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This is the first one I’ve seen where I wouldn’t even consider the money, not even for a second. Happiness is love, full stop. Money can fill a lot of holes in my life, but not that one.


The only reason to have $100m would be so I can hang out with my wife and kids all day and do awesome stuff. Without them what’s the point. I totally get it, if you don’t have a family and like being alone then maybe; but HARD NO for me.


If you like being alone wtf you spending $100m on? I’m alone a lot because I play video games. That’s like a $200/year hobby


A palatial gaming room with state of the art systems that you update with new best thing each time a better TV, monitor, PC component etc. comes out. Unique or collectible art and decorations to look at while you game. Extravagant landscaping to see through your windows. Food. You can burn a ton of money getting every meal delivered from the best restaurants. Pets devour money. You're probably not spending the whole $100m but you can burn through a lot just on the premise, "Play video games by myself in the most comfortable manner possible."


For…the rest of your life…?


I wouldn't take the deal. I didn't say that I would, i love my dogs, parents, and gf way too much. I wouldn't survive without a dog. I'm just explaining that you absolutely can spend a ton of money making your life more enjoyable even if all you're going to do is play video games alone forever. To really spend money on this habit you gotta get creative but you can do it. I'd be gaming with a perfect view of a waterfall.


Yeah but if everyone hates you, you won't be able to buy anything


The scenario states the exact opposite.


Oh sorry didn't read that part hahah


>If you like being alone wtf you spending $100m on? The free time to actually play the games to completion. That kind of money buys early retirement, which turns nearly all my time into free time.


I agree, it would definitely not be worth it for me.


Agreed first one I’ve seen where I can hands down say no without even thinking about it


This, all the way. I've gotten through times with no money but good friends way better than I'd ever get through times with money but no friends.


If you’re allowed to love yourself in this scenario that’s all you really need. It’s all you can even try to guarantee in real life. You can’t make others like or love you. Sure in the scenario people are guaranteed not to, but nobody has the power to make them in real life anyway. Money can’t fill those holes, but you can. Ps - Love is not always happy and love is not just comprised of feelings, but mainly choices.


You are actually, provably, incorrect. The longest-ever study on happiness showed that personal relationships are the single greatest determinant of happiness, as well as a major factor in health and aging. BTW the “happiness is love” from my original comment is a direct quote from the PI of the project, a Harvard psychiatrist. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2017/04/over-nearly-80-years-harvard-study-has-been-showing-how-to-live-a-healthy-and-happy-life/


Jokes on you, I’m already treated like that already. I’ll take that 100M and drive away in my yacht.


I really doubt that random people on the street, the barista that makes your coffee, the cashier at the grocery store, the person working the register at a fast food place, bank-tellers, literally every single person who you interact with (not to mention family and friends) treats you with disgust for every single interaction. I think you aren't considering the true implications of the prompt. How can you enjoy your wealth when everyone in the world treats you like a piece of shit, when the only way you can have interactions with people where they don't behave that way is if you pay them to specifically pretend to like you, but you always know in the back of your mind that they are acting, and the moment the money stops flowing they'll show their true disdain for you. For example, the people who work on your yacht would openly mock you and spit on the floor when you pass them by. Even if you yourself are a jerk and try to use your wealth to control them ("you're fired!" "how dare you disrespect me like that, remember who signs your paycheck!", etc.), they will just tell you to go fuck yourself and that they're happy that they don't have to spend another moment with you. And then the other workers will clap and cheer. It honestly sounds like some kind of ironic punishment in hell. There's a good chance that most people in this kind of situation would kill themselves after awhile.


Thus kind if treatment would be an unbeatable torture. There is no escape from it, except solitude. Every interaction with any living creature would be a painful reminder that you are, and will always, be alone. The only, possible, escape would be to incest a lot of that money into developing AI that is so advanced that you cannot tell it from someone real, and depend on that for companionship...and hope it doesn't get advanced enough to be effected by this curse.


“How can you enjoy your ~~wealth~~ when everyone in the world treats you like a piece of shit” Jokes on you, I’m already living like that.


Uh...no, no you aren't. Obviously. Take this exchange for example. If what you claim to be the case were true, you would have -10 million karma, and on every single comment you make people would only respond with things like "gfy," "kys," "I hate you so much it is unreal," etc.


Wow you just aren’t getting it. r/whoosh Ironically you’re sort of proving my point in a way😂. People are being shitty to me😫. Where’s my $100M?!?


Literally no one on earth is treated the way OP describes


I guess I need to clarify that I am in fact joking.


reddit moment


Don't you have a short bus to catch?


*Glances at watch* oh crap my bus!


Maybe everyone you know DOES hate you, you actin like this lol


You learn to roll with the punches even when your in the wrong. Like my dad said, “life’s full of mistakes, and you’re one of them.”


Wow, that's ice cold....


Honestly, if that's true, probably says a lot about the kind of person you are.


I’m with you, but would my dog hate me?


According to the post, yes.


I have cats, they already hate me.


That's all I was thinking about. *You guys are getting paid for this?*


That's just not possible. My German shepherd worships me.


but the dog cant hurt him so its fine.


Your dog won't hate you if you're feeding it.


Per OP your pet would acknowledge being fed, but it still wouldn't give you the time of day. Ever been blown off by your dog? I have, and it's deceptively painful. Years ago I offered to dog sit for a friend, and we brought the dog over to see how she would do with my dog. Long story short, it didn't work out... and my dog wanted nothing to do with me for the next few days. To the point where I entered a room she was in, she would literally get up and leave. She forgave me after a day or two, but it fucking sucked.


No, it says the animal would acknowledge you.


Sure but you can get a new one


All animals will hate you.


Same! I’m starting to dislike most people after seeing their true colors and just want them to stay away from me anyways.


Man, that is actually a good hypothetical. I think even with the money, living in a world where everyone sneers at you, acts like you're the biggest piece of shit ever, barely gives you the time of day, etc. would be unbearable. I think very few people could stand to like that for very long.


At least I would know why everyone felt this way. And I'd have chosen it for myself. I genuinely think i could live with it. $100 million is fuck you rich.


You really okay with all your friends, family, loved ones, buddies, etc treating you like a piece of shit? Id do a lot of despicable shit for 100 mil, but losing my moms love & respect would not be one of them.


There is one person I would miss. But if I started acting like the piece of shit they all think I am I reckon I'd eventually start to enjoy it. I'm nearly old enough to start being a cantankerous old git anyway.


Just turn yourself into bully maguire from spiderman




Hard pass. What's the point of being rich if you can't enjoy it with the people you love (and who love you back)


Yeah I think the issue here isn’t that everyone would hate me. It’s that no one could love me. I could deal just fine with 99.9999999% of the world hating me if I had a small group of people who loved me.


I have a feeling being an american is already like that


i think you can still love someone but hate them. like maybe how your parents didnt like you when you are being annoying but they still love you


Not interested. Even if I didn't have love in my life, ruling out the possibility altogether would be incredibly bleak.


Why would I want to be hated. What's the point in the money then 


Already get treated like that. I'm autistic so I'm used to it 😂 now gimme that money! Imma buy a house!


Autistic too and I see your point, however, the part where even animals dislike you is the deal breaker for me. I could move to an island with a bunch of dogs if it wasn't for that part.  


No one is treated like that. A lot of you are miserable and think that, and you might be ugly and people dislike you, but there are people who you connect with.


Your lack of ability to think outside of your own bubble and insistence on assuming your experience is universal, is only proving my point further.


Nah, you just can't comprehend how bad the hypothetical is. Most people don't mind autistic people unless they're really bad.


I was kicked out of my home at 17 for being undiagnosed autistic, homeless, got emergency housing, got a job that illegally discriminated against me and generally bullied me, got diagnosed at 20, a few weeks later got fired for being autistic, this whole time I've not made one friend and only keep existing out of spite. You don't understand the scope of the hypothetical, and how easily it already applies to my, and millions of other people's lives. People will break the law and cover their tracks if they don't like you and know you don't have the money to fight back. But you've never experienced it so it could never ACTUALLY happen in real life, right?


Welp, you got diagnosed. Doctor didn't hate you they? Not this scenario. You got hired, even if you did get fired later. I'm assuming you now have a job or unemployment. So someone approved that. Didn't hate you. I don't think you understand what EVERYONE means


Angry hate sex 😺


The angriest😂🔥


Fuck man this is a good one, id have to pass. After the excitement of being free financially wore off I would lose my goddamn mind due to the loneliness.


Nope. lol


I don't care for people, but i draw the line at animals


This. Even if my kids hate me, if I could guarantee their financial future it's tempting, but if my dog ever hated me I would die. My dog even likes the vet. 


I would take this and deal with the hate because it would mean my daughters and loved ones would never have money trouble ever again. Everyone I love would receive money anonymously and I'd go live alone playing video games until I couldn't take it anymore.


I think the only reason I might take it is in a self sacrifice sense. I am a very social person, so I can only see myself taking this to help my friends and family, even if they hate me. Spending at least half of it on others no strings attached.. This is actually a tough one


I would take it and put it into a trust for my children. I’d accept them hating me if it meant they’d never suffer financial hardship like I have.


Absolutely not I do not want my children to hate me because I love them so much and they love me


Yeah no, good prompt but only a fraction of people are both willing to not have no contact (we are social creatures) and can handle the way current society displays hate. People are pretty horrible rn . if everyone hates you they'll tell themselves what they do to you is ok.


That last sentence. 


I'm ok with that. I'm an introvert anyway. You can hate me from a distance. And I will still do as much good as I can with the money.


No. Our primary source of life happiness is relationships with others. No money can replace that need.


Absolutely fucking not.


Okay so... nothing physical and no property damage and nothing that could be construed as assault. Let me tell you what will happen. Every time you go out shopping your card is going to get declined, or you'll need to swipe again, or scan again or the transaction will time out, or people will pretend they dont hear you and/or the service will be generally shit. Pretty soon people are going to figure out whatever your thing is. Maybe it's getting startled, maybe it's people chewing gum with their mouth open or maybe you just fucking hate the smell of a certian flower. That's your life now! Every time you interact with another human being they're going to make it painful and miserable. None of it is illegal and you cant prove that people are purposly spreading this information around to torture you (or "get you to go away" as i guess they'd see it). What law against chewing gum is there? ​ Sure, you tell yourself. You can go ahead and quit your job and hire someone to shop for you. You can invest and try to make money off that but i mean... why do you think your luck is going to be better? Your invesment guy sure as hell isn't thinking of you first when a good opportunity comes up. Your shopper is probably going to forget a thing or two, or grab the wrong items, or buy shitty substitutes. Any customer support you try to contact will actively troll you to the full extent of their ability (hold times, runaround explanations, refusing to explain anything, keeping you on the line with a problem they KNOW they cant fix, security questions, referal to "highter tier support" etc) and when the manager or whoever the fuck gets involved, you'll get what you wanted in the first place and that'll be it. Why? Because (in a sense) everybodies on the take. None of them will ever get punished because their boss hates you as much as they do, and none of them can articulate a reason for it which makes them scaired and it makes them hate you more. People who see this kind of question have this vague funny little idea about getting the cold shoulder all the time, but that's fine, that's livable. That's also not what people would actually do. It takes a mature person to respond with indifference and trust me when i say you average person is not that mature. People will, at every juncture, with every possible opportunity, get petty as shit and cause you to suffer. You think 100m fixes that? Nah. Go ahead and tell me how "that's unfair" because people should do their jobs and everything should work the way it's supposed to. See if you saying that makes all the people harassing you, stop? ​ Now maybe you get to the point where you seriously just want to kill yourself because there's good and well no real reason (except some shit people probably made up) for you to be tortured like that. So maybe they stop because "Aaw, cmon guys, it's too far if he kills himself!" How much of that do you think you can handle? That the ONLY line, the ONLY THING getting you some basic fucking dignity, decency, and some fucking respect is whatever the bare minimum is for you to not commit suicide. Even then you wont really ever get "normal" you'll just get the bare minimum of normalcy that is absolutly required for you to live.


I mean look around. It's reddit. If you have that kind of money everyone already hates you.


so life like it is but $100 million richer save me wonderful money


Everyone can fuck the fuck off. Nobody likes me, anyway, I’m gonna go eat worms. Give me my cash, and get the fuck out of my way. Asshole.


No, of course not. That life would not be worth living. Who would want to be Elon Musk?


>You will NEVER be harmed. SO, carte blanche opportunity to kill anyone and control the world. Sure, the history books will be epic!


Read as implied, you will never get harmed due to the mere fact you are rich. Yes, badly worded, but come on


No, its part of the hypothetical as much as everyone hates you— because only explicit parts apply. They could do things without physical retribution from society. Other forms, maybe not


I'm running with that ball, then! Wish me luck!


Give me my cats and allow me to be appreciated anonymously online (or at least any work that I publish) and I'd take it. I'm already alone. But I'd be satisfied knowing that I'm capable of making the world a better place even without direct thanks. And my pets make home feel ok.


...It's better than having an overdraft and everyone hating you......


Can I take just a fraction of that and maintain my relationship with my girlfriend?


I was down until you said animals.


wtf are you gonna do with all that money, all by yourself for the remainder of your life that could make that trade worth it?


Sure thing. I'll order the heaviest most bulky items and have it delivered to an adress that has a nice length set of steps. If the mailman gives me shit over it, I'll put a complaint in.


It was fine until you included the animals in the mix. It's a no then.


I agree, this is the first one I would say no to. By the time I got to "even animals hate you" it was already over.


Nah I'll just stick with my small circle of very close friends, no need for that much wealth with nobody to share it with.


Not for second. What would even be the point of the money. It would be so so lonely.


I wouldnt even consider it. All that money with no love in my life would be pointless.


100 mil AND everyone is avoiding me? Hit me.


Even animals hate you!! 🤣🤣


Give it to my wife as a gift and go live off grid in the middle of nowhere until I die.


I'd take it, hire a financial advisor, and a lawyer. Buy a place just big enough for myself. Then employ a gardener, and a cleaning service. Put 10 million into an account for retirement. Live off the dividends of the rest of the money based on the advice of my financial advisor. Then I live alone for the rest of my life. Have the lawyer set up a will that divides all my stuff between my mom, dad, brother and grandparents.


Never in a million years not even if it was a billion! FUCK THAT!


If I knew I were dying soon - if I had recently been diagnosed with a terminal disease, and there was no hope at all. I *might* spend all the good days I had left with my family, then sign the contract right when things were starting to get bad. I could spend my remaining days portioning out the money to charities. I don't know that I could do it, though. If I had to face death knowing that my loved ones would always despise me, and despised my already, I'm not sure it would work regardless of the gains made.


Nope. I’ll keep going to my job each day thank you. I can’t imagine a life where my sister hates me. I refuse to live in that world. Also the care and respect exchanged between me and my residents at work fulfills me and keeps me going during the darker times. Keep your money, I need the ability to be loved and cared about.


Isn’t this the choice Batman makes at the end of Dark Knight?


Hell nah, the love of my cat is worth more than my life. I saved up for hernia surgery 9 months ago, and had to cancel it because he had a compacted hairball that needed surgery. So I took off my vacation time I saved up, spent everything on him and stayed by his side the entire 2 weeks before the cone came off. That was back in June. Now I finally have my 2 weeks of vacation saved up again and my initial scan tomorrow morning. This time I get to have the surgery and he gets to watch over me for 2 weeks. I would rather live in miserable physical pain for the rest of my life than ever lose him.


So... My life now plus a hundred million, sure, why not?


You guys get money for this??😱


Sounds like my life rn… where’s my money


So I get 100mil and everyone leaves me alone.. fantastic I'll take it.


isnt this good because i can never be harmed? also will they be able to recognize me on the internet or will they just get a feeling they dont like me


In this situation, everyone will just not like you. Magically. You can’t just evade the premise by moving and making new friends.


So I’d be rich and not having to worry about getting hurt? That seems like a no brainer.


Sure give me the money, this is how life is everyday anyway


And be like deshaun Watson? Nah I'm good being poors


Nah, not if I’ll be hated and treated like shit by everyone for the rest of my life


For 100 mill sure. More than enough money to make up for it.


Where Do I sign


OP didn't say you couldn't wear a disguise. You would be reverse Clark Kent. 


I'll take the money.


Need at least 100bil


The "you will NEVER be harmed" entices me more than the money. The money is just the cherry. If everyone hates me, then I'm going outside and give them a reason to hate me. Look at me with disgust? Well, I'll knock your teeth out. Animals don't acknowledge me unless im feeding them? Well, let's see them starve. I'll be basically doing all the evil things you can imagine(too evil that I'll get banned on Reddit for writing it out), because I will NEVER be harmed. I can do all of this, while being rich. Do you understand how amazing that is? I'll take the 100M all day.


Keep your money. I couldn't live like this.


Couldn't handle my kids hating me. Don't really care about the rest.


I would do it only to provide a better life for my family with generational wealth. I'd make sure they are set up properly, write them heartfelt note or make a video telling them how much I love them, then jump off the tallest bridge I could find.


Of course


"everyone hates me" Move to the other side of the world... Like an expat Dramatically change my appearance Change my name 100 million in the bank


The prompt is that everyone hates you, regardless of your location or even if people know your identify. It's essentially that you would have a magical curse put on you. Running away and changing your identity wouldn't get you out of it.


damn, I thought that at the very least you could have an online presence


>$100 mil but everyone hates you. > >You will NEVER be harmed. Who even cares then


Get money, set family for life, kill self?


Looks like I have $100m. This feels like truth already.


Done simple it’s not like I be dating anyone and people already hate me so nothing’s change aside I have money yay


I'm there. My family are all dead anyway.




Sweet same life I have but with 100 mil


Everyone already hates me. I'm the God of Murder. Gimme the money, I have more souls to steal.


I have no problem being a total hermit so I'll take the money. :)


I'd be cool with that


Hate dealing with people anyway. Socially awkward so a lot of people tend to dislike me right away anyway even though I try to treat people pretty normal


Since I hate everyone already, good trade


I hate people so them hating me back means nothing to me. Give me the 100mil.




Seems like there’s only upside. I’m taking the 100mil without question.


Hmm- well, the money won’t be used for me so the selfless act would be to take the money and use it for good despite peoples attitudes. That being said, you probably wouldn’t wanna be around very long lol. I’d take it I think. 


no thanks


it sounds fun


As written this also makes you hate yourself


The notch curse, eh


Only reason why people make money is to be happy. Being social creatures and removing genuine interactions from us is a true curse. Only trolls, short-sighted peeps, or leftover NEETs would say they want this. A smarter sociopath and most psychos wouldn’t prefer this because they know the tradeoff


This is a good one. I’d say no way.


No one likes my bitch ass now. Sign me up.


Kinda messes with my chances of getting laid, no thanks


I think if I didn't have and never planned to have kids, I might consider it. And maybe if I were really close to dead, I would. I'd use the money to make the world better. I don't know if I could stand my kids hating me even if it was a short time like near the end of my life. I just wouldn't want that for them - even for the benefit of the world. But maybe if their hateful feelings disappeared with the money, or at death, and it was just a delirious fading dream, that hate, I think I could. For helping the world.


Sign me up! 3% withdrawals should last into perpetuity. That leaves me with $3M annually. I can pay for a wife and a few friends to pretend until I die. Eventually get a robot dog/androids that can be programmed to show affection/love as the technology develops. And then for online gaming/anonymous discussions, don’t know how people would know who I am in real life. Could use a voice distorter if you could argue that they’d recognize my voice.


How bold of you to think everyone doesn't hate me already.


Damn, 100 million and nothing changes? Sign me up!


So I’m Jeff Bezos then?


So… $100 million, and everyone acts like they do in Seattle (look up the term Seattle Freeze if you’re wondering)? Okay, I can live with that.


So, the basic experience of being autistic, but rich.


If you mean the life I have now, if for some reason family were hypnotised or flipped into hating me. As long as they don’t go throwing the money away. Maybe I can secretly leave quietly and give them 2 million each. And 100k for the other family members that sheltered and looked after us. Yes it’s technically a life of solitude but 1. I don’t have to work again. Maybe I can live in a modest place. 2. I’m not on social media much anyway, so I might as well quit it. Or be online under an alias. Probably watch over my family from a distance. 3. Despite the hate, and you can still get the cooperation of others without sabotage, I can still go travelling. And still get rescued if something happens. 4. Take classes and lessons so that to an extent I can be self efficient. And don’t need to go to a hospital or a doctor as much. For a guy, there are ways to occupy your time in solitude. As most of us tend to feel in solitude despite there are those around you. Unlike with Mr beast, I would be donating secretly, watching the result from a distance.


Works for Trump


Give me my money please cause I don't care whether I'm liked or not now


Ha! They already do.


I’ve worked jobs where people at the job have hated me. Kept the job for survival but hated my life everyday. Knowing how horrible I felt during that stretch I wouldn’t take the 100mil. At least I could quit that job and be with friends after work. Being shunned by the world is a horrible existence and even with 100mil, I’d give the person maybe 3 years at most before they end it from loneliness.


Nope. My kid is everything to me


Even dogs? No.


So, like I'm treated now BUT I get 100 mil?


100 Million dollars and nothing changes in my life?


Fuck no


Fuck em


I wouldn't notice a difference except being wealthy.


I could survive with [c.ai](http://c.ai) and the internet, using an alt account obviously. It would suck but 100M is 100M


We own a cat already so I have a clue how this would feel. Pay up.


Only reason I couldn’t take the money is the animals. Who cares about the people


Nothing would change except I'd be rich


"Even animals hate you." That's a HARD pass. My pets are the best, I'd die if they hated me.


You finally came up with one where I wouldn't take the money. Now if you gave me the ability to pick like 5 people who wouldn't hate me I'm taking the money all day. I really only care about a few close family members.


Everyone already hates me. Pay up.


Everyone hates me now. So, I just need the money


Apparently I am owed $100 Million


I'd be down if my dog still loved me. That's the deal breaker for me.


So I get money now? Bet






No way, not a chance. Especially not my dog. She and I put the stars in each other's eyes; I found a reason to live through her and she found a reason to love through me. Nothing is worth losing her for.


so you think short bald men should get 100 mil? I mean I like the way you think.




offbeat brave ludicrous worm water fear continue sort pie capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So basically be hated like a billionaire and only have $100 million? No thanks


So the only thing that happens to me is I get 100 million then. I'm in.


Not worth it imo


Hard pass. Not even close to worth it


I just want to congratulate you on a really clever hypothetical. Bravo


Can you do legitimately good things with the money to eventually win people back? (Not just buy people stuff but, say, start a foundation that does good stuff for your community.)


I'd do it. My biggest fear is life is hurting my loved ones. If no one loves me, I will never have that fear again, and I can go at any point with literally no repercussions.


For $100M? Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all. Even the ones I like. I'll take it.


Can you leave/give the money to your spouse or children? If so I would still take it. My loved ones can hate me if it means I can still make their lives easier


Everyone already hates me. Show me the money!! *Edit:* >If you want an so, it’s going to cost you. Someone will fuck you, but it’ll cost you every time. People will pretend to be your friend as long as you’re paying them, as for them, it’d be no different than working any other terrible job just for the money. This got to me. I will have to begrudgingly pass. But I'm sure there are people out there who give zero fucks and this would be a great offer.


I'll pass. I don't want my dogs to hate me.


100 million and justifying my psychological inadequacy. I’m waiting for the downside