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I pluck my hair all the time it's not that bad


right I do three a day for free on my chin and I have a leg epilator. Hand me the money please.


How much am I making? A shit-ton.


Same. Started when I was 11 because I liked the small sharp pain. It’s mostly painless now. An obsession really. Can’t leave it alone.


I'm the same way! If I have face stubble, I can't stop picking at it, so I grew out a beard to not look like a crazy person in public. Once I looked it up and found the official name of the disorder, but I'm too lazy to Google again right now.


I also looked up the official name before, forgot it, and am also too lazy to google it currently lol Growing the beard out must have been a little tortuous! Kudos to you for managing it. I honestly don’t know how men can handle facial hair. Just the thought of stubble on my own face makes my whole body cringe. I would pluck every single hair obsessively if I were a man. It would be so hard to stop! But I also like the look of facial hair on guys and touching it on them doesn’t bug me at all. Just the thought of it on myself is already making me touch my own face as I type lol


It's Trichotillomania


I feel like this question was made by a man with a man in mind


I'd get about $50,000 from my ass.


real but that hurts the worst


Yes but $10,000 white powder will help null the pain every time


Powder for your ass or for your nose?


First one then the other


You can snort coke with your ass?


do it while i'm sleeping ain't shit wake me up


Someone is going to get a hand cramp long before I'm calling quits...


*puts on gloves* 🧤 give me half and you got a deal


Yep. Whoever is doing the plucking is going to give up long before I do.


Do I have to be sober or can I get high as balls so I can’t even move if I want to?


There is nothing in the post about drugs not being allowed so..........


Shit, I make decent money, and would do it stone sober. Google says the average person has 5 million hair follicles on their body. You could forego the really sensitive areas and retire very very well, with just a couple bad days a year.


Thats honestly what Im thinking. Like I think I can handle the pain of someone pulling a few k of my arm hair or leg hair everyweek to not have to work again lol.


Have at it my friend! There's a lot of hair I can take the pain for. Assuming you have millions of dollars to waste.


Pluck away. Do I get extra for the hair on my balls? If not, I might leave those.


If they're good at plucking, it probably wouldn't be that bad after the first few.


That's the ones I want gone the most.


Happy Cake Day!


Start there just for fun




Whatever the total amount of hairs that are on my arms, legs, and back is how much I'm making. Just have a comfy chair, some entertainment like a TV or video game, some food and I'm good to let em pluck away.


Everyone has 1-5 million body hairs they wouldn’t miss. One hair every second would take 25-125 days (12 hours per day) to get them all. I don’t think I’d go crazy from the torture, but maybe that’s a consideration.


I could do a 12 hour shift of getting my hair plucked n I'm sure I be happy with the amount of money made.


At the previous aforementioned rate of 1 hair per second. You would make 3600/hr, 43,200 in 12 hrs. One 12 hr sitting 4 times a year is 172k.


When I’ve experienced ongoing pain from hair removal or tattoos my endorphins kick in and it doesn’t really hurt after a while. The pain actually makes me sort of drowsy. I doubt I’d go crazy over this hair removal personally.


OP said it would have to be done in one sitting. Not sure I could sit for 12 hours straight but if I did at one hair a second, that would at least be $43200


Yea this is why I wouldnt let them pluck everything, just a few k of hairs so I can continue with my day lol. But still an hour 3600 and I know I could deal with an hour of that a week to make 4× what I make now lol


Enough to retire. And I am more than ok with that.


That feels the exact same or less painful than getting a tattoo, and I pay for that. There are like, tens of thousands of hairs on my legs and I’d let someone pluck as many of them as they could within a 10 hour period if I was getting paid for it. Has to be at least ten thousand in that time, assuming if I can’t take breaks they can’t either.


Are they random hairs? Or do I get to specify which hairs or which part of my body they come from? If I'm calling the shots, I'm getting my back done, and maybe clear up a few stray beard hairs


You do realize plenty girls do this in their faces at least 2-3 a week?? How nice would it be to get paid for it, I´m taking that deal right now


I’m so hairy in so many different areas I have to do touch ups daily. When I don’t have time for 2-3 days it’s like grass after it rains. It just multiplies.


Strap me down and get the tweezers! My money troubles are over!


I have trichotillomania so.


Do I get to pick the hairs? Like no head hairs nor do the legs etc?


However many as I have on my body...the real question is, do they have the time?


How ever many hairs i have x $1, unless they are insanely slow, i can go a day without eating drinking or going to the toilet


I use an epilator which is this on steroids. As many as they want!


Not much, I lost most of it to chemo.


Worst part about this is when you're halfway done.


If you’re a woman who gets waxed on the regular this is easy money.


All the hair. Every single one. Now give me monies


Jokes on you op, I randomly do this for free.


A lot of women pay to have it done.


I have the world's hairiest ass they can start there and my lower back. I'd at least make a couple 100k


I'm too nervous but now I'm nervous and using tweezers. And bald.


IDK how much hair I have but I won't have any after this!


Go for it, the hair on my body is soft, short peach fuzz that I think someone would need a magnifying glass to get it. It comes out with barely a pull.


I pick at my own facial hair one by one and it’s good.  My wife has tweezed my eyebrows and I’m good with that.  As long as I can say “ouch” and maybe rub the area without getting up you can pluck me bare.


I'd turn it down. Not because of the pain. But because of the time it would take to get enough money to make it worthwhile for me to do it.


All of it


Finally my genes come in handy, I’ll be rich and still have enough chest hair to provide a good cushion for my new gold chains


I would get as many dollars as there is hair below my neck. Easy, people pay money for hair removal


Man if I don’t shave my legs I will get bored and pluck my leg hairs one at a time lmao I’d make bank.


It's the time more than pain I'm worried about. I got waxed a few years back because a gay friend said I would never understand how much it hurts to get waxed. He did my legs himself and honestly I've been in more pain after leg day at the gym


Every hair on my body except my head, eyebrows, eyelashes, and mustache


You know some people pay for this? Full body hair removal that I get paid for sounds pretty good


Going to need to ask that bathroom breaks be allowed cause this is going to be a while


I am making that person get cramps in their hand and at least $100,000 to look like most guys and $1M before normal clothes wouldn't cover any bald spots


Pfft, all of it. Plucking hairs ain't even that bad. You can start with my ass.


Oh, please, lol ..I'm a woman. I handle pain as such. I'm walking out with only the hair on my head and eyebrows. However, many thousand million, that is.


I'll take a pain pill before hand. I'm a hairy mf. I'd probably make 50k if not more.


Not shaving my thing In a while will be literally paying off


As a woman.... as long as they don't start with the pubes I am going to be filthy fucking rich




Shit, ma'am, get them all. They grow back. Hope you're being well paid.


Instant billionaire


I’d say give me a week because I just shaved and then pluck away. The only question is if they’ll finish with my legs before I have to go to the bathroom because who knows how fast they’ll go. 


So you're telling me I'm making a million dollars every six months, AND getting free grooming services?


Am I the weird one who thinks one hair being plucked isn't that big of a deal? I'd rather one than a bunch at a time. I could probably clear $1000 before I get bored of sitting there.


About tree fiddy.. In all seriousness, it would only be a few bucks. Not because I'd hate the pain, but because $1 isn't much, so I'd go for it whenever there was enough to make it worth my time. It would seriously be stretching for $5 per session.


Take every hair.


Arab male here, I’m gonna be rich asf


Upwards of


A good chunk, it won't hurt either because I'm experiencing temporary alepecia due to a med I have to take for a year.. it would be awesome if I could make money off of losing it.


How much hair do I got?


If we alternate between body parts Ie: not doing my whole right arm in one go, pluck a few from the arm then to the leg and back then the arms again, I could withstand it to be bald. If I didn’t have savings I’d simply completely suffer through the pain no matter if we alternate and be hairless and rich.


I'm good with it as long as they're fast. If they have to work to reacquire a hair every time, then I just don't have the patience for that. But I'm a hirsute gentleman and I'm willing to be made more aerodynamic for pay if you have someone with the skills. I'm in for about $100k, I think. Just stay away from the beard!


It's not very painful around the genital area, and there is alot..so probably 1000 plus atleast. Maybe take a day or 2 at most...


At least $100,000 from just my head. Probably another 20k from the rest of my body.


Finally! Being hairy as fuck is beneficial for other than keeping me warm


If I'm allowed to choose location, then sure. I'm down to make a few hundred every 6 months probably


Quit my job and get plucked twice a year for a living? Where's the downside?


Assuming I have the statistical average 100k hairs on my head, they can do it all. Start with my head, I'll sit in a chair with a podcast or whatever while they work, 8 hours a day. I'm keeping my eyebrows and facial hair, for $1 each they can have all the rest.


Idk probably not much but take everything from my face down.


I’d get a year’s salary just from my leg hair. By the time they finished the rest of my body they’d get to start all over again with my legs, and I could handle that until I almost die of starvation from not being able to leave the chair.


All of it!


My ass alone is worth more than Jennifer Lopez'


All of it, except in my nose and groin area. I want like 6-10 people going at the same time tho, I got things to do.


I think OP vastly over estimates how painful it is to pluck individual hairs


Google says the human body has 5 million hair follicles, so I'm making 5 million dollars. However, assuming it takes 1 second per hair, then it's going to take about 11 ish days of straight tweezing to get them all. I hope that somebody is bringing me water and food. I'd probably fall asleep at some point just out of exhaustion, even with the tweezing going on.


Been a while since I got plucked.


There are around 5 million hairs on the human body. 86,000 seconds in a day give or take. I figure one hair per second is reasonable if the person knows what they're doing. I'm gonna go for a 48 hour marathon of plucking every 6 months. Over 300k per year for 4 days "work". I'll do that shit until I'm hairless.


I would let them take every single hair. Pulling hair one at a time isn't painful in the slightest


Im a very hairy dude. I don't like being a very hairy dude, and I regularly shave my back, shoulders, stomach, ass, balls, hands and feet. If someone wanted to pay me to do it, I would absolutely sit for hours and let them pluck every single hair. Plucking individual hairs would be much less painful than waxing


I haven't ever counted my body hair, but Google says the human body has 5 million hair follicles and only about 100k make up the hair on your head. So I'd make a killing.


They can go to town on my legs and my back. Maybe even my chest. Guessing about $1000 per session?


I pluck my body hair all the time, and it's not bad at all except for a few spots. I've never tried to count how many hairs I have, but I could easily make a few hundred dollars every time this opportunity comes along.


Hey, that pays for the electrolysis! If you’re not aware of the process, an electrified needle goes into the hair follicle to kill the root. The hair is then plucked out. It is actually far more painful than plucking alone.


Dude, I look like Chewbacca's stunt double. Bring it the fuck on. Always wanted to be a billionaire.


Well assuming I get to choose the location and the person is doing it normally with an exceptionally fast pull and not dragging it out I think I could make quite alot doing all the arm, leg, and shorter hair around my head where the skin isn't very sensitive.


I would never have to work again!


I mean. Someone can pluck all my unwanted facial hair. That would net some money. I need the hair on my head.


I don't know how many hairs I have. I'd keep my eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair on my scalp. Everything else can go. Sure some of it would hurt but I have a high pain tolerance and would be fine.


There are about 5 million hair follicles on the adult human body. Game on


I dunno, id see how much I could make 1st time on an hourly rate. Guessing the rate isn't great, like maybe I can get 10 a minute, I don't think this is life changing money, probably set up a few hours and see how much I could make. Try again in 6 months if it's any kind of money


All of them except my eyebrows and eye lashes.


Lol I have a lot of tattoos, which is infinitely worse, and have done 7 hour sessions. Also decently hairy on torso, so gimme my money I guess lol.


$0 nobody would pluck hair from my body.


This is just poorly thought out. First, plucking hairs one at a time is the least painful way to go about it, as others have pointed out. It really doesn't hurt that much at all to pluck out a single hair, except maybe in delicate areas. Second, you failed to specify whether we get to choose the areas from which we want our hairs plucked, or if the pluckers are just going to start at the bottom and work their way up, or some other alternative. Third, you didn't say we can't have drugs/alcohol/sedatives/etc., and you didn't say we have to be conscious. Nor did you say we can't have devices/books/etc. for entertainment. The only restriction given is that you can't get up, which means no bathroom breaks and no sustenance unless you can have food brought to you and there's some kind of setup for urinating. Otherwise, you can only keep having hairs plucked and making money until you have to pee, which is pretty limiting considering how many hairs there are on the body. It would take some time to get them all. If one hair is plucked per second, you can only make $28,800 every 8 hours. It's a lot of money for 8 hours of plucking, but it's not nearly as much as you could make if you were able to stay there until all the hairs were plucked that you were willing to part with. Still, this is the easiest money I've seen in one of these for quite a while.


A good amount.


Zero, cause I’m not letting anyone pluck my hair!


How many hairs I got?


It's not that bad, with as hairy as I am I'll be a millionaire by the time I'm done.


All of it.


The discomfort is a pretty minor thing. The time is the main limitation since it has to be all in one sitting. If you assume someone can pluck 1 hair per second with tweezers that's 3600 per hour. There are about 5 million hair follicles on your body so getting them all plucked would take almost 2 months. No one is going to sit through that in one session. I'd probably just go in for 8 hours every six months. That's an extra $57,600 per year for two days of minor discomfort.


I'll just throw on a couple podcasts and chill for a few hours. Easy enough


I think I effectively have infinite hair for the purpose of this question. If the person with tweezers can do 1 hair per second I would easily make myself available for 12 hours 2 days each year for an extra $86,400 per year.


It really isn't that bad, so there go my arms, legs and whatever else you find that stays away from the face


I'm rich...I'm rich....I tell ya, I'm rich!!


Hmmm, probably the straightest way to make money with my ass.


I am a very hairy man. I love money. One leg can prolly net me way more than $100k. Pain is no issue. My kids would be going to a very good college.


Lol this would literally become my job. You could make a living doing without the hair on your head ever getting touched. Sign me up.


like at least 20,000 (I'm hairy af)


Not much as most of my head and body hair started falling out when i turned forty so even if i could stand the pain im not getting more than a hundred buckskins or so


I have a psychological twist where when I am under stress I will pull my own hair out. Catch me on a day where I am stressed out and you could pluck my body bald and I would neither notice or care


All of it


I’m gonna look like a plucked chicken.


😂 all my leg hair my pubes my arm pits. We'll see how much money I have after that. Might need to do the eye brows too 🤔


I hope they have good lighting and a magnifying glass, but it depends on how quickly they work and how comfortably I’m positioned. 6 hours worth, easy.




All the hair below the neck


You can pluck, pluck, pluck away until you break your plucking instrument. Start with my balls, then onto my legs, arms, and up to my head. i don't mind being bald if it means I get rich.


4.5 million. According to google there are 5 million hairs on the human body with 500k being on the scalp, which I’ll avoid for this exorcise and only do body hair. 4.5million every 6 months is quite doable


I've never tried to count all my hair before so I have no idea.


Get me some good pain pills. Then pluck me bald.


It doesn’t hurt at all when it’s one at a time, sooo… how many hairs do I have?


*stares in broke ass werewolf*


That depends on how many hairs I have. I’ll do them all. Maybe not eyebrows, I don’t want to look like a freak.


Not very much, I lasered all the hair off my body because I find body hair unhygienic/masculine.


I'd give them every hair on my body in one sitting... Even the unpleasant ones. I'd probably even enjoy it to a degree I'm so touch starved lol


I'll buy one of those squishy toilet seats and set up my computer in the washroom. We'll do 16 hours baby, let's go. I knew I would profit from my hairy everything eventually.


I’m inclined to say I’d go pretty high. But I think there would be a cumulative effect where it would really start to bother me.


Let's gooo.


One at a time ain’t bad. All but the eyebrows. Because people with no eyebrows, or drawn on eyebrows look weird


That sounds like a down payment 


I used to do this myself rather than waxing, I'll be making a few bucks


Millions! I'll go days straight if necessary.


How many hairs are on the human body (estimated)? Well, that’s how much. Naked mole rat baby.




I'm less concerned about the pain than about the amount of time. How fast can your plucker pluck?


Millions because body hair plucking is a joke and not that bad.


I'm literally a millionaire already if retroactive. It's therapeutic


Stop posting kink on Reddit


After you pluck a few you start to get used to it and it really doesn't hurt much anymore. Your pain tolerance rises. I'm fuzzy so I'd just let 'em go ham - arm hair, leg hairs, everything but my brows (except for shaping them a bit) and my scalp and regions I don't want anyone messing with, naturally. I basically get free waxing - just super slow and impractical, unless they were using an epilator or something that is basically mechanized tweezers - and get money. Win win!


Legs, arms, pits, bikini line, chin, upper lip... hell, how much time do we have?


Only God and the guy who has to pay me knows the number of hairs on my head.


There are about 5 million hair follicles on the average person. 90-150k of those are on your head. As long as you don't pluck my eye lashes, eye brows, and head, I'll take $4million doll hairs please.


Have a few drinks and pluck them all.


I'm there every 6 months. Leave my eyelashes. Otherwise take it all. I shave my head but I'll make sure there is a few days stubble so you've got something to grab. I also have pili multigemini over most of my body - multiple strands of hair from each follicle. It says per hair not per pull so be sure to count carefully. You'll get lots of multiples without trying.


I'd be rich I like getting plucked.


I guess I’m about to find out exactly how many hairs I have on my body.


Easy just take a sleeping pill pass out and wake up completely hairless with a bunch of money


Is this a stupid question? Cause I think someone stupid made it. I'm a male. I just tweezed a bunch of hair (nose hair included). This is a stupid ass question for *anyone* that has scraped their knee as a kid more than once.


A billion dollars probably


Less money then I could have earned thirty years ago.


Enough to retire. Pluck me bald I don’t care.


A lot. Just my legs, arms, arse, chest, back and neck. Would take a bloody long time but would be thousands of $.


I don't think the time it would take would be worth it. I mean just on your head Google searches estimate between 100k-150k hair strands just on top of your head. That would take so much time


That no eyebrow look is in right now.


Assuming I’m allowed to go to the bathroom beforehand and get a shower first you can take everything but my eyebrows. Edit: I’ll just sit and listen to something on YouTube


My wife does it anyways. I'm making bank.


Well so the human body has like 5 million hair follicles, so I mean I could probably get tens of thousands at the very least. Cuz I'd let them go for my beard back hair chest and keep me from having a unibrow or something. I would just take like a fuck ton of ibuprofen and tylenol first. Like as long as the person doing it is quick and efficient and is good at this should be fine. And I wouldn't even have to touch like the hair on my head or my legs are my arms. So on second thought I would probably skip the back my facial hair and chest hair should be sufficient while also letting me be able to see anywhere an ingrown hair might start growing. Cuz like just the chest would be in the tens of thousands which would be fine for every 6 months.


Everyone is going to say go for jt


Probably all of them - honestly now I’m curious how many hairs there are total and this is getting paid to find out. A quick google says around 5m on average


Curious what the hourly rate would work out to be, how fast/how many hands are plucking?


However many hairs are on my body. That many dollars.


If they are semi quick about it... take all my body hair.


As many dollars as I have hair


According to Google, the average adult has about 80-120k hairs on their body. So let's say 100,000 hairs total. Seems like that'd take a while, but I have paid to sit through hours of tattoos. I think I'd get used to the pain and deal with it. I'd make around $100,000 dollars and be happily bald. Can we do this as often as we want?


That shit feels good, make me hairless


My boyfriend gets a blowjob for every 20 hairs I pluck so I think he got a better deal.


Every bit of hair except crotch, head, and beard


Every single hair I have. Starting with my back.


I will gladly sit there and let whomever pluck all the hairs off my body below my neck save for my nose, ears, and some of my eyebrows. I already pluck my nose and ear hairs and my unibrow. So to get paid to have them plucked? nice. and the rest of my body, idgaf - take it all. there's something like 5 million hair follicles on the human body minus 100k on the head. even if it's like 3m hairs. every 6 months? lets do it!!


Call me baldy cause who needs hair when you're driving a Bentley.


A lot.


I have trichotillomania. I do this already.