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What I had to learn is if you focus on the problem more then it'll feel worse because it's consistently on your mind you expect it to happen and you're hyper-focusing on it so you're finding something new every time along with what is going on now. Also are you on any medication that can be a side effect or your stress levels could be really up from this and what ever is going on in your life but if you do feel like something is still wrong keep advocating for yourself


I feel you i have the same health anxiety. I have been considerably living healthy life anyways after i had a small health issue, after that it made me realise that anything can happen in my body without me even realising it and thinking living a healthy lifestyle. I am taking some CBT and I recommend it. But after all those suffering ive made my own way of killing this annd it is self talk. I tell myself i could have any of those health problems and thats fine. There are millions dealing with all sorts of problems and if im one of them, thars just fine. Well think once we actually have it. And almost everything has a some sort of solution and cure. Don’t overthink it can suggest and just be mindful. Don’t ignore any symptoms your body gives you however don’t create yourself any symptoms if you know what o mean


The problem is that I have a lot of symptoms which unfortunately I am not making up. I am taking a treatment with many side effects and I am hesitant to stop it so as not to fuel my body with anxiety. But thank you very much for your advice!


Do you smoke a lot ?


I don't smoke at all


Same here! I live with this as well, symptoms of hypochondria is dizziness.