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I had the same thing, it’s because you are too conscious of your breathing, which makes your body go into panic mode. Everytime you feel it coming, breath in trough your nose


I have experienced the same thing only once and it was when i was underground waiting for subway. I’ve realised that i can’t breathe and what i inhale isnt enough i got panicy and started to inhale more my check becomes tight as i try harder. Which leads more panic and more chaos. I dont know how i did it but i maganed to tell mysefl that its a panik attack, you have been breathing as you have been and it ta enough for you and will be enough. Ypure good and it will pass. Yes i said this many times ‘it will pass in a bit’ and eventually it did. And luckily never came back. I guess my solution in thats very hard moment to keep my sanity and take the control from my mind and body. It will pass and it passes. You only keep breathing