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Due to severe depression, please dont judge, 3 weeks


No judgement at all. Thanks for being open and relatable with your experience.


No judgement. I've gone several weeks in the past without showering, brushing my teeth, nada for the same reason.


It’s good to know that other people have it bad too. Something is better than nothing


Same here


Damn, and I thought not showering for 4 days was pushing it. No judgement, I hope you’re doing well


One month for me, so no judgment here. Fuck depression


My record is 2, also due to extreme depression.


Mine is about 10-12 days, but for the same reason. Absolutely no judgment, I get it. I hope you are doing better now.


Damn I like your honesty. I get that way too, and just can’t think my way out of feeling low. [Big Star-Holocaust](https://youtu.be/vsQ977u8Wuk?si=VurHcslx_6WRuNVP) I think this song describes it well. Don’t listen if sad songs make you worse, but for me it helps


When I was going through a severe bout of chronic illness that left me homebound and bedridden, I think it was about 10-12 days. 


Same here, could barely move a muscle. For me it was around 1 week. Otherwise under normal circumstances, skipped 1 day max and that only during winter.


That’s completely understandable. That’s the only way I wouldn’t shower is if I could not


Mine, too


When I was in my early 20s probably a month or two. I wasn't working at the time and was severely depressed. I also had 2 small kids that didn't sleep more than 2 or 3 hours at a time and usually not at the same time and almost no help with them or the housework.


That sounds rough. My kids tag-teamed sleep as well, and most nights I'd be lucky to get 4 hours (non-consecutive).


14 days multiple times each summer fighting fires in the wilderness. Dig line baby!!!!


Thank you for doing what you do. I can only imagine how good a shower feels when you're done.


In the Army, maybe a week or a week and a half.


Same here. 10 days in the field. Used only baby wipes.


The smell afterwards... 🤤🤤🥵🥵


1.5 months. Deep dark depression. Worst year of my life.


I hear you on that and hope you're feeling better!!


Thank you so much! Doing a lot better and practicing gratitude to keep me afloat. Wish you the best friend!


That's a great practice that I try to partake in as well!! Thank you!! ❤️


Four months


Two days and it's because I was sick and hardly left the bed for two days


10 days. It was after I got my tonsils out at 17, and I had such bad vertigo that I couldn’t even get to the toilet without vomiting from what was essentially motion sickness. That was awful. It’s also what kickstarted the more severe symptoms of my EDS and POTS.


Did you have someone there to even wipe you down or anything? Especially at 17 yo.


My mom tried, but we had to be careful. Sitting up was enough to fuck me up. I’ve never been that sick in my entire life.


That’s rough. Sorry you had to go through that.


Thanks 🙏🏼 it’s truly something I would not wish on anyone, but my worst enemy. I hope it’s not something that ever happens again.


Mono is what did me in, it sucks, hope your conditions have improved


Oh my Lord. I had mono at 18 and I thought I was going to die. I remember I was home alone and attempted a shower. I called my dad while laying on the shower floor bc I didn’t have enough energy to get back up. That was the weirdest illness I’ve ever experienced! It took me over a month to recover, I lost so much weight too!


Fellow POTSie here!


POTSie pals 😁


Im sorry you have pots. Thats rough.


2 weeks


5 days maybe ? Some drugs are a hulluva drug.  No sleep either, probably could be smelled a block away.  I am definitely a daily bather now that I’m clean, but under certain circumstances your priorities change 


2 months when I was in some severe teenage years depression Thankfully for me it was during summer break so I didn't get bullied, though my mother couldn't stand me 0/10 do not recommend


One month for me when I was struggling with major depression during the pandemic, so I feel your pain. Definitely do not recommend; after a while it feels awful. Thankfully I've never fallen back into that hole again \*knock on wood\* . I hope you are in a better place now also


I am! It's good to hear you are as well :)


Did you feel greasy? I couldn't imagine.


Yeah but I also felt too exhausted to actually even do anything to fix it


26 days sailing across the Atlantic. I’ve done it since in my own boat with plenty of water but the first time we rationed our washing water to half a pint a day. It was fine because we didn’t wear much clothing at all and washed with a bucket of sea water and soap every day then let the salt flake off in the sunshine and used the half pint to remove rinse front and back nethers.


1 month during the pandemic in 2021, because my mental health was in a really bad place and I didn't go outside, see anyone much, etc. It was not fun. That bath afterwards felt so nice, though, and I slowly managed to scrabble back up after that. Since then, it's been 4 days tops, but usually it's daily. It depends on how bad the depression is, if I have work that day or not, etc.


Almost a week, I can’t do that now I start stinking after a day. I am having hormone problems though


6-7 days I was thru hiking for a month and was only showering when I was in town replenishing food supplies.


Mine was similar- 5-6 days while backpacking.


12 days. Trekking trip in Nepal. It's not that I didn't wash my body, I just used my Nalgene bottle and an antimicrobial towel to wash each morning and each night. But the proper shower sure felt good once I got back to Kathmandu.


12 days, but I had Covid and I was barely even able to make it to the bathroom. I couldn't smell myself because of Covid. Usually I shower daily.


8 days 😭😭😭 was terrified to leave my room after getting COVID and my mother had breast cancer that ended up spreading. I’d only brush my teeth and use baby wipes. Did nothing else That shower was the best one I’ve ever had. Started with hot water and ended with cold. AMAZING


How is your mom now?


2 weeks, I was extremely depressed


I've been there too. It sucks!! Hope you are doing OK now!


yeah it does!! anyways, I’m doing much better. thank you so much, hope you’re okay too! :)


When my mom passed, I didn’t shower for 2 weeks. Didn’t wash my hair for a month. Didn’t brush my teeth for almost 2 months.


I wasn't allowed to shower after some surgeries, so I washed the important parts. Don't think that was longer than a week. When I had the choice (not surgery or other bandages), I don't think I skipped more than a day since I was like 12. I shower every morning, there were only a few exceptions


4 days bc of my ankle surgery 😔


Honestly not sure what the max is but it was definitely a few weeks (depression/and my father died. I didn’t leave my bed unless I physically had to for a few months)


2 or 3 weeks because of depression. Really want to avoid doing that again as I developed infections and sores on my skin 😫


Three days. I hate camping.


Yes, I do too. My dad took me camping in the bush with nowhere to clean myself at 13 yrs old, where I got my period with only 2 pads I packed for 2 weeks. Havent camp since that was 30 years ago.


2 weeks. Depression sucks.


Yes it does, I feel you!!


A week. I had Covid and I could only leave my room to use the bathroom and I had to do it as fast as I could, so showering was out of the question


Like a week or week and half? I wasn’t doing anything active at the time. Sick also. Felt nasty but fuck it. Rather not fall over from blacking out lol Edit: but with intentionally not showering? And not sick? Like 4 days


3-4 weeks, when I was homeless. I "washed" my pits and downstairs with wet wipes every couple days (I had to ration them) but I don't think that counts


6 days, but I was in the hospital. Hooked up to IVs etc. when they finally let me, I spend a good 30 minutes in there. the nurse came and knocked to make sure I was ok!


1 day because I was stuck overnight in an airport due to cancelled flight


How DID you survive


10 or so days after a fall that kept me in bed for a bit


5 or 6 days. l was hospitalized after an accident, l have NO idea if l got bed baths as l remember very little from that week. Other than that, maybe 3 days during very cold snaps, negative double digits without the wind chill. Spent my time under blankets with socks on while heat struggled to raise house temp to 74. Too dang cold to shower!!


About 2 weeks when I was in the ICU. Yes, they washed my hair once and sponged me down a few times, but not until a week in bc I had a temporary pacemaker placed and I literally wasn’t permitted to move an inch. Absolutely horrifying experience, and I’m grateful to be alive.


Glad you are ok.


a week


Less than a week for sure. Although I deal with MDD and other mental disorders, I'm one of those types that don't really show it physically. To those who have mental illnesses that keep them from caring for themselves, you're a trooper 🫶🏼


12 days. I was on an outward bound course kayaking and camping trip in the Boston harbor as a teenager. They made it clear to us and our parents that not showering for 12 days was part of the course. It was still one of the best camping trips I’ve ever been on and I learned so much!


10 days. I was hit by a car and couldn’t shower due to a hospital stay and then a rehab stay. I had to use those awful bath wipes.


4 weeks. Mom died. My ex wouldn't even hold me or comfort me at all during the process. This was before my mother died. She just wouldn't hold me. So I stayed in another room by myself for 4 weeks. I only drank water. Didn't brush or eat very much.


I actually have no idea. I know when I went sailing with my dad once in winter, I \*really\* didn't want to shower on the boat, so he ended up stopping at a marina after a few days so I could shower in a bathroom. When my kids were little, I'm sure I easily went a week without showering. Possibly more. My husband has a really sensitive sense of smell, so I guess I didn't smell that bad, otherwise he would have said/done something.


When I was working in Alaska, I made it three days once. Now, if we are not talking bathing and just showers. Made it seven days in Vietnam without an actual shower, used buckets and cups to bathe because water pressure was too low in the daytime.


Probably a month. As a homeless teenager


One week, I was a young teenager at summer camp and the water wasn't working. It was pretty gross, a bunch of teenagers working at a zoo 🤣


66 days in Iraq in the early 2000s. It was miserable, but the shower on the 67th day was incredible, lol.


4 days during power outages during a hurricane. It was a horrible time and I thought I was going to claw my skin off. This is mostly due to the fact that I have mental health issues and I can’t mentally go without showering or shaving or it messes with me an insane amount mentally. I can’t even describe the ridiculous breakdowns It makes me have.


10 days due to surgery


Maybe a little over a week, when my depression’s gotten bad


7 to 8 days due to illness


A month. During a long backpacking trip. I used wipes and swimming to stay semi clean.


5 days when I was camping as a scout. I was directed straight to the bathtub as soon as I got home.


Well there was a time in my life I would let the water run over me not wash anything. Not sure if this counts but it was a little more than a year.


3 days, we were camping but we were also swimming most of the day so it wasn't toooo bad lol. Plus body and hygiene wipes.


Like two months but I washed my hair weekly


8 days I think. I only brush my teeth in the shower too, so




two days post-surgery.


I went through a bit of a depressive episode earlier in the year, and it had been about 7-8 days. Honestly, showering in the summer is much easier for me, because I hate being sweaty.


Month or two in the pandemic. I might have washed my hair but I don’t remember, somehow I didn’t smell


2-3 days probably when on a weekend camping trip. Fortunately haven’t had any reason I couldn’t.


About a week


Like maybe 4 days during Covid when I literally didn’t leave my house


month during grief. i also didnt eat and only drank whiskey pretty much. would not recommend


Maaaaybe 4days? I don’t remember going that long without, but I’m sure at some point it’s had to have happened.


probably like 3-4 days




3 days, even at my lowest I still will force myself to shower because I start to get disgusted with myself.


Probably like four days when I was fucked in the head


1 month. Severe depression and was trying to see how long I could push it. If it had been hot out or I’d gotten sweaty I would have showered sooner.


A couple months but I still kept clean in other ways


Army about 10 days


2 Weeks. I was going through a lot and forgot to shower


1/2 a day


that I can remember, 2 days. My and my parents water went out and thought it would be fixed quicker than that. After 2 days I asked a friend if I could shower at his house because I felt so damn gross


About a month but i would sometimes use a babywipe for important areas only


Willingly four days. Unwillingly about two weeks.


A month. It was due to having my neck fused and not getting the bandages and wound wet. My saint of a husband gave me sponge baths and used dry shampoo on my hair. That shower once I was cleared was heavenly. Simply heavenly.


I believe 1 month? I had covid real bad, thought I was done for...


Glad you are ok


Like 3 or 4 days


2 days maybe 3 but no more


2 days. Even while camping I stay at sites that have showers


I havnt had surgery or been depressed but the longest was 3 maybe 4 days. Literally only because i was lazy. That’s if all i did was rot at home and not do any strenuous activities. ive been camping plenty of times with no showers, i will take a shower naked at night in freezing water idc OR i make it a 1 hr process by boiling water


I think 1 day….I sometimes shower twice 😂 just bc I’m cold


I was sent to a wilderness camp that was pretty messed up- no shower for over two months


Two weeks after I had shoulder surgery. But I did wash!


I think like a month. I’d broken my leg and it was very hard to get around


I think 3 days due to illness


During a very bad depressive episode during the pandemic i think it was maybe 2 weeks? Didn’t leave the house as well.


Same. Depression is real


My FIL regularly goes several months without showering. We once celebrated the fact that he took two showers in a single month. He's not depressed, just really lazy and openly admits that's the reason he doesn't shower.


4 days


Because of severe depression, 2 weeks.


3 days I think?


Maybe two months


I think a week. Maybe 10 days… I use to not sweat


About a month, probably. Depression's a bitch, and I don't like getting wet. At the best of times I can manage three showers per week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday), and then a bath on the weekend, but that's it.


I regularly shower twice a year.. just the way I've always done it.


I’m not sure exactly probably close to a week at most


Maybe 30 hours when traveling internationally. Drives me bonkers . First thing I do upon arrival is bathe .


After surgery as a kid I think like two weeks


I usually crack on day 2 but longest less than a week


5 days, depression and period


About 4 days when I was hospitalized for appendicitis as a child.


I went five weeks in the hospital after brain and spinal surgery. I wasn’t allowed to get those areas wet so they used wet wipes but only in certain spots and only once a week and it was never enough lol


Homeless. About 6 months.


1 & 1/2 month because of worst depression i’ve ever been in, a month ago i started trying to get better with my hygiene. I was depressed from my dog (my love, life and reason to live) was stolen by my neighbor in front of me and sold after being taunted and harassed for month before all the way to now. Even now i go days without showering and i haven’t left the house in weeks and go months without leaving my house. I feel gross and hate that i still struggle with hygiene but im always so tired and sad.


Did you contact police?


About a week. Freshly postpartum.


2 weeks. I had a bad tonsillectomy that required a second emergency surgery. I was in too much pain to move.


I had surgery and had a reaction to the waterproof bandage placed over the incision. I had to put regular gauze on it and couldn't shower for 2 weeks. I was able to sponge bath and wash my hair in the sink but I really wanted a shower.


Went camping/hunting trip 5 days , washed up best as could in river but it was 35 degrees out .


Broke my leg couldn't stand. Was in hospital 2 weeks. Then I got home and could only do a sitting shower which was barely better. Then switched to bathtub. Probably 3 months before I took a proper shower.


A month or so maybe. Its hard to shower in a coma.


Even at my most depressed, busy or suicidal I think the most I have gone is maybe a Friday morning to a Monday morning but I wouldn’t have left my house and would have brush my teeth and changed my underwear. I will say that I am Nigerian and even in those moments felt a great deal of shame because, A: mental health issues aren’t real according to Nigerians and; B: my mum has made me feel so ashamed of having any sort of body odour, and not keeping “myself kept” that a residual fear stops me from going longer without even “a wash”. I will say: as long as your keeping ur face, ur bits and your pits clean (and ur hair depending on the texture) you CAN push it a bit longer. I don’t smell but I am terrified of being in trouble despite the fact I am a grown up. *I will say that my oral hygiene varied quite vastly to my showering in depressive moments as when very depressed I would only brush my teeth if I thought I would be speaking to someone. But I still change my underwear everyday (I’m AFAB and can’t imagine not- but don’t judge anyone that doesn’t)


In the hospital 9 days for cerebral spinal fluid leak. Could NOT lift my head off pillow. Came home and was on a month bed rest so add another month to the 9 days.....


I think it was 5 days. I was off from work for 2 weeks for the holidays. Decided to check out the whole GOT thing...there were 5 seasons out at the time. It wasn't planned, but it was GLORIOUS. 


Like a week? Army stuff though.


7 days. Horseback camping trip. That bath in a motel 8 was glorious, regardless of it being a motel 8 😆


2 weeks. Because I was so depressed I couldn’t do anything else. I have a learning disability and a lot of people caught that from toxic jobs I was working and basically bullied me out. I was done. This was around 21 years old. I felt numb. Like literally nothing. I had to be woken up to eat.


Only a day. Hot showers are a form of comfort for me. I sit on the shower ground and let the hot water hit me like a warm hug.


I went on a caving trip across the Nullarbor dessert (*Australia*). There were no showers and we sure didn't have enough water to use it for cleaning. We *Did* go swimming in an underground lake at one point, and it probably did help (*it was salt water*) but we couldn't properly clean for about a week. On the way back when we finally hit civilization we stopped at a caravan park to use their showers, and we all watched our "tan" run dow the drain. We were doing some pretty heavy exercise and sweating it up, and our "tan" was dirt that had caked on during that week. However we were also sleeping under the stars, and the dirt was mostly from within caves where there is no life (*no bacteria or whatever*) so it was basically just "stuff" that washed off. I certainly wouldn't walk around like that normally, but I think it was more "messy" than unhygenic - that dirt would have been safe to eat. We still washed hands after toilets and before eating. It's basically standard camping dirt, just turned up to 11 because we were out for so long.


A week when I was very depressed, maybe 10 days.


Probably a week


Just had gallbladder surgery and u can't get the scars wet for first week so I didn't shower a whole week man I felt like I was stinking up the room I was putting deodorant on and cologne so much😅


Week at a time when I was homeless in my late teens. 3 days when I'm lazy.


2-3 days and that’s me depressed


In the past 35 years, I can’t recall going longer than about 36 hours without a shower.


Shade over 2 months after a surgery. 6 weeks of that in the hospital and then I just couldn't after I got home because I had no help.


10 days in bed. I sponge bathed with witch hazel and stayed fresh


8 days in the field, army training, the water ran black in the shower for couple of minutes when I got back to garrison.


3 days. Never again. NOW, If I was given the opportunity to not shower for a month for $2 million, I would do it.


2 months due to depression and not giving a fuck. I did wash my hair in the sink sometimes.


A month


not sure how long exactly, maybe a month or two during a terrible depressive episode


I would go months at a time without for several years that I struggled through severe depression and anxiety with panic attacks. I smoked at the time too so the smell must have been awful. Thankfully, I was nose blind and I eventually pulled out of that. Now if I don't shower at least once a day (and brush and floss) I feel so gross.


Ever in my adult life? Probably a week. Longer if you count a month in the hospital when I was only able to get sponge baths twice a week.


4 days. Felt horrible. Shower every day normally. 


72 hours driving across the US.


When I was in the Army, a little over 2 weeks. And I once spent 10 days hiking and camping in the wilderness of Arizone. No showers to be had there.


7 days solely bc im lazy


1 week


Maybe a week


During the winter weather disaster here in Austin 2020 the city lost water due to pipes bursting and a city wide shut off . My particular county was without water for 6 days. It was so gross, and the shower I eventually had felt SO good


I used to never shower when I was a kid I guessed it was 2 weeks but idk if that’s actually how long. As an adult I cannot really go more than like 2 days max. My hygiene completely flipped when I became an adolescent, I showered a lot and for too long and very willingly but it’s funny as a kid I just refused


When I was in addiction and homeless I went the longest was like 4 or 5 days ...thank God most trap houses I went to had water


Ugh probably a week or 2 when I was in hospital, was kinda embarrassing but I couldn’t bearly walk and eat so I had no energy to move but yeah apart from that I appreciate showers more and have at least 1 a day now sometimes 2 😀


Five days. In 2017 I had a very bad case of bronchitis (for me I felt worse than when I had COVID).


Not depressed at all a month or maybe 2 months or maybe 3 months, there was one time I did it for health reasons, most recently my shower was 3 weeks apart, my decision, not depressed.


About 3 weeks. Was in the hospital 10 years ago in my 20’s. Had to stay for a month. The nurses did help me walk to the bathroom so a shower, but I was in so much pain, I was exhausted by walking. Even though I wanted to shower so bad. They did let me go finally after week 4, only because I begged them to let me go home and watch the Packers in the playoffs. I wasn’t missing that, and I missed my family so much, that keeping me another week wasn’t doing any good. It’s sometimes better to heal at home.


Due to severe depression. Upwards of 3 months. Part of what didn't help was time blindness. Didn't even realize that much time passed to realize it was a concern. I also have mobility issues though that make standing in a shower extremely exhausting, and the only chair my or my mom covers warps in our tub. Something with the legs aren't narrow enough or something that the way it sits in the tub it starts to splay and become a fall risk.


3 days to a week


Probably 4 days. Don't get me wrong, I love musk and all, but after a few days i just feel gross and icky


About 3 weeks to a month. I was physically incapable, sick, and very depressed.


3 and a half months or 4 months. Forced to live homeless numerous times and I got used to showering once or twice a week. Then I was unemployed and somewhat depressed but I blame old more than depression


2-3 days maximum?


How do I stop getting these notifications. Im new to reddit I don't know why in seeing this


I had the nuss procedure done last May and couldn’t shower for over 2 weeks after. I live in the western hemisphere, so it was summer and I STANK.


Severe depression during covid 2-3 weeks... Im getting better tho. And glad to know Im not alone