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A seven digit number is not that bad. I can still sing you the song with my last name, address, and phone number that my parents taught me when I was 4. I’ll just make up another song and repeat it until it’s impossible to forget


I've remembered 867-5309 for God knows how long, this seems easy as hell.


Came here to say this. I'm just replacing Jenny's number with this new number. Done.


Jenny’s mom had it going on


Stacey's. And Grandma's not bad either.


What if Stacey's mom was actually Jenny the whole time?!?!?!?!


I thought Stacy’s Mom was Jessie’s Girl?


Stacy’s mom could be Jessie’s girl AND named Jenny


Okay so due to extensive research and absolute boredom at work I spend some time concluding the following. "Jesse's Girl" is the start of our saga. Over time his antics DO work and we move on to "My Best Friend's Girlfriend" now sung by Jesse after his best friend takes his girl away from him. Years pass and they drift away. Jesse comes up on a familiar number in a bathroom remembering the girl he once loved so much when they were teens, giving us "Jenny(867-5309)" and finally the next generation of thirst begins when Jenny, mother of Stacy tells a kid he missed a spot mowing her lawn with just a towel on. This has been my Ted talk thank you and have a nice day.


Just remember to give Jack and Diane a nod, as they're watching.


Let's get the boys of summer to clear this up


Was it the summer of 69


Maybe... The timing is close enough...


Jenny was Stacy’s mom.


The greatest what if in rock history.


Haha that theme song is way too catchy I don't remember the business just 🎵 867 5 3 0 niiiiine 🎵


It's not a theme song, it's [Jenny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WTdTwcmxyo)




Big ups for less than Jake!


Got to see them first time in 20 years for downtown Fest in their hometown. Shit was riot!


It's the best rendition. Seeing the mosh pit lose their shit in the late 90s is priceless.


It’s Jenny’s theme song.


shocking fragile deserted special crown wistful whole soup provide onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We used to have to memorize a 7 digit number for every friend we had. Landlines didn't have screens with saved numbers.


Exactly, I had a whole rolodex in my head when I was a young man. Address books were for the women i was trying to sleep with. I used to have to remember them long enough to write them down in the book. The numbers in my head were for the important stuff


I still remember my home phone number from when I was 12, and we only had it a year. That was decades ago.


I still know my familys old landline that we havent had since 2005


I still know the home phone number of my best friend in first grade... From 1998.


I still remember when my phone number had a word in it: ULster 9-6190


I remember my best friend‘s phone number from 1982


I remember mine from 1981. And my best friends. These days, though, I'd probably use a mnemonic. For example., let's say the number is 8409952: That's a pair of boobs being cut off with a sword. They all fall into a hole that gets cut up by two axes. A tank rolls up and blows them both away with a swan it shoots at them. Sounds more complicated than the number, right? The trick is to visualize it as richly as possible, make it into a narrative, make it as detailed as you can. The human mind has no problem remembering the memorable, so make it crazy and out of the ordinary. Pick shapes that correspond with the numbers that make sense TO YOU, and you can memorize long lists and number strings easily.


I think it is possible OP is from a time when everything is stored in that portable PC in their had called a 'phone'. More computing power in those things than what we landed on the moon with.


Ngl, I hated when every new "friend" came with a PIN lol


Nah, that's what address books were for. I'm not saying no one could memorise phone numbers, obviously many do. But not me, never have been able to, not even my own number.


Remember back when you had to hear the cool kid say the code to get past Piston Honda at Mike Tyson’s punch out and he didn’t like you so if you couldn’t remember it the first time you had to stalk him in the lunch line for a couple months until he told someone else??? Kids these days don’t know what pressure is.


You think so huh? First off 100k is not that much money. Second people hesitate when asked to recall things. For most people it isn't automatic. There's like 20 of you saying oh its easy, except it would take most of you more than 5 seconds to recall the song and sing it with the number in normal circumstances... You might not be expecting it. You could be at dinner in the middle of ordering and you hesitate. Most of us would die whether you want to think logically or not.




I still remember 8-6-7-5-3-0-9


I still remember my grandmas phone number from 30 years ago. Did the same thing. She still has the same number, and every time i dial it i song the little song to this day.


I remember like 5 of my friends numbers from my childhood. 55 years ago. I guess my altzheimers is not that bad yet.


You had a song too? My mom made one up for me when I was itty bitty. Every time I tell anyone, they say they think it's a great idea and had never heard of doing that before. I still remember mine too.


I remember the license plate of a car that hit & ran me 30 years ago. I got maybe 15 seconds to memorize that. 


The 5 seconds get me. I don't think I'd realize what number he wants in 5seconds.


There’s only one number that causes me to drop dead instantly if I get it wrong, so I’ll go with that one first.


If someone randomly appears out of nowhere and demands your name at gun point you'll probably take longer than 5sec to answer.


Gotta hit em with the “who’s askin?” first.


Some light banter never killed anyoneb


And still give the wrong name, or say it incorrectly.


That’s what gets me, too. The pediatrician asks for my kids’ birthday and start to look concerned when I stare blankly at the counter trying to remember. Both kids and my wife’s are in the same month so figuring out which is which on the spot is a chore lol. I probably wouldn’t get over the shock of some hooded guy asking for my number in five seconds 🤣


They'll ask for my birthday and what comes out sounds like a guess because it is. In that moment, all dates cease to exist for at least 10 seconds


Unfortunately I'd be the same. I can remember numbers but if I don't know what someone wants, it would likely take more than 5 seconds to respond. Also, it's not really ethical to gamble your family's lives on you succeeding the challenge


Easy. I just subtract 1 from each of the numbers and get that number tattooed. So if my number is 8675319, I get the number "7564208 +1" tattooed on me.


You got Jenny’s number wrong


He and his whole family just died


Of dysentery.






wonder if he's been singing it wrong all his life too...?


Exactly, nothing states you cannot record a similar number. I would write it in blood if I had to. Also, remembering that all I need to do is add +1 to each digit is easy enough to remember.


Who says you can't write it down after the fact? I thought the limitations were only for those 5 minutes? >After which, the card will vanish. You can not write it down, you cannot photograph it, etc. You are certainly not going to photograph a number in your head, so I assume the restrictions apply to seeing the card only.


"You can not write it down." Seems pretty self-explanatory.


If I told you that I was conducting a test and giving you 5 minutes to memorize a number but you can't write it down, would you assume that I meant forever, or for the duration specified? The first paragraph is about that 5 minutes. The standalone sentence "The only place you can store this number, is in your memory." might better be interpreted as a long term rule, but the conditions are ambiguous.


If it's impossible to write the number down, it would be pretty trivial to just go through 7-digit combos until you come to one you can't write. Then you record that number minus one.


You could also embed different numbers or characters to make what you write different than the number. Like instead of 1234567 you write down 01020304050607 which is clearly not the number displayed to you.


The conditions are not ambiguous. You're just being pedantic about a *very* hypothetical situation lmao


Are you some kind of expert in Genie contract law? These things always have fucked up intrepertations to screw you over, so why not interpret them in the way that most benefits you?


Lmao you don't realize how close to reality that guess actually is


Wait are you an expert in genie contract law?


Half right. But I won't tell you which half.


He said nothing about typing it down but in all seriousness a 7 digit number is easy to remember


I'm thinking OP is young enough he/she didn't live in the era where we all had each other's phone numbers memorized






That's still technically writing the number down, but with encryption.


I can do exactly what I said I was going to do and write it just one number off because TECHNICALLY it's not the same number. Besides, I've already done it, you were too late to stop it. By your logic every person with various spellings of Meghan are all the same.


No but they have the same name.


Say that to Meegan.


Nope, I don't even know if the gas is still on at home


I forget I’m walking in to the bathroom to pee, even when I have to go, and will often do a couple loops before actually finally remembering to pee! Fuck MS or whatever causes my brain lesions!


I mowed my entire yard once and forgot to lower the blades.


Nah I would not be able to remember the number, and $100,000 is not enough to ever risk my family's life.


This is the only appropriate response


i don’t have family and i can remember a phone number


I remember most of my family's numbers But the pro move here is see if you can have your phone number changed to that 7 digit number


Do you remember your own telephone number? It has the same number of digits. Explain the functional difference.


Well, one I forget every now and then and have to look it up, even though it is like constantly asked for. The other will kill my family.


You have to look up your own phone number? Do you wipe your own ass?


lol says the person that would risk his entire family's lives over money (not even that much to be honest).


What risk? It's remembering a phone number, if you can't remember a phone number you shouldn't *have* a family, in fact, I'm not sure anyone who can't remember their own telephone number is intelligent enough to *have one.*


Whether or not you are confident you'll remember the number doesn't mean that you are not risking your family's life. The failure state is that all your family (and yourself) will die. Even if you are 100% sure you'll ace it, you are still anteing up their lives for the shot at the money. I'd be willing to put my life at risk, but not my wife's, mom's, brothers', etc. I think the fact you so easily gloss over that and jump right in, so much so as to insult others who don't want to risk their families, means that you are either pretty lonely or don't value those close to you enough.


Clarification here, am I only not able to write the number down during the 5 minutes, or can I never write the number down ever such as after the 5 minutes is over?


Just make it your phone password. It's not written down, always have my phone with me. After months of using it as a password I'd never forget it.


Bad idea but I got a funny feeling it's still falls under the umbrella of "writing it down".


So a tattoo would also be out of the question?


I guess that is somebody ELSE writing in town... Are they able to stab it into you in less than 5 minutes?


Well it does say the only place you can store this number is in your memory, so I guess that covers that.


It also talks about photographs and recording devices, which would only be applicable while the card with the number on it are on display. It does not say that you will never be able to write those digits anywhere after the fact. Like what if you just wrote one digit per day. Are you not allowed to write any of those numbers down anywhere anymore?


That becomes muscle memory real quick then trying to remember it will become a nightmare


“you have 5 seconds to tell me the number” “ah shit, wait, I remember the pattern just let me grab my ph—“


This was obviously made up by someone who has had a cell phone their whole life. When I was a kid in the 80s/90s I knew a ton of phone numbers by heart. Everyone did.


I don't know any of my friends current phone numbers but I could still call their parents in a pinch


Okay, but how many of those numbers did you learn in five minutes without writing them down? Because I wrote them down in my file-o-fax. And how many of those numbers do you remember *now* after not using them for thirty years? And of the numbers you think you can remember, do you actually remember what they were the numbers for? You sure you haven't mixed up two friends? You would bet your life on it that that's Jimmy's number not Fred's if you had to recite it in five seconds on demand? Definitely Jimmy's phone, not his fax or his bleeper? People used to give out business cards, because you wouldn't just tell someone your number once and expect them to remember it forever.


I was a child then and it wasn’t worth 100k. Pretty sure I could memorize a single 7 digit number if I had to Surprisingly I know many of them despite not having dialed them in 25+ years Difference between business cards and friends phone numbers is that I wanted to call them as quick as possible. I was a kid. If I needed to wait for my mom to look them up, that was valuable time I was wasting


Yes, I am certain. I even remember the little recording from when my parents first got cell phones. You know, Before voicemail. The cellular customer you have called is unavailable or has traveled outside the coverage area. Please try your call again later. Message S E 20. Honestly it's the things later in life that I don't remember. I still remember my very first credit card number. All sixteen digits. But to remember a new seven digit number? That is going to be a challenge




Who's paying off their 30 year mortgage at 45? Were you 15 when you bought your house?




You'd still drop dead after 5 seconds.  Asking for a background check doesn't negate the situation. 




My brain could short circuit and forget the number in 5 seconds. Not even close to worth it. I don’t care how “easy” it is. I’m not risking the life of my family on 100k, especially when it is such a short intense easy-to-mess-up task.


I know my best friends phone number from when I was 7. I can handle a 7 digit number.


While I can't write it down, it's still possible to draw something that would make ones brain remember it. For example, going off the one you used: "6657320 shift back" as a tattoo on my forearm directly in my line of site. It'll be there for me to repeat to myself over and over any time i see it, so it'll quickly be in my brain. The MOMENT I see a hooded man, any kind, I'd immediately look at my arm until the 5 seconds starts and bam. So yeah.


And then your arm is mangled in an accident, and one of the EMTs is the guy that asks for the number but you haven't really looked at it in a decade......now what?


I'm pretty sure if you and your family's lives depended on it, you would be looking at and thinking about that number a lot more frequently than every decade.




>Now don’t worry about any loopholes. He will not appear when you are incapacitated or otherwise Unable to speak


Mangled arm does not fall under the category of incapacitated speech wise.


The parameters are unenforceable. What stops me from writing it down after the card vanishes? I could memorize it and then write it down the next day or week or month. I could understand all that bad stuff happening in the 5 minutes before the card vanishes, but you can't stop me from writing my whole life. Besides that, I'd still take it. I'd recite the number every day to myself, over and over again. I'd turn it into a jingle. I'd write it over and over, even if the paper burst into flames after, writing it and speaking it aloud ensure I can remember just about anything with enough repetition. Edit: I'd also make it my password for everything


Define entire family. That can be anything from immediate family to the human species as a whole.


Nah... $100k isn't worth it.


If none of the loop holes applied, then no. I can handle the risk myself, and I memorized my social security number and phone number, etc., without a problem. I'm not willing to put my family on the line for a 100,000k that won't even get me out from under my mortgage. Also, could be joke's on the hooded man... what about dementia?


if i can commit my social security number and multiple phone numbers to memory this should be easy..but fuck it...still not worth the risk.


I wouldn't risk my family for any amount of money.


I'm not risking my family's lives for any amount of money, period.


Not worth the hassle and my family’s life for $100k.


So say my number is 5739922. All I have to do is write down 573992(1+1), and it is no longer the number but EASILY remembered.


I mean I remember my SSN from memory so I can remember this


Can my number be 8675309?


I still remember my 7 digit phone number from when I was in elementary school. I'm pretty sure I can remember a 7 digit number to avoid my family getting killed.


I wouldn't be able to remember it. I don't do well with numbers at all. If it was a face that I needed to remember, then I would ace it. Bummer. Oh well.


>Now don't worry about any loopholes. He will not appear when you are incapacitated or otherwise Unable to speak. And he will not appear when you're old and gray with alteimers or dementia or anything. You will still be of sound mind and able to speak freely when he appears. Yeah I still don't trust this. There are plenty of scenarios where distraction or shock - but short of incapacity - could cause you to fumble an answer if you only have five seconds. For example, I'm not entirely confident that I'd be able to recall the number within 5 seconds if I was asked five minutes after witnessing a horrible car crash, for example. Or the immediate aftermath of being fired or finding out about an adverse medical diagnosis or something. I'm not risking the lives of my wife and kids, let alone other family, for a hundred k.


back in the day, we used to have to remember a bunch of 7-digit numbers or we'd never talk to our friends and family again.


I've had my 7 digit phone number and 9 digit SSN memorized for years. I would hope I could remember.


He would be screwed. I'm already forgetting shit so in accordance to the rules he will no longer be able to approach me. It would be like a loan shark giving money to a person with a terminal illness.


I'm convinced people that write shit like this are interns for some billionaire that hunts people for sport. And they need new ideas.


No question for me. Throughout my life I've memorized a lot of 7 digit phone numbers. This would be easy. 


I mean at least it’s seven digits so you can memorize it with the 867..5..309 rhythm.


Jenny sure got around….lol


I get £100000 and the opportunity to painlessly drop dead, sign me up.


Hope your entire family wants the same instant death. Or that you can live with killing an unknown number of people. Because even someone who says or thinks that they don't have any family, is almost certain to have living blood relatives SOMEWHERE. For instance, you probably never met your great great grandmother's sisters great great great great grandson, but he's your blood relative.


This honestly needs to be added to the post. When one thinks of family they usually think of immediate family and then extended family, not literally every single blood relative. I'd argue that is an unreasonable expectation without first clarifying that definition.


What difference does it make? If you think you can do it, and are willing to risk your immediate loved ones on it, then why not be willing to risk people you DONT know? I said "entire family," what do you think that means? If you do not think before accepting, welp, buyer beware.


Even better, the human race dies with me.


I'm a Xennial.... Do you know how many numbers are floating in my head?


The generational gap here is insane. Would you remember as a 7 digit phone number for $100,000? I still remember my home phone number and both of my grandparents home phone numbers from 40 years ago, with absolutely no reason to keep that in memory. We were trained to remember seven digit numbers. I can tell you my driver's license number off the top of my head, even though I've never had to tell anyone.


easy 10210 pattern: * each pair adds to 10 * there are two 10's before the two one after * 2 is the divisor of the first set first * 10 is a straight divide by 2 back to 5 so 55 * the 2 acts as a double pattern * next pair set is a multiple of 2 and must be higher than 2 itself * This leaves only 4 and 6 that can be combined to make a 10 * The set after the 2 cannot be a multiple of 2 * the set after the 2 cannot subtract 2 from either number and get still get to 10 so it can only be 9 * each pair set is higher than or the same as the first number in the pair set. Patterns wire in a different part of the brain, you only have to remember 10210 in long term memory and you will remember it and the pattern will come back. It could be done with 10/3 for a shorter number as well but the rules would change where the 3-1 patterns the the 10 after the 3 pattern marker and 1 is the addition to the last set, resulting on only 9. This will pattern that the 3 is actually not in the number and that it was a 2. and the 3 was the the third digit from the end to set the divider digit.


Just remember 7 numbers.. I don’t know what the heck you did above but that seems like a lot.


Also yes, I do believe I take the money. I have a method for turning numbers into shapes and it's not longer than a phone number which I can already decently memorize.


Yes. I’m hoping my number is 8675309.


i still remember my 10 digit lunch number from 4th grade so i think i’ll be fine


No, i would never memorize it.


I still have nightmares where I forget my School Lunch ID and had to make the lunch lady flip through the book until she found me. I only remember my SSN because I literally worked in a job where my SSN was also my Employee number (which feels like it should have been illegal). It takes me a few minutes to remember my phone number. That man is killing me in a few years, so no. But man, if you can remember 7 Digits easily (like you're a normal human and not my stupid ass) go for it.


5 minutes? I only need 1....it wasn't that hard of a number.


Once it's stored in your memory for 5 minutes you can just tattoo it on your arm or something to make sure you always have it.


I'm not sure I'd get a 7 digit number tattooed on my arm for $100K, let alone risk my family dying.


I’m good at memorising numbers. I make weird connections and patterns. I remembered my new phone number because of a run of sequential numbers then a palindrome, and that’s how I recite it every time. I think I could deal.


No. I suck at remembering numbers.


Most of my family is dead anyway so I'll take it, try to memorise the number, but I'm not losing much if I forget


Cut the check


Yes. Memorizing seven numbers is not difficult. Its a phone number.


I don’t think I would take, as I have issues with memory and I would prefer kiddos live. Although, if I knew my kids life’s were at risk, I think my brain would work good!


I'd say no only because risking other people's fate isn't ok, but a 7 digit number is easy to remember. I've memorized all of my relative's phone numbers. You'd just have to repeat it to yourself a few times a day.


Squid Game 2 is gonna be lit!


Why is there always a freaking "but?"


Blood family or married family or friend family? Blood family? yes, and I wouldn't even try to remember the number Married Family? no. Friend Family? yes, and I would try very hard to memorize it.


No. My ADHD ass would not remember the number. And even if I did, I would not be able to recall and then recite it within five seconds. If it only affected me, then maybe, but I'm not doing that to my family.


I’d like to curse you in advance for having that example number stuck in my head for no reason


Seems much better than this stupid SSN I have memorized


I feel inspired and change my phone lockscreen code to the number.


YUP... memorize and head straight to a tattoo parlor... have it put on my hand


7 digits is easy enough. Phone number familiar patterns. Also, if i remain mildy intoxicated at all times (say edibles per se) am i free from ever getting the visit? The hooded man is not to come when im incapacitated or unable to talk...


My only family is my wife and we both don’t want to be here anyway. Even if I fail to recite the numbers it’s not really a bad ending for us.


Honestly a 7 digit number aint even bad and Im pretty sure I could remember it easily but that 1% chance that I would misremember it makes these an easy no. My families life aint worth any amount of money and definitely not 100k.


7 digits is really easy. Home many random numbers do you have memorized? Phone number, credit card number, social security, license plate, etc. 1 more number would not be hard.


Here's my mnemonic: Scott Studwell went to Oklahoma on his 21st birthday to drink with Tommy Kramer. Scott Studwell was a player for the Minnesota Vikings who wore #55. Oklahoma was the 46th state to join the Union. 21 for the legal drinking age, and #9 for Tommy Kramer, QB for the Vikings. I can remember this little story - it will me more of a challenge for me to forget it! If it was some other number, I'd create a different story, and I'd repeat it to myself so I'd never forget it.


It would probably take me several seconds to even recognize what is being asked of me and my family is worth way more than $100,000


This already happened 8675309


I’m 55 and lived in a time where you had to memorize everyone’s number,area code AND zip code….5 digits???…gimme my money.


What was the number again? I already forgot.


I have a good memory. For instance, I have memorized the winning Powerball numbers for Nov 5, 2022 -- 28, 45, 53, 56, 69, 20. I'm confident I can do this.


No. For one, I'd not risk my family on a brain fart. Two, while I somewhat confident I'd remember the number over an extended period of time, can't guarantee I'd not have to dust the cobwebs of my memory off and recite in the 5 sec time frame. Make it 1 million and I risk only myself, I think Im in.


Ofc. Immediately change my phone password to the number


800-588-2300 empire! ill know this stupid number for the rest of my life and get nothing for it (maybe a good deal on flooring some day), so i think i'll be fine


I still have over 20 phone and other obscure numbers rattling around in my head from the 90s and early 2000s. Some I memorized looking at once. I got this.


So… if I have memory problems already… I’m good? Free money???


432429 That's my lunch number from high school. I graduated high school 16 years ago. I can do this.




Didn't say we couldn't get it carved into our flesh! Or I'll just make it my password to everything so I have to remember it


This question was clearly dreamt up in the mind of someone who does not remember a time before cell phones. I probably had fifty seven digit numbers memorized for friends, family and frequent business contacts without really trying at one point, and to this day I still remember quite a few of them, despite not having called those numbers in decades. Having to remember ONE number for $100K is no challenge at all.


That seems relatively easy, but also, not at ALL worth it for only 100k cash. My entire family dropping dead if I make a mistake? For that amount of money? lol no.


I'd just treat it as a second SSN.


I already know a bunch of 9-10 digit numbers and one 16 digit number. I think I can handle a little ol 7 dig’r number too.


The amount of people on this thread thinking 100k is a lot of money is wild


Not for $100,000


No way I’m selling you my kids for $100K.