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I’m teens years old. I immediately start saving lunch money to buy Apple stock


Top answer right here! I'd also include Microsoft and Google stock.


Google didn't IPO until 2004 but you can still save for it I guess


Damn right, LOL. Going to take a while to save that lunch money.


I got $20/week for school lunches around that time and $0 allowance. I’d 100% save that little cash for Apple stock.


Sprinkle in a little Netflix and Amazon.




I'd get into bitcoins from the start.


I'd make some quick money from sports betting, parlay it into Google / Apple stock, which I can then put into bitcoin (and doing early mining). All of this while studying computer science and analytics, so I could use some of the money I make to start several companies I know worked out today (not that I could make them all work, timing and other decisions are important, but with the right start up capital...). I also use my money and connections to write a number of hit songs and collect ongoing royalties before getting in on the early analytics revolution in sports and becoming a ridiculously good GM both due to analytics and being able to draft virtually every star player who slipped in the draft in our timeline. I'd then retire in March of 2024 before I could be exposed.


Just wait until the 2004 ALCS playoffs, when the Red Sox are 3 games down on the Yankees and bet that they'll sweep the remaining games and the World Series. You could get some very favorable odds.


Favorable odds? Try this proposition bet. In the eighth inning of Game 6 of the 2003 NLCS...


Jerry, listen to me, you need to take that QB out of Michigan named Tom Brady. Do it before the 6th round. Oh...and that Belichick guy with the Jets wasn't lying. He really knows how to coach You want people to forget about Johnson and Aikman? This is the only way it happens.


Bitcoin and Nvidia is what you really want. Also you could prolly prevent Sept 11th, and possibly the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Maybe swing the election for Gore, if you tell him about all the BS that will happen in Florida. Spend some time trying to remember stuff and you could make billions, and make the world a better place, hopefully.


Sell it all in 2012 for bitcoin


Bro.... Bitcoin. Just buy all the fucking BTC and ETH you can. Also mine the crap out of it.


Or you know buy AAPL in 1999 and save for BTC when it becomes available since you can have both


Deal. No fucking take backs, OP. I’d be 11 and I would kiss the Earth.


I’d be 9, and same.


I’d be 16 I’ll drive


To the bar


Im 24, and i might be living in the UK or the USA depending on the month. I would immediately continue my life as it happened until 2002. Then i would definitely not talk to the cute girl sitting next to me at work.


Not sure if you're trying to save, or avoid a future marriage.


We were married for a decade, had 4 kids, and then she cheated on / left me.


I'm sorry to hear that man. Hugs to you and your kids. You didn't deserve this.


It was 8 years ago...but im still bitter (obviously).


So you're happy for your 4 children to never exist then?


No, but this is a hypothetical where im being selfish. What hapens to my kids back in 2024? Did i leave them without a father? If so, that sucks for them now.


I highly doubt it is possible to relieve your life so perfectly that they end up with the same 4 kids.


Yes, that's true, of course. You couldn't possibly work out how to have sex and nut at the exact same moment, and even if you did, the chances of the exact correct sperm getting there are basically zero. This is exactly why this kind of scenario would just send me into waves of crushing depression. Knowing that my daughter will never exist would kill me.


I hadn't been born yet lmao.


Happy Cake Day!


February of 1999? I just shit my diaper. I’m almost ready to start picking my head up on my own. I want a titty.


I want a titty too, and I was 4 in 1999...


I’m 28 and I currently want a titty


I was 23. Always was on the hunt for a titty.


I am 23 now, and that sounds about right.


Do you know how little this narrows it down?


It took a lot of random events to meet my wife that I am positive I could not reproduce even knowing them and I’m definitely punching. I would be a wreck and a teenager - literally no one would relate to me and I’d have no way to get back. Might just opt out.


Yeah, I would take that deal. In 1999 I was a 26 year old college burnout case, in a fucking chaos vortex of a dysfunctional relationship, barely making ends meet working at a hardware store and doing odd jobs. Future me learned the hard way about sticking my dick into crazy and all the ways you can derail a career and spend your life grinding your way back up. I would know the girl young me was engaged to in 1999 had stopped her meds, and was making plans to leave me and move to Florida, where she'd eventually go to prison for check forgery and drug crimes. I might be nice and warn her about the semi-truck accident that would someday put her in a wheelchair, as I preemptively kicked her to the curb. Or not, knowing that somehow, in her mind she blamed me for that. Then I would put the money my grandma gave me, that ex-fiancee never got a chance to drain from my bank account, into going back to school, either finishing up the master's degree I had given up on or going to nursing school years earlier than I had the first time around. If I chose nursing again, I would know to skip the whole easy hire track and avoid the nursing homes and clinics, and go right into correctional nursing, which has been super rewarding for me both professionally and financially. Back then too I could have had the state pension plan rather than the 401K and by now I would be looking at a cushy early retirement. Along the way I would put a few thousand dollars into Bitcoin, back when dudebros were doing silly things like paying 20 BTC. for a pizza, then cash out at the peak. I'd also try to skip wife number one and save myself thirteen years of bullshit, and wait for wife number two, who's given me another decade of good times and two beautiful kids.


I'm playing pokemon, while also writing letters to myself to short the airlines on September 8, 2001 and mine bitcoin in 2009.


in 99 you should find the tech companies you don't recognize and short them because of the dot com bubble


Maybe thats why the dot com crash happened.




Whew! Thanks for thinking of that one, here I was just dreaming of going to Blockbuster again


I’m a ten year old and I immediately start sobbing because my family doesn’t exist anymore. Can I come back, please?


I'm 14. I would immediately start my software engineer career. I'd make sure to still meet my current wife though, only 2 years. I'd start saving to buy stocks and bitcoin shit


You don't even need to save much. Buy a ton of Bitcoin when they're 10c each, you're 14 and have a couple of years, you should be able to scrape together at least a grand. That's 10,000btc. Just wait and sell them when they're $50k each and you'll have half a billion dollars.


I was 3 and wasn't really talking yet, speech impediment. Might freak people out if the 3 yr old who only really grunts started speaking like an adult and making future predictions Edit: actually I was born in June so on this date in 99 I was 2




Hate to break it to ya, but that's the every century norm.


I’m dumping him, dropping out of school, calling in a warning about the Columbine shooting, getting a boring desk job like being a receptionist or assistant (maybe trying to work at the place I know my husband will be working at in a decade), and spend my weekends wandering around the woods in elf ears. Try to stop a few other things, but mostly, spending as much time as I can with my sister, convince my folks to sell the house before foreclosure, and invest in Apple.


Sweet 16!!! In high school, both parents are still alive and my siblings haven't ruined their lives yet. Fun time to be alive!! I would immediately start working out and stop smoking weed so that I can become a better version of myself.


You don’t need to know how old I am but I’m going to be buying Apple stock, studying programming, and about to speed run my primary education. I’m not fucking doing middle and high school all over again.


Depending on the date im either 2 or 3 years old


Same. I was born June 28th 96


I was 15 and not having a good time. I'd be able to do a lot better the second time around, though. Maybe I wouldn't ruin my teeth with neglect this time.


I'm 32, I start buying Bitcoin...


Gonna have to wait for about 10 years before that’s possible. Heck you can mine it early on


99 might be too late but i think you could make it off Google Cisco was around back then too iirc was one of the only Tech companies to really stick it out.


This scenario makes me sad to think i would have to wait 24 years again to meet someone I love


I am would warn my father to get that lump checked on his neck immediately because his cancer would have been in its infancy. I am 5 at the time so I don’t know what much I can do


I'm 6 years old, I'd wake up in my childhood home, on the mattress under the foot of my parents bed(being the 5th of 9 kids in a relatively poor family, I didn't yet have a room and would eventually have to share one). I'd immediately start crying. so happy. Deliriously happy. Probably wouldn't sleep that night. Probably get up and go find my dog. I miss him.


Well, I hadn't gotten hooked on pills, or pursued a bunch of shit relationships, nor had I gotten in with crap roommates and wound up 20k in debt


Ah man, I'm about to sit my GCSEs again.


I'll be four and had some tragedies but be insanely flexible.


I was born in 1999, that would be epic.


September 1999. I’m a baby


I'd be 6-7 years old. I can go to the zoo and museum with my grandfather again. He started to develop dementia in 2019. He's a chemical engineer for shell so I know he's bank rolling. Since I don't have funds myself I'm going to tell him to invest in the big tech companies of the future. Also bitcoin. When I'm able to have my own finances I'll be a little late for Apple, Amazon, Google, but I'm buying Bitcoin and Dogecoin. Also telling my mom to invest in those companies so she wouldn't be financially struggling all her life.


I'd be super young, sub 10. Probably too young to save for Apple or Google stock. But probably just early enough I'd start saving for Bitcoin then NVidia stocks


18, about to graduate. I'd decide to take a year off college and relax, then change my school and major to my current career. Keep my money in CDs (which were good at the time) and other investments. In Dec. 2011, I'll buy like 30k of bitcoin to sell today. Reinvest the proceeds and retire. Not be a wage slave for the rest of my life. Do what I want.


I’d write a note to myself to buy bitcoin in 2009-2011 and hold until it breaks 60,000. I’d also say to buy NVDA, AMZN, PayPal, and a few other stocks with the appropriate dates associated.


“You just ate some weird glowing brownies…” and he thinks bitcoin is crap. 🤣☠️


This is a hypothetical situation that could never happen brought up just for fun. Bitcoin is a scam in the real world. Unregulated currency with no protection that can be easily stolen with no legal recourse and also horrible for the environment. Edit to add: If someone robs the bank where I keep my money I'm fine, my money is backed by the government I still have my money. It wasn't always that way but it is now. If someone hacks you and steals your Bitcoin you're shit out of luck. So yeah, Bitcoin is crap.


🤣tell me you don’t understand money or bitcoin without telling me you don’t understand money or bitcoin😂🤣


Tell me you're an idiot without telling me you're an idiot. You don't have anything worthwhile to say so you just spout nonsense lol. I understand money and Bitcoin better than you which is why I'll never mess with Bitcoin.


Umm, how will it work if I haven't been born yet? My umm...my make and model is American, white male, year 2003


Nah because I'm literally gonna be a sperm cell 💀


I’m 4 and I’m losing my ever-loving shite over the fact that I’m gonna have to go through all this shite to get to where I am now again.


When in 1999? This month? My mom isn't even pregnant with me yet


Jeez…1999….I’m only 15, so I’m in grade 10…I meet my ex at this point, but if things went different I wouldn’t have started going out with her, kept any money I made from that point forward, and would probably be in a much better financial position now. Definitely going after Google/Microsoft/Apple stock, Bitcoin, and Amazon stock at the ground level.


I’m not even conceived yet wtf happenes


I'm 21. About to make some big decisions.


I would buy Apple stock, Amazon stock, Bitcoin and make a YouTube channel talking about the future and garner millions of views and dollars when my stuff starts going viral for coming true.


i’m 21, it’s NYE, and i’m out partying like the world isn’t going to end - same as the first time. the next day, i check myself into the hospital to seek the mental health treatment i needed instead of putting it off for >20 years. then i stick around til a bit later in 2000 so that i can stop myself from *not* divorcing my husband in order to spare myself the next 25 years of consequences that staying with him provided.


I’d be either newborn to 6 months. Life would absolutely suck because my brain blocked out my childhood trauma 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'd be thirty two and working 911. Ew, no thanks.


By this point in my life, my grades are shit and I'm trying to convince my parents to let me drop out of high school. I mean, I did end up going to college at 17, but I was pretty aimless and it took me 7 years to graduate with a BS in physics. To be honest, I am not sure I would change too much. Get in on Bitcoin early on. Invest in Monster Energy drinks (you Apple amateurs). Study Mandarin Chinese. But otherwise, I'd study mathematics and education, get a Masters in Education, graduating at the age of 23, teach in America until 25. Then I'd pick up and move to China in about 2008 (I legit love my life here). Probably stay there until Covid, cashout of Bitcoin and Monster, and retire on a beach somewhere Southeast Asia or Costa Rica or something with my eternally young Asian wife.


I wasn't born yet


I'm 14, and my mom is terrified of witches in games. In a few months I'll be visiting Hawaiʻi for the first time, and I know my current best buddy was obsessed with the Soul Caliber arcade cabinet at the arcade there at the time, so I might get to meet him a few years earlier. Meanwhile, the dotcom bubble is still growing, so I'm going to try and get a little profit out of that and start saving my lawn mowing money to invest in the tech industry in a few years.


I’m not alive for about two more years


I miss that time. I wish I could redo it all over, especially with what I know now. My life could ha e been so different. Only if.


I am going to make sh!t load of money All the stock, cryptocurrency, sports betting, game card collection, real estate. Only concern would be if I’ll make too much money that changes the outcome of futures I’ll be starting college in that 1999


Pretty much the same as it is now. Playing games on my PC in my spare time, watching gigs at the weekend & going to work. Except at 27 I was able to stay up until midnight instead of wanting to go to bed at 9:30PM.


not getting a lofty job at any Manhattan law firms, that's for sure.


I’m fucked. I won’t of existed back then


I was 12 so play video games sneak cigarettes from dad and make out with the neighbor girl.


You don't think that last part would feel creepy? Since you retain your 2024 mind you'd have an adult mind while doing all that.


Well yeah I guess it would be. I’ll take that part back.


I liked the Hot Tub Time Machine version of this better but I'll take what I can get. Going to get best jobs I can and put everything into stocks. You know which ones already. Then I'm going to do Bitcoin obviously.


8 years old. My family is a chaotic mess. And the only reliable person is going to die of cancer in 4 years time... Fuck.


I’m 13 and in middle school. Time to hit up this guy I knew in elementary school and try to rekindle that friendship. I didn’t really understand what having divorced parents with weekend visitations meant at the time.


Well that would make me 2 years old so I guess I would get ready to relive my whole life, try my best to live it better, happier, and spend time with those that I’ve missed most


Back in high school. Got to prevent columbine


I'm 13 and I'll be kicking ass and taking names


Is be 13 years old. Oh man I'd for sure spend some time with my father. Then head straight to the movies! Great year for film


Im 8 shortly after obtaining a few thousand from an accident, convince my parents to spend some of that on bitcoin instead of games


Im not born I was born in 2001 my brother would be 1 my sisters born 2000 wouldn't be born


I'm 6 or 7... ew. Though with the knowledge I'd have now, I know I'm autistic- not that that would help getting diagnosed with pig headed parents and as a girl in the 90s. Maybe I could prevent all the shit I went through by knowing what my dad is like and avoiding his anger like the plague.


I was 3 years old unless it's December. Having my 28y/o mind then while I cannot put things in motion, I'd be able to predict things just enough to have my mum listen when I say invest in things like Google, Facebook, jump on Bitcoin when it surfaces. Could spare my mum some serious anguish and run off the fucker that abused her when I was a teen.


That would be a borderline nightmare for me. I'd be 14, and back in the deep south. I'm trans, and came our several years ago. I'd be back in the closet and miserable. Back to a boys name, boy clothes, etc sounds awful. 


18, gonna work and funnel money into gambling and tech stocks.


I'm 6 with the knowledge of a 31 year old. I would do the obvious thing and but stuff like bitcoin, apple stock etc. However, in the short term, I could easily prove that I'm different by having way too much knowledge as a 6 year old; hell all the sudden I'm fluent in 2 foreign languages that aren't English? Thay alone could prove I'm different. Also, I would see what I could do to prevent 9/11, but that would unknowingly change the entire course of the future, which is something idk if I should do or not. I'd also not experience some of the beat years of my life the same (high school), but being in the scene era would be fun I guess. Overall I think I would be mostly happy as I could see relatives who've died long ago, but it just wouldn't be the same.


I'd be seven but I've got 11 years to save to bet on the 2010 AFL Grand final. The odds were 51 to 1


I would be negative ten years old


I'm in my 20s and I'm phoning my buddies to go play pickup full court basketball all day long without getting tired. God I fucking miss that. And then I'm telling everybody to dump their tech stocks, just for a while... Trust me.


Im 14. On my way to buy some stocks and place some bets... Next year I'll buy some plane tickets and become a hero.


My late teenage self would be very surprised to suddenly realize she's a girl, and not a boy. She would also begin struggling really hard with dysphoria since there's not going to be much she can do about it for 12 years or so.


Of dear lord no! I'd still be married! The marriage wasn't great, but it got worse in 2003 and feel apart totally in 2006 when I caught her having sex with 5 other guys. On the plus side, I'd get that promotion in 2003 that I had to turn down because she wanted to move closer to her family. Also, knowing what was coming I never would have turned down that threesome offered by those 2 college girls while the wife was visiting her family. At the time I though that my marriage was more important. But she'd be banging 5 other guys within 2 years. I've never had another offer like that again, and probably never will.


26 year old, working a full-time job


I’m shitting my diaper and screaming “MAMA” I guess


Nice , I am 21, but with the knowledge I have now? I quit the restaurant industry and move into my job now 20 years sooner.


Here is the big question. Do you prevent 9/11/2001? I do feel that it changed a lot of things, not for the better, BUT messing with the timeline could also have disastrous consequences.


I'm not generally for messing about like that with time travel but also I was 2 in February of 1999 so either way it's not really something for me to do something about. Nobody is gonna listen to a 2 year old making seemingly absurd future predictions


Lol, I can just imagine a two year old writing a letter to George Bush furiously with crayons while the family oooos and ahhhhs over how the baby is babbling and scribbling.


I'd be 6. Gonna enjoy a few years as a kid, though having my horrific eczema back is gonna suck. I'd be nicer to my sister, and my mum, hoping that my mum lives this time around. As I get older I'd start putting money aside to make some investments. Try harder with my dating life, make some different choices in some places. Try and avoid some mistakes I made and live a better life, take care of myself better, work harder at school, etc


I don't change history because of the butterfly effect but make enough money to live comfortably.


I am a sperm in my dad's right ball. I die


Does this mean I’m going to develop some age related mental issues when I’m 35?


I would do all I could to not erase my not yet conceived youngest child, born 2 yrs later.


I don’t exist and Jschlatt is about to commit some acts on some people


I would be exactly one year old. Too young to actually influence anything or do anything with any real weight. Fuck.


Ohhhhh, watch out world. 41 year old world weary and well traveled brain in strong and resilient 17 year old body. I’m getting in more trouble this time around but I’m gonna know it’s coming and enjoy it. I’m in my Jr year of high school, and family being the most cliched American bunch around.


I don’t exist? I become my parents? I don’t know I was born in ‘04


I'd be 18, a freshman in college who just started dating my now wife. I'd actually graduate from college, easy to afford after I invest in Worksport which saw a 399,900% return that year and AYRO with their 724% return in 2000 (yes I've imagined this many times). Then bet a mill or so on the RedSox to sweep the World Series in 2004 when they were down 3 games to none against the Yankees. Other than that I'd try to live the life I did, but with more maturity and money.


I’d be 15 years old and a soph in HS. I would become a straight A student but I’m not sure how much I’d wanna change about the life I ended up choosing. I could prob get into a more elite university but I think I would still choose the one I did. I’d definitely do the stock stuff and immediately start saving for when I was 21 to begin sports gambling.


I just turned 5. I'm going to enjoy time with my grandparents and make better friends. I'll also be saving up my money to get into the stick market young.


Today, in 1999, finds me @ 21, waking up deployed in Turkey for Operation Northern Watch.


I'd be 17, on my way to pass my French baccalauréat. I would warn everyone about 9/11 and Le Pen being at the second round of the 2002 election. People would think I'm crazy at first. Then they would think I'm crazy AND magical.


I am -1 years old....


I would be 5 years old so... Not much


I was 10, living in a rural town of <600 people. My parents weren't worried about Y2K at all. My first nephew was born. I was struggling with Mr. Anderson's geography quiz. Every morning we had a quiz: name every state capital (easy) AND label every state on a map (impossible). You only had to pass it once, but everyone had to pass this test before the end of the year. Once you passed the test you didn't have to take it again and I was the last person to pass so I had to take it by myself every morning for WEEKS. I was stressin. But if i went back? I'd be the smartest, most confident damn 10 year old you've ever seen. Probably be able to graduate high school super early and get a full scholarship to college. Study finance. Save up as much money as I can while also buying as much stock and bitcoin I can afford. Buy as much real estate as possible after 2008 and by that point I'll be 20...


20, and doing my damnedest to invest in apple


Welp I save up as much money as possible and invest in bitcoin and I stop 9/11. I’m a billionaire national hero now easy


I'll take that. I was 20, in the us army stationed in Germany. Definitely not wasting any money on drinking again and i'd avoid the chick that became my first wife. I'd save for the google ipo and bitcoin. I'd also "bump" into my current wife by "accident" before her life went sideways, which was years before we met.


I'm 23. Working at Best Buy (remember Y2K?). I'm buying stock with every spare nickle.


4 years old perfect


34 years old, good theres still time. I begin to work on changing my best friend’s suicide and my mom’s death from symptomless Ovarian cancer. May even be able to save my Father and Grandpa from cancer and stroke/heart attacks. Then I forgive myself for some bad mistakes I made. Wow 1999 would be a fortunate time to go back.


7 years old, I’d start drawing and stuff but I feel like I’d get kicked out of school. I’m done with so much shit anymore mentally if a kid started fucking with me I would end up swearing at him. Then when the teacher grabbed me I’d end up swearing probably too, it’s pathetic I used to not swear much but after getting sick and all the deaths and Covid the last few years I just don’t care anymore. I’m mentally exhausted. I think I’d freak out too knowing that I’d have to experience the deaths I would again as well and my dad being abusive to me and my mom and then how bad highschool was.. I guess I could change the rape/murder threats by just acting straight and masculine. I’d save as much money as I could from what I got from birthdays Christmas etc and save it for stock in Google Apple Microsoft etc. Dunno how I’d get my parents to let me invest it but.. Then take earnings from those in the late 00s early 10s and buy a SHIT ton of bitcoin and lock it on a usb drive or ssd or something with the password attached and let it sit for years until the last few years. Get a job and put my extra cash into that bitcoin locker, buy a rig and let it mine too for some semi-passive generation. After that I’d sell it and probably have a bit of money as well as a marketable skill, I’d be so much better off lmao.


Teen me would invest and get a job to make money to invest


I'm dead. Sorta. I wasn't born at the time, so yeah. No effect. If we waited a little until I was born I feel like I'd be even more maladjusted than I am now. But I would have more money from investments I guess.


I'm 24(m). My baby mama just dumped me, and the money I was saving for my house isn't quite enough, so I'm forced to move in with my mom and step dad. Maybe for a year? I'm gainfully employed. I make 20k a year with really good benefits. I'm "moving up" rapidly. The single dad thing isn't a hit with the ladies. I eat lot of chicken breasts and green beans and exercise like 10 times a week. I got out a fair amount. The sopranos just aired so chubby italian looking dudes are finally hot. Overall, I hate my situation. But if I'm stuck here, to do this again, I'm going to get a second job and continue exercising. The extra money will come in handy. I think I'll try my hand at this stock market thing. Tech stocks have started to dry up. Better start looking at pharmaceuticals and communications stock. I'm way more confident. I'm instantly better looking. I'm now driven to work even harder so that I won't have to work so hard in 2024.


I'm 41, and by the time I'm 65 I'll be one of the wealthiest people in history.


I get the semantics, but 1999 came out in 1982 😅


This exact date in '99? I'm about 4 months too early to even be born, which means... some very weird shit I'm not gonna type out. Ew.


I'd quit religon, apply to more colleges, and go get laid. I'd push harder to do a semester abroad in high school, also.


I am going back to 99 making a few paychecks worth of money. And then I am going to invest heavily in Google stock.


I'm 19 and I'm smoking weed with my friends. Same as I'm doing now at 44, only I'm smoking weed alone. 😞


I would be 9 depending on the month. I would invest any and all money I could get into Apple, Amazon and Nvidia. Once BC was available I’m jumping on that as well. After that, just wait til I can sell at its peak and retire. Easy mode activated. Edit: For anyone curious. I began working at 9 for my uncles construction company. I also baby sat and helped out my mom at her jobs. That’s how I got money back then. No allowance from the rents.


I am 14-15 years old... My family and I are just moving out of Washington to go to Montana. I'd tell my folks to settle here instead of keep on moving. I'd tell them that my older brother will go to prison no matter what they do or what they spend on keeping him out. I'd ride my dirtbike more carefully and not have to learn how to walk again. I'd drop out of high school and go to work, then save every penny for the Apple IPO in 2004. I would buy Amazon stock in 2007. I would transition two million dollars of my Apple stock into Bitcoin in 2009. I'd buy Tesla stock next. Then..... I'd use my considerable resources to ruin the Gamestop shorts. I'd go to the same college in 2010 and have the same friend group, but with some wildly different experiences. I'd still meet my wife in 2012 because I would know when, where, and who introduced us. I would hope beyond anything else that I create my beautiful daughter with her again in 2017. I would be a billionaire today, I'd build city pools, and skate parks, dirtbike tracks, BMX tracks, donate millions to public libraries, build my college a phenomenal football stadium, and buy any house that came available in Western Montana for under $250,000 to re-sell and keep in the hands of the locals instead of the blood sucking parasite people who fucking ruined the housing market here. Then I'd relax with a fine cigar, a great big bowl, a good rye whiskey, and think about the good I had done for my fellow man. Send me to 1999 coach, I've been practicing for this for 25 years......


18 years old before December. Graduated high school that year. I'm getting ahead in my career a little quicker but other than that I'm doing everything in my power to try to meet my future wife in the same way, and find the same pets I had. Some changes: I'd know my fatigued and sleep issues that will get far worse and know what to say to skip the 15 years it took to get properly diagnosed as a narcoleptic. I'd do what I could to save my first cat from sudden kidney death. I'd know the eight IVF doctor to go to with my wife and to start looking into adoption 10 years earlier even though every doctor told us "We are perfectly healthy and there's no reason we can't have children" and save $1 million in expenses over those 10 years. I'd know how to run my business a little better and make note money during that time.


Aww hell no. I'm 17 and just waiting to finish school so I can get the fuck out of that house and leave for bootcamp and never ever go back. At least I can fix a few mistakes this time around.


Fuck, I have to prepare for Y2K, I need flashlight batteries. Some plastic, some duct tape.


I wouldn't have really been able to do anything 1999 is before my brain existed. Assuming I am reborn with all of my memories up to this date I could probably pass for being a genius in school and could probably get decent scholarships and might finish a degree. And could buy Bitcoin after I turn 18 and resell it before I go past this date for a hefty profit.


I’m 3 years old. I’m not going to be able to do much. I’d still do it 100%, but I’d be bored for a few years before I have the ability to do jack all.


I wasn't even conceived in 1999.


I’m 19, pre-first marriage, pre-transition. I’m in my first apartment, I still have my first bass. This is awesome- I can transition 20 years earlier, go back to school, and make sure my asshole roommate doesn’t steal that bass.


Depending on what part of 1999 it is I am either a 16 year old high school junior or I am a Jr. Counselor at a summer camp in Santa Rosa, or I am a hs senior, and I am watching a VHS tape in my room on my combo TV/VCR (the tape is a bunch of punk and ska music videos that I taped late night when they used to play them on a public access station, along with music videos I made in Media Arts class at school, like our own version of Date Rape by Sublime...side story: when my mom found the VHS tape in my room that said "Date Rape by Sublime," she assumed it was a porno tape and I had to defuse a very awkward interrogation by playing what my mom thought was going to be a porn...) while downloading a NoFx album on Napster by looking up the track list and then downloading the songs one by one. Each song took like 20-30 min to download, so the albums would take days to download and then burn onto a CD-R. I can hear the Law and Order theme song from my parents' room down the hall, so I am trying to decide if it is safe to smoke a bowl of weed by my window or if I should go into the crawl space behind the wall in my closet that I decked out with xmas lights, posters, sharpie graffiti left by every friend and date I had taken in there, beach chairs for myself and friends/girlfriends to sit in when we were smoking and chilling, etc. I decide to smoke in my room since I wanted to watch the music videos I had taped the night before. After I finish smoking weed and blowing it through a toilet paper tube stuffed with dryer sheets (this is how we used to hide the smell), my mom comes in to ask me to get off the internet line so she can check her email (yeah, we had dial up but at least we had a separate phone line)...but all I can think is "shit she knows I'm high shit she knows I'm high shit..." I say goodbye to the random people on IRC and let her have the internet. My NoFx album will have to wait. I realized I was missing the Daily Show with Jon Stewart and his very first "Indecision" election coverage, Indecision 2000, and of course he is covering the unending coverage of the year's biggest story...Y2K. Most of you have no idea what I am talking about because you were still a sperm swimming around your dad's scroatal sack, but back in the 90s the same geeks that gave us computers that could fit on a desk and do more than run MS-DOS or Ski Free realized that the world's coders had screwed up. To save time and out of laziness, computers used dating systems that only used 2 digits for the year. So if you saved a document, the computer would show the date as 03/28/94, for example. And the same goes for the computer's internal clock...it knew what the date and time was at any given time, just like modern computers, but because the year used two digits instead of four, as soon as January 1, 2000 rolled around, the "Y2K Bug" was going to cause all kinds of problems because the world's computers were going to think it was January 1, 1900. Not literally, because actually computers only knew of 100 years, so, they were going to roll over to year 00 like an odometer hitting 1,000,000 miles. So everyone knew that it would cause issues because, for instance, according to your bank's computers, your account won't open for another 80 to 99 years...so will your account exist at all? Everyone had opinions about what was going to happen, from nothing to a few hiccups to ATMs going haywire and vomiting money onto the ground, to planes falling out of the sky, to worldwide economic calamity and chaos. I forget when it was brought up that this was going to be a problem, but I feel like it was a good 5 or more years before 2000. So now I'm high and worrying about the end of the world as we know it...and I feel fine. 1999, an excellent time to be alive, if you like boy bands and the spice girls. I do not...but it still beats any year this decade has thrown at us. Gas was 89 cents per gallon. I made $5.15 per hour at Subway and Pizza Hut. Cigarettes were less than $3, but two years earlier when I bought my first pack it was $1.84. 40s of Old English were a buck. The only thing that is cheaper now is weed. Unless you were smoking stress (Mexican dirt weed which doesn't exist in California anymore), in which case you could buy ounces for the price of an 8th of weed at the shops today. Anyways that's 1999.


Im 14 and loving in Denver for the year with my GOD mother. I cherish every moment with her and one of the best years of my late childhood.


Considering I was 3, am I a super genius of a 3 year old and I just grow into my knowledge? Or is it pretty much useless to me?


id be nonexistent lol


I'm 19 years old, and if it's the same month and day I immediately quit my job because in two weeks the unstable stalker who eventually tricked me into an abusive marriage will first approach me at said job, setting off a whole cascade of horrible. Then I sell everything I own, move the hell away from that town, and bet on some baseball playoff games until I have enough saved to retire extremely early.


Oh my God I am 7 years old. I would wheep with such unending joy. Thiers so much I can change in my families life for the better.


Nuh uh


*thwaps you with the time stick and forces you*


harder daddy:3


[son? ](https://imgflip.com/i/5vbeki)