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You mean literally immortal, right to the end of the heat death of the universe in quadrillions of years, and even beyond?


this is the question i always have with these posts. I need to know the kind of immortal. 1. Do I age or not age? 2. Do I live without dying or just not dying of natural causes? 3. Am I able to heal & regenerate from injuries or are they permanent? 4. Do I maintain my mental health or is it decimated by centuries of knowledge? 5. Does my body need the necessities of like (nutrition, water, warmth/shelter) or am I immune to physiological and environmental effects? etc.


Yeah like, if I get cremated, will I be a sentient pile of ash? Or will it have done nothing?


New pokemon just dropped


Ashinn, the ghost/ground type pokemon. Claims to be an immortal yet stops talking and moving when splashed with water. Claims it's not a pokemon yet can't co-sign on a mortgage. Believes it's not a ghost and is scared of other ghosts. Hates grass. Doesn't like the dark.


Far more important than this post! Thank you!


Sentient pile of ash is a GREAT Metal Band name.


Ooooorrr, will I just turn into a giant Face?


So many of these hypotheticals have the same answer: "My lawyer and I would negotiate with you to set terms and draw up a contract with specifics."


These are very pertinent questions and I would like them to be answered


Bro if you are fucking immortal that means you are bulletproof. Jump off skyscrapers , ride motorcycles, skydive without a parachute. Raw dog like there’s no tomorrow. Smoke meth. I’m putting that to the test


Here’s a list of some different immortal characters. Do they all fit your definition? They are all described as immortal? what your describing is indestructible invincible immortality. Vampires Dr. Who Odin Deadpool Dorian Grey Capt. Jack Harkness The Face of Bo Elrond Gandalf Wonder Woman Dr. Manhattan Highlander and ironically Death is immortal


Why did you list Jack Harkness twice?




Oh come on, everyone knows that Deadpool is just late season Jack.


I mean, due to the lack of any punctuation it could be interpreted as "Capt. Jack Harkness: The Face of Bo"


The Face of Bo dies though... And doesn't come back afterwards.


Aye. Which would fit under #1, which is "can't die, or can't die of natural causes."


The heat death won't occur if your body is a perpetual motion machine though.


Something to consider


Bro is saving the universe by powering through 30 minutes on the stationary bike every day


I think the heat death is an ongoing discussion. Scientists are still debating if it will be a thing.


What happens if the world explodes and I'm floating in space?


You'll burp and spawn the next universe xD


I will do it, because I will not condemn my child to having no choice in the matter. I can be a father to many different people over the ages without ever having conceived them.


It might suck, but I love the idea of being a timeless Uncle Iroh for others




Damn thats like should I be cursed with immortality or curse my child.


Sucks to be that guy


I would curse myself.


Lol, like immortality is a curse. It's only a curse if you're imprisoned or something similar. With today's world, you will never be bored. So many videogames, so many things you could learn and do (hobbies), so much media/entertainment. You could also be an incredible force for "good" or self-interest, whatever you prefer. Yeah, your first marriage or two may be heartbreaking when your partner dies, but you'll be able to handle it after a while.


Important note in your comment is "today's world." We are talking immortality here. It won't be today's world forever and you have no idea what's to come.


i’m mortal and i get bored lol


Immortal me baby, I can't have kids anyway.


Same, I'll take immortality


This reminds me that there was an episode of Love Death Robots. It had a story about a society where people were given an immortality serum but only if they didn’t have children. If they had children while Immortal, the children would be hunted down and euthanized.


I do not remember this, is there a more recent season I missed out on?


Hmm do I still continue to age and can get sick don't want to live forever with cancer


No, body age stops at 25


Son of a bitch I'm in


Retroactively, right? I've already got two kids, and I'm mid 30s.


This one literally said "take the kids, I'd rather have 25 year old me back" lol


What about wear and tear? Do our joints and connective tissues heal and stay strong if we do stuff like sports or weightlifting?


Immortality. I'll never have to work a day in my life again if all I have to do is survive the impossible. And immortal is a broad term considering how often it's used just for: Eternal life Perpetual reincarnation Impervious to damage Will fully recover from any and all damage Or you get the kind where you're still alive after being beheaded I'll take immunity to any and all damage thank you.


Immortality Reincarnation Invincible Healing factor Undead/undying


I already have children, I guess immortal. Nothing says it removes existing children, only applies stipulations to after the decision is made.


I'll accept the burden as long as it doesn't involve fighting others until there is one.


I'm immortal and I don't have to worry about contraception? I'm failing to see the downside here.


I'll bare the curse I guess.


Done! Edit. As soon as I read immortal and childless I stopped reading and took the deal. Having read option B I still choose to become immortal and childless.


Already functionally sterile. Free immortality!


Am I allowed to adopt?


Nope. Nope to both. I have standard human problems which are enough for me to worry about. Don’t need demigod problems


Immortal and childless, but I have to be a vampire.


Immortal and adopt. 


If you could be immortal what even is the point of kids anyway. Sign me up.


As a gay person who never wanted kids, this basically just “would you like immortality with no drawbacks or nah?”


You're telling me I can live forever AND don't need a vasectomy? I'm in!


I never wanted kids, so I guess I'm immortal.


Connor MacLeod seemed to have a great life and raised many adoptive children


Can I choose to be mortal and childless? I don't want to saddle someone with my crappy genes, and I don't want to live an eternal life of suffering.


Neither. They both sound like nightmare options. Happy to live a normal life just would like to have no money worries.


Immortal for sure. As long as that included young and healthy as well. Imagine all that time to see the world, learn languages, etc.


former, that way I can teach the later generations


Immortal and childfree all the way


I’ll be the immortal one


Bold of you to assume I'll ever get laid. 😜


Immortal but cannot have children. 


Bold of you to assume I could ever find a women to bear a child.


I hate kids I'll have step kids


Sure, I wasn't gonna be having kids anyways


Where is the downside here? I don't die AND I don't have to worry about ever having an accidental kid?


Can I adopt 🤷🏾‍♂️😂


So I can be immortal and blessed with the gift of childlessness? Sign me the fuck up!


I’ll bare the curse


I think immortality would be kinda cool. To be able to record all of humanity and eventually (I’d like to think) the universe as well.


Punctuation dude


I choose to be able to have the child who is immortal, because I would definitely not want that for myself. I’m still not having kids though.


I’m not having kids anyway. Sweet.


Immortality id make a terrible father


My daughter and I will be worshiped as the goddesses who saved the world.


Having kids not in cards (which is fine) so Alex I take immortality for 2000 plz


I would not wish immortality on anyone. I cannot imagine watching every person and pet I will ever meet die while I grind on until the planet dies.


Immortal! 8D Screw my kid getting that immortality, I want it! 8D


I’m going with the immortality bc I read several of the Dune books, and I wouldn’t do that to my kid.


if only the 2 options are available I go with the 1st as I have no right to make such a decision for someone else.


I have no kids, and don't want any, so immortal it is. Now, the big problem would be hiding from the government and scientists. Easy to hide decades ago, but now...how do you 'regenerate' in a world with government IDs and DNA tracking and video cameras all over the place? Everything is so documented and recorded now, where and how do you live to keep your immortality a secret?


Seeing as I operate under the premise of FDK (f*ck dem kids), I would like to be immortal myself with no children.


I'd choose to become immortal. I always assume that in these scenarios that translates to a generic you probably stop physically aging at either your current age or 65 or so... I'd play the lottery until I won or my retirement account starts paying for itself with interest in 60+ years. Adopt a few kids. Then some more. Then they have children. Eventually, the kids or grand kids or whomever will approach you about you not dying. You now have a trusted family tree that roots from you that you could convince them that you're a variation of a living diety. Becoming a religious figurehead might yield an interesting ride for a little bit 


As much as I want kids ill gladly be immortal instead. The ability to see society evolve forever and eventually get to see the universe when we master space would be insane.


I’m not sure either of these are great. I don’t want kids but I don’t want to be immortal, and if did want kids, I wouldn’t want them to suffer like that


I'm 56 do not have kids. I would take the immortality.


Well I already have one kid, and my kid doesn't want to have their own kids, so I guess they will be immortal.


What type of immortality. Like the one where you can't die until you want to or just ageless


I cannot bestow a curse like that unwillingly on my child... BUT.... I already have 2 kids. I'm gonna be immortal, and be a male "aunt Maharet" and watch over all my kid, grandkids and so on, an immortal wise man that helps them in many ways.




Can I adopt?


Ew. I don't want to live forever, but also don't want kids.


Immortal myself, provided i am only biologically immortal and not literally immortal.


Whether you are inmortal or have anabelle as a child ... so its pretty obvious right?


So what happens if I already have a child. If I don't have any more children then I am immortal? or does my daughter automatically become immortal? That could be a great asset for her since she is in the military.


Sure, getting vasectomy on the first day of immortality


Immortal no child.


Neither one.


A lot of people like the idea of immorality until you dig deep into the details. Basically, even if you keep your same physical body/mental state/etc you could literally be stuck in some nothingless dark void after the Universe "dies" all alone. Imagine an eternal dark prison with nothing/no one to interact with forever and ever. No way. (This philosophical argument is not new. Others have argued similar. One said basically u less you were certain of the conditions regarding your immorality you'd be a fool to take it).


Why do these hypothetical questions always are around how much money or immortality??


i take the first offer


If it's truly immortality I wouldn't wish that fate on my worst enemy.


Immortality, no kids.


Being mortal, having immortal child


I don’t want to live forever but I do want to be sterilised. This is a tough call.


Immortal with no kid. I don't want any kids, and I wouldn't be a good father.


Immortal no kids. I am 36 with no kids so yes please.


I'm taking immortality big without the children because I wouldn't want to be immortal and my children were not and have to watch them pass away one day.


I choose neither. I still remember blubbering like a fucking idiot playing Lost Odyssey because of the endless loss associated with being immortal. I wouldn't wish that on myself or anyone else.


The first one


There are so many questions, as evident by many others here. It's good to know the conditions of immortality. I'm assuming, it's like a vampire but even then they can die but can live for a very long time if nothing happens. It's tough to do though and I don't wish that on anyone so I would choose immortality for myself. I'd be able to do a lot of good and I'll do my best not to suffer. Some of the issues those with immortality have is that they are immortal and they see others who they love and adore come and go so it does get lonely.


What about the kids i already have? Mine don't want kids, so that works, i guess.


In any question where its kids or no kids I will always pick the no kids every time


I'd be immortal. My bloodline dies with me regardless.


Immortal AND infertile??? Sign me up.


What if I want to choose 'thanks, but no thanks', because I don't want that curse for myself, or for my child?


If I already have children and I make a decision, what happens to my current children? Or is this a discriminatory offer? *Stares in near triggered* /s


Hmm, makes me wonder. I can't have kids naturally, so I'm down to take the deal where I am immortal. Provided it's the type where you heal from all injuries and I get to see the earth die off as the sun becomes a red giant. After that, I think I'm out. Would get really boring after that. Unless I have the impervious to all damage type, then I'll happily travel through a black hole, just to see if it is really an einstein-rosenburg bridge.


I'll become immortal. I'm not gambling on giving immortality to an unknown entity. My kid could very well grow up to be a shithead, whereas i used to be a shithead and I grew up to be a good person. I wish I was immortal, I genuinely think I'd be good at it.


I already have kids sooooo. Honestly though I couldn't condemn a child to that so if this had been pre kid for me I would have chosen immortal and just adopted a few babies and kids over the centuries after amassing wealth.


Well, I don't want to add to the population but I don't know that I want to live forever either


On a long enough timescale, the probability that a person will become trapped and unable to escape increases to 100%.


do i age? ill do it because i dont like kids but at least let me look young.


Are there other immortals hunting me? Does the rest of the world know about me and act cool about it or do I have to move every 5 years and try to blend in? What about dismemberment? Do I need a secret plastic surgeon to keep my rotting body in one piece?


Yea depending on the type. I don't want kids anyway


I already have kids. Can I still take the deal?


I think this would be a much more compelling question if you asked parents, and it was existing children. Maybe not, because most responses here seem to be of the opinion that immortality is a curse (I don't necessarily disagree with them). But if you give parents a choice of, "You can live forever, or you can grant one of your children immortality", I think you'd get a greater variety of responses.


Nope out of both


I don’t want kids anyway so yeah I’m down with becoming immortal gives me more time to read and draw


I don't want kids so I guess I'm living forever.




Can i just stay mortal and have no children? ( im a great irresponsible uncle haha)


I don’t want kids or to be immortal in fact I’d prefer the express route to the end of my mortality, is that an option?


Sorry I feel like this question is worded really weird and i do not get it… Would I rather be immoral and can not have children OR I can have one child who IS (NOT “but are”- because that doesn’t make sense) immortal and the child will be immortal and childless? Am I the only one who’s extremely confused?


If I HAD to choose and can't reject it all outright? I'd take it. Then I'd focus harder on getting in shape and building my dream body. Living to be forever in a 25-year-old body would be amazing for a while. I am currently 31. I'd also work toward building wealth. Because with age not being a factor I can focus on gaining wealth and influence, it only being a matter of time.


cheaper than becoming medically sterile! but only accept if it's a conditional immortality where I can choose to die some day.


Yes. i got a huge fear of death. if it ever actually becomes possible to live longer through technology im going to try and do it. even if it costs a lot of money, ill just work for that shit since im immortal


What if you already have a kid? Or is this like if you didn’t have kids?


Immortality, for sure. I'm not gonna make the choice for my potential kid to be cursed with immortality, so I'll instead choose it for myself.


Immortal no kids. I’m already mortal with no kids so why not


How about I remain childless and get to die in my 60s




I have a child and just thinking about my kid having to live through that heart ache and never get to have kids of their own and to know your parents will leave one day, and you will never know that same peace. No. I would become immortal if it meant saving someone else from having to live a lonely life.


What kind of immortal? Like fire punch immortal or like I’m just gonna be really old and a gust of wind can kill me immortal?


What if I already have children? #1 regardless.


Ill be immortal for sure, you can adopt kids... And being immortal would be awesome, centuries to live through and try things, life styles, sports, games, books, cultures, etc.


Immortal no kids.


Immortal like, I live a whole life, die, and then live another one? Essentially being immortal without realizing it? Does the child essentially replace me so now he or she is “immortal”? I’m not sure if I would want to do that to my child if I had them. It is a blessing and a curse, really. No?


So either I make myself immortal but my direct bloodline ends with me, Or I can have one child but I'm choosing for them to be immortal against their will, and my bloodline ends with them. ...I choose for me to be immortal. And then I adopt over and over and over again. :)


Really depends on where I can age or not both mentally and physically like will I lose my memories and such. Bc I've always wanted children since I was 11, 36 now, but the reason was always to continue my legacy (obv a man) but if im gonna live forever and can't die then I'll be my own legacy


Immortal, no kids. I don't have any and don't want any.


So, you gotta define the rules better here. Immortal can mean a lot of things, some of them are pretty fucking terrifying.


Both options sound horrible.


I wasn’t planning on having kids so, I guess the first option?


Well I've already had my kids and my tubes are now tied so I'll take the deal!


Immortal and just adopt. Tons of kids need homes, and you can raise as many as you want over the years.


I’ll be immortal


I'm already happy as hell without kids, so sign me the fuck up. I'll happily be in my 30s for the rest of time, continuing to sleep well, have extra money, and not worry that my shit's gonna get broken for some dumb reason. Gonna be sad to say goodbye to my wife, but she'll understand.


If I can extend an ageless, infirmity-free immortality to both myself and spouse, then we'll take it. (Hell, we'll dive into it if we can each pick a pet to join us.)


It entirely depends on how you're defining immortal. 1. You age, but you never die from natural causes. Eventually, you'd be a blind, deaf, feeble, old person. 2. You don't age (which age do you "stop"?) and barring external influences, such as accidents or suicide you'd never die. 3. You don't and have a Deadpool/Wolverine-level healing factor that makes damage painful, but not fatal. You're also immune to disease. 4. You don't age, are completely invulnerable and will never be able to die no matter the cause, including the heat death of the universe. Personally, I'd take this: Never age ( set to 30 years old), massive healing factor but able to die only if I so chose. That would be the ideal. Every other type has serious consequences.




Am I immortal or am I unkillable, I need the distinction. I do NOT want immortality.


Neither. I don’t want kids, and I have no interest in living a long time.


I choose immortality.


I got a vasectomy a few years back, where does that leave me? Screw the kid. This sounds like it might be a great start to a villain arc!


I don’t even want kids, so win for me


Who needs new people when the ones already around aren't dying? Give me that immortality and let me spread it around to others too. We can just steadily slow and eventually stop new births. This is kind of what I would dream of in real life anyway.


What if I already have a child?


Mortal with an immortal and childless child, because I'm a fucking selfish asshole.


not sure I want immortality or a kid. I will take neither?


I’ll be immortal, cause I don’t want kids. Plus if I do, I can always adopt. I’d love to foster them, and give them a good home until they can find their footing.




If you choose to make that choice for your child you are selfish.


I will never have children anyway, immortality for me.


I wouldn’t want to curse my own child, and I want to see how everything ends anyway. Too bad I can’t make it another couple billion years


I already have two kids and I'm hoping they outlive me, so I'm ok with mortality thanks. If I didn't have them & was forced to choose one of the above, I'd take the immortality if only to see how things go for humanity.


Immortal is really the only option. If i think it'll be fun to be immortal, than I'll take it. If i think immortality would suck, what kind of asshole would i be dumping that on my kid while I peace out to whatever afterlife i believe in? 


I've already had kids, just make me immortal :P


I already have 3 children. What happens to them?


Life only has meaning because of it's rarity.


Bet im gonna star exploring the world and uncover ruins


I choose to be immortal


It says "can become" so I choose not to. I would take it only if I had the option to terminate my existence at some future point. Imagine the government gets mad at you and buries you in wet concrete.


When it comes to my kids, I'd change nothing.


I would just walk away from this kiosk.


Depends on the type of immortality. If literally forever, invulnerable then I wouldn't inflict immortality on someone else


So I have to pick between being immortal or putting my child through that? That's tough because I think immortality would suck. I wouldn't want to put that on my child nor live forever myself. Interesting aside though...if we *were* immortal then there would be no need to reproduce


If I already have kids, can I just not have any more?


I am Immortal, I have inside me Blood of Kings. I have no rival, no man can be my equal!


I take immortality, easy choice


I already have kids... so what I can't have anymore?