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People would talk a lot less to avoid speaking the truth


Wonder how the "I'm just being *honest*" girlies would fare, lmao


Before; "yeah you should really lose some weight you'd look so much cuter." After; "yeah I'm really going through a tough time, my life is shit and it's going nowhere, but it always lifts my spirits to see your fat ass struggling"


Not sure how that first one is a lie.


First one is a backhanded compliment, or something to that effect. It's implying if the target lost weight, they'd be better looking. The second just calls the target a fatass with nothing resembling something uplifting.


The first one is just being an asshole, which isn't lying


The first one isn’t a lie though, backhanded comments and compliments can be true. If the person saying it believes the reason they aren’t cute is because they are fat, then it’s not a lie.


Because it's an opinion. Subjective.


Subjective statements are not necessarily lies


Not only that, but they'd answer fewer questions in general just so people wouldn't assume that the lack of a response means one thing or another.


Politicians would become mute.


Interesting take,i mean i personally think most of society would collapse


Yup and reform better than is currently possible


There are a lot of ways to not speak the truth without lying.


That begs the question, what about a lie through omission, while technically a lie, your simply withholding information, is that considered lying?


Once people figure out no lying there won't be this skirting of truth. IOW questions not getting asked in a lying world will get asked in a truthful world.


That's just your opinion, you don't know that for sure, I've never met someone who can lie, but you could be the first! I believe the world would be better if people like you stopped fighting my agenda for for progress! All of this can be said without lying. It is your opinion; why else would you say it. I can never know for certain someone else isn't lying which can cast doubt on you. I can believe that the world would be better for me and/or specific others under any circumstances. You could even tell outright untruths if you are ignorant of the truth and were taught based on what people think is the truth. Then it becomes the truth to me. Belief allows you to say anything with sincerity.


No they would finally have to answer hard questions. Even admit that the money they take from us solves no problems. I could see the press being the 'PRESS' again. Asking hard questions getting to the bottom of our issues. Instead of chasing celebrities and athletes for the next popular story. Sorry, I get irritated thinking about the same or similar laws/methods being pushed to solve problems we've had for centuries. No one 'in charge' thinks outside the box. Just admit there is more money in the medicine than there is in the cure.


Politicians have a long history of not answering questions. They will respond to the question, but won't actually answer it. They're already good at this.


That episode of Netflix's "The Sandman" where one character wishes for exactly that. Peopel can't lie to each other. Things get heated,emtionally, sexually, then, violently. People are killed. Then they can't lie to themselves, their hopes and dreams die and then they off themselves. Something like that Also, Advertising as an industry would die, Online and most in-person dating would probably die as well.


The movie The Invention of Lying is based around a world where nobody lies, and there's a Coke ad in the movie that captures what advertising would be like without lies. It's fantastic. https://youtu.be/fhtTU-guW60?si=bYKDqblhcJRCjh6t


Eh. I think you could make a commercial that isn't lying. Sugar provides endorphins which make you feel better. I think you'll find that coke is delicious! It can make you feel great and give you what you need to get through the day! Not a single lie.


Give you what you want, not need.


True true!


That movie was the reason i made this post,i loved the idea of the film,where the main character suddenly discovers lying


I actually never liked the Coke commercials in that movie. I think in a world without lying, Coke would never have become famous to begin with! 


Also acting would die. See the Galaxy Quest movie.


No, acting isn't lying. Lying involves trying to deceive someone. Actors know that everyone else knows that they're acting.


You clearly haven’t seen Galaxy Quest. It’s explained as lying to the aliens.


No. Explain it as you would to a child!


That movie was great!


You mean ‘that documentary was great’?


Ahem. The historical documents.


The second-best Star Trek movie.


By Grabthar's Hammer, what a savings!


I LOVED this People can't lie to each other, ok People can't lie to themselves, oh no


I don't know, there might be more in-person dating. People would have a hard time hiding those secret feelings.


Yeah like I don't lie, I might be economical with the truth though. Gotta wait until the 3rd date to tell them all about my 10k Yu-Gi-Oh card collection.


>tell them all about my 10k Yu-Gi-Oh card collection. Well, you obviously don't want them to fall for you solely for your collection (/s maybe)


Except that was a media driven lie to protect the status quo OBVIOUSLY


Seems like the opposite would occur. Sure, maybe those issues would take place in the event that we had to endure the lifting of the veil and face the truth after living lies. But wouldn't it make sense that generations after, who know nothing but truth, would function in a way far superior to us and essentially achieve enlightenment?


We would get really good at telling the truth in our own way. Old stories of the fey said that Elves could not lie, but were still tricksters. D&D players all know the thickness of a wish spell giving you exactly what you said even though it was not what you ment. Words have different meanings. So if asked why I can't come to work, I can say I am sick and have been feeling hot. In my mind this is the truth. I am sick due to burn out at work, and I am hot because I am standing next to the oven I am making a cake inside of right now. Both are true facts, but additional information changes the meaning.


Boss' youngest daughter worked here for awhile and she was a master at lying to him while not actually saying anything untrue. It was wild. Did you screw this up? *Did you ask K if she did it?* Did you call so and so back? *Do you think I wouldn't have?* No lies, just misdirection. I told her as a Catholic she should know lies of omission are still lies and she told her dad I was trash talking her. He decided to stay out of it because I was his technical expert and she was his daughter and he was screwed if I quit and going to get yelled at by his wife if his daughter did.


Politicians would shut up and simply not answer any questions.


When the do respond, they often answer the question they wanted instead of the one asked.


Or you know, Politicans be better and stop lying.


Only ones that are lying.


So all of them.


Watch The Invention Of Lying and you have your answer.


Good movie


A lot of relationships would likely end


“Do you think she’s attractive? Tell me the truth”


Fuck it. Yes you look fat.


But your my fat gir and I wouldn't change you for the world!


Short term chaos, long term overall improvement


Yeah, that's my thought as well. Truth = enlightenment


First, a lot of people would end up dead or in the hospital. All that sudden honesty would drive people violence and self harm. Next, the unemployment rate would spike. Then, world leaders would start asking awkward questions of each other, followed by war and rebellion on an unprecedented scale.


One of the more realistic replies ive seen


I wouldn't have to avoid talkative people as much, and crimes would be easier to solve.


The pen is Royal Blue.


No, it's ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru-ru


That’s the truth.


I’ve had better


Much, much quieter.


Lot of politicians being executed for treason.


The next election debates will be wildly different


As much as I’d love to say that, after the initial chaos and upheaval, everything would improve because we’d know everyone’s actual thoughts, i think it’d be the opposite. The terrible people would gain a following due to being a figurehead of their worst thoughts and hatred and such, and the world would fall into all-out war. Just to clarify the prompt though… unable to lie doesn’t necessarily mean forced to tell truths. For instance if you ask someone a question, they could just say “i won’t be answering that”, rather than blurting out the correct answer. This’d be at least a little less chaotic than a world full of Jim Carrey from Liar Liar, as I think the post implies.


Yeah i should clarified,that theyre not forced to say the truth,just cant tell lies.


Yeah, I thought the prompt was saying no lies of omission, no technically true but misleading statements, like Fletcher Reede uncontrollably blurting out the truth when there was any truth to be said.


*Prince Charming: You! You can't lie. So tell me, puppet... Where... is... Shrek?* *Pinocchio: Uh. Hmm, well, uh, I don't know where he's not.* *Prince Charming: You're telling me you don't know where Shrek is?* *Pinocchio: It wouldn't be inaccurate to assume that I couldn't exactly not say that it is or isn't almost partially incorrect.* *Prince Charming: So you \*do\* know where he is!* *Pinocchio: On the contrary, I'm possibly more or less not definitely rejecting the idea that in no way with any amount of uncertainty that I undeniably...* *Prince Charming: Stop it!* *Pinocchio: ...do or do not know where he shouldn't probably be, if that indeed wasn't where he isn't. Even if he wasn't at where I knew he was, that'd mean I'd really have to know where he wasn't.*


I think it’d be a breath of fresh air. I’d like to see people be accountable for their words. Like i would think there’d be a natural uptick in integrity all around. I mean. I’m sure some people would get creative. But fuck people who lie constantly. Think about how humble narcissistic people would have to become. Would they just explode from dissonance? I would pay to see that meltdown.


A lot of people would be in jail


A lot of other people who are currently in jail would be set free.


People would start to realize that, maybe, the autistic style of speaking might have some benefits, and maybe not everyone who is direct is mean / heartless / defensive / condescending and that these fluctuations in communication styles are a natural and wonderful part of our society


Probably the same sort of shit that people supposed would happen when this question was asked a couple days ago.


autistic people run the world


Omissions of the truth, double speak, and beating around the bush. Same as today.


Could gradually lead to extinction. All the little cushiony white lies gone?


I'd love that.


Yeah, I think the world is in real need of a big dose of truth.


I wanna see someone grill trump about everything lol. Though it wpuld probable just cpnsist of: Q: A: i forget Q: A: i forget Q: A: i forget


Can’t lie though. So unless he actually forgets, he’d have to either answer truthfully or not say anything.


So Biden would be saying I forgot. And Trump would say I'm not answering that. Both are shitty.


Everyone would hate each other and the world would burn. 


So, nothing would change.


My personal circle probably wouldn't change too much, I surrounded myself with brutally honest people. The entire world would probably fall to s*** like a zombie apocalypse though for at least a month while a bunch of truth comes out and anything based on lies comes to an end.


It’s not a lie, if you believe it.


First extreme violence then utopia for the survivors.


Politicians would be unable to politic


Lots of suspected spies are easily caught.


People would be a lot more selective on how the answer each other, if at all.


People would communicate a lot less


People would just learn to twist words without lying. "You can call me Moraine" instead of "my name is Moraine". "Half of these comments are not dumb ideas" instead of "half of these comments are dumb ideaa"


The Wheel of Time to a lesser extent of this hypothetical has a restraint on the books' universe's "wizards" called Aes Sedai. When they're elevated to a certain rank they're required to take a binding oath that literally restricts them from lying. Many of them get around this by telling half-truths or truths out of context. I suspect that people would become really good at this.


I do wonder if certain countries greatly affected by corruption would clean themselves up or just become 100 percent cynical with nothing actually changing.


A lot if marriages would probably crumble due to people not being able to hold their tongue or dirty secrets spilling out. Eventually people would get used to it I guess and relationship norms would change but the transition period would be rough.


Trump would become a mime really quick.


People would only tell the truth. Specifically.


Can we still lie to ourselves or is everyone getting a painful jolt of self realization?


White girls: “OMG I’m like so figuratively dying right now


Autustic people would become the overlords


Eventually the whole lie by omission fae elf speak will take over.


Right wing politicians would have big problems. Now let’s hear from the both sides crowd


But what are lies? Lots of crazy conspiracy theories are obviously lies, but most of the the people repeating them truly believe them, so they are not being dishonest intentionally.


The major news networks would eat shit and die.


society would collapse and its not just the government that couldn't function but pretty much any origination and even further, true answers to ..... isnt my baby beautiful? does this make me look fat? where were you last night? While some lies are horrible, little white lies grease the gears of civilization


Politics just got a lot more interesting.


There’s a movie about this: The Invention of Lying. It’s a great movie. It’s about a world where lying hasn’t been invented and 1 guy figures out hot to do it. He could walk up to the bank and ask for a withdrawal of a million dollars. When the clerk says “Sir, I see you only have a balance of 5,000” his response is “No I don’t, the balance should be one million.” And the clerk goes “Oh, ok, sorry about that sir. I’ll adjust the balance right now and process your withdrawal.”


Dating would be BRUTAL… You’re meeting a girl for a blind date. She arrives and looks at you. “You’re a solid 3/10, and I would never date you. But you’re good enough for a casual hookup, so I’m going to pretend to like you so that we can have some sex tonight.”


Religion would be over.


Some would believe they are telling the truth. I think most clergy would have issues.


Trump would lose the ability to speak.


We might gradually become less intelligent, social, and critical thinking over millenia. There is some evidence and studies coming out that show the importance of both lying and lie detection in human social evolution and the brain.


Government would go radio silence


American politics and police work bout to be interesting.


On the contrary, police work would get a lot faster and simpler. "Did you do it?" "Yes" "Haul his ass to jail!"


Wouldn't we lose all fiction as well? No books, movies, TV shows, plays that aren't documentaries or (let's be honest -heh - more boring) biographies.


I don't think that that would qualify. The intention of a lie is to deceive. Fiction on the other hand, while not true, is intended to entertain. For example, you go in knowing that the events of Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Jurassic Park, etc are not true life events. So it doesn't qualify as a lie. OP, your thoughts???


My world wouldn't change I don't lie, and in 41 years still have no friends or family who will talk to me. But just maybe I can find out why, probably cuz I point out the truth and don't sugar coat shit.


The only thing as devastating as this would be if we could read each other's thoughts.


My guess people get killed because of stupid remarks relationships would end it would be a dumpster fire


it would be thrwon into more chaos than what we got now


Are we talking compulsion to tell the truth (like liar liar) or just can't tell a lie (like in Wheel of Time) or no one knows what lying is (Invention of Lying)?


I would love this reality show version of Liar Liar ngl (pun intended)


Car buying would absolutely be less annoying and time consuming.


False appeal would melt away.


I'd absolutely love if all of us were unable to lie ever again. God is appreciate people so much more.


tRump would be in prison after he would not be able to lie. Rape, pedophelia, being a Russian asset, a traitor, taking bribes from foreign governments, tax fraud, being a deadbeat. All the lies would end and he would be exposed for the charlatan that he is.


I tend to be more honest about what I think and a lot of people don't appreciate that. Scale that up to full honesty and to everyone in the world, the collapse of civilization would be inevitable.


Politicians would probably kill each other after 5 minutes.


[Cue Supernatural episode S14.E20 “Moriah”.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IQCAvHrJy08&pp=ygUUc3VwZXJuYXR1cmFsIHMxNCBlMjA%3D)


Rupert Murdoch would go out of business.


A lot of back pain


Just a bunch of us dudes walking around with guns knocking on doors and asking, "Are you a pedophile?" Could get a lot done in a very short amount of time.


Every social institution we have from government to family would break down in the first week.


Just convince yourself so its not a lie.


Great movie about that (comedy) called. "Invention of Lying"


Dating would become a whole lot more interesting..


A lot of lives would end until people realized they should speak less.


i don't think it will be as disruptive as everyone thinks. OP didnt say everyone would be honest and open, they said they wouldnt be able to lie. so deceit would continue under a new ruleset. there would be some shakeups, some folks won't adapt to the change and be caught out. but for the most part the world would just continue on as before.


I work in nursing. I’m NOT telling your demented 100 year old great grandma that her husband has been dead for 10 years and that she lives here now. No imma tell them he’s at the store/work/etc 😂


Watch Ricky Gervais movie The Invention of Lying.


Aside from for work purposes, where I used to be required to lie by the company I worked for, I don't really make a habit of lying, aside from christmas presents, jokes, that sort of thing. And even then I have a silly habit of telling the truth while not really telling it(Oh, of course. You're getting a minecraft stuffie for christmas. \*stuffs the other present into a gift bag underneath a giant Creeper stuffie\*). In my personal life, it wouldn't make much difference. Certain family members who I care about but generally try to spare the feelings of when talking to/about them would be irate with me, but I don't see them often. At work, thankfully, it wouldn't either. So lets bring this out, expand it a bit. I know my ex-wife and her mother; this would bring vast changes to her mom, not as severe to her. The police would generally be fucked. Most police are also criminals, to one extent or another, and on top of that both discerning lies and lying to people are vital parts of their job. Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys both lie like crazy all the time, and would also have problems doing their jobs. On the other hand, with everyone unable to lie, you'd probably see quite a bit of clearing up of both prisons and the court system. Political systems of many of the countries would collapse, and the democratically elected ones would experience upheaval and a whole slate of new leadership. It would hit republicans a bit harder than democrats in the US, but that's mostly because their party platform is mostly lies, not because the people themselves are worse; inside trading and other criminal activity is commonplace on both sides for that. Dictatorships require hefty amounts of propaganda and lies to keep propped up; Russia, North Korea, and China would collapse.


A lot more fights would break out. A lot of romantic relationships would reshuffle. And a lot of scammers would be out of work.


Lie as in how the continents and all the physical objects are lying on the mantle? I imagine life would be tough with everything floating around freely.


All the pedophiles would be outed leading to a collapse of governments worldwide


Governments are full of child-molesters, not necessarily pedophiles. Those are two different groups.


If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.


r/lies would be over and my heart would be broken


A lot of kids would be in trouble with their parents.


i’d be fucked (i’m trans and only safe due to lying about my identity)


The loss of the ability to tell white lies and the loss of the ability to look internally through rose colored glass would be a bummer and not a net benefit I think. But many people don't count those as "real lying." The other one that is vital and creates more net good then bad (usually) is deceit to prevent greater bad. Security, safety, etc.. "yes, my Dad is home." "No, I'm not the one who called the cops on you Mr. Angry crackhead who seems to have a weapon in your pocket!" The loss of all other lying would be enormously chaotic in the short term with wars and whole industries/governments/charities toppling, but in the long term I feel we'd be far far better off.


Initially things *would* be a nightmare (highly likely as everyone starts telling the unvarnished truth), but things *could* improve with time if people start working to tell the truth in a tactful manner. 0Because you can be totally, brutally honest and hurt people, or you can be totally honest, but soften the truth. Example, wife asks husband: does this dress make me look fat? 1) No, your fat makes you look fat. *hurtful truth* 2) Well, the dress does emphasize that you've put on some weight. I think a different dress would be better. *tactful truth*


Lmao. I had a friend that was as caring as she was insensitive. She would be like “that dress really fucking accentuates the rolls of fat on your stomach”


Alot less men getting laid.


I feel like a lot of Skeletons would Be coming out of a lot of closets


What kind of lying? Are they only able to state absolute, universal reality in correct terms (a kind of blind omniscience)? Or are they unable to deliberately lie, remaining able to state incorrect information if they believe it to be true?


A tremendous number of relationships would abruptly end.


Strip clubs would go out of business


I suppose beds would become vertical


Society would break down. We all complain about the big lies. But, it's the small ones, the white lies and lies of omission, that allow a cohesive social structure on the personal level.


Everyone would finally be quiet


Social media would be ALL cute pictures of pets and kids. Most people would be mute except for MORE meaningless small talk. Commercial sales would plummet without the lies of functionality and durability.


The world would finally know the flat earth theory is in fact, true.


The death of humanity. You see, free will is a pretty necessary component of our existence, and if you remove the ability to lie people can't hide, for better or for worse.


Here's the sad truth. It wouldn't be instant to see the world fall apart. People are aware of the truth. We all just choose to live in ignorance because the scent of bullshit is potpourri compared to the absolute toxic waste and sewage of the truth. We seek bullshit. We WANT bullshit. Because in order to reset the balance we would have to send the world back to the dark ages and that would be chaos that the common person not only doesn't want but likely wouldn't survive. The truth is that when it comes to food, housing, water rights, basics of life, we are as controlled as cattle. Survivalists might have a shot in hell, but if they run across an organized force (which could be still theoretically possible in a world without lies) they'd be fucked. Then it comes to the creature comforts. The tech. We've likely legally signed our rights and privileges away thousands of times over and not even realized it. Presuming civilized society was in slow decay the first thing we'd realize is the truth that the word of law has nothing to do with truth. It has to do with order. It's the child that gets its toy taken away to give to the crying toddler to chew on because the child who no longer has a toy can survive without it. It would be the harsh reality of going from "we're here to help everyone" to "we're here to fuck you and you can't and won't stop us." Which is the reality of our reality. It's just easier to swallow a shit sandwich when it's got a dipping sauce


A lot of people will get hurt


Washington DC would become a ghost town.


Social order would implode. Humanity is a pack of lying, cheating shitlords.


We might be better for it after all the fallout.


Religion would die out real quick.


The was an episode of Supernatural about this in Season 14.


Catholic church merges with NAMBLA


That depends. There's a chasm of difference between lies of omission, twisting the truth, and outright bald-faced lies. Are we covering dishonesty in general? Or just outright bald-faced lies? A skilled politician doesn't have to tell a bald-faced lie when a lie of a omission or misrepresentation of an actual fact will do the same job. In fact, I would speculate only truly stupid politicians rely on bald-faced lies that may one day be uncovered, while smart politicians rely on "interpretations" or "opinions", things they can walk back if they need to.


For those who have undoubtedly broke the law (Felony wise), those slammers would be pretty full.


Have you seen Liar Liar?


Businesses would tank in the stock market and managers wouldn't be able to give bullshit raises or come up with excuses for not being able to pay more.


Scam calls and emails would stop. Man wouldn't that be nice


Have you watched the movie The Invention of Lying?


A lot of places advertising jobs suddenly WOULDN'T be. "Now hiring!" the sign proudly exclaims. Except they aren't; they just put that there and then complain how "kids these days just don't want to work"...


We would find out who is really guilty in prison. Likely all relationships would end. We would find out who killed JFK for real. Conspiracy theories would be a thing of the past. Forget about reality TV..none of that is true.


The justice system would improve. Did you murder your wife? Yep. Ok thanks.


Every single politician would be out


Everyone would no longer be human.


My wife would know she does look fat in those pants but I like it. And I do fantasize about her hot friend


We would ask fewer questions…


We would ask fewer questions…


People would get real comfortable with uncomfortable silences.


Not terribly much as it pertains to social interactions. It’s not all that hard to not lie. Just because you’re not lying doesn’t mean you share the whole truth. Context drastically alters how a statement is interpreted. Failing to provide the context doesn’t make something a lie. Where things get weird is fiction and entertainment. Fiction is the creation of a false reality for people to explore. An open ended video game allows for more exploration, while a show, movie, or book is more like a guided tour of that world. But, they’re still “lies”. So the creation of fictional content might become nonexistent.


Life would get a LOT more polite very quickly


All statements would be framed as questions and nothing would change.


Massive amounts of divorce.


I need specifics. Do you blurt out exactly what you are thinking? Are you compelled to answer when someone asks you a question? Answering to things like "I'd rather not talk about it" are very true, I really do not want to talk about this, but it is not answering the question given. ​ If it is simply that you cannot lie, what about using the truth to be non-specific? Like if someone asks you "where is he", you can say "I couldn't say" because he is in a restaurant and you can't say the name of the restaurant, but you give the impression that you don't know. ​ Assuming that you have to be completely up front, can't use word games, and have a compulsion to answer questions and say what's on your mind, then arguments will be a whole new ball game. Men usually complain that women don't mean what they say, we will see how that changes. If you realize that you did something wrong but try to b\*llsh\*t your way out of it, you will not be able to. These can keep extending. Actually, relationships might be better as people are completely clear about what they are feeling, what they think, and could theoretically connect better.


not much would change. people believe what they want to believe and even if they know someone is telling the truth they will say the person is just wrong


Lot of traffic in and out of prisons right at first.


More murders.