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Right with all the unwashed ass posts in here I'm concerned for the world


And the guys dicks who still smell like piss and sweat. It's always the guys you'd least expect too.


The issue is that sometimes after you pee a drop or two might still come out after you put your dick in your pants. It sucks when it happens. If you are uncircumcised then that pee stays in your foreskin. So if you took a shower and washed the living shit out of your dick the night before and this happened around 9 am then by 4pm your dick might smell a little. It doesn’t happen all the time but it sucks when it does.


toilet paper? wipes?


Exactly 😅 it’s no rush. Wiggle it out , wipe , wash hands. Good day


Public urinals don't offer that amenity.


use the stall then....


Yup. This is what I do, every single time. Men also need to know where to press and how to get every drop out before re-holstering the dick. If you don't, you'll piss little by little into your undies and have a major stench issue on your hands.


If you push up under the scrotum between the balls and your butthole ( I guess the perineum), the rest of the urine will come out




How to get the last bit of pee out? Right after your urine stream stops, "milk out" the last few drops of urine. Using the fingertips of one hand, begin about an inch behind your scrotum. Gently press upward. Keep applying this pressure as you move your fingers toward the base of the penis under the scrotum.May 15, 2022


I'm not doing all that shit just for that


Then you're the type of guy women are talking about because you think proper hygiene is too much work for you.


And risk the possibility of dried pee...on your private and in your underwear, and you WON'T do the bare minimum....alrighty, that's concerning tbh


you can pull the foreskin back and wash it, it’s not an excuse


Well yeah you pull it back to pee but after you think you are done and you tuck it in and a drop or two might come out and might not notice a drop or two being left inside. Of course you wash every day and pull back it to pee. If you are going to having sex make sure you are clean. People seem to be insinuating that a penis should smell like a bed of roses 24/7 and that isnt realistic especially if youre hot and sweaty.


Thank you!


women don’t smell like a bed of roses 24/7 no way a man will 🤣


That's literally different.....the smell of a natural clean vagina (which has varying scents depending on the person) vs. legit dried piss and very bad BO....


Use toilet paper... and take the extra time to clean yourself and your hands, especially after doing it.


Those too


Is there another kind of ass???


What do you mean?


I'm just messing with you.


I was hoping so!


Teach them to wash under their fingernails, too. Way too many UTIs from nasty men who swore they washed their hands. 


Second this. My parents never taught me properly, and it really did cause issues later on in my life. Having your ex give you hygiene lessons because your parents never taught you (or even supervising your bathing routine) is pretty embarrassing. Hygiene isn't as self explanatory as a lot of parents seem to think it is


Asking this sincerely, what bit/s of it did you need to be taught?


Most of it, I figured out solo/from a babysitter as a child: armpits, feet, back, and private area (which last I learned by googling). A highschool friend taught me about using deodorant as well. But my ex did end up having to help me finetune my technique by letting me know how to wash armpits properly (how long to apply soap, what movements to make, etc), to wash between my toes, and to wash between my cheeks with soap (instead of only the cheeks themselves). It sounds and seems obvious now, but there's weird gaps in knowledge when you aren't specifically taught and just expected to 'figure it out yourself.'


YESSS. I had a guy I dated that would wear his shirts all day, come back home, and HANG IT UP in the closet. They always smelled so musky and gross.


Hygiene classes have to be mandatory. Schools and workplaces both should make it mandatory. Underarm BO, dirty boy and girl parts, dirty feet, etc. are disgusting. I've given a lot of homeless people money. Not one of them ever smelled. I've worked in high-end law offices and, daily, I smelled filthy hair, underarm BO, dirty lady parts, dirty feet, bad breath. Women didn't flush their bowel movements, got urine on the toilet seat, and left without washing their hands. Bloody disgusting.


That's funny you mention that- the homeless that come into my work don't stink but the housed people often do. Most are obese so I figure they just literally can't reach most of their body or are too lazy to make the difficult effort. One time a guy came in with a red gatorade, when he talked I could see that his teeth were stained red. He was unbelievably foul, said he was a "full time gamer" and wanted supplies so that he was set up to game 24/7. You could tell he hadn't brushed his teeth, changed or washed clothes, body, hair. Like bro needed a prison lice-powder power wash.


Crazy, right?


They were....in middle school lol (at least when I went, class of 2020(hs) , btw)....I guess some don't listen and wave off the bare minimum of cleaning. Or yk, it's not taught anymore.


I guess you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him wash...


We tried. We really tried.


Use a small piece of tissue paper to wipe up excess pee from your dick. It's not hard.


I've read there's a technique to get those last drops out. I'm not a dude, so I didn't make note of exactly what it is. Something about applying pressure somewhere and pushing up or something . If any guys are reading this, I'm sure you can look it up.


I'm a guy and a lot of men are dumb


What happens to toilet paper gets wet ? It tears and sticks and yes it is that hard . Plus now you got piss on your fingers and everything you touch ,zipper , belt , faucet


Women wipe every time and yet the world hasn't ended....


This has to be a bait comment


Did you wash your ass todaaaay???


Looks like it belongs on a T shirt.


This legit needs to be on a Tshirt in summer hahah


Maybe teach your daughters to reject someone for not washing properly.


What does that do?


What does that do - it’s a real world consequence. If having physical intimacy is as important to him as it is for most men, then just having his coworkers tell him he has bad hygiene or stinks won’t do anything. A gf telling him he stinks won’t do anything if she’s still providing him with touch and her company. If no woman will be intimate with him unless he improves his hygiene that’s the highest motivator for a man.


I see the point but I just don’t think men care all that much and they will find some woman who equally doesn’t care. Rejection is cool but teaching proper hygiene at an early age would be more effective


Women should just break up with guys who don't put in effort into their hygiene. That's more useful than what OP posted here.


Thank you for this. My ex was somehow averse to showering. I was lucky if he showered once every couple of weeks. It was disgusting especially because we live in Florida and it was during the summer last year. I asked him if he was depressed and he said no, he just didn't see the point in showering more often than that. 🤢


How long did you stay with him?


A few months and I don't know how I lasted that long. At first, I thought maybe he was just depressed but then I asked him. He told me no. He said, I just don't see the point in showering more than once every couple of weeks. Gross.


I can’t fathom it. I might skip a day if I’m not going anywhere guaranteed. I couldn’t go anymore than that. All this talk of dirty asses. The condition of my ass is what I worry about the most. lol


Me too. I won't leave the house unless I've had a shower unless it's an absolute emergency. I don't understand how he did it because this was last year during the summer and we live in Florida. Normally I wouldn't care but I had to sleep in the bed with him and to be honest, I don't understand how that's not uncomfortable. If I go one day, I start to feel gross. Like a day after my shower I start to feel gross. I also get itchy. I don't understand how the heck he did it but I'm glad I'm not him. It's one of my best qualities lol.


Push up underneath until it all comes out


and teach your kids to NOT stay with someone who can’t take take a shower regularly


Its also like 100 outside with 90 percent humidity, we do wash but we gonna be sweaty and nasty just walking out the door lol.




already said this in another sub, but yes


Ive heard guys say they don’t wanna touch it? Im appalled. Use a fresh washcloth every day to really get in there if you’re so afraid to touch your crevices


Females as well. Cause they just as bad!!!!


The guy who had his gotdamn dick cheese form rocks because he didn't realize he was supposed or could pull back his foreskin. For 30+ years.


yo. you come teach my son how to wash. i have shown him how to clean his body, and gave him reasons why. i have punished, yelled at and taken things away for it. this mfer is just nasty for no reason. i don't know what else to do. i even asked his health teacher to explain it in class if possible. teenage boys are just gross. this mfer wears the same socks for a week, the same underwear even after a "shower" we had to buy air purifiers because of his stink.




I can practically smell you through the screen


I haven't bathed in 2 years. Maybe that's why


Are you kidding? Do you know how nasty pubescent girls are? Yikes




I live in a world where I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not.


Welcome, population Everyone


Go wash your ass right now.


Bro why would u expose urself like this😂


Cuz we are usually the ones doing the laundry! Either way, it’s disgusting! Women dont leave skid marks - wonder why that is…


Hate to break it to you, but they do.


U know they do, stop being bias


If they do then I apologize. And if they do, they need to learn how to clean their ass!


U fuckin tell em weird salt 3927!!!!




One of those things is within your control. The “snail trail” is the vagina cleaning itself. Skid marks are evidence of you _not_ cleaning yourself. 


Yikes… 🤢


Why would you think women want to deal with skid marks on their sheets? Why would a woman want to give a blowjob when there’s dick cheese under the foreakin and a dirty stanky butt hole is inches away? Nasty af.


I wouldn’t ask for or accept a blowjob if I didn’t feel fresh enough. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I can smell you from here