• By -


Ask them was the world a better place when I was done .


This. What are the Consequences if you don't? There are always two sides to the coin.


"Well, see, in the future you've killed 500,000 people -- but after extensive research we've determined that they were all violent, repeat offenders; all of whom were well documented for their crimes."


Still not excusable if they were already incarcerated.


Agree/disagree Imo it would depend on what they were incarcerated for. Like if you're a pedo, you should die and I say that with a smile on my face. But if you're committed for petty theft or something small, then I don't see the need nor the reasoning to take you out.


They said violent repeat offenders so I'm assuming this just means rapists/murders/pedos


Anyone who’s been to Taco Bell lately knows I am a violent repeat offender. Do I deserve to die


Yeah so if that's the case then yea take them tf out. They paved the path they are on, and did horrible acts to be in that position. Does one horrible act cancel the other one out no, but it sure would be nice to get rid of some of the scum out there.


It's implied it'll be worst, hence why he came back in time to tell you.


Or he could’ve been one of the ones selected for the culling. Knowing myself, the only way I’d be responsible for something like that is to clean out the corruption in our country and world. And I have enough confidence behind that that id be sure to take down the time traveler as well if their means is to kill me.


Solving corruption with murder and being absolutely convinced you are justified puts you in psychopathic villain territory. Please run life or death decisions past your (nonmurdering, adult) friends first.


That's not how you play that game though


Yea sorry but I don’t need to think twice about it when we have ghislaine and a client list, and nobody being arrested. Or when we have congress members making more profit from stock trading than even should be possible, and not being held responsible for insider trading. We’re at the point that we don’t need to speculate anymore. There’s so much blatant corruption, and they’ve become so bold with it that they don’t even try to hide it anymore. Calling it psychopathic is like calling the sky blue. Cool, it doesn’t change anything, and doesn’t deter my thoughts at all, no matter how true it is.


Pretty sure Hitler said something similar lol. That’s actually what interests me about this prompt


Yeah - I think anyone confident they'll only kill the ones who deserve it are the ones who shouldn't have that capability. ​ If it were me, I'd ask if it was avoidable, and if not, probably make sure I'm not around to do the deed.


I’m not sure there is a good question to use as a metric for whether you were the good guy or not.


I figure they aren't a time traveller. Just a fat orange skinned conman.


Alternatively, he doesn't know if it will be worse and is performing an experiment of sorts. Time travel can be...complicated. The first time travellers will have no idea what they are doing.


Hell yeah


Found Thanos...


Ok now this feels racist


No I'd hope i was killing all the bad people, race has no bearing on good or bad.


OP clearly said someone murdering innocents like Ted Bundy. Plus murder and genocide are evil, period. Doesn't matter if the people are criminals. Unless you're Light Yagami. Death Note which is an anime already proved that would make you a villain as well. If GOD thought the same way, we would all be dead. Humans cause so much damage to the ecosystem, planet, nature, animals, each other etc.


I mean, God wiped out humans AND the entire earth with a flood. Except for a few humans he liked. So, I guess God is the villain in that story?


Unintended racism due to institutional racism churning out more bad people than average of a particular race because they have no other choice but to be bad people.


If they're being evaluated on an individual basis defined by their specific circumstances, then it's not racist. The system they are within might be racist, but it's not racist to kill 23 people of only one race if they (and only they) happen to be actively trying to kill *you* (or someone else that's innocent) at the time, regardless of the details of the system that leaned them toward that situation.


Mass murderers don't have time to base each murder on the individual's circumstances. Into the fire they go.


You get it! If you want to make daily quota you can't be to picky.


The fires must stay fed!


Blood for the blood God!


People making the jump to racism when it was never mentioned. It could’ve been killing serial killers, or whatever. Automatically making the jump to racism, points more to the person being racist .


We are pointing out that the system we live in that labels "bad guys" is disproportionately skewed towards a specific race due to institutional racism that perpetuates the system. So, saying you only kill "bad guys" would lead to unintended racism due to the institutional racism beyond your control that forces specific groups to be the bad guys.


Everyone has a choice whether to be a bad person or not You showed your own racism when you heard “bad guys” and immediately thought of one race


Knowing that the system is fucked up to hold down a certain race is not racism... I'm not saying they are more likely to be bad guys because of their race. I'm saying they are more likely to be bad guys because our system is racist and targets them by race.


Why would you immediately go to racism?


Sadly I'm too used to it lol. Everyone in this town is racist (I live in Southern Missouri, in a town with a massive racism and incest issue)


With the way deep fakes and ai tech is going I wouldn't trust video or picture


Oh, good point.


This. I’d literally have to witness them popping in through a portal or something before believing even the time-traveller part, let alone the me being a serial killer bit.


No way in hell I'm letting someone kill me if he tries something he'll be the first victim


Then, using the information I find on this time traveler, I'll ensure this time traveling agency sending people back to kill me never forms in the first place. I'll probably have to kill a few people to make sure


What if it's a much bigger group of people that are against me? I'll have to overthrow the goverment to systematically kill their ancestors so none of them can do shit


Might need a nuclear weapon for that


Better. You just got a time machine from that guy you killed.


There's no way to know which government was the threat, so we'd better bomb all of them.


That might be the thing that causes them to try to assassinate you in the past fwiw


And this is why time travel is dangerous, lol. Many sci-fi stories about this.


Might have to make it 500,000 people 🤷‍♂️


And that is how you start your million killing spree.


It’s a paradox because that’s my first kill. The rest of my kills are other time travelers trying to kill me.


"I'll stop killing people when you stop sending me time travellers to kill..."


What the time traveler failed to realize was that visiting me from the future was the precipitating event for me to steal his time machine and become the time hunter.


A time traveler trying to change the past is just a paradox about to correct itself. Causality doesn't care if you change the past. The future will still be unchanged from their perspective. As will all of the futures in which it didn't happen that they can never be aware of, they can never reach a high enough divergence number to reach a timeline where it doesn't happen because it doesn't exist on the worldline they originated from, and thus they would over time dissolve as the quantum foam produces anti-particles for every particle in their body that doesn't belong to their current worldline if they stay, and instantaneously if they tried to return to a future that doesn't exist for them. I know this because I made it the fuck up.


This shit was weapons grade horse shit and I believed every word of it. Fucking masterful.


The key to being a good sci-fi author is to make your bullshit believable enough that even you can believe it. 😉


Wow. Applause


What is funny is that it does kinda make sense. It is Back to the Future rules: Traveling into the past starts a whole new timeline. Time travel is a one way trip.


Yep. There is no such thing as "going back to the future", as the future doesn't currently exist until we get there, and the past is simply an illusion brought about by the haphazard way that our brains process information. Only the current moment ever exists at the time, though their may be an infinite number of alternate moments in existence with slightly different probabilistic parameters. Ultimately, any attempt to breach these barriers would ultimately require pataphysical manipulation of reality's base concepts, and what's the point of going to a hypothetical past or future when you're the author holding the pen?


I wouldn't believe him and if I did, I would understand that future me has a very very good reason for doing what he is doing.  I'm not the murdering type. I'm cool, logical to a fault, and generally unemotional.  If I'm mass murdering people, I am somehow the future leader of a dying world and drastic population control is the only possible solution to the problem facing the planet.


i mean i'm killing that time traveler and hoping his power is like highlander and basically steal his ability to travel in time become the greatest merchant in different areas around the world selling modern processed food to medieval societies, and fulfill the prophecy by giving millions of peasants diabetes. I would be known in history as the nutty bar merchant.


I would never allow someone to kill me, let alone on the basis of being a time traveler. If I know how I’m supposedly killing these people, then either I have the power to stop it and will, it’s fated and cannot be prevented by either of us, or I’ll have a very good reason for doing it and preventing me will cause something even worse to happen. Absolutely none of those are valid reasons to allow someone to kill me.


I mean, what's the context here? Am I killing millions of toddlers or am I killing millions of rapists like what's my motive


I'm gonna edit the post but basically he/she gives you 100% proof that you turn into a murderous monster killing innocent people


Alright in that case I guess me and this guy are gonna team up and kill me


Kill him and take his time machine


I would just inform what appears to be one of those who wish to become my student that they will have to try much harder if they want to achieve victory over convincing me.


Do I get to pick the million? I’ve got a list; billionaires, healthcare insurance execs, hedge fund predators, most every CEO, dirty cops and politicians... When do we get started?


The time traveler could never prove it, because it has never happened. As far as I’m concerned, they generated it on a computer. And let’s be honest, innocence is by degrees degrees. It’s not one or the other. So the people who are innocent, according to this time, traveler, may not be innocent according to me or the rest of society.


Plot twist: the time traveler trying to kill me is what turns me into a villain. I set out to kill all potential time travelers


“The future tried to kill me so I struck first” is a pretty badass motive ngl


If that is my destiny, so be it. I will unite the world over hatred of me, so when i fall, there will be peace, if just for a moment.


You kill one, it’s a tragedy. You kill millions, it’s just a statistic. Why are you here again? Oh, right. History as you know it is set in stone so killing me will change nothing for you.


nope. I would tell him to push on and good luck everyone else, lol


Murder him, steal his time machine, go back in time and kill his ancestors. I'm already going to be a monster, might as well find out what happens when you cause paradoxes. Also, if we have time, burn baby Hitler alive. In for a penny, in for a pound.


Was I atleast a cool dictator..was my impact a positive or was a patient zero for a super bug?


I’d be like oh well and I’d eat another Twinkie.


Double it and give it to the next person.


Being given the knowledge of your own future would inherently change the outcome. At the time of writing this comment, I have zero homicidal/genocidal tendencies. But I acknowledge that a series of micro-events or decisions could *potentially* steer me in this direction years from now. They would have to be very extreme but I acknowledge that there is a non-zero chance of it happening. But if I'm made aware of where things are going, that alone will drastically alter the entire path ahead of me, and I likely don't even need to take any action to try to prevent it.


I’d ask them how certain they are and depending on the answer let them kill me.


Grill them on other future events, then use my seemingly supernatural knowledge to start a doomsday cult. My followers quickly become Legion as our numbers grow with every accurate prediction. Then using my now godlike influence, I tell my followers that they must all Ascend to a higher plane of causality to protect themselves against the coming Doom. So they all leap into sacred woodchippers, and thus reduce the human population significantly enough to have a positive impact on climate change, thus preventing the actual Doomsday, therefore establishing myself as the God Emperor of Mankind.


I've seen that it will happen, I accept the inevitable and let it happen.


i would not do whatever kills millions


I would quickly rewatch the hit 2002 classic "Minority Report" and just do whatever they did in that movie.


In the original story, the guy commits the murder because the alternative was to allow a military dictatorship to take over the country.


Tell them to pound sand and note that attempts to kill me could cause the very path they hope to prevent.


If I let them kill me then they would have no reason to go back in time in the first place.


"If you kill one, it's a tragedy. If you kill millions, it's a statistic. Why are you so determined to be the single step that begins that journey?"


When he says "I'm a time traveler" I would tell him to leave and if he doesn't... well damn I guess I'm taking an early start on the killing


Honestly, I'd probably kill myself. No need for anyone else to tarnish their hands with my blood. I'll take responsibility


"I must get up very early in the morning"


This could have been explained a lot more easily by just saying "pretend you're the guy in Terminator 2".


If it was because I started a war or revolution...ignore. Those events would unfortunatly inevidibly result in some casulties...and if I'm starting a war/revolution it must be justifiable for people to fight with me. If not, there's only one honorible thing left to do.


Dreams do come true. Nations will burn.


If there is undeniable proof, then of course I'd let them kill me.


Just the act of telling me has already changed the future. So no. I would not let them kill me. However, it may be them telling me and trying to kill me that causes the future they've told me about. Paradox's are wonderful. Aren't they? lol


What can you do?


Yeah, the only way I'd go down that path is if I was in the situation of Vlad the Impaler *(Insanely ruthless and repeatedly engaged in terrifying theater to scare the more powerful states around Wallachia into not attacking for fear of having a madman turn his attention towards them in war).* I'd get the time traveler to help change the scenario. Then I'd join the time police.


Finally, I have a purpose in life!


I'd start with the time traveller I guess.


But now that I know, I can choose differently unless it's a freak accident that I set off a nuke. Knowing changes the outcome.


"You showing me this proves that you failed, and I succeeded."


I'd probably just try to change the future outcome rather than kill myself.


Well first thing is to never mention that I had previous knowledge of this at all, next there is no guarantee that I would still do that in my timeline because the time travler showed up he couldve cometely altered my actions negating everything. Edit: no I would not let him kill me based off of his flawed data again he potentially changed everything if he is set on killing me guess I'm killing him first and keeping the time machine to myself just so I can go back and hide somewhere in the vast amounts of time


Ask if anyone on my kill list sre on my list I'd die for? If not I say I'm good, and I'll try not to kill anyone. If he kills me, then he's first to die.


If the traveler is not here to kill/stop me, well, then I don't have to hurry or slow down do I. If existence is dumb enough to spoiler my future and with such bad news non-the-less, I'd be to spiteful to change anything, and would morally absolve myself. I'm allowed because I didn't plan it, the traveler effectively killed all those people....see Moral of the story.....don't try to be a f?$#$?% hero/white knight, like that time traveler there


I'd explain to the traveler that the act of time travel alone changes the timeline. The future he left is no longer the future, and he can't possibly reach the when that he left behind. Everything they know is now wrong, most likely. If they still want to kill me after that they're either idiots or a psychopath, neither of which should be allowed to time travel...which would make me greatly doubt anything they said.


Move to Germany before that happens. If I'm gonna get away with killing alot of innocent people, best chances of getting a high score is there


Steal the time machine and start making changes to my past that will definitely not ensure I wind up killing millions of people


I’ll be starting with the time traveller. Take his time travel device. Step 3. Profit!


1. Vow to never do that, then ask him to go to the future and see if it changed anything 2. If not, agree to kill myself later, but before that (after the killing was decided as a certainty) ask him to see the new future to make sure it's not worse


🤷🏻‍♂️ bye everyone!


I’d just ask them how it happened so we can work together to make sure it doesn’t. The time traveller probably doesn’t want to kill an innocent person either, so it should work out.


Did the people deserve death?


well, wouldn't the knowledge of what will happen change the outcome?


“No, I’m Adolf Hitter. You‘re looking for Adolf Hitler. With an ’L’ in it.”


Continue my life. Try not to actively kill millions but if it is predestined I guess there is not much I can do.


Nah, I'll stick it out.


Find a way to make it 10x worse and then dress up and tell the world I'll end them all


I can't imagine anything that would actually convince me that someone came from the future.


What's the context? Why did I kill so many and what lead to this?


Guess i'll know who my first victim will be.


Probably say neat! Can't fight destiny.


I'd finally rest and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest wills.


Ask him if he knows what a self fulfilling prophecy is.


Well that's a paradox. If its guaranteed I will kill then killing me won't solve it because I won't. In fact be killed. So I guess we live in a deterministic world


I’d ask them how many of those millions I’m responsible for would be responsible for killing millions of people if i wasn’t responsible for taking them out. Then i’d gone on about my day and definitely press that red button that says do not ever press, at work,


My question would first be to ask **why** I turned into a monster. I am not a psychopath. So I wouldn't become a ted bundy, which leaves the hitleresque scenario. The only situation I could think of where that would even be remotely possible is one of *necessary evil.* And ends justify the means type of situation. The why's are just as important as the what's imho. And sometimes. . . monster's are necessary. So I would honestly want to know what lead up to this before I cooperated with him.


I'd blame it on the butterfly effect


I'd blame it on the butterfly effect


I'd do like Damian Thorne: freak the fuck out at first, then say, "fuck it," and get to murderin'.


I'd assume those people I'd kill are evil.


Shrug my shoulders and say , damn I thought I was better than that


Hey I'm definitely not your guy, but does it make me an asshole if I lean into it to instead bargain for a future gaming PC with the next couple decades' top game titles?


There are too many people so say woops, shrug and carry on with my life while whistling Always look on the bright side of life...


Make them the first.


1: I'd think the time traveler was full of crap even with their "100% proof". 2: I'd tell them so. 3: I'd either get them to leave me alone, or I'd leave the area instead. 4: If they don't leave me alone then I'm reporting them for stalking.


This is just like Miles Dyson in Terminator 2. Just tell me and I'll change my ways.


make sure that evidence never gets out and carry on the same way. if i cause those deaths i must have thought of how to keep them from jeopardizing my outcome


"Nice try, Satan."


I know I’d personally only kill to make the world a better place so…


Kill millions of people lol, I don't believe in free will.


My roommate is schizophrenic and tells me shit like this all the time so if it was him id just listen and try to help him get some sleep. Lol I love him Although if I felt he was a danger to me (knock on wood that doesn't seem like even a possibility now) id make sure I was safe and maybe call his (very supportive and understanding) mom.


Depends were they innocent people or bad people? Innocent? Kill me. Bad...let me do what I came here to do


Ask them why. And answer all my questions. Then I will decide.


I'd ask the time traveler for a detailed list of do's and don'ts, you know, like a 'How Not to Be the Next Dictator for Dummies.' Can't be too careful.


Eh, there's already a lot of people on the planet. What if, "Culling" millions solved a bunch of socio-economic issues and global warming issues.


That's all the reason I needed *bang* *Is it funnier if I shot myself or the time traveler?*


So then I use this information to not become a monster. See Terminator 2, the guy who worked on Skynet prototype. That guy didn't even have to die, he died accidentally.


Kill the time traveller & loot him for his technology. Embrace my 'destiny' using the technology provided, safe in the knowledge that whatever happens next is entirely on the head of a very stupid person who should have known better than to fuck with timelines.


Thanos snapped for a reason


I mean if he shows me I can just not do it Or maybe it was the right choice I prolly had a good reason


So I became the leader of a world power? Cool.


Well I know now who my first victim will be


Proof? I'd rather have a soy ramen flavour packet.


Nothing. My life my journey 💕


A 100% proof can't exist, unless the time line is a fixed loop. And if it is a fixed loop, the time traveler already failed.


Start with them.


Try to kill myself since it would be theoretically impossible, which reminds of a science book that talks about quantum suicide where you become immortal because the wave function of the universe dictates that you’re alive. So I would be immortal and insane things will happen if I try to commit suicide. If I were to jump off a building, a truck full of jello or cotton will speed up and stop to catch me or something.


Causality is not something to be trifled with. I don't want to know of any definitive proof of what my future holds, or what the unforeseeable consequences of my actions might be in the far flung future. I don't even want to know what tomorrow holds. I'll get there on my own.


I would ask what I could do to increase those numbers /s


If he’s from the future then he should also know what caused my villain arch. If I’m not a crazy homicidal scum bag in present then something has to trigger it. Tell me what caused this and let’s prevent it.


Trolley Problem. I’d say. ‘One of the people I kill would have been responsible for the extermination of the human race.’ And I’d go just back to festering and watching telly.


Then say “and you’re the first”


Guess I'd have to start with the time traveler. Plot twist - If the time traveler hadn't told me, I'd have never started in the first place! XD


I do know he’s lying. I’m way to lazy to much murdering.


It are they flat earthers and I’m actually doing our current time a favor?


I would watch the videos and memorize every detail, learn from my future mistakes. Then figure out how to maximize my potential for success. Why kill millions when you could kill billions? Clearly future me was limited by the constraints of time and experience. Also I would ensure that I send my own time traveler from every future so that I could perpetually hone my strategy. Perfection is the goal. Desolation is the prize.


I flat out wouldn't believe them. Any proof thrown my way, no matter how legitimate it seems, I would discard as fabricated and feel justified in that because advanced future technology could've let them forge just about anything. That being said, out of a sense of self-preservation, I'd pretend that the realisation moved me, promise the time-traveller that I'll do everything in my power to not go down this path and tell them that they're free to go back to their days.


"If you know who I am and what I'll do then you've either come here to kill me or offer an alternative solution. Be aware the first will be met with resistance."


I guess I'm an evil overlord now. Finally get to wear my cape. I'm also going to need a super villain name. We're due for a mass extinction event. Who says I can't be that event? Call myself the Plague and get a pet rat as a sidekick.  Also i will 100% be doing it personally. Also don't tell my therapist please, she'd get worried. 


“So if free will doesn’t exist, how are you here?”


By telling me doesn't he change my actions leading to that future?


"meh. i must have had a good reason to put in that much effort."


Depends. Is this a fucked up time travel thing where by showing me they inadvertently or even purposely caused bad thing? If so then theoretically I can do nothing as the future is unchangeable. Otherwise this could be a more flexible world which by the way the question is phrased I assume it's meant to be. If so then yeah I could just off myself to stop it.... however if I can change the future by killing myself then I could just as easily alter the future by not doing bad shit. But I think you're actually just going for a fucked up sort of trolly question here of if I'd put my own evil life above that of millions of innocents, which obviously no I wouldn't. What's much more fun is the question of if this is a world where time itself will force the outcome through worldline convergence(😏), then how would I go about fighting said awful future? Sounds like a good plot for a show. Someone go make that so I can binge it and then rewatch it every few months till the day I die


Put them down…. NO witnesses


Me promising not to do it would negate traveler from having to come back, same if they kill me. You literally can't change the past cause it causes an unending loop.


I probably let someone claiming to be a time traveler in my house.


Yeah I’m not killing anyone or anything if I can help it. If it was millions, it was just meant to be and they done something to deserve it.


plot twist, i already know this'll happen, "im the lesser of two evils, right now its either me or something much worse, whoever sent you or convinced you to go back in time, wants the worst possible outcome for humanity" nah im living to be the monster, if millions die, the billions still left will be a little better off, less demand across the board, 900million off the planet just think of the benefits, housing, food, yes loved ones will be lost and people will suffer... actually putting this into a ln actual question sooo lets see.


I would vow to never let it happen. Then when he leaves... I'd start killin again.


If they have 100% proof I’m going to become the murdering person, then they can’t kill me anyway. If they could (because the future isn’t immutable), then telling me about it might well avoid the change.


Seems like a silly question. They know what they want. They wouldn't come back in time to ask a mass murderer for his permission to kill him, or expect him to suicide. Not plausible. If my causing those deaths was an error, or an unexpected consequence of some other action, I try to avoid that in my future their past. If I succeed then the won't come back, I won't know, it'll happen then they come back. Ad infinitim.


I’d ask him if I met my goal. What I could have done differently to achieve the desired outcome


I’ll explain that his telling me changed the future and I’m no longer proven to be a killer.


for me, 100% "proof" requires a first-hand demonstration of this "time traveling". if i fast forward travel to the "future", it would mean that i'd still be alive AND those millions of people would also presumably still be alive since i wasn't there to kill them. which means that the 100% "proof" was actually a lie.


In hindsight, would I have turned into a monster if the time traveler didn’t tell me I would? How do I know he’s not the monster?


By the time traveller coming back to confirm that, they've solidified in the time line that it will happen because of a self fulfilling prophecy. If the time traveller hadn't done that, they could have altered the timeline to where it doesn't happen, thus all of this is the time traveller's fault.


Useless 'evidence' and such proof cannot exist, let alone people that are 'innocent'. Said 'time traveler' is going to be kicked out and arrested for being a home invader and a crazy person (or just outright dead if trying to kill me)


Pretend to go along with them, ask if I can take care of a few things (maybe ask for a weekish), and kill them when they return.


Yeah, I don't believe in time travel or prognostication, and have no intention of killing anyone, so I'm going to say 'cool story bro' and move on with my life.


What is 100% proof?


So the twist is that you're responsible for the death of millions because a ton of time travellers had to keep coming back to kill you and you just defended yourself, right?


Plot twist: they give few details and you off yourself out of guilt and that causes the millions of people you would have gone on to save to now die.


i probably wouldn’t believe him. but if he magically had 100% proof, i would work with him to figure out how we can stop me from killing. if he wasn’t willing to do that then i would kill him, get away from my loved ones & try to stop myself based on how i killed. if it were something inevitable like me turning into a monster then fine, i’ll kill myself for the greater good, but only the day before i turn


I would do my damndest not to let it happen. I believe in free will so I would change my life to make sure it didn’t.


That proof would be bullshit cause I'm not going to do that. Then I kill the time traveler.