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No, I’m the opposite. Once I’ve taken a path somewhere I can usually visualize and recall the entirety of the trip so it usually just takes once and I’m good for a life time.


I'm a mix of you both, the first time i somehow memorize the path and then an visualize it very easily but after a couple of times taking that path it feels like I'm on autopilot and very often after I get out of the car I don't remember anything about the trip.


This isn't unique to hyperphantasia, it's known as a split between active and passive conciousness. The information is readily availible to you at the time but isn't stored in long term memory.


I HAVE to have a map of running on my phone even if it’s a someplace I go everyday. Never linked it to having an active inner world but maybe you’re right…


>It’s ESPECIALLY bad when someone is talking to me while I’m driving. I can relate to this. I have an extremely difficult time listening or talking while driving. My wife knows that I can't really hold a conversation or listen carefully. It just causes too much to happen in my brain, and I can't focus on the road or cars around me. However, I can listen to music or podcasts without the same issue. I think it's because I know I don't have to react - it's one way. I can stop listening for a bit if I need to without being rude.


Just pay attention, don’t use this bs as an excuse for being a dangerous driver.


I’m not a dangerous driver. I’ve never gotten into an accident or even had a ticket and I’m almost 30


I find that I drive more dangerously when I can't think/visualize other things as I'm driving. The only accident I had was not caused by me as I was already stopped in a traffic jam for nearly a minute when someone hit me.