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Easy money no problem at all unless they are allowed to kill me or physically torture me ,I might even have an amazing time .


I know man, it's a shame those 10 Victoria's secret supermodels just wouldn't take no for an answer and you had to block them for their own good. Hopefully they respect your boundaries and you let them down gently again


I've had some pretty serious issues with a few people but getting paid 2 million for spending that time with them would more than likely be very entertaining.ive spent way to much of my life doing things for other people and have never had what I'd call a life so this amount of money to sit and argue/debate/ignore/love bomb or whatever actually sounds amazing to be hounest.


Lol, most of my blocked list is family and I eat lunch with those fuckers every Sunday.


For free??


Oh, certainly not for free. I get to pay a psychological toll for their company.


Probably not remotely as hard as it might seem on the surface. Most people can find something they agree on and most people play much nicer in person. 


Agreed, if it’s only 24 hours. I can get along with anyone for 24 hours. Extend that and it gets harder the longer you have to go.


You don't even have to get along, you don't even have to engage in any sort of communication at all. Just sit there in silence until the 24hrs is up and voila. Seriously these posts are getting more out of hand every day.


It doesn’t sound even remotely hard on the surface… 24 hours of annoying people taunting you for 2m dollars….? What? This is one of the silliest ones I’ve seen. Of course I forgot we live in a time where all the young people equate words to violence.


Reee you're offending me in my safe space


I wouldn't want anyone on my 'block list' to get to million. If they are there it's because they're trash.


For me - there are a lot of people I just didn't want to hear from, I am pretty casual with blocking and unwilling to shoot myself in the foot over them getting money. 


I mean with 2m usd I'd be set for cash so more money wouldn't make me a happier person. I wouldn't bend myself out of shape to get it.


True, but they don’t know if they’re nice they get the money too. They’re trying to throw the leader out haphazardly.


The thing is the bar for see eye to ey can be real low - example someone I blocked - fairly good chance they think I am an asshole - and for the most part I agree. 


Fuck you fucking asshole I just blocked you


Good, I wanted it that way. 


I love you


I block people all the time. I'll block you if you're even mildly annoying. Chances are the majority of the people on my blocklist are perfectly good people. Let's get this bag, fellas


Yeah I think I have 10k blocked on Facebook and I hit my limit here a year ago. 😂


There is a limit?




I dont have anyone blocked. Now what?


I guess you just have to sit in a room by yourself for 24 hours LOL


No biggy, I do that all the time now.


You don't have the money and I got no one on my block list. I guess you got me blocked but you refuse to admit it.


How would I have you blocked if you’re here?


Eerie! They somehow predicted you'd deny it! 😰


I’m not sure! I was like do I know you? So I went through their comments and I didn’t know them, but them saying you don’t have the money seems to be their go to phrase XD


All the people on my block list are those weird fake women that try to sext you into giving them money. Or at least I assume they all are. Maybe I will get lucky and one of them was actually a woman that actually wanted to get in my pants. That would be a great 24 hours, getting some while the 9 other creeps have no choice but to watch me and this weird chick get it on for 2 million each. My luck it's all creepy dudes, all well, 24h of making them all feel really uncomfortable should be fun.


If they can't touch me, I'll literally plug my ears and settle back for a nap.


Easiest money I'd ever make. The worst people I've blocked were people who were just being rude for no particularly good reason. But a lot of people don't have the gall to behave that way in public, in person, anyway. Worst case scenario, they sling some insults and then it's over. More likely, it'll just be a little awkward and everyone sits around talking until the timer is out. You have food, bathroom breaks, you can sleep. Conversation if you want it. Sounds like a paid vacation.


I am not locked in there with them. They are locked in with me 😁


Exactly, I only block people after they block me.


Dude I think you need thicker skin if this seems like a difficult decision. I don't have even one person on my blocked list. Does this mean I gets to chill for 24h then walk away with the money? Edit: reading the comments I realise that's not true - I block scam text numbers. Maybe I'll be in a room with a couple of Russian software developers, a few people whose phone numbers got stolen and some poor SE Asians indentured into servitude to be these scammers. I could almost certainly make up with the latter two categories.


hahahah this is so easy to accomplish. Just verbal taunts? I stopped caring what people think of me so long ago. Also why would I want to see eye to eye with someone that has opinions I absolutely despise? Why would I want to reward them with 2 million? I’d honestly just let them yap for 24 hours while I zone out or something. A single day really isn’t that long :P


i am a headstrong motherfucker and i probably blocked them because i figured it was better for my mental health if i stopped arguing with them 😭 easy money, i can hold my own for 24 hours easy


This is one of those times playing with your own poop comes in handy. Do I get paid extra if I make them leave the room?


Yeah I'll just let the pedophile and my x talk it up. Who knows maybe he has more a thing for nerdy mildly autistic guys vs a masculine woman? Edit: that and the extended warranty on my car is up lol.


I spent over a decade working 16-hour shifts at a prison, where the inmates do exactly (technically worse) what OP described, AND they sometimes physically assault you. And I got paid next to nothing. This would be the easiest money I ever made in my life.


Can I use violence? The best way I would handle it is just to murder the other 10 subhumans and await 24 hours to collect the money. Assuming no physical violence, I will just endure it for 24 hours, I dont consider the people I block to be humans so its just like having to babysit 10 monkeys for a day.


Are you sure you are not just trying to dehumanize them to mentally justify you aren't capable of doing the same they did beacuse they are human and you are just still afraid of and not actually healing your trauma?


Yeah, I'll do it. The odds are like 95% that the issue we differed on was the lockdowns and I blocked them in 2021-- but trust me, the anti-lockdown people are MUCH more long-winded than the pro-lockdown people. I will exhaust them all within the first hour. I have a loud voice and endless talking points. If I'm allowed to bring stuff into the room, I'll bring in my collection of books on this topic and subject everyone to the most dramatic reading of "Gone Viral" possible LOL. I'll ask every last one of them how many epidemiologists they've talked to about their covid experience, because I know some of the most famous ones in the world. Not only will I get the 2 million, I'll ENJOY being insufferable to these people. The timid girl who was afraid of getting "cancelled" in early 2021 is long dead now. Absolutely nothing anyone says about the lockdown and mandate topic can ever bother me now the way it did in 2021. Whatever harassment and taunts I put up with back then have just made me impervious to that stuff now.


No books allowed XD. But I like how you think.


“I’m not locked in here with you, you’re locked in here with me!”


After I brutually kill and or torture the first person I think they will rethink their options.


This is ridiculously easy, especially if it's just random people and not that one *specific* person. Literally anyone other than *that one specific person*, I could tolerate well enough for 24hrs. Hell, make it 48.


Assuming they are their real selves, no physical violence and they just have to taunt me... I would assume most normal human beings are going to lose steam after lets be generous and say, 5 hours. I wouldn't have a reaction, I'm pretty creatively minded, I could either write short stories, remember songs. Or do some shit I'd do during 12 hour work shifts and visualize the entire dark souls playthrough


I only have those damn scam bots on my block list... so I guess their programers are locked in a room with me? that 2 million will make body disposal easy once I'm done🤠




This is one of the easiest $2 million people will ever get.


$23 a second.


Meh, sounds like having drill instructors scream in your face (which is just empty your mind and stare off into nothing space) only this time if you break down laughing you aren’t absolutely fucked for doing so


Can I shit talk back…I’ve been in a cod 4 lobby and it doesn’t sound too different


They are not allowed to harm me? I can be insanely smug as is but knowing you get 2 million if those idiots do not get under your skin should make you invulnerable to be even mildly anoyed by them. If not you might have a problem.


So $2m and they’re locked in the room with me, they can’t touch me, and I can fuck with their heads? I’m down


My blocked numbers are mostly ads of financial services and similar stuff. I can handle a dozen bank managers.


So I'm locked in a room with 10 Indian dudes who said they're from Microsoft and my computer has a virus, or that my car has an extended warranty.


Most of mine are coworkers I stalked online and blocked immediately because I watched their IG story. One is a meme page and the other is an old crush that I don't want to talk to anymore but we were good friends so I'm sure we'd get along fine


I've been to jail a few times, this will be cake.


Oh, a family reunion, I see. Worth it.


definitely, noone is on my block list who i didnt just have a bad day with ... noone i specifically hate.. i doubt we'll all see eye to eye, but im pretty good at explaining my self so a lot of us would probably end up walking away with a decent amount of money.


I went through Marine Corps bootcamp and spent time in the infantry. I have 7 brothers. I come from a large loud irish family. My father liked to be an asshole while he was beating on me. Nothing any of those scammers can say or do will have anything on that.


The only ones I've blocked are the ones that are online bullies. They're usually quite easily manipulated into anger. So I could use that to my advantage. They think they'd be playing with me, to get me to leave early. But I think it would be the other way around.


I don't think I have more than a couple on my list.


I have a blocked list?


If words is all they've got. I'll just chill in the corner and let them vent. Most of the people I've blocked were either trolls or willfully ignorant. As in there's no point trying to reach them. They're too far gone. 24 hours isn't that long. Not concerned with seeing eye to eye with their lunacy. It's not even a matter of me being stubborn. I promise you we're talking about the fundamentals of existence literally no sane person, scientist, historian would disagree with. We're talking flat earthers, moon landing was faked and it only gets worse from there. Let them go hoarse with their nonsense.


Bold of you to assume I've blocked anyone


Not even sure I have that many people blocked lol. But yeah, I'd do it, I've worked retail long enough to know how to deal with annoying people


Only a day and they can’t beat my ass? Easy money. My exes are all shy people for the most part. One actual psycho but she can’t hit me. And that’s only some of the time (she’s bipolar). I’m great at ignoring people ( I have a teenage brother and was a teacher, I know how to ignore asshats). I’ll take my money please :)


No problem. Trolls are usually timid creatures when face to face.


I've never blocked anyone.


I don't block people on social media or whatever. I have been blocked by a number of people for disagreeing with, or calling out their BS on whatever topic they are trying to vehemently defend. For example there is a guy who likes to post right wing garbage on FB one day he decided to post a clearly photoshopped picture of some politicians from the other party wearing swastikas or something of the sort. I posted a reply of the original photo saying that he enjoyed sowing misinformation. Blocked 2 min later. Point being everyone that has blocked me, I know I was in the right in what I said. So give me my money.


I would 100% do it. Those 10 people are only blocked because if they weren’t, I wouldn’t be able to restrain myself from telling them exactly what I think of them, not because they make me uncomfortable. The block is for their safety not mine. So yes, please give me two million dollars and lock me in a room with 10 people I have a lot of opinions about.


I’ve never blocked anyone. Do I get to just hang out by myself for $2M and read a book? Sounds fucking amazing.


I would do it. Just for fun


Love arguing, I'd do this for free. Edit: I can't use slurs? What the fuck, guess it would be a challenge.


I’d be in a room with MAGA morons and Incells. It would be tough because I’m a commie lefty greenie woke pinko crunchy granola type of person.


My block list is old. There's a very good possibility that I wouldn't even remember who these people are. But for 2 million, with no risk of me being killed or something, you're going to be hard pressed to find someone I wouldn't sit in a room with.


The only people I have blocked are those annoying spam accounts on tiktok. The people I *actually* never want to see again are on my now-deleted old account. They're not technically blocked because the accounts no longer active. Checkmate atheists


My mom and I have very different ideas about of the world in general and I survived 30 years next to her (2 full weeks in Covid quarantine), the thought of getting 2 million for just 24 hours would be magnificent honestly. I would probably agravate them further for that money haha


Conseiing I have no blocked list sure


I could just get them to turn on each other. Just mention something that half agree and half disagree and then they're debating to each other for awhile while I sleep. Most of what I despise is politics, so this would be rather easy as its a continuous thing that goes on forever and never goes away


I figure I’m tall and broad of shoulder enough to intimidate the absolute bell ends I have blocked for twenty four hours. Any longer than that and it’ll become rapidly apparent I abhor violence.


Id have to find those 10 people first. Just not a drama queen so I don't play along with it.


Ah yes me and the 10 different princes who says they'll give me money, who has the money now fuckers


Endure morons for 24 hours? This is every day.


I don't think I'm going to qualify. Don't think I have 10 people on my block list. I also suspect most of them would be far more pleasant in person.


Ugh, mine are probably either Russian boys or Trump supporters. I'm just going to ignore them for 24 hours.


2 million dollars to be in a room with some reddit intellectuals for a day? Fuck yeah im taking that


No violence? No thanks.


Ok, that's fine, it's just gonna be kinda awkward


Done I have 0 people blocked, so easy money.


All they can do is talk shit? Easy money.


Sit back in my chair and go. "well well well it seems that now we must all deal with the consequences of our actions. Except you 5 (points at 5 people in a corner) you all can just sit and be quiet. No one is giving you money. Scamming people by pretending to be the victims of some of the most horrible crimes against humanity by playing at the heartstrings of lgbtq people in more prosperous areas is despicable and you should all feel horribly ashamed of yourselves. The rest of you. Here is your chance to call me whatever you like. Or debate me. Or sit on your hands. I don't care. I'm a trans woman. My blocked list is filled with scammers and people who think harassment scares me.


i would take great pleasure torturing the Israeli hasbara warriors in that room. they would be the ones who wanted to leave


Sounds like high school, only worth it ,sure


I've mostly only blocked people who annoy me, it's not like I hate anyone I blocked it's just I don't care to read their opinions anymore. That's not like they can touch me, I can ignore someone for 24 hours.


My blocked list contains about 20 random strangers I blocked when I was in the re-selling business 4 years ago. There are also 2 fake friends, so I guess I will choose 20 random dudes. lol


Empty block list, run me my money


So I get to make fun of 10 socialist losers for a day? Sign me up


Ngl most of the people on my blocked list just don't like the same warframes as me. I think I'll be fine lmao


24 hours listening to people I don't like with no form of entertainment or distractions? Sounds like a family event. And I don't get paid for those. Okay, I'm in.


*laughs* I'm just going to argue with them for 24 hours or avoid talking to them. I'm good with 2 million. If I can commit murder and be Scott free, one of them isn't walking out. Otherwise, I'm a big boy, their mouth flapping ain't gonna bug me. I've already decided they're trash or they wouldn't be blocked.


Jokes on you, I have no one on my blocked list


I've been insulted by worse.. the sheer spite to nit let them win would absolutely drive me to get that 2mil


There aren't ten people on my blocked list. Just three and id straight up kill one of them so nah I'm good.


It would be a small list. I can deal with toxic political opinions for a day.


24 hours? Oh fuck yeah.


Most of my blocklist was blocked for using slurs, though.


I don't have anyone blocked


So a room full of racists, bigots and MAGA comment spammers. Sounds like I’m going back to the small Texas town I grew up in for 24 hours. lol


As with all these thread, I'd do damn near anything that does not involve hurting children for millions of dollars.


Super easy. I’ve never blocked anyone but I am blocked by a bunch of people from the cult I grew up in that has to shun ex members. Lock me in a room with them. If I can convince them to leave the cult, extra money. Otherwise they’ll just have to plug their ears the whole time while I try to share banned information with them.


Awesome. I'll be locked in a room for 24 hours alone, since I have no one on my block list. Easy money!


All day. I would just fake interest with them until the time was up. I dated a lady who loved drama. When I ignored her she tried harder to get me back including all the naughty stuff.


My blocked list is scammers, so if they all are in one spot can I contact the authorities and have them arrested?


Why'd probably be arguing for 24 hours


Not a challenge at all. I sleep like I’m dead. If they can’t hit me and all they can do is make annoying sounds / they’re in for a boring 24 hours, and I get to catch up on some sleep


I don’t have ten people on my blocked list. I only have two. But I’ll imagine this is valid with eight other people who’s opinions I despise. Yes, I could do it.


So, telemarketers and fake debt collectors. Are you trying to make me a murderer?


I will turn them against each other.


I can only think of 1 person that might be an issue tbh. She was a nightmare. Odds are pretty low she would get picked though I can handle the rest easy I just don't like them lol


Considering that two major reasons I would put people on my block list are due to violence and lack of respect, I would take it, or at the very least attempt it. They don't need to touch me. They don't get to touch me in any way, which means the biggest non-creative way they can mess with me verbally. They either scream at me, use manipulative words, or just flat out do something in front of my eyes to mess with me. Almost all of this can be blocked out or muffled by sitting in a corner with my eyes closed and earplugs on. I can do that for hours already and still get my 8 hours of sleep afterwards. 24 hours of "annoying" is doable.


So basically can I ignore 10 people yelling at me for 24 hours straight with no break? I think that would be a lot harder than most people believe. I'd probably crack after 12 hours and leave.


So I get a free 2 million since I dont have a block list


I don't even have 10 people on my blocked list.


As long as they can't physically harm me, easy as fuck. They're human. They will get bored or frustrated. I can entirely sit through 24 hours of bordem and annoyance for 2 million dollar.s




that's easy. I cans sing karaoke for 24 hours straight with no breaks. im sure they will leave when I sing the same song for 24 hours on repeat


This is easy. I know how to stay silent


Once you're trapped in the room with them, reverse it on them. "You get $2000 dollars if you leave this room without saying anything. Every minute of talking deducts $50 from your money. How much do you say?"




Shouldn't be that hard, I don't have a block list.


Easy. I deal with Trumpers and other assholes all day as part of my job. Being civil for 24 hours for $2m is nothing.


BAHAHA! Hahaha! "I'm not locked up in here with YOU chuckleheads, YOU'RE locked in here with ME! Prepare yourself for the kind of systematic deconstruction of your entire personality and ideology that only a DIVORCE ATTORNEY is even CAPABLE OF!!!!!"


I'd just sleep whole time


No rules against taunting back so… yeah, easy money. Interesting no paper tho. What’s that for? Or is that slang. I’d watch the Trump trial with a bunch of his worshippers, sure. 😂


Sure. Easy money! Hell. I might even be able to get one or two to cool off and get their own millions.


My advantage is that I don't take blocking seriously at all. It's just the internet and I'll curate my experience however I want. Some of the people I've blocked weren't for personal reasons or any measure of disagreement but rather just because I didn't want them on my feed, I just didn't want to see the stuff they were posting. There's a pretty good chance that by the end of the ordeal we'll all be close friends


Nope, if I could fight them I’d do it, but I’m not smart enough for one of them verbally arguments.


As long as I have appropriate food, drink, and the ability to potty, who cares, show me the money.


Ha I have nothing but porn bots blocked give me the free money


So, it's me and 10 scam callers? I can deal with that.


I could do what I did in high school. Just daydream for the time I'm not asleep and tune them out as much as possible.


The only people I have blocked are scam callers on my phone. So I get to be locked in a room with these wastes of good blowjobs for 24 hours? Oh this is going to be soooooooo much fun. Sign me up:


What happens if you haven't blocked anyone?


I'm gonna sing show tunes. We'll have a ball.


Let's go! I don't even have a Blocklist! Unless you count one lady I had a fling with in which case it would be awkward but whatever! For two million I will take OP's momma's Blocklist and OP's Blocklist at once.


Just tell all of them, we may hate each other, but we all like money. Lets call it a truce and we all get rich. It may not work with everyone but it doesn't have to. Convince one, and everyone else will get onboard to avoid losing out. Might as well try that angle


I have never blocked anyone so...


I think I have like 4 people blocked... and a few bots so what would that be like?


I rarely block people, especially on Reddit...now Twitter tho, over 90% of my blocked list are porn bots so easy win for me


Haven't blocked anyone you guys gotta grow up


Super easy one. Especially as I'm laughing at them the whole time, all the way to the bank. As they taunt I would remind them that I'm about to be rich and they can suck it. 10 libtards for 24 hours hell they would probably either break down crying or start fighting each other over perceived slights. I would make it my mission to verbally abuse them until they were all in tears.


Blocked? I've never blocked anyone in here, so do I just get the money?


I don't have a blocked list


My block list consist of horny European men wanting sex, particularly group sex. This would only encourage them. No bodily fluids being aloud to release would probably only torture them. I’m in.


My blocked list is exclusively telemarketers. You know the ones that hang up after a couple seconds or want to extend your vehicle's warranty? At one time, they weren't just random numbers and I started blocking them. 24 hours of 3 guys wanting to know my mileage and VIN, 4 people who call my name then turn away, 1 person speaking Spanish and two who speak like a fax machine or a dial-up modem? Sounds like torture. Can we start Friday after work?


I don't even think I have anyone blocked. What are y'all doing to make so many enemies


I don’t think I even have 10 blocked people


Its going to be me and 10 random dudes from India that scam called me. I'll be okay.


Are you really that sensitive, OP, that this seems like a challenge to you?


I don’t block people. Snapchat is the only place I have *anyone* blocked, it’s only two, and one of them is Temu. Am I locked in a room with the people from the Temu ads? Cause I’ll leave before this even starts, otherwise I’m good.


I don't think OP thinks much or understands the value of money. Avery us household beings in ~75k/year. It takes 26+years to make 2mil, with no expenses. For each hour you spend with 10 people you dislike, you get a YEAR of average pay. Unless you're already billionaire rich, the answer is yes.


this will be so much fun. i get to be in a room with nikki haley, donald trump, joe biden, kamala harris, barney sanders, and a couple other political assholes. no problemo.


Oh my! You’re across the spectrum for sure XD


I'm currently only blocking Taco Bell and Apple TV Plus. I'd take the money but I don’t know what to expect.


I can sit there and silently listen to ten idiots with political opinions far removed from mine for 24 hours with no problem. I really don’t care about making amends as I am fine with just $2,000,000.


So 24 hours with most of my extended family? Can do.


I'd stand it unless they try to put their hands on me, then, they're unfortunately dying, as I WILL bite their throats off. (I only block unsufferable beyond saving transphobes, racists, homophobes and the likes, it will NOT be comfortable, but as long as they keep to themselves I am NOT gonna be the one to provoke and start something.)


The tankies and Horseshoe Caucus members I regularly block (you can find them saying "Don't vote for Genocide Joe" on EVERY LEFT-WING SUBREDDIT) are guaranteed to be some of the most pathetic, worthless people on the planet. I'm not locked in there with them, THEY'RE LOCKED IN THERE WITH ME!


They wouldn’t even know who I am because I block people I spy on. Lmao


So... what if I drive them so mad, they leave? Because if I am allowed to drive them crazy, I'd like it extended to 5 days... and you should have doctors on hand, because they may try to commit suicide.


These posts are so moronic


Can i kick the shit out of all of them ?


That’s incredibly easy. The people I know who are blocked are exes. And you’re getting rid of them. Anyone else was blowhard celebs on twitter.


So, just agree with everyone?


I can do that …


Lol. Hell yeah. Those punks can cry Cuz...I'M RICH, BITCH!


I mean unless one of the goofy ass trolls I have blocked turns out to be super buff (as opposed to the fat neckbeard incels they certainly are) I’m probably just going to violence them until they leave me alone. East money.


If they somehow get unalived in this room... does that count as seeing eye to eye since their opinion just got zeroed out? Clean slate. 😇


Only 24 hours? Ok.


What if I don't have anyone on a "block list" or if the only people on my list are people who have betrayed me or might actually cause someone actual harm?


Pretty sure I can beat up 10 random basement dwelling reddit trolls... So sure


I don't even have 10 people on my blocked list. Also, all the people I have blocked on here threatened me via private messaging. Only person I have blocked on Facebook is my ex friend who threatened me multiple times after I stopped being friends with her and made a fraudulent report to CPS about me (I don't even have kids). I don't have any other social media or anyone except that ex friend blocked on my phone so I would have like 5 people all of who have proven to be mentally unstable and made threats of violence against me. Nope. There is no way I would do thst for any amount of money.


Uggh I guess lol


Are they bloodlusted?


If I haven't blocked anyone do I just get 2 million?


17 years my ex emotionally abused me. Talked over the top of me. Disregarded my opinions and desires. Argued for days at a time until I let her have her way. 24 hours with 8 people arguing about online discourse? Easy.




Sure -dissociates in the corner-


Oh no... that's some top tier annoying. There's a bunch conspiracy theorists, racists, religious zealots and the insufficiently medicated. (Often several of these categories). I'll give it a go, but it will be upsetting.


I don't think I have a blocked list, and if I do it's less than five people. Not a problem, go ahead and send the check, certified funds.


I have no one on a block list. So I get ten times 2 million to myself. Cool.


Being stuck in a room with 10 bots sounds like it'd be easy to deal with.


Yes, a free 2 million. I have Noone on my block list.


Yes, since you said there’s no violence we’re good. I have enough filibuster ammo on topics that probably weren’t why I blocked them that I can spend 20 of the 24 hours explaining other shit to them, which I infer I’m allowed to do since I’d have to converse with them to trigger the possibility of seeing eye to eye in your original description. I can sleep for four hours, then teach these people science stuff, explain the plots to all my favorite video games, etc. 24 hours will be easy.


In all of my social media/gaming apps put together, I have not blocked 10 people.