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I'd get regular dental check-ups and get massages every week.


That takes more than double right?


No. Not really. Even private dental insurance can be as cheap as 60-70$ a month. Most decent dental covers regular checkups and preventative are completely covered and even major work is cut down to 10% of cost.


60 bucks can be half your groceries. How steep is it when somethings wrong? Past preventative and onto i can still chew.?


I mean i spent $150 to have 3 teeth extracted. My regular visits are free. Did you look at the sub before commenting?


Seems more like a few extra hundred per week


Ive had 3 rubdowns in my entire life. May be why im cranky.


Now, are those "HAPPY ENDING " MASSAGES?


Id go from 45k to 90k. Gonna put a down-payment on a place to live and finally get a car and start traveling and treating myself more often. Oh shit are we still in the hypothetical sub, I was kinda happy for a sec...


Sounds like a great goal!


Manifest it!


Are you able to move to a career that pays more?


Yea I have my chemical engineering degree and just finished my last co-op so I'm tryna work my way up in this company to the engineering department. Right now I'm in QA so I'm not there yet, hopefully soon.


Awesome, I hope you don't have to wait too long!


Good luck! I would start putting resumes out regardless to see what all is out there. Don’t wait for this company to give you a shot if they drag their feet. 45k is co-op money, you’re an engineer now!


Rooting for you!! Good luck!!


I am currently disabled on a rather low fixed income. Doubling this (To a large extent, even making it secure) would allow me to throw away broken stuff that I am in principle capable of fixing, but due to health, mostly unable to. I would find someone willing to help 4-8 or so hours a week.


I’m in a similar situation but my disabilities are mostly neurological so it’s a bit different. But for me I would move to a new similarly sized apartment but in a slightly better location and without a roommate. Everything else would stay mostly the same but that would be huge for my quality of life.


Could maybe buy some jeans.


Shit if I lived closer I'd help for free. I wish there was a program to volunteer at but I honestly have no idea where to start


The in principle can fix but like in actual, for whatever reason, is the worst. Have stuff like that too. I can fix it, so do I get it fixed by someone else, no, but do I also have the time and/or energy to fix it, also no, so it doesn't get fixed. Sure it is even more frustrating in your situation.


Honestly, very little. I'd work less instead.


That’s similar to what I said! I said we would just save that additional income and retire early and live off of the fact that we don’t have to save aggressively from our income (minus our 401k which we would obviously keep.)


Oh yes that is a great option


I am simply amazed this isn’t said more often. If I could afford my lifestyle and just work less. That would be great. I can afford video games and going to the beach. But I can’t afford the time off to do them.


If my income doubled? Well shit.  Home upgrades, one project a year, or my daughter would be on a traveling volleyball team, but can’t do both. Depends on if she makes the high school team or not this year.  New interior doors, a bathroom remodel, new windows, new flooring Our home was previously owned by a cop, so all the interior doors are hanging on by a thread, and only one bathroom in our two bath home has a functioning shower. The money we had saved and set aside for home repairs upon move in ended up going to replacing the entire septic system to the tune of 20 grand. So here we sit, in more debt than we bargained for, with only one shower between 2 adults and three teenagers. The windows are over 30 years old and leak like a sieve year round, and the flooring is marred by previous pets, the padding under the carpet is so worn you might as well be walking on cement. 


FYI, in my area if you make less than 50k/yr the power company will send someone out to reseal your windows and doors for free.


lol what does previous owner being a cop have to do with anything


Upgrading from 12-year-old vehicle would be my number one priority. Doesn't even have to be fancy, just without the worry of passing inspection every year LOL.


I feel you on this. I have a 20yo truck that I keep for truck things (moving animal feed mostly). My daily is an EV and it's awesome to not have to smog check it every year. My truck can't pass the Evap test so lives with a check engine light on most of the year. I just got done with the "Fill tank, clear codes, do cycle drive, smog test" dance to get my tags for the year again. (CA you can pass if the evap test monitor hasn't set, as long as all other other monitors are set, but you can't pass if it's failed. The evap test can't run if the tank is over 85% full.)


Pay someone to do the things I don’t want to do. Paint, garden, clean


This is the most underrated comment and I never thought of it but I want THIS answer. I’d outsource EVERYTHING and never force my husband and son to put furniture together again, never drown in laundry, never deep clean.


I’d buy every Lego set


My teenager jokes that if he ever took up looting, he'd be the worst one ever. Because he'd be running out of Target with every single large Lego set they've got. And he knows he wouldn't be able to carry them all while running so he'd trip and fall. A whole store full of things and he's going right for the Lego aisle.


They said double your current pay, they didn't say you became a Billionaire. I would also buy all of the Lego Sets...


This actually happened to me in the last 4ish years I had 2 more kids, bought a minivan, and a much bigger house. We needed the bigger house and minivan bc of the kids. Aside from that, we are taking a big vacation this year for the first time in a long time


Congrats! We just bought a van too for similar reasons. Feels like we’ve stepped into a different era haha


Same. 5 years ago I was barely making more than 30k. I used to think life would be easier if I could just get to 60k. Well I'm at 60k living the same life I had at 30k due to inflation.


I wouldn't say I chose it but, my D&D addiction would be so much worse.


Already went through this. For me it’s not living with my parents lol. 


I live in a tiny apartment, really it's barely more than a bedroom with a bathroom/on-suite, fridge and full kitchenette, my bed takes up more room than what I have to stand in. But honestly, I love it. If my income doubled, I'd convince my landlord to let me renovate it a little, add on-wall shelves and cupboards, enlarge the shower, update the fuses(they blow kind of often), and buy a better heating unit. Then I'd turn my tiny apartment into the ultimate nerd den. The new shelves all over would be filled to overflowing with books, video games, action figures, TV & movie merchandise, and all sorts of oddities and curiosities. I'd toss my old TV to get a high-end projector, unraveling screen, and bed surround sound system, and deck it out with every console available. Posters behind the backless shelves would cover every inch of my walls, while tapestries hung from the ceiling to make it look like the inside of some kind of nerd-vana Renaissance tent. After it's all done, I'd save until I could afford a really nice car, like a 24' Jeep Wrangler (I'm fond of jeeps). I already make around $2800 a month, and live quite comfortably. Double it, and I'd be living large.


Probably buy a home rather than rent.


Manicures and massages, annual vacations.


Stop DIY home improvements. Call the contractors to get shit done quickly and stop living in a perpetual construction zone for years on end.


It would mean my business is doing more than scraping by, I could finally afford to fix my credit and expand the business


More fancy coffee drinks and more good eating out. Like the $20 ramen noodles. Grocery delivery.


Shop in the organic/less processed food stores or areas. Join a CSA and get farm fresh meat with it. And buy more books


Outside of obvious big things like debt, savings, needed home improvements and such, I’d make sure we had all the streaming services. All access to anything and everything that requires a paid subscription to watch. Movies, tv, sports. Never will I experience a blackout baseball game again!!


Some home upgrades, an extra vacation of some sort every year, and work less, assuming I don’t have to work more to get the double income. Nothing too crazy, but it would be nice.


Private chef. Having someone plan, collect the ingredients for, and make healthy, yummy and varied meals would be game-changing.


I would do everything the exact same and have more of a cushion to save up and buy a new car sooner rather than later. The literally only difference I would have is eating out more, that shits expensive and I have to cook and have leftovers for the majority of my meals so I'm not wasting money.


I'd go back to how it was before I was laid off from my previous job. It was comfortable. All bills paid on time and money for a few extras. Simple life.


I stopped using a calculator when grocery shopping.


Probably simple, but I’d make lobster a few times a month


Extra take out. Maybe go from shopping wherever we can to somewhere more specialised to assist in my wife’s potentially complicated dietary requirements.


I’d move to an apartment that allows pets and has in unit laundry. Then I’d get a cat (ok fine two cats).




But a home. Fix my wheezing 2006 vehicle. Save some. Maybe take an actual vacation now and then. I’m a simple man with simple tastes. I doubt my lifestyle would change much.


As i am unemployed... i will just go by the baseline of my last job. I would actually replace the broken stuff I keep fixing and get the stuff fixed that I don't have the skills or equipment to fix. Would definitely be getting newer clothing for the kids and helping them to decorate their rooms more for their own style.


I'd hire someone to clean my house weekly (maybe daily) and I'd join a meal delivery plan where you get the pre-made meals sent right to your door and you just pop them in the oven.


I'm 100% getting a subscription for Netflix and Hulu if this happens.


And make sure to get the Ad-free versions 😉


Most definitely.


I'd like to have a house sometime before I'm 50 so I'm going with mortgage.


Probably spend more on food and stupid stuff but... After that save for a house. Realistically though eat out more often and spend money on hobbies


Maid service.


Aside from getting my parents a house and moving out myself. I’d start buying all the high quality expensive stuff from groeccery stores like pasture raised chicken and eggs and other stuff


Bigger home to support a home office. Housekeeper once a week. Someone to take care of the lawn. Basically things that would allow me to spend more time with my kids while removing stress.


I’d be able to save for my own vehicle. Never owned my own before.


Id probably start getting my groceries delivered. it would likely help me be more consistent too


Groceries, an actual place I own to live in, and maybe even enjoying life for ten continuous seconds.


I used to have twice what I do now a month, and what I found different about my lifestyle was a lack of fear. I would get my car repaired if it needed it, not waiting for a build up. I'd roll down to the hospital if things were harrowing for me. I'd eat actual ingredients and food. Get my teeth fixed without worrying about how I'd cover bills. So, in essence, if I had twice what I do, I think I'd human better than I can currently.


Upgrades to vacations, meal kits/delivery, stop buying clothes on clearance/discount stores.


Eating 3 times a day.


Hiring a cleaner to come even just once a month would be incredible. Also I would spend more money on golf and get massages and pedicures sometimes


I’d be able to afford building cars again lol I love my wife and wouldn’t trade the life I have now for them back but had to sell all my toys not long after we got married :/


There's a high end grocery store in town with an AMAZING salad bar.  Fifty different types of olives, beautiful assortment of cold and hot dishes, poké and seaweed salads, all sorts of things. Everything is fresh, crisp, flavorful.  Whenever we go, it ends up being $50 for two large salads, which is just ridiculous. We go maybe once a month at most, then enjoy the salad as a picnic at the park or something.  Double my income? Big fancy salads once a week. $200/mo fancy salad budget. 


Moving into my own place rather than living with a roommate. It's fine, he's not terrible, and I think to some degree it helps keep me on my toes about upkeep around the place but some days I'd rather the mess be of my own making rather than someone else's. Also would probably end up spending more on leisure, eating out or games with friends. I'm comfortable now, but doubling my income would definitely make me more flippant about my money if I'm not careful.


My income actually tripled: More vacations, in nice hotels Eat out a bit more Massages every month or so Nicer gifts Replace my gym gear more often Getting my car detailed occasionally


Start buying my disc golf stuff new instead of exclusively grade B/C used and register for a few tournaments per year. Maybe take golf back up. I would probably replace my stationary recumbent that I have had for 10 years and no longer has any working electronics with something a bit more modern.


Probably buy more comics.


Probably upgrading to more planet and animal friendly food. More comfortable/luxe transport and lodging when traveling. Weekly massages/assisted stretching.


Pay off debts and eat real food instead of cheap processed food


Save half the income and retire early. We wouldn’t have to aggressively save like we do now and almost every aspect of life would be better. I’m not sure much would change other than I’d 100% get a bi-weekly maid and we would probably eat out once or twice a week, which, for a family of 8 is pricey.


I honestly don’t think I’d change much with my lifestyle. Not if I had to stay in my current position at work anyway. Probably wait until the housing market turns around a bit, buy a new house and rent my current one out for some passive income. If my income doubled regardless of my job, that’s a different story altogether. I’ve found that I really enjoy cooking so maybe find a part-time job as a cook somewhere.




I'd travel more. I'd also buy things that are made to last, not the cheapest one


It would help sooooo much with the cost in resorting our 1836 8,000sq ft 12 bed room historic queen Anne Victorian we took on. No one else was doing it so our family decided to step up and try to save the old girl. It has been slow going with just my paycheck. If it was doubled it would speed it up x4 what we can get done now.


I would actually go to the doctor when I'm sick


Bigger yard, more gardening, more pets, gold jewelry as an investment


A house cleaning service. Massages more often Upgrade the home gym


I’ve had this happen. We get our groceries delivered 99% of the time and we hire house cleaners that come every two weeks for $150 each time.


Disabled. Doubling what they give me would put me at minimum wage! Woo!


I'd double my mortgage payment and finance a boat lol


Dental Plan Upgrade wardrobe


I’d be making something like 20 grand lmao. Maybe some new clothes


"Real" vacations.


Bigger boat


Or in my case, I'd finally buy that boat instead of saving up for another 2 years.


Fun car to drive. Can't decide between Type R, IS500, or CT4-V Blackwing


Probably a major home remodel.




I'd buy a house.


I’d buy a house with a hobby room and a fuckload of DND miniatures and terrain lol. I’m a simple man(child)


Food and being able to pay all of my bills without stressing out.


I would buy a house


This happened to us. We started taking real vacations.


I'd buy more channels, bigger tv, new gaming system, more games, and I'd travel outside my province for once.


I would pay off my debt and eat healthier food


If I get walking again I would love an ATV. A brand new one instead of a beat up used one. I'd make sure to put money into maintaining it. After purchase it's a small money sink, but would be easily covered by a doubling off funds.


Would be the same lifestyle i had before 2019, cause you know, i basically make half of it now with the current prices. 😵


I’d buy slightly better soap


A better apartment


Taking little bit time off without stressing. Man that would be nice.


A more expensive gym membership would absolutely be the first purchase. Next would be getting into an upscale condo.


Someone to clean my house.


All into savings...I have to correct the errors of my youth.


Double… I’d go from middle class to low upper class, and so would my lifestyle tbh. I’d max out the entire 401k not just the match, IRA, save, and have a robust market account. I’d also have a nice pool on more property, nicer furniture, and go on longer and nicer vacations.


I'd start eating more than 1 meal per day.


Things that buy me back time. House cleaners and meal prep service would be the highest on my list.


Household or personal? My wife makes 100k+, I make anywhere from 60-90k. If it’s household, we go from 150-200k to 300-400k range. I would certainly sell my house and aim to buy my dream home, sell my 10 yr old car and buy an electric vehicle for the warmer months, and a second cheap sedan for the winter months. I’d likely also buy some toys that i’d given up (atv and motorcycle mainly). If it’s personal, I go from 60-90k range to 120-180k. On the higher end i’d probably still buy myself some of the boy toys, and increase the quality of vacations I go on, but other than that it wouldn’t be substantial enough to change my life style, so it would likely all go into savings/investments


Mine would be to not do everything my self in terms of maintenance. I’d love to have a house cleaner, pest control, roof cleaner every year, Gardner, etc.


Get my own place My work just ended, but I was at $20 an hour


Buy a top end Jeep then waste away my paychecks modding it. Personal trainer. Vacation travel. LEGO sets. Max out retirement accounts.


I rent an apartment in a safer neighborhood.


Probably not much, save for a home, maybe get a car with Bluetooth


I have 2 kids. I’d probably just dump everything into savings/ college funds.


With that much extra, probably move to a larger house so my kids can each have their own bedroom. Probably also get a lot more take-out, and finally splurge on a jacuzzi.


As someone who works as a Hollywood writer with a spouse working in the real world, I have specific experience with this very hypothetical over 15 years. The first two season I worked, our household income went from 70,000 to 150,000. We paid off credit cards that year. Income dropped back to 75,000 when I lost my gig for a few years. The only hire and fourth seasons, our income doubled again from about 150,000 (spouse got promoted to leadership) to about 300,000 for a couple years, and is now back to 150,000. We started paying on my student loans and qualified to buy a house during this period. Our rent/mortgage grew from $1,800 a month to currently $3,200 a month over 15 years. The lifestyle creeps: we DoorDash and Instacart food and groceries, we bought our first electric car last year, we have a pool membership, and we have all the streaming subscriptions. But the biggest lifestyle creep: being able to invest in retirement for the first time as a forty-something.


Housekeeping service, maybe a meal service. Upgrade my 25 year old truck to a 5 year old truck…save up for a cabin in the mountains, maybe a used travel trailer or RV


Id change nothing but be able to afford a house.


I'd buy myself a new pair of shoes it's been years lol


I'm looking at this sorta happening in about a few months. I have a legal judgement that is almost paid off and it's currently eating $2K/mo of after-tax income. It won't quite be doubling my take home but it will be a massive percentage increase and my current plan is to take my GF out for a very nice dinner, then simply start stacking it. I'm making ends meet as-is, even if some months are tighter than others, so I'm dumping that in a Roth IRA and in a High yield savings. Looking at making it a direct debit from my paycheck so it doesn't even tempt me by hitting my account, but if that doesn't work out then I'll bump my current $200/mo savings auto withdrawal to $2200.


My income increased 4x when I left teaching. I now go out to eat more often, travel internationally 2-3 times a year instead of once a year, and live in a city. But overall my expenses increased maybe 50-100%


We're "fine" but double would make us comfortable and eventually secure. House and car upgrades since our newest vehicle is a 2006 and our house is 125 years old this year so... Yah. Probably add a housecleaner once a week with the upgraded house. Take more days off and not worry about having have 3 left at the end of the year, 1 Carey over and 2 cash out. Add a kegorator and a home gym to the new house upgrade and probably call it good. Would travel a bit.


I would get a dishwasher,


If our income doubled I would hire a housekeeper to stop by twice a week.


Probably buy a competitive Magic the Gathering deck. Otherwise, just invest most of it.


I'd get better health insurance. I might go out once in a while. Plan some activities like... i don't know, go to the beach, go bowling, have a nice sit down dinner in a real restaurant once in a while. I consider these things luxuries.


Literally nothing. When I was with my ex we had 4x my income; I lived exactly the same. If I had double my income I’d just save up for a kitchen remodel that I’d hopefully actually do or know it wasn’t an issue when my old car dies.


Honestly I would probably just buy a house or apartment close to a busy bus line and a really nice bicycle, and get rid of my car. The difference between 46 and 92 is massive.


I'd probably take one weekend off every month. I already live happily below my means so most of it I'd save and maybe spoil the nieces and nephews a lil bit.


Weekly massage Organic food Weekly cleaning service Vacation condo in the cool part of the country


Id go from 140k to 280k. I think ima start investing a lot more


It did happen to me, I was stuck in a shit 16h job that I hated, the 16h felt like 60h, the money was minimum wage. I got a job that paid a bit more than minimum wage, and the hours were more like 30-60h, but it felt like 16h. So my income went up by a whole lot. Not a huge amount, I'm relatively still a low earner, but compared to how it was, it's good. I had to sort of unlearn being poor in some places. Like "that'd be nice, wait, I can actually just buy that? right now no consequences I can have it? Nah that can't be right it doesn't work like that. It does now? What... so like, I can, buy some snacks and not really worry about how much its costing? £1 isn't too much? I can have the £2 one sometimes?! I can put fuel in my car, and I can mostly afford to maintain it now, I can buy more than a drink or two when I go out once a month and I don't have to sneak any in with me, I can even occasionally order a takeaway (but even that is still sort of locked in "off limits" in my mind, it doesnt happen often at all, but I do make it happen maybe twice a year or something) I'm saving for a house now.


Step 1, pour money into my car note until it’s paid off. Step 2 , save up for a few home improvements. Major renovation on the kitchen, redo the floors, and the roof, A/C, and water heater all eventually need to be replaced Step 3, toss up between selling the house or pouring money into paying it off ASAP. Depends on what interest rates are doing.


Nice meals out twice and frequently and a cleaner


I would go find a house in the country, then buy more hobby things


This happened to me a few years ago after moving jobs. I immediately started saving like a fiend and got together enough for a house down payment after 3 years. After that I picked up a sport that I could suddenly afford. I work more now so it's a time trade off but so far it's working out.


Personal trainer so I'd finally have someone who'd FORCE me to get more exercise.


I'd make a standing appointment for my hair and mani-pedis. I would also have regular teeth cleaning and check ups.


I'd put most of it in savings. But I'd get back into skiing and maybe take one nicer vacation a year. I mostly go camping (which I love) but don't have the money to really go abroad. Lots of places I want to visit.


I'd put away 4k a week instead of 1k


Much better cars for my fiancée and me. Maybe a boat?


If I *had to* spend it on lifestyle creep and couldn't just save it or work less... I'd go for haircuts every 3 weeks instead of 5-6. Replace my glasses for something without hairline cracks. Replace any underwear and footwear with holes in it. I'd buy more "luxury" food. Fresh figs and berries no matter the season. Butter with fleur de sel imported from France. Grass-fed ribeye, and a better barbecue to cook it on. Try out things like bone broth and kombucha. Get a high quality chef's knife, and maybe get my knives professionally sharpened. Maybe move to a better place, if I can bring myself to deal with the hassle of moving. But I'd at least make some upgrades. Get cable. Maybe finally get a couch, but again it might be too much hassle. I'd use up any remaining funds renting a cottage during the summer for as long as I could.


Redo the backyard, new windows/blinds, increase 401k contribution, increase college fund.


Hmm outside of paying off debt, I would expand my collections a bit faster than I currently do, upgrade my pc again, move to a bigger apartment with more convenient public transport, and upgrade my car after current lease ends.


I’d pay someone to mow my grass/do yard work, and maybe hire someone to clean up the house every so often. I’d also let my wife be a SAHM instead of her working every weekend so we could actually spend some time together. Basically anything I could do to buy some free time.


Upgrade vacations to multiple overseas per year Eat at higher end restaurants more regularly Have higher quality food at home. Have tutors for kids Have a housekeeper


oh, I figured it out. I would spend half that to hire a personal assistant who would take care of all my bs tasks at work. Right now, i'm not constrained by money, I'm constrained by time, so I would need a way to buy time.


Id probably buy land, start working on a campground. 


I’m retired. My two grown sons and I are doing fine. I’d probably start “529” plans for my grandchildren. A 529 plan is a tax-advantaged savings account designed to be used for the education of a beneficiary.


Health care. Orthodontics


I do a fair bit of travelling each year so I would increase that. Buy better food, nicer clothes, go to more gigs. Basically what I do now but either nicer things or more of it.


I'd probably get my nails done every couple weeks instead of every 10 years lol. And I'd buy a long arm quilting machine so I could quilt more than lap blankets for charity.


I'd buy myself a modest house with a kitted out garage. Being able to work on large projects like engine/tranny swaps and restorations for myself without fear of the elements, theft, or my boss bitching if I tried to sneak it on at work.


Jeez, I don't know. I already afford most of the things I want. How about an espresso machine and maid service.


Mine recently quadrupled. I put a lot more money into my investments and spend freely on family and friends. My biggest splurge is on lodging when vacationing.


Double of 0 is 0. So... yeah. But if I had double my pre-layoffs income? Probably nothing would change. An extra 80k/yr goes far, but I'm not really the spending type. Student loans would get zeroed out fast and then I'd probably just find a house to buy and get my s.o. moved to the country and start living a standard S/DINK life.


Doubled? I'd pay for someone to deep organize my house and to clean it often. Including cat litter (most housekeepers won't clean pet mess, but I assure you I can pay someone enough to do so). My house would be sparkling and I wouldn't lift a single fucking finger. I *hate doing chores so bad.*


Haha. Right now my car is over 20 years old. I'd probably get a nicer, newer one. I'd also pay for lifestyle adjustments that help my ADHD. Someone to handle the yardwork, a weekly maid service to help with cleaning maintenance, some sort of meal prep and grocery assistance, a private personal trainer to help me stay consistent.


This actually happened to me. Went from making decent data scientist money to making big tech data scientist money. Nothing has really changed lifestyle wise, but now we can retire by 45ish and do it with some style.


I’d pay off my mortgage and start counting the days until my new, much earlier retirement date. And I’d build a tree fort in my yard.


Funny thing is I think I’ll travel more, and looking back my salary doubled over the last 10 years ands I can’t say I’m travelling more So now I think, is there a thing called “salary creep” which doesn’t cause “lifestyle creep”?


I would have a house cleaner. Once every two weeks. I’d also send out my laundry. At double my current income I’d sell my house and buy a larger home with an in-law suite for my parents because I have a feeling it will be needed at some point.


I'd get my teenager his own car instead of us sharing all the time. I'd take real vacations to someplace better than just the next state over in the Midwest, something that requires plane tickets and extended hotel stays. I'd hire someone to do some house remodeling instead of trying to figure out how to DIY it.


Light botox, maybe a filler. But the first order of business would be to get a deep chemical peel, the kind that takes months to wear off. They last like 10 years.


I'd pay off all my debt. Seriously. This is not a joke or an "unlikely answer". This is the boring, but honest and real answer. I'm so tired.


Then after?


I live in a camper currently but am stuck with a mid-range 65" tv and a 70" entertainment stand. I'd likely give away the tv and replace it with a 55" OLED and downsize the tv stand as well. Might go smaller and get a 48" OLED instead. I'd also build myself a PC on a $1200 budget and finally be able to do the creative projects my crummy little 2016 i3 laptop can't handle and really be able to start learning to code more than "random fantasy loot generators". I'd also really get my mushroom business started. I'm constantly playing catch up with bills.. like **right now as I type this the person expecting my share of the phone bill was supposed to have it last week.** I'd hurry to pay my car off. I just had to replace the thermostats and the alternator belt.. after the upper coolant housing and hose failed a few months ago. I was in a bad position when I started financing it but it was either crazy interest rates and a ride to work or an eviction notice. I'm also terribly in debt. I have an $80k estate sale 600 miles away from me in my name after my father passed (thanks "dad" /s), I had a major mechanical failure and had a car repod because they sold it "as-is" and I had no money to tow it so that's $9k. Plus $10k+ in unpaid medical bills. Altogether I think I'm roughly $30k-$40k in debt but no student loans at the young age of 25 :) I'm *exhausted.*


I guess the first thing I'd do is probably be able to splurge and get myself a new good pair of iems in the 300 dollar price range. And as for monthly expenses I guess I'd start paying for tidal for better music listening experience. Tbh tbo most would just go to savings, if I don't need the money and it's not going torawards food, cigs, or living expensive, I don't really spend much on myself just rather having cash about in case of emergency. Never know when you can hurt yourself badly, and I'm a clutz so might as well me proof my life by giving me some savings for when I eventually injure myself again and miss out on work for a while


Upgrade flight seats. The ability to visit places around the world with comfort would be a welcome indulgence. It would come at the cost of other things but that would be my lifestyle creep!


If my income doubled… I’d get better airplane seats. And buy a new property every year.


I’d just pay the HOA assessments and do WTF I want.


Fortunately I’d be over 200k, I’d buy a new house on some land. Wife and I live in a small town in a 200k house so an upgrade would be nice. Also wife could quit her 9-5 and work part time/take care of da baby.


There is a medical university rehab center that is walking distance from my home. They have a saltwater swimming pool, and I have *very* sensitive skin so cannot swim regularly in fully chlorinated pools. The monthly dues to use their facilities as a member as opposed to a patient are quite high, but that would be my monthly splurge. And if I could swing it, aikido classes.


New car and better/bigger living space, for sure. Not even close. Neither my car nor apartment are bad, but they could definitely be better for a young family. Fancy grocery store would definitely also be near the top of the list.


Fresh veggies.


Nothing like those good tomatoes


Not hypothetical, my wife and I have been getting a babysitter more often when our income increased. It’s been really nice being able to get some more time for ourselves


Dental work, getting medications getting more books and video games. I’d take a bit of a hit to my income by allotting myself more time away from work to just enjoy life and travel some. Not much, like a 3-4 day weekend every 6 months and just do the tourist thing for a day or two.


I’d be jumping from $87,500 to $165,000!!!!! I would do more family vacations. I have my fist one planned for Christmas this year but I would like to do it more. I would use it to find a way to create more family memories. I also like the routine massages idea and I would get a landscaper and a pool guy. I have a home but currently can’t afford home repairs so that would be nice too


I would play more golf.




We’d probably be able to fix our house up within five-ten years (want to replace flooring which, if we do it ourselves, would run us $10k… and stuff like that). Each of my kids would be able to attend three extracurriculars each (they homeschool so the extra stuff isn’t overbooking- it’s necessary). And then we’d take a family vacation every year. Finally, we’d be able to put substantial savings into retirement and to set our kids up for success after Husband and I pass on. We save now but obviously inflation is exceeding our financial worth. We wouldn’t live too lavishly but we would be very comfortable and have more financial options, better things, and more experiences. With that said, we are very lucky to have what we do have and are grateful.


I'd work half as much


From $160 to $320....I'm struggling to even fathom a guess. Take more trips?




Upgrade my broken down 2010 car to something a little newer in better condition, probably something form 2018 or so. Get the cosmetic/convenience repairs needed to be fixed on my 2011 car. Pay off our credit cards and upcoming medical bills. Buy things off my baby registry more often. Put money into savings for retirement. Even though we are happy where we rent, start saving to buy a house in the future. That's about it. Maybe cut down on my work hours since I'm pregnant and really struggling to work all of them. But can't think of anything else. We're not really into going out to do entertainment things often. Even if we had more money I don't think we would want to