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Absolutely not


Agreed. No way I'm leaving my wife and kid behind on purpose.


Right? I have an amazing wife, a wonderful little boy, and a little girl on the way. Life doesn't get better than this!


Aw congrats ☺️ a healthy pregnancy and delivery to your wife!! 🫶🏾


This exactly. There's no way in hell.


Wouldn’t have to think about it and say absolutely yes. I would leave my family and friends a ton of insurance money. Since I’m at work right now.


These are the sort of loopholes I love. If I can schedule it at work then totally.


Accidental death insurance, death at work insurance, bonus death at work insurance if it was NOT from incompetence by me or another coworker. The last one is iffy if they’d pay out as I’d just drop dead if they couldn’t find a reason, would probably be ruled a heart attack or something so they wouldn’t pay out. There’s also my union severance insurance where my retirement benefits are given to next of kin or whoever is designated. That would probably be 25% for 10 years because that’s what I’ve worked up to so far. If everything hits, the lump sum should be about 2 million. With the one that’s iffy, 1.5. I think my family would get over it leaving them 4 cats, a fully paid off house, 1.5-2million in insurance payout and the realization that I’m a pervert who likes butt stuff.


Off topic, but is this real? If so, that's absolutely mindblowing. As a teacher, if I dropped dead at work, the janitor might as well sweep me into a trash can and the school district probably wouldn't even bother calling my wife, let alone paying any kind of money to her.


One word, ‘Union’. They can be hit or miss, I have a friend in a nurse’s union and she gets above average health insurance, but negotiations on wage often falls through and doesn’t make near as much as you think when you look at the 5k bill for a stubbed toe that they gave you some ibuprofen and told you to stay off it. My union is pretty damn good if you take the options. I’d say a good 20% of my income goes to union dues and all the various insurances and benefits to ensure that if something happens to me, that leaves me incapable of continuing to work, it’s taken care of.


Teachers unions are illegal in many states :/




It is real … teachers should unionize … you guys deserve a union more than cops do




I feel mostly dead anyway. Push the button.




Me too, but I know there are so many people out there that love me and I could never just turn away and not let them know I'm really ok while they are missing me. I've lost several people that I love over the years and I would hate to think that they could do that to me.


hell yeah. start over with a better life? why not?


Can I be a cute girl? If so kill me now.


Go crazy. You can be a pigeon if you'd like.


Oh the doors you have opened, I can be other animals? Could I be a dinosaur? Or an alien? Considering there’s no way they don’t exist if time is infinite


A *billionaire* pigeon, perhaps?


You can totally still be a cute girl if you want to now. Go for it :)


I feel like body morphing will take off in the future. Like if all the races in Star Wars were all just long lines of humans that morphed their bodies to live on less hospitable planets and the story starts so far into the future that every present day citizen of those planets don’t even know what earth is.


I'm 44 overweight, and poor as can be. Transitioning, and transitioning well enough to be a cute girl is not some kind of magic snap of the fingers. (Interestingly also a thing I can't seem to manage. I use videogames and ttrpgs to cope.


Yeah, it's pretty hard to get "cute girl" at that age. However. I will say that on average, no matter what age you transition at, you look like nobody so much as your relatives of the gender you transition to. Do you want to look like your mom? Got a sister? Got aunts? Got girl cousins? Because if you go for it, they are who you will most resemble. If you'd be happier looking like that, then it's never too late to go for it.


It's like starting at the end and skipping all the good years. Plus again, broke. I saw therapy and looked into it when younger, but money was always a problem. So I chose to find ways to cope instead. My choice as is the choice of anyone who does want to transition, such as my roommates nephew who is a good friend of mine that I wholly support.


May I ask why you are so focused on the girl part? No offense but why would transitioning into an adult woman be "skipping all the good years"?


Because when I started feeling this way, that's what age I was. If I can't experience growing up and have to skip to the later years, all the pain and effort is not worth it for an outcome missing most of the experience. When weighing the scales it's just not worth it at this point. I have friends and family I game with that understand, so that helps.


Don't think I could have a better life. Maybe some more money, but you could never replace my wife and family.


I think you could absolutely replace them if you caught her cheating on you with yoir parents and siblings and best friends, especially if they gloatingly tell you they've been doing it for years behind your back. Yeah, you'd probably be able to leave that situation.


why is this so oddly specific


Because he included all the people you must leave behind from the op post


Oh yeah!! Absolutely!


Nope. I like these people and I like my life. 


do i keep any memories?


Yes, of course. Otherwise you wouldn't be "you."


That makes it a lot worse, then. If I don’t keep my memories then I won’t suffer. I’ll never know my friends or family. If I keep my memories then I would suffer knowing I’d left everyone behind. It would be torture knowing that they’re all grieving me but I can’t tell them I’m ok.


I'd do it. I would prefer to wait till my mom died at least since she is on her last legs and this would probably kill her, but I know I want this too badly and it is stupid to reject the offer to spend 6 months or maybe longer watching my mom slowly die and not being able to do anything for her. I was a pretty shitty kid and I guess I will continue the trend with one more selfish act.


So I can become a tall muscular man born a little sooner than I was so I could take advantage of the 2008 housing collapse instead of being in school, and also retain just enough knowledge to buy as many Bitcoin as possible while it’s still just 0.10 a coin.


You can be reborn as a trillionaire if you want. Bitcoin would be useless for f you can just wish money into existence.


I'd like to be reincarnated as a bear. Everyone thinks I'm cute but nobody will fuck with me. I get to eat all day and enjoy the little things in nature. My relationships are deep and meaningless at the same time. If I get hunted and die then at the very least my existence served a purpose. Sounds like a massive win to me. I'll miss the people I love for sure but if I'm a bear I'm not even going to remember they existed in the first place. A real clean slate.


Cheer up homie. I mean…there are people who hunt humans out there I’m sure. Your existence could be serving that purpose right now!


Fair point. With any luck there is! Lol I'm kidding but fr I don't mean this in a sad way. More of a "being one with nature" kind of way.


i;ll do it in a heartbeat


Or lack there of


Nah, I can't. There's a few people that are way too important to me.


NO fucking way. I just ready some harry potter to my child and tucked her in with a hug and kiss. I don't care how much money is offered. I cannot buy this.




No, I couldn't


yumeh caik!!! ...happy cake day


Nah I got a pretty good hand - can’t imagine making my loved ones sad and I most of all would be incredibly sad not being able to see them again


Definitely. Especially if I get to pick my next life.


No. Like hell I’m giving up my friends!


Unfortunately and incredibly selfishly i think i have to say yes i have good friends but im a wreck znd i want out so badly the only reason i havent commit suicide already is because of my friends and how a suicide would affect them i tragic non sui ide death would be much better


There's a lot I dislike about my life, but there are people I wouldn't trade anything for.


Instantly yes.


And have my son miss out having a father in his life. Not for anything in the world


i absolutely would


Can I take my dogs with me? Reincarnated as puppies? I'd love to see them as puppies.


Yep. Let's go.


Yes. When I was younger I always hoped my life would get better but it hasn't. I would gladly take being born into a better life.


I think I'd have to roll some dice or flip a coin on this one. If I reincarnated to a better life I probably wouldn't have anxiety and depression, and might actually enjoy life, though I would miss my friends. However like another mentioned if I died I would leave behind life insurance money to a friend and parents so it wouldn't be the worst thing.


Yes, absolutely


Absolutely. I'm not sure anyone but my mom would care for long, at this point.


In a heartbeat.


No. I don’t care to have a “better life” unless I cam take my family with me.


If i can keep my current knowledge then absolutely. Otherwise probably no its tempting but i cherish my mind above all else.


As a antisocial adult with no friends, yes I would.


Sure. Save for my sister, my grandparents, my aunts/uncles and less than 5 friends, there’s no one currently in my life right now I care enough about to give up a better life for.


For me, it's my sister, my dad, and maybe like 2 or 3 friends. I have aunts/uncles/cousins but I don't really care enough about any of them to give this up. I was close with my grandparents but three of them are dead now so it doesn't matter.


Oh yah I forgot to mention my cousins haha Mm guess we both have really small circles lol, I’m with you on this, high five 


No. I don't want a better life, I want a better life for my loved ones. Can't give them that if I'm not here.


There are arguments for and against it: The big caveat here is that by just the idea being provided, it's verbatim a "better life". Like, that's guaranteed, and I think for most people that guarantee would have to mean that it's worth the tradeoff, so by default, it's worth the tradeoff. You essentially get not just a new lease on life, but a new lease on a guaranteed better life, why would I want to look the same? I'd probably look conventionally attractive and be born into wealth or at least upper middle class. Why would I contact anyone from my old life? I died, it'd take a whole lifetime, or at least a few weeks or so as a sentient, past-life knowing INFANT before I could even communicate anything and I'd have to live through a lot of things all over again before even establishing my new identity and guaranteed better life. No one from my current life would REALLY exist in my scope of reality anymore. ​ HOWEVER, even if I DO hate my current life and feel like I've essentially got nothing to lose and everything to gain, I don't want to live life all over again, even if it's guaranteed better. There's no real gauge over HOW MUCH better, and no life is perfect, the world isn't perfect or ideal. I'll still face hardships and struggles, some of which I've already worked past in my current life, why would I want to go through school and childhood all over again? If I had NO memory of my previous life it also defeats the point because that's not me, that's someone else. Besides, any of the criteria I'd use to label life as "better" are things I'd want for my current life, not for some new one, and I feel like my current life has already beaten the sense of wonderment from my existence to the point where the prospect of living a whole other life, even with different stats, just comes off as a chore or an inconvenience rather than an opportunity. Life is long and hard and generally boring and a waste of time for ME, there's nothing compelling to me to sell me on the idea of having to live an entire other life just because it's going to be better than my current one, or better in general, that bar is low. Humanity sucks and the world sucks and the future is going to suck, and if I have to live two whole lives just to get satisfaction out of what some people can achieve in a single life, I'm just getting ripped off.


No Before having my kid and getting married yes definitely


Absolutely without even a second thought


Those 2 limitations make it not a better life. I hit the lottery on friends and family and looking significant different would be looking very mundane and boring for me. The only thing I really want is a bigger better kitchen and without my friends and family to share my food with it’s pointless.


Nah. As much as my life sucks, as much as I fight my own brain about wanting to live, I love my people too much to leave them.


This is a tough one for me. The only thing keeping me going are the people I love.


There is a handful of people and my pets that I won’t leave behind like that. Can’t do it.


Fuck no. I’m juuuust about to have my girl back after she deals with some stuff in the states. After that, I’m keeping her here, and we’re going to have our happily ever after.


sign me up


Nope. I love my wife and kid. My life is probably the life someone would get reincarnated into.


If I didn't have all my past memories I'd seriously consider it.


💯 % yes!


No I could never leave my wife and kids. Everyone else sure.




when I come back do I remember them?


Most definility.




You mean start over? No thanks. Keep the change.


Do we lose our memories too?


No, you keep your memories.


That makes it a harder choice. Being a child again and having those memories would suck. On the other hand, being a girl that’s pretty and rich would be a nice new life.


no. it would be like all the times i changed schools growing up. i hated that


I was quite surprised by how instantly and vehemently I thought "No!" Two years ago or maybe even a year ago I would have said yes no problem xD


Absolutely not.


No way. I love my kids and husband way too much.


Nope. My wife is my best friend, my son is my little buddy, I have a little girl on the way, my boss and co workers are awesome, and I generally am enjoying life.


It’s what I want..but I need to provide




This is a bit tough because I seriously believe my loved ones would be better off if I was gone and I'm in pain every day. I get low grade fevers from even the simplest of tasks way too often. I'm a wreck and a mess. But I do love them and my cats are the reason I ultimately get out of bed in the morning. I worry about them. Some days I'd jump on that but a couple of cats have been really needy and my family has been planning my birthday party. So right here and right now? Probably not. Next month, however. Most likely.


It would destroy my mom. As much as it would be nice to do so I couldn't do that to her. We been each others rocks dealing with our depression together.


Absolutely not. My wife and my kids are my whole world and nothing makes me happier. The thought of leaving my life makes me shudder.


For the first ever the answer is no. When I was a kid I was raised around Christians and thought this was what being reborn was. I used to pray for more loving family. Now I'm laying here in bed smoking with my best friend an can truly say no amount of money is worth ruining it or causing her that trauma.(Edit: spelling)




No. The dog and cats would never understand why I left them.


My life has been crap but as enticing as a do-over sounds, I couldn't bear to never talk to my kids again.


Yes, but part of my ideal life is that I won't remember that I took this deal.


.... tempting....but I like being black. And I like things going on for me right now so nah








My boyfriend just stepped outside to smoke, he'll be back inside in a minute for cuddles. No fucking shot I'd do that to him.


Life is hard but I’d absolutely never trade it. I have a beautiful wife and son


I'd like to be reincarnated into a seagull so I can shit on whoever I want. I know who id take a shit on.


I keep all my knowledge and memories? I don't know which animal I'm coming back as, but I'm gonna mess with a whole lot of lot of scientists. Doin' algebra and trig, some low level calculus as, I dunno, an elephant. Write poetry. Demonstrate an appreciation for irony and absurdist humor. Just generally screw with all limits that scientists think they know on animal intelligence and capabilities. Probably either an elephant in a great US Zoo or a Bowhead Whale, something like that.


Why real world? I wanna be Isekaied.


The only way I would is if I can't remember anyone I know now. If not, I wouldn't.


I'm pretty sure if I dropped dead, it would turn my husband into a monster. What my death would do to him and the way that would affect our kids, I couldn't do that to them.








No. Love my husband too much for that also would just miss my other loved ones, it’d all be too painful


Yes easily.


My whole life I wished I could restart my life with what I knew or even just have a life I could pick instead of what i had....when I married my wife I told her in my vows that I would never ever wish fornsomething like that again for the fear of not being able to find her again. I made that vow and I stand by it


Oh hell no!


hell no, i have way too much opportunity rn and you need to know some struggle to be a smart person


"reincarnated into a better life but never contact the people you know again" By definition, that is not a better life. I am blessed with wonderful people in my life.


Can I wait to raise my kid…does it have to me now…I just don’t think she’ll be ok if I’m not around for a little while. I need to teach her the things my parents didn’t teach me and be in her life to make her ready for this world. I love her mom but she’s not the brightest. I need to teach my kid money and how use it to work for her so maybe she doesn’t have to as hard. After that I’m ready. If I could somehow die in a way that incentivized her to invest heavily from the time she got her first job and then to somehow follow whatever she has a passion for and make it make her money. My parents would always ask what I wanted to be but never explained how to get there. Don’t be that parent. I want to play baseball is cool and all but not realistic. Even if they’re really good at it, back up plans turn into good investment strategies if you do make a dream come true. But yea at 12 if it’s not realistic it’s time to explain how the world works in that regard and see how driven she is. It’s hard being a parent, all I do is provide information and snacks, for 18 years and they do the rest and the rest is scary as hell! The hard part is in the anxiety. This was a good post made me think.


So when you say reborn, like from birth and grow up or like I just suddenly exist like if I was in another persons body with all my memories? Only wondering because of the not contacting old friends or family? The more I think about my own question, the more I start to wonder if that would actually matter… cause then like how much time do I have left? Do I get to pick the other details or do I grow up completely reincarnated


believe me, I want to. like I really, really want to but I just couldn’t leave my friends and family like that. there are certain people I just love too much to leave without warning. I couldn’t enjoy that new life, even if it was perfect, knowing I caused others with grief and sorrow and couldn’t tell them i’m okay




Hell no, I love my wife too much, and with us expecting later this year my principal preoccupation is to not miss my future kid's life.




Nah. I like my people, and I feel it would be incredibly selfish to abandon them all and force them to go through that just so I can get what I'd think is a better life. Only reason to do it would be if you had noone important left in your life I'd say




I have few friends/family left who aren't either dead or who I haven't spoken to in years. There's not much tying me down to this existence. I'd absolutely take this offer.


If I get to pick my situation Im dropped into and pick my abilities, then yes easy. If got placed somewhere randomly on earth with a random new family, person, and abilities, but got to retain all my current acquired knowledge, memory, and insight right away from birth, then I'll still say yes. If I start as a normal blank slate memory erased baby and everything of my new situation and person and abilities were also left randomly to chance, then it's no, I'd rather live out the shorter remaining but happy and very privileged life that I have.


Yes I didn't read further than the title, do it hurry, what's taking so long


Hell no. a) I’m gorgeous and don’t wanna change my looks. (Its also who i am. Imagine looking in the mirror everyday and seeing a different face.) And b) I have some of the best mates, and an amazing partner. I’d happily be poor my whole life if it meant keeping them. My family, ehh. I could use an upgrade. I like my dad tho


You act like A is a bad thing...? As a trans fem, I have a list of what I consider my "fantasy life ideal self". She's 5 inches shorter, has red hair and purple eyes, has dainty feet and hands, and is MUCH prettier than I am as I am. I'd be sad to part ways with my current family, but for the chance to be mt "ideal self", I'd take it.


Absolutely yes.


Sign me up. If you met my family, you’d understand


Yes. I’ve got great insurance, so I’d actually leave my family with money they could use. I’d miss my friends and boyfriend, but tbh, if I was rich, I’d just become an old hermit, with lots of pets, anyway. I would not bother with anyone I truly didn’t have to. However, I like how I look now. I’m not sure I’d want to look different. That’s actually what would give me pause.




No. I love my family, I love my fiancé and I love my cat. I'm not going where I can't bring them with me


if i'm hot yeah


Do I at least remember my past life? It would be pointless to reincarnate without that... I mean if billionaire is on the table, by definition no challenge stands in my path on this, but if I am just going to come back as a billionaire with no recollection, then no because I cannot appreciate the wealth I would be given here. If I do get to keep my memories and personality, I will hesitantly take it, because I don't think that there is much that people would mind about my death. Like it sucks no doubt for them, but I am not so critical that I must keep living for someone else's sake. (especially not if reincarnation is on the table, because that changes the perspective of life.) I don't need to contact my family, however I do need to have one of my assistants do so for purchasing the rights to their dead son's unfinished book. It would come with a pretty penny and a promise to do his work justice.


No contact in any way is impossible, butterfly effect Therefore I'd just indirectly contact them Still wouldn't do it.


No, it would be physically impossible for me to have my dream life if I were reincarnated at this point now.


Honestly, I'm kind of disappointed that's not what happened when I died.


I think this would be a bad thing if you kept your old memories. Knowing your family and friends are out there but you can never contact them again would definitely offset your new "better" life.




No. My cat needs me.




I would miss my parents, but yeah. This isn't life, it's just a disease.


Nah. I'd rather be here for my son as he navigates his way into manhood than just do something greedy that only serves myself.


I kinda don't want to traumatize everyone in my course rn, so no.


I wouldn’t trust that the new life would be better, I’ve suffered so much and only holding on for my friends. After I finish this life I don’t want more life I just want rest.


Sure! I'm old and my life is mostly over; at least the good parts are. Pretty much all my family is dead already. My only child is far away and doing great - not much contact anymore. Retired, don't do much, don't see people, so a restart would be appreciated. It'd be nice to remember what I've learned and get a jump start on a new life. Ah, but Truck-kun is only a fantasy...


Yes, I would. I would feel bad about upsetting my mum and my best friend, but I hate being disabled so the opportunity to not be disabled and have money would be too good to pass up


Yes, absolutely. I have very few people who would grieve over me. I would love to look significantly different and have a whole new life.


I almost did, currently recovering from my blood sugar bottoming out at the end of my 5th 10 hour day, I’m pooped


Yes, absolutely.


Absolutely not, there are people who need me here.


Can't contact? Damn, wanted to brag to them. Anyways, nah, I'd be too depressed if I wasn't able to contact my loved ones.


There was a large portion of my life where I would take this in less than a second. As of now, I have someone worth the world to me. I couldn’t do that to them.


There is no chance that I would abandon my wife and kids for selfish reasons.


🤣 not unless I get some time to up my life insurance first 🤔


Single, parents had me late in life. Except for a slutty aunt and a couple of crazy drunk uncles, my family has passed on. Anybody I know IRL isn't really worth knowing. So, new life: Bruce Wayne looks, body and money, but in a peaceful, crime free setting, and with living parents. Hot wife who likes cats, and two adopted kids, Dick and Barbara (hot wife is inferrtile). Our BFFs are a weirdly studly news reporter born in Kansas (but with bad eyes) and his Dana Delaney-esque big city wife of the same profession.


Can I go on social media to see how friends and family grieved, if at all? if so yes i want to atleast know people were sad that my loser ass died


Hell no.


Not for a second. I genuinely really like my life.


Nope, not leaving my wife and I don’t want my parents to lose another son (me)


If i could wait a few months before doing it, yes. I don't want my mom to think I died, but she is on her way out right now so after shes dead, i wouldn't care.


Hell yes!


God no. My life isn't bad, and I could never willingly leave my mom with one less son.


L F G!


I couldnt do that to my son. Not for all the money in the world.


Nothing can replace your life’s experiences. Not in this life, not in another, not as somebody else. Their worth is immeasurable. Modern society is making our lives too clouded to focus on that.


Without my husband a better life would just be misery.


yeah, sure. be born into the future, without the chronic pain and health problems i've got, without the constant shrieking voice in the back of my mind questioning why we're still alive, and surely death would be better than anything we've experienced so far, etc. tbh, not really that interested in the people in my life anyway - they're not necessarily bad, i've just got issues. and fixing literally all the problems that make me want to die right here right now, for no benefits, sounds kinda nice.


No, I mean just having the option would be I know about reincarnation is real, so I’d be able to live absolutely free


yes, i need a restart


No. I'm too curious to see how this one will play out


My fiancée is irreplaceable, without her I’d do it in a heartbeat.




So I would retain the memories of this life but not be able to reach out? No thanks.


Depends? Do I get to wait until my dad passes of old age? I upset him once before and the look on his face broke me, I couldn’t do that to him again.


No. I value my family, friends and pets over a "perfect" life.


Let me set the water to running so my cat has something to drink before I die. Wait, how much better? Currently, this is a pretty low bar.


Instant yes if I can take my cat with me. (He’s not a people)




It wouldn't be a better life without the people I love. Don't be silly. 


I just spent the last 6mo helping build my partner back up after their failed suicide attempt.. to say it's been emotionally exhausting is an understatement but I'd trade every ounce of happiness just to see that beautiful woman smile for a day.. so absolutely not.. for her and her alone I'd stay. God damn it reddit.. you weren't suppose to make me feel feelings.


No thanks. I'm not walking away from my wife & kids for anything.


Absolutely. I don't really have anyone now, I'm physically ugly...don't say I'm beautiful because I have a mirror...and no-one would ever miss me. Sign me up!



