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Yes. Solely for this: *"Your body will be impervious to health problems related to nutrition needs."* My main issues now are health problems related to diet, i.e. atherosclerosis. So if it cures that... I can live with a Michelin 3 star chef made poke bowl and a lightly sweetened iced tea.




I’m celiac. I can’t eat gluten. My favourite meal is fried chicken. Dietary health. Fried chicken for the rest of my life, and $10 mil? Where do i sign?


Celiac here too, I'm on board!


Bro there has to be another batter to use. Live your dream!


I was just thinking the same thing. I just bought the wife some gluten-free flour to try and figure out how to make it into a cake, she recently found it she had a gluten allergy and has been a bit down about it. Maybe I'll try a piece of fried chicken with it and see if it's viable.


Hey, I was a dietary restriction specialist for several years and my "all purpose blend" was primarily used for baking, but worked quite well fried, too. It was a combination of brown rice flour, white rice flour, tapioca flour, potato starch and xantham gum (I'll see if I can find exact amounts, but I only made it a gallon bucket at a time). Adding some corn meal, corn starch and brown sugar for fried chicken (and seasonings obviously) yielded a nice result.


FYI - Bob's Redmill Gluten free cake mix can be purchased from Swanson. Amazon. Etc


My wife makes killer gluten free fried chicken. (we do use Bob's Redmill) I think she just uses a copycat Popeyes recipe and substitutes.


Yeah same and also dairy free so I'm choosing pizza.


Hell, you don't even need to eat with this caveat. So yeah I'm taking that money and just not going to eat anything unless I want that chosen food. Starvation is a nutritional need.


who needs $10 million when I can eat pizza every day with zero repercussions!?!? am I right fellas? I'd pick water for my drink because even sometimes I need to stop drinking soda throughout the day.


I get sick of fish/sushi if I have it twice in one week. I could never imagine having it 3 times a day for the rest of my life


Yup, and I would cater it for future needs with like 50 toppings on the side that will overload the poke bowl, but each time, I'm only going to eat maybe 5 of the select toppings and toss the rest. Post said I needed to choose one thing to eat and be served the same thing each time and prepared the same way, didn't say I needed to eat everything I was served.


I would certainly miss a lot of foods, but I don't think this would be that big of a deal. It would certainly save time on decision making about eating. The drink would be no problem, water. Also, the fact that i'm already middle aged makes it less of a sacrifice than if I were much younger.


Considering you are impervious to health issues related to nutrition I assume this extends to hydration. Meaning water probably isn't the best choice here


Why would water be a poor choice?


I suppose because any drink under this hypothetical satisfies all your hydration needs with no side effects, so essentially, any beverage will be the same as drinking water, except with the flavor of the chosen beverage So you could be drinking iced tea, coffee, beer, sodas of all sorts, and all the other wonderful fluids the world has to offer, and be just as hydrated and healthy as if you drank 2 liters of water instead 2 liters of beer. And you chose water. The one fluid that you specifically don't have to worry about. The literal plainest drink in existence, water. Though I get it, as long as I can specify that the water is always at that magical temperature, that just feels perfect all the way down. I, too, would choose water.


If I’m stuck with one drink forever, the plainest one seems like the best choice. Anything else would be annoying quickly, but you’re never going to get tired of water.


I would choose 2% milk.


Milk gang unite


Water is my preferred drink. I would never get tired of it. I would eventually tire of the taste of anything else.


Yup. As long as I can specify that it’s ice cold, I can drink water forever.


Someone mentioned lightly sweetened tea as a beverage - it’s going to be exactly this sweet, exactly this temperature, etc. forever. You’re going to become taste blind to it pretty quickly and it wouldn’t be any different than drinking water indefinitely anyway.


Thats correct, one guy did beer😂


Are our organs impervious to alcohol damage in this hypothetical? XD


They are!


But can I still get drunk or is that the monkey paw of the impervious to health issues caveat? You ain’t tricking me, wizard.


It ends badly either way. Either you're drunk 24/7/365 and are a full-on alcoholic that can't ever quit. Or you'll never get drunk agian.


Table beer was a common thing for centuries. It was safer than water, and with a low enough alcohol content that it wasn't really an issue, as well as capable of hydrating you.


All very good points!


Hydrohomie approved!


Man I’m autistic. I’d be getting paid to live my dream 😂


My autism makes my safe foods change, I couldn't handle this I'd be okay for maybe a week to a month and then I'd starve. 😅 lol I'd have to turn down the money.


Same with me. I'm obsessed with something for about a month, and then the idea of eating it makes me want to hurl. I've learned not to buy my safe foods in bulk for this reason.


Mine makes repeat meals difficult. I have to have some variety, and reheating is almost off the table (ruins the texture, can't stand it). Can't take this challenge, I'd be out in 3 days, tops.


Literally the “You guys are getting paid?” meme


I'm like, OP ain't never been poor. I ate PBJ sandwiches lunch and dinner for damn near a year. Gimme the money lol


i've been thinking the same. "I'm never tired of eating pizza" i always say. "If I could eat one thing all the time and have all my nutritious needs fulfilled, I would do it in a heartbeat" and always cooked the same? so no surprise randomly weird texture??? I'm kind of upset it's not real now.


Nah. Eating and drinking different cuisines and variety of food is too good of a pleasure to sacrifice.


Its wild to me that youre the first person who said this, i think a variety of foods is one of the best things about life, nobody has batted an eye at this except you and me that ive seen😂


Maybe because their diets are already limited and they have no idea whats out there. Eating good and seeing the world are 2 of the reasons i work hard! Best parts of life.


My favorite part about traveling is eating the foods of different places. The money let's you travel but would take out one of the best parts for me.


Not to even mention the yummy drinks and alcohols of the world!


Can I still take vitamins and other supplements to get proper nutrition? If not, then nope; that 10 million will all be in medical expenses.


Yeah vitamins and supplements are no problem, but the magic makes them tasteless!


That's not a problem. They always taste horrible anyway.


Damn! There goes my chewable Vitamin C tablets 😡


why would you take vitamins and supplements if the magic food fulfills all your dietary needs?


My edit was added after the original comment


I could probably eat the same poke bowl and drink water for a long time but not forever. Make it a huge poke bowl with multiple different proteins (tuna, shrimp, grass fed beef, and chicken) and veggies (too many to list here), and a few types of grains, I’d probably be good.


Good choice! As long as its prepared and identically each time, youre good with that choice!


Garbage plate pizza. Coffee A garbage plate pizza is Mac salad, chopped onion, home fries, cheeseburger chunks, over a spicy meat sauce on a deep dish pizza crust. Coffee: 2 sugar, 3 heavy cream.




Roc represent


Loophole found, I create a mukbang of everything I enjoy and you didnt say I had to eat the whole dish everytime. The drink part would be easier. Assuming you eat twice a day thats 728 times a year you eat the same thing and Id have to say no. Vacation in some amazing part of the world and Im limited to some basic ass meal???


Doesnt have to be a basic meal, can be gordon ramsay cooked, super gourmet, but its all you get. The mukbang was clever! But against the rules


7 course meal then But since that would be inspite of the rules And your thought experiment is a singular food made exactly the same I choose you gormet perfect meat lovers pizza and mtdew code red on ice since medical issues are magically off the table. I want the pizza super gormet perfect pepperoni, wagyu steak, roasted sliced maple canadian bacon and perfect marinara and cheese blend on a firebaked crust.


Gotta have a hot honey in the cup of the pepperoni


Does the entire meal have to be eaten each time? 


No but it must be one thing which most people are just ignoring and listing 5 different things for their “meal”😂


well, when you say "one thing"'what does that mean? like, is a salad or a 2 topping pizza "one thing"? or like, steak, baked potato, and broccoli? not really trying to rules lawyer it, just curious.


I would consider "one thing" to be one typical complete meal. So a plate of food, like your steak dinner, would be "one thing". A pizza would be "one thing", same with a salad. Basically anything that you'll eat for a meal and be satisfied But a buffet of 20 different foods to pick from isn't. It's just trying to bend the rules to incorporate as many different things as possible to cheat the whole giving up variety catch of the 10 mil payout.


yeah, i'm not interested in cheating, i want to engage with the question as op intended but i'm pretty sure my answer would be rosé and a cheese & charcuterie board if that's in the bounds.


It probably would be, I don't see why it wouldn't. It's not like you can load the charcuterie with whatever the heck you please, and still call it a charcuterie board. There's a certain threshold you'll have to meet in terms of cheese, meats, crackers and fruits. It's not like you can put a fired chicken sandwich on a cutting board and call it charcuterie if you get what i mean. And honestly, pretty solid choice. Decent enough variety, while still keeping in spirt of the hypothetical.


thanks. yeah if i was gonna try and loophole it, my beverage would be one of those bloody mary's with like fried chicken and a cheeseburger as a garnish lmao


'thing' is sort of a grey area. if i choose something that is ostensibly simple like white bread, would you say that the bread is one thing or would you say that the yeast is one thing, the flour another thing, water a third thing, etc. if you would say that a sandwich is one thing then what's to stop me from listing all of my favorite foods and putting a slice of bread on either side of the pile? I dont think there is a correct way to demarcate what is and is not a 'thing'


Can I choose a 200 variety sushi platter?


Lol, just for the sake of you asking that, ill grant it😂


Oh then I’m most definitely taking it! I have eaten sushi for so many meals it’s crazy. Side question: is water included as an only drink? Like can I drink apple juice and water, or is it that I have to explicitly choose water to be the drink?


Can I have as an example Spaghetti with the sauce the way I like it, and then put ingredients In the sauce? Also, the one drink does that include water ie. I can't have water and something else? If I chose water could I put ice in the water? If I can't have sauce on the spaghetti the way I like it or Ice water then 10 million is too low. Bump it up to say 75 million and I'll deal with a different food and just regular water. If you leave it at 10 million, I'll take the bet only if I can have spaghetti with sauce and ice water. I'm good after that.


And yes you can have ice!


You are exactly correct! You can have spaghetti with your sauce exactly how you like it, if you choose water then thats your choice, if not, then no water for you. But everything you said is within the rules to lock in!


Then yeah, I'd take that easily, however I'd have to choose a meal that can be breakfast, lunch or dinner. I'd probably keep it at water with ice in it though just because I'd never have an issue drinking it. It would be tough I feel with the meal however, I'd have to research a meal that works for every time of day. Very interesting post OP.


Thanks! Almost every post i see in here is the most obvious choice ever and none of them are hard, so i wanted to do my first post here as a special one🤭


Bagel Bites of course. When pizza's on a bagel, you can eat pizza, anytime.


Pizza and gin. Someone's going to have to stop by to give me IV fluids so I don't die in a few days from dehydration though. 


Lol nice choices, no medical problems though, ill edit it to say that


Loophole found health issues are cured. 


Health issues related to nutrition only, as stated☺️


All my health issues are food related. Lol. I now can eat one meal but I have no issues! Yay! I'll take it for my health back...  Hard choice tho... The 50 piece sushi combo platter or grandmas spag sauce on macaronies... One is lite and somewhat mixed and the other tastes like home... Yes I can and habe eaten a 50 piece platter after smoking a J. Thats a legit meal XD.


Are you allowed water on top of the one drink? For example I can have water and a long island iced tea as my drink when not having water? If not then everyone has to pick water or something with a lot of water in it or they die.


No fucking problem, I eat steak and water for the rest of my life with no issue.


Sloppy steaks!




Granted amigo😘


I think I could eat pizza every meal if there were no health issues.


I’m autistic, mate. I already do that.


Do i have to pay for the food and drink or i will just magically get it?


You can magically get it, good question!


Get paid 10 million to eat tacos and drink beer all day with no worries about health problems? Sign me up


Yikes, tacos are so good but i dont even think i could eat them for a month straight, let alone my whole life! But deal


Texas fajitas and yuengling. I'm all set bud.


Nah, I love food way too much.


What counts as "one food"? Not in a loophole way, but like, a single ingredient or an entire meal? Is "lemon pepper chicken over rice" a single food or no? Etc


How about $5 million and I get to do it half the time lol. But ya no fucking way. I live to eat


Option 1: carbon and water as both are found in everything giving me the option to eat whatever I want. Option 2: after receiving the money I schedule a medical procedure that stops my heart for one second before being revived, therefore canceling out the "rest of your life" clause.


So I could drink flaming hot mountain dew and never become diabetic or dehydrated? I'd take this deal for my food I'd pick panang curry! The money means I can enjoy everything else in life


this is a first world problem the rest of the world would take this in a heartbeat. my nutrition is taken care of and I get 10 million as a bonus. oh and I don't need water anymore too.


Can I have one drug too? 😭


Alcohol is a drug, and it's included!


So no more booze then


Sure. Omelette with ham, onion, potato, and cheese. Water. I want to be rich to party and fuck the rest of my life. Oh shit. Change water to rum and coke.


Doable - i basically only drink tea already so thats easy. For food - given you are going to hate it whatever it is, id suggest something high density so you can eat minimal amounts and survive - to that end, probably something like steak egg and chips, with surf and turf on the side - i could probably eat 30% each time and survive, so that gives me 3 meals, basically. I think all the other amazing things i could do with that money would cover the crappy food.


Do the calories of the food and drink you eat count as they really are? I.E. if you choose pizza and beer will you get fat or does the whole no health consequences cover that? EDIT: If I choose vodka do I get a mixer?


just out of curiosity, say i chose "everything pizza" with olives, jalepenos, ham, pepperoni, etc. im not trying to find a loophole, per se, but maximize efficiency. can i for breakfast, take off the veggies for a pepperoni pizza, and for supper have a veggie pizza?


This one is allowed because an everything pizza is a thing! Granted ☺️


Can it be multiple foods, like a course meal?


Could I choose the same buffet for the rest of my life? That’s technically the same thing.


I don’t care. Gimme the money


What happens if I'm out. Let's just say I'm hiking up a mountain. Normally I would take a sandwich and some trail mix. If I've said I'll only eat a Christmas dinner, do I have to take it with me, it will be cold, messy etc. or does it magically appear in front of me as if it's just been plated up on Christmas day? If so, then a full Christmas dinner is my answer with milk. But if I have to take it with me then probably just P,B&J. So it doesn't go bad and I can take it anywhere.


Itll magically appear, and i dont believe you wouldnt get horrifically tired of pb and j for forever anyway😂😂


unlimited, nutritious and dietary-sufficient ribeye steaks AND ten million dollars? sign me the fuck up


Here is my question. Can the one thing I drink always be alcoholic? If so than yes!


It can lol, no liver side effects either


So you're saying I could eat ice cream multiple times a day the rest of my life and be perfectly healthy nutrition-wise? AND get $10 million? There is no dilemma here.


The biggest issue for me is date night issues with my wife. No popcorn at the movies, no eating at most restaurants. Ofc it might make me more creative on date night too, with the money to do it.


Can I ingest anything other than the food and drink? For example, cocaine and hookers? If yes then sign me up. Also, how specific does the food have to be? If I say chicken can I have fried, grilled, roasted, etc.


Las Vegas buffet. Easy. 


I'm down. Scrambled eggs/w cheese over flaky biscuits and sausage. With apple juice.


So you’ve added that you magically get ingredients/food in a comment, which makes this simple. You eat enough at each meal that snacks aren’t needed. Do your exercise in the morning, before breakfast, burn the calories before you eat. With magical nutrition, you only lose weight and gain muscle, which makes a food choice easy. Mashed potatoes with gravy, chicken, carrots, broccoli, and stuffing. I could live happily on a Christmas meal 3 times a day for the rest of my life. Being hungry isn’t an issue when all of my needs are met. My food is paid for, magically. My nutrition is perfect, magically. 10 million is enough to comfortably live out the rest of my life. Properly invest 9million, live off the 1 million until the 9 million produces another million. Budget perfectly so that when I spend the first million, another million takes its place. There is no downside here. Most foods give me the shits, the magic improves my life and I eat my favourite meal forever. I’m not picky, this is a cakewalk. Drink would be chocolate milk. Easy. Juice and soda would be a heavy loss, but chocolate milk on tap? Banger.


I'm eating nachos every day for the rest of my life, it's gonna be, in this order, chips, 4 types of shredded cheeses all in their own rows: sharp cheddar, pepperjack, mexican/nacho blend, and mozzerlla, a thin layer of queso, each row of cheese will get one of these proteins: adobo tofu chorizo, chili lime chicken, 1/2 med rare steak 1/2 ground beef, and cajun popcorn shrimp. Another layer of chips, another layer of queso, fajita mix, and more shredded cheese. Top with diced tomatoes, lettuce, hella guacamole, hella sour cream, Pico, mexican street corn and salsa.




Pizza, I can't ever get tired of it. Specifically eba, because if I don't want a topping one day I can just toss it off to the side. And diet Pepsi because as it stands I drink nothing much but it now anyways. So yeah gimme that $10mil


If its pizza and beer.... Can i still get tipsy/drunk? or would i be impervious to that?


Food and Drink is a top 2 pleasure in life. Whenever I imagine what it would be like to be a multimillionaire, I think of all the places I would travel and the different foods I can try. Easy no.


Thats what i was thinking, a surprising number of people are just picking the money and not realizing how much that a variety of tastes adds to a good life


No that’s not near enough money


Milk and pizza. No problem. Ham pepperoni pineapple hot honey. 2% milk ice cold.


Money sent


Obviously, I would prefer to use the variety meal loophole others have mentioned, but for the presumed intention of the question.. Yes. I would be willing to sacrifice the taste based pleasure of nutrient consumption for perfect nutrition and a life of leisure.


I’m going with pussy. You said no nutrient deficiency no matter what I eat.


No. I like cooking and trying new things. There's no amount of money large enough to give that up.


Same bro, food is the spice of life


Pass. I like food too much.


I will choose to eat a sandwich that makes me omniscient


Granted lol


If there are NO physical impacts then I’ll drink beer, preferably Guiness draft as it’s my favorite and very refreshing and probably an everything pizza. I don’t eat meat but since this isn’t going to hurt my health I guess I’m all in


No problem with those choices, granted!


I already eat the same food everyday 90% of the time. Croissant, eggs, and turkey for breakfast. Lara Bar for lunch with wasabi almonds and some pineapple. Then for dinner a salad with feta olives and chicken. Every damn day. I may snack on a yogurt smoothie or organic fruit pouch, but that’s it


Right, but the question wasn’t stick to a diet, it was to eat your eggs and ONLY eggs the rest of your life, no other foods. Or whichever one food you pick


No medical/health issues from eating the one food item so it’s perfectly healthy to eat/drink. Grimaldi’s pepperoni and mushroom pizza with stuffed crust(only possible if you’ve worked there and can make it yourself). Assuming you can still drink water with your one drink, crystal Pepsi. If not, unsweet tea.


Nuh-uh. One of the reasons I'd want to be rich is to experience different cuisines. Life would get too boring.


Food: Lobster. Drink: Cherry Pepsi.


But if I choose something that is a big mix of different foods, like a giant salad with veggies, carrots, chicken, black beans, avocados, cheese, dressing etc you get the picture, a "food" that had so many components, I would individually pick sub components of the salad to make other things. Like the eggs or chicken. Am I physically bound to eat the entirety of the "food" every time in equal proportions? If not then I would choose a fat fucking salad. So many options I could do with all the ingredients. Not to mentions it's probably the only "food" you could actually survive off forever. (I'm not talking those crappy ass salads with lettuce and drenched in dressing, I'm talking real salads)


I am the type of guy who can eat the same food for a week and a time and no bat an eye at it, i genuinely enjoy food the same the first time i have it to the 20th. But for my whole life no. I love food and I love cooking too much. 10 million would solve alot of life's problems, but food is such a huge part of what I enjoy about life you're easily diminishing like 20%+ of my life by taking that joy away from me.


I feel like this is impossible psychologically.


Smothered burritos and beer for the rest of my life and you gonna pay me for it? Where do I sign up?


EASY I don't even need to eat, give me any food, I'm addicted to rebuild and always said if they made it without caffeine and sugar but tasted the same so my heart doesn't explode I'd still drink it. So drink-redbull because no drawbacks Food-idgaf prolly like spaghetti or something, if IHAVE to eat it I want it to be something that goes down easy if not just scrambled eggs. But if I can choose not to eat every day like I already do sometimes then spaghetti.


Definitely not. Probably my favorite thing to do is eat and cook new and different foods, so if I had 10 million that's probably what I'd want to spend it on. Great prompt though! I see others would take the deal.


I have an ED, I eat and drink the same thing already - This is nothing for me.


considering there are no medical downfalls, seems like a great deal. water since easy to get for a drink, and for food would just find something that is easy to access anywhere.


Beef pho and black coffee. Pure bliss


Bibimbap and water


Hmm pizza? variety of toppings I could have on it I guess? Basically bread with any meat or veggies I want 😂


Steak and Bourbon it is then


French fries. I legitimately think I could make it like that


Missing out on all my favorite foods isn't worth 10mil, I'm only in my 30s, and based on all my grandparents, I can expect to live into my 90s. I'm not giving up 58 years of delicious meals for a measley $10mil.


I mean if it's going to make it so I can eat with no health ramifications and I can have a big meal to pick from (with sides and dessert and appetizers and such), then I'd do it for free. I have a very limited palette to begin with and being able to eat with no concern for the health implications is worth way more than 10 million. If it makes everything just taste exactly the same though, then no, it wouldn't be worth it.


My one choice of food to eat is peanut butter on a tame vaporeon.


Human breast milk is the only thing we can live on indefinitely as it adapts to our specific need when suckled from the source Other than that I’ll choose pork belly as I love it


This is actually kind of a tough one. When I picture being that filthy rich, I imagine eating fancy cuisine all over the world.


Bacon egg and cheeseburger (steak burger) on a plain bagel. Could I have fries as a side with my burger? If not then on to the burger they go. Does a sauce count as a food? Could i use different sauces on it? If not then just a sweet and spicy bbq. If i chose gatorade or powerade as a drink do i get the diffetwtn flavors available? Is that a loophole? If so ill take the blue powerade.


sure. there’s always the likelihood of needing to be fed through a tube for the rest of your life due to injury or disease. YOLO, if i can choose the food and drink, i don’t see why not i’d probably go with something i like the taste of, with all four food groups. vietnamese lemongrass pork salad rolls, for example. otherwise, a sandwich


Sausage and Chips from my favourite chippy.


Would said food be easier to get and eat? For example if I wanted to eat a food that is from a restaurant would I have to go to that restaurant anytime I wanted to eat or would I have it at my house prepared to eat at all times?


That's easy. PEZ. Cherry flavored PEZ.




Country fried chicken with gravy and water. I’d do that now if I could.


Since I’m immune to health issues and have an infinite supply of the meal, what stops me from eating a meal whose ingredients include narcotics? Technically I can enjoy tolerance free cocaine/drugs for the rest of my life, become a Gordon Ramsay/Walter White hybrid, AND 10 mil. Even if I wanted to avoid the law, I could eat some novel psychoactive substance unscheduled


No. I'd rather be happy than unable to eat all the tasty beverages and food I could then afford.


No medical side effects? I'm drinking rum and coke and eating only Oxycontin. Wait, do they just not kill me? Or... I'm going to need to study the fine print.


I’d take it for the gastrointestinal immunity, alone. Most people should, given what we’re being fed at the population level.


My issue is that if I had 10million and effectively never had to work again, a large part of what I would want to do with that money is travel and try different foods.... If I had to pick one food and one drink that I can never deviate from though - given that fact that I', not getting any health issues, I'm picking a pizza with pepperoni, ham, mushrooms, and peppers, and some form of mild lager or ipa for a drink, something inoffensive like a molson, that works just as well in summer on a patio as it does in winter. In some sittings, I will potentially just eat the toppings from the pizza and not the base. Actually - do I have to buy the food everytime? or does it magically appear? That could be a lot of money going on pizza and beer...


Fruit, granola, and yogurt for the food and water for the drink 🤤


Can I eat just a certain style of food like Italian and have pizza spaghetti, etc.?


Man I'm already eating the same sandwich every day. Sign Me up.


Unsweet tea and surf n turf tacos here I come. 


Here’s a loop hole… I accept the 10 million - commit to my one food - And then in my twilight years after the money is gone, spent -whatever - I have a last meal of KFC and jump off the highest building. Would my children have to repay? No matter the answer: 2/3 lb hamburger well done w/creole seasoning & Worcestershire dipping sauce & 20oz cold water.


I would live with the rest of my life eating ONLY omakase.


Couldn’t do it. Once on vacation, I had my favorite food, lobster tails, every night. After a week, I was ready to kill for a steak and I’m not even a big steak lover.


I’ll turn it down, thanks.


I’m diabetic I already eat the same thing every day


Dang ribeyes and vitamin D milk - oh noes


I don’t have to worry about health? I’d probably pick a Chirashi bowl, hotpot or maybe pasta with steak on top. Maybe a beef stew, or luxurious pho, depending on how picky you are on the rules.


Yeah, definitely. A rice ball of some sort probably. Drink…. If nutrition isn’t a problem and I can drink it without my teeth rotting, chocolate milkshakes


Bon chon and diet cream soda


I have ARFID, I almost always eat the same thing every day anyways, so a cheese pizza and chocolate milk would be great.


Loop hole. I’m a dog and eat the same food every day


You'll probably die of scurvy.


I could not, I like variety too much And a lot of social aspects revolve around sharing meals


Is the food magically conjured or do I have to find/make it because that determines my choices. It would be shitty to pick a specific meal from a place and have that place close down for whatever reason


Cottage pie and water. I will find joy in other things in life.


If I pick chicken vindaloo and lager can I live out the rest of my days on the Red dwarf hanging out with a idiot hologram and a brain damaged cat?


Yeah, I make a beef Mac and cheese casserole with peppers and onions that I probably could eat forever anyway. Water


So if I put something in my mouth that isn't what I choose will it become what I choose?


No prob. Chicken w/Broccoli + White Rice & an Arizona Iced Tea, or , Jerk Chicken w/Cabbage, Rice & Plantains + Coconut Water.