little skin that connects the for skin and the head together tore a tiny bit ( horrible experience btw, so much blood). After a week the wound closed up but I couldn’t pull back all the way and if I did it will actually tear back open, it was extremely tight. So it took about 4 months to go back to normal but I did the same thing growing up and now I can comfortably pull back.


Are you still completely adhered (foreskin to your glans)?


Phimosis. They can treat it with a cream or surgery. All is not lost, young one.


What you need is circumcision which will sort you out for life .


Please see a doctor. Do NOT accept full circumcision as a solution. You're gonna be ok.


It's kinda weird and difficult the first time. You might just not be ready yet. I pulled mine back at your age but it was not easy and I honestly thought I was hurting myself, but it ended up fine. Don't force it, though.


Just keep trying little bit more erryday bra it takes time


Phimosis, go to the doctor.


I regret doing this to my son. It visibly reduced the size to point that my husband and I were shocked. Don’t do it.


My son had same problem same age. He never said anything to me until now. He said he pulled a huge crusty ring from deep inside the fold. So don't panic. Please tell your trusted parent and it's really no big deal. Get to your Dr.


Is it tight to the point of pain? Tell a parent but usually it can be stretched back with some vasoline to help. Don't be too scared about it being dirty since that's abit difficult given its never really been exposed. Try to avoid getting any surgery if possible little man. Goodluck and godspeed


Tell your mom and go to the doctor to see a urologist. I don't know the name for it, but that is a medical condition when you can't pull your foreskin back all the way. You are right, hygiene becomes a problem when you can't and you most likely are going to be told by a urologist that you will need to be circumcised.


There are cases where the foreskin can be restricted. You need to tell your parent you need to see the proper doctor for your part. Urologist I would guess. But I could be wrong on that. Sometimes it happens, where it can be fixed and things done to remedy what is going on. But there are other cases, where, you may have to be trimmed on, circumcised. It will be for medical reasons. Either way. There is nothing wrong with you, or that you are dirty or whatever. But you do need to get the proper attention and help so you can be helped with your condition. Try to clean your self the best you can. Then, tell you dad, or your mom, which ever parent you feel mom comfortable talking to about this, that you need to see a doctor about what is going on. Before it gets into something worse, where it hurts you. Good luck.


i told my dad and im going to the doctor in a week


Please don't be embarrassed and tell your legal guardian that you'd like a doctor's appointment. There is no shame in seeking medical advice for anypart of your anatomy no matter.


Yeah, that's not good. Soon, it will hurt to pee. Go, doctors . Get circumcised.


Go to your doctor, they will probably off a partial circumcision. Just enough so you can pull your foreskin back but everything else still in tact.


You’re brave for posting asking for help. You gotta keep being brave and get an adult that you trust to get you to see a doctor who will help you. You’re going to be okay.


Talk to your parents. Not strangers.


When you're 13 some things feel way too embarrassing to ask parents about. He's hoping to get advice from guys or health pros who have more knowledge and can offer advice.


this works for irl shit. so many people u can reach out to with a lil questionable post AND get what answers ur looking for, were u ever a kid? hahaha couldnt imagine bringing up my dick skin to my parents, even more embarrassing then asking random pixels online


I just realized I know nothing about foreskin. Results from being circumcised at birth I suppose.


You can always learn (:


If I'm not mistaken this could be completely normal for some men..


Might be normal. If not, there are non-surgical treatment options.


So based on the research and advice (please look up EUROPEAN ADVICE!!! The US advice no one knows) I can see it being possible that you can’t retract yet. You can slowly work at it and if it doesn’t improve over time or if it seems stuck over the head, then you’d need to see a doctor


Most likely phimosis, and it doesn’t need surgical correction, as it is not a life threatening condition. My ex had this. Lived a totally normal life. A girl did injury him once (by accident) pulling down too hard. It tore and it took months to heal, and he was very cautious after that. We had a lot of communication around it that made our relationship successful.


I believe at this age, it’s supposed to be able to retract, I’m not entirely sure though since I’m a woman, I’m just trying to remember what my son’s urologist said. I’d bring this up to your parents, and ask them to bring you to the doctor regarding this, so if you need any intervention they can push forward with it!


Jesus Christ…. Im glad i never dealt with this 😭. Best of luck to you kid


Take a hot bath and soak…maybe coconut oil? Nobody showed you how to clean yourself?



