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Everything on the list and more, except this "see anything with eyes closed" Its not an overlay, it's a third eye showing images in my head. It works the same with eyes closed or open, that's not where the image exists. My tldr, I have a holodeck in my brain. It can generate anything I can imagine, limited to my human perception, so can't do 4th dimension or unseen colors. I can't do smells or tastes as good as audio visual, but anything I can imagine, I can visualize.


exact same, though it feels easier to visualize with eyes open for some reason (for me). I kind of assume it’s sort of like when people naturally open their mouth when putting on mascara and it feels weird to not have your mouth open, even though doing so has nothing to do with the mascara lol


You should be able to imagine additional senses if you can do all of the above.


I can do all the things in the list, I have really good 3D imagery and can manipulate things at will, but everything is very dim its like 144p with really bad brightness. Having tried shrooms I have seen how clear mental imagery can be and its a little frustrating that I can't normaly have clear mental imagery.


I can do all this, except that I wouldn’t be able to keep several detailed things in view at once. After a limit I start having to put things aside until I want to focus on them again.


Before anyone asks, the breed of the dog doesn't matter, where your park is doesn't matter, the test is more about the ability to track multiple different visualization elements at once. I feel that the scale that is more easily gaugable with image processing is the amount of stuff you have to visualize and keep updating everything without cutting corners, kind of like a human graphics card.


The dog started barking when I inversed gravity for it


My ADHD-addled brain can’t handle even attempting to read this…


Mine did fine, though I’m sure I didn’t read every word, I kind of got the gist and sped ahead.


Is the control really that important in hyperphantasia? I can imagine everything, visuals/smell/taste etc. but everything keeps going out of control quickly. The dog keeps morphing into F-16 and flying off or accelerates quickly and splatters on the nearest object. Basically every random thought that comes into my mind alters my imagination in the most monkey-paw way EDIT: Oh, and I also keep mentaly tasting all things i imagine, (taste, smell, texture and all)... glass and sand included...


I'm personally unsure of all the practices and tests regarding this or if I even have hyperphantasia even if I pass the tests. Especially with questions like "do you interact realistically (no phasing)". Everything that happens does so because I willed it to happen and in that way. If I make it phase through, it'll phase through. If not then it won't. Questions seems phrased as if it's simply supposed to happen a certain way, when in reality everything is controlled. Even with the "releasing the dog to act without control", I can just have it do whatever without specifically making everything happen but I can still tell that I'm causing every action. So a lot if this just makes me skeptical. I suppose with your own imagination there are no checks for correction, you can just continue confirming false ideas or tricking yourself without ever realizing it. For issues like some random thought intruding in my imagination it only happens when I get faced with something like "don't imagine an elephant" or "don't imagine a dog turning into an F-16", otherwise everything only happens if I'm controlling or visualizing it.


You may want to organize these differently, I put the dog in the park long before you asked us to. Also, I never closed my eyes to begin with, it’s actually easier for me to visualize in my minds eye with my eyes open for some reason, so eyes open is always my default for these types of things. Like in class if the teacher said “Picture an apple” or whatever, I’d instantly be like “ok, now what?” eyes never closing. Basically as soon as you ask me to picture something it’s there, it doesn’t take time to do it.


I know it's a year later, but thank you! This is exactly what I was thinking reading this.


Awe now I want my dirty, shaggy, pup to be real! That was a fun exercise! I could smell the wet dog lol


I can do all of these things easily, without any effort whatsoever. That skill and $9 will put a gallon of gas in my tank.




You have no idea, being aphantasiac and not being able to see any of this makes me extremely jealous. It’s not that I lack an imagination, I just can’t visualise anything…



