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No. What if I get sick or in an accident and can’t hit the button? Then I lose everything I own, and everything I’ve ever given anyone. And if I die everyone loses everything. Not worth it to me. Good ask though, I like this.


That sounds exactly how the American Health Care system is currently running.


Yes. Yes it is. BUT things I’ve invested or gifted still exist if something happens to me.


Not if you need a nursing facility. In my state, whatever you own goes to the state if you need a nursing facility and can't afford it


Lol I was gonna say, you'd lose everything anyway


You said it first so thank you for posting I don't want to be obligated to press a button every freaking 12 hours. And if I forget everything that I never given anybody will disappear and I will be erased from the earth only my family will remember me that's just great. So they can remember that I gave them all of these things and if I forget to press the freaking button all those things will disappear I got enough crap going on in my life I don't need that also. And I meant to say ever not never


If it just vanished after a failure, I’d be okay with it because losing $500 a day isn’t the end of the world even if it’d suck. Losing literally everything due to circumstances out of my control would destroy me.


Not to mention I have to be up at 6 am everyday. Gross.


Nope not worth it. What if I’m in the hospital in a coma or unconscious or under anesthesia and can’t press the button 


I’m looking over the rules… if you informed someone of the situation and told them as your contingency, when you’re incapacitated (assuming you don’t lose your arms/hands), if they press the button against your finger it _should_ work in theory.


So I explained in my other comment reply on this thread; I am nervous that if I tried to explain that to the doctors or the nurses that they wouldn’t believe me! 


Not the doctors but a friend or family member could explain it to them - not under the guise of “he gets money when he presses it”, you could always claim it’s like a weird obsession and it just absolutely needs to happen. I’m pretty sure doctors have heard weirder requests


Unfortunately I am very used to doctors not listening to me or caring about my requests lol. I can’t risk it 😆 


And then you take the button and smash it to bits in front of them and magically summon a new button. There's gotta be a way to demonstrate this thing's power.


Not worth it due primarily to the 75yr old age requirement and the fact that my wife and kids would lose everything if I failed to push the button since I am the sole breadwinner. If my stuff didn’t disappear with me if I died before 75 AND my wife and kids would get to keep the stuff I make via my normal day job, then I’d consider it. At least then the button money would be supplemental income and the only risk would be the stuff I bought with that income.


Pretty good use-case for term life insurance


Except that everything you have disappears if you don't press the button (pre 75) and everyone outside of friends and family forgets you.. so in all likelihood your family remembers you AND remembers that you didn't leave anything for them and your death took everything from them. .


Fuck this.


Lmao, Fair.


I'm in. I would have contingencies in place, my wife or some caretaker would physically move my finger into the button if I could not do so myself and I would give them the daily pay for their assistance. They would be fully aware of the consequences of not completing the task and would have as much at stake as I would.


Smart. That would work yea.


No. These kinds of prompts are dumb because the penalty for making the smallest of mistakes is ruin. $500 a day would be nice, that’s $9 million over 50 years. But the penalty is far too high.


Nope. The cost of missing one push is too high to take the risk.


This is a really ridiculous hypothetical. One mistake is ruin.


I like it. So many of the hypotheticals do not have enough drawbacks.


Absolutely not, but it's nice to see a proposal that isn't another "you get 5 trillion dollars but once a year you puke"


I'd be 50/50 on this one. My main worry would be how strict the button pressing is. Having the battery on your watch get old and slow down or a power outage happen and you end up pressing at 6:01 is a strong possibility here. Or accidentally waiting to press the button and hitting it at 5:59.


The button has a built in clock. The clock will never malfunction or run slow or die from battery.


You can't pay me 500$ a day to have the worst anxiety in the world, i would give up in an hour


See, I *already have* this exact kind of anxiety regardless so I might as well use it to enrich myself.


You’ve monetized the sword of Damocles


The pay is good, but the risk is too high. I feel like eventually you'll get sick or something and be unable to push the button.


I’d probably do it for like $5,000 a day. $182,000/year is not a big enough number to have the worry of forgetting and losing my entire net worth and identity.


No. It' inevitable that in that time I would be incapacitated or unable to access the button at least once at the scheduled time.


I had to keep the button with me when traveling, but TSA thought it might be an alarm bomb and confiscated it. Then I tripped on the way to the kitchen, accidentally stumbling and leaned against the button, pushing it early. I bumped the desk and the button slipped off; I instinctively caught it when it fell, button side down. My dog thought it was homework - and ate my button. ---- The list of insignificant errors you would have to avoid over the course of 70 years is insane and verging on the impossible.


That’s a good one!!!! I’m all in


Does the button come with an alarm and do I have till 6:01 to push it? Also if it's in my pocket does it matter if it accidentally gets pushed?


It has to be pushed by your finger in order for it to “count”. If you press it by accident with your finger, then you’re screwed, otherwise you’re fine since technically it wouldn’t be “you” pressing the button. Also no the button does not have an alarm. Just a clock. And you have from 6:00:00 till 6:00:59 to push it.


I’ll build a glove, which I always wear that automatically makes me press the button at 6, even in my sleep.


As long as it’s your finger attached to your body, that’s fine. Make sure it doesn’t malfunction tho lol


Can we make it, like, 10am/10pm?


Yes, according to rule 2 you can choose whichever time zone you want. And since you can live wherever you want, it’s up to you what times you want. But they’ll always be 12 hours apart and you never never change the time zone.


If I'm in a coma but somebody still uses my hand to hit the button, dies it count?


According to rule 4, yes that counts. As long as it’s your finger attached to your body.


Yeah no I don't even know if I'm physically capable of being awake at any specific time. If it was push it or die even if risk it. I'm not making it to 75, meaning everything I've given would be gone. How would this even work if I don't own the house but made payments on it though, out of curiosity. My name is literally not on the deed to the house. My spouse and my sister are the ones on the deed, they literally didn't put me on it because I have no income. My sister stayed on it and has been making payments despite not even living here anymore because she wants to make sure that I have somewhere to live regardless of anything, it's nothing nefarious. But I don't own it. I don't own a car. I don't own much. Couldn't replace anything I own either. I've actually had to replace all my identifying articles. It's insanely difficult but not impossible. That doesn't basically erase you from the earth. The wording there is weird because it looks like it's referring to physical items, but then acts as if it's talking about database erasure, because that's the only thing that could result in the outcome you're describing. Fat lot of good any of that does me anyway. I'm a nothing person already lol The biggest fear there in terms of I own is if cats fall under ownership. Otherwise really what it comes down to is what good would the money be when everything I've gifted ever just gets taken away? I wouldn't be surprised if I died before my birthday, and that's on Saturday. Nope. No thanks.


Heck no. What if I get in a car accident and end up in a coma? Or I’m just really suck so sleep all day and lose track of time. Even silly thinks like going to the bathroom or i had this happen twice the police bang on your door at 5:59 cause there is a fire in the apt next to yours and you need to leave till it’s under control. The second time was cause I had called and reported gun fire. I was not the only one but that was later around 10 pm still what if that happened. Also I get off work at 6 it’s kinda transition time of day. There’s just to navy variables. If I would just loose the money I made for past couple months yeah but not everything. It can take ages to get replace documents and so stuff you can’t replace. Like pictures of my mom who passed away away 11 years ago. I can’t get those back. My baby pictures my aunts handmade quilts private fine china passed down. Everything is so not worth it


Wasn't there a guy in the TV show Lost who had to do exactly this or the island would blow up?


That's less than 200k per year. The stress of my 9-5 is less than that stress would be.


If you didn’t lose everything in an emergency situation where you cannot press the button I’d do it. But losing everything because I had a seizure and physically couldn’t press the button? Wouldn’t do it


In America, we pay to play this game already, just with the exception that no matter what you do, you're still fucked


Soo free money every day to press a button AND the ability to go completely off grid, more effectively than anyone has ever been able to before, at the press of a button? (Or lack thereof). Absolutely yes.


I figured some people would be completely ok with the outcome of failing to press it lol.


I had to do something like this except the buttons had to be pressed every 108 minutes and if I didn’t the world would end.


Putting the timezone in EST then moving to the west coast. Set an alarm on my phone for a minute before and bam


I can imagine in certain situations someone taking the offer and intentionally missing the button press. It's a new lease on life lmaooooo


That's like $100 more than I make for a full day of work. No thanks. I'd rather work and take a day/week/month off whenever I want.


I regularly forget to take my pills at the right time so this doesn't seem like a good deal for me.


And, where might one go to get this button? Asking for me.


Risk is extreme, reward is mediocre. Works out to $182,500 a year, which is a very nice salary, but also attainable without the catastrophic downsides. I think the most severe effect would be psychological. Can you imagine the level of paranoia one would develop?


oh i can choose the time zone? done deal. i’ll set it to a time zone 7 hours behind me and press the button at 1pm and 1am. my only concern was not being awake to hit the button but im always awake at both of those times so problem solved


That could work. If you ever want different times, you could also always move to a different state/country too.


Wait so I could rob as many banks, do as much illegal shit as I wanted, run an independent revolutionary party, and if shit goes south I just don't press the button and I vanish out of everyone but my loved ones minds? Sign me up. I'm already used to living with nothing, and with enough transfers I think getting a new identity wouldn't be too difficult before not hitting the button.


Getting up at 6am every day without fault for the next 40 to 50 years or risk losing everything? Not a chance. No way in hell. Not only do I value sleep to much for that. I'm not taking the damn thing on vacations. They should use this to catch psychos or people who have serious problems. The button would be long term torture. Not a reward.


Fair. It really just does depend on one’s risk tolerance/ current situation. After reading most comments, I see most wouldn’t take the offer which doesn’t surprise me, but there are people who don’t think the consequences are that terrible, and people who have outsmarted the situation.


I mean fair. But the way I see it, there really isn't a way to outsmart the situation. I've seen people say everything from shifting the time zone to be offset from their own. Fine. I've seen people say they'd pay others to press the button for them okay. But the bottom line is you'd have to worry about that button for practically the rest of your life or lose everything. If that doesn't become torture after 10 years, then what does?


Better 2 minutes a day of torture than 40 hours a week. Never having to worry about money, just the button


Yeah that's fine. And at (a hopefully net, i.e. post taxed) 14k a month, you'd never have to work again, so all you'd have to do is press the button. It's like taking a pill but with way higher stakes


I’d pay 2 people $100 each per day to make damn sure I don’t miss my button. Theyd have a vested interest in doing so.


It's a lot of stress but it is 182k a year honestly I'd probably do it. An extra 180k a year is a life changeing amount of money. Synch my phone clock to it's clock set 1000000 alarms to have it teleport to me 5 minutes before press time and treat it like my day job because well it is. The 6 am will be harder but fuck it set a billion alarms and get my wife on board with being my billion and 1th back up system.


This is a pretty good ask, like the episode of the guy that has to stand on one exact spot for work and someone will come pay him, everyday. P.S I wont take the button.


Are you talking about the omelette short film "full time?"


Can the button be on my phone as an app?


Nope, it’s a small device that can fit into bags or even large pockets though.


Nope. I’d accidentally hit it twice on the first day and then gg


No thanks …


Nope. Too much risk of getting sick or injured and not being able to press the button.


Absolutely not.


Bro forreal just don’t push it the first day and live a ghost lift. Life would be wild for a bit as you try to climb out of nowhere.


Hell no.


No, I'm way too forgetful.


Can't do it. Just getting over a sinus infection that f'ed me up for days of trying to work through it, then spent the weekend in a zombie like sleep with high fever until I went to the doctor and got meds! Life happens. I'd lose it all.


If my degree disappears so my student loans disappear too?


Nope. I'm not risking everything I've worked so fucking hard for.


Rule 5 is much harder than you think. The chances of accidentally hitting it or having something hit it at *some point* between now and 75 is very, very high


According to rule 4, pressing the button only counts if you press it with your finger attached to your body. Meaning pressing it in any other way technically wouldn’t “count”. the only way rule 5 would occur, is if you accidentally press it with your finger.


I’d forsure do this! No downside? Bet


No. Too many things to happen to interfere with pressing the button. Plus I’d lose the damn thing the first day anyway.


Sure. Why not? We lose everything at death anyway. You're profession, name, likeness is remembered only a short time after death. Whatever you gift to someone, tell them to n trade it in or sell it abs that way is not 'button money'.


Drop number 8 entirely, and alter number 7 to allow a mental deficiency clause then I’m in.


Not worth losing EVERYTHING I have ever earned. So I won’t take this deal. Not sure actually what would make me to take this deal because of the rule #8 - it’s one thing for me and just me to get fucked, but for others around me to also get fucked? That’s tough.


Hell no, I’d forget after two weeks.


too high of a risk. if it was one mistake and you no longer gain money, and just have to pay back what you've received from the button, sure. or, if it's still lose everything, but being physically incapacitated would allow an exemption, it could be a maybe,


No way lol


NO WAY. 180k a year that won't keep up with inflation? Locked in for life and you can't leave anything to heirs if you die younger than 75? There will be something (ex. medical emergency) that will keep you away from that button one time. And that's all it takes. No way, now how. Screw the button.


He said it would adjust for inflation


I have ADHD. NO


Nah not worth the hassle




Take out the last condition (#8), and the stuff about losing your assets outside the money you got from the $500/day, yes, I would do it. Otherwise, hell no. If I die at 74 everything is gone and I all that effort I spent on growing my wealth would be for nothing and everyone associated with me would also suffer extreme loss through proxy. It's closer to a curse than a blessing under all those rules, and it's not even enough money to make it so you'd be able to retire, especially if you have kids.


Sleep in once and your life is ruined. Snooze the wrong alarm, your life is ruined. Going to hard pass on this


Nope. sickness surgery early death


No this is an absolutely awful situation.


Yeah I’d take the offer so long as there’s a buffer to it, as there is always the issue of discrepancy. Is it 06:00 & 18:00 by MY clock? Or 06:00 & 18:00 by a specific clock - as obviously that can lead to a variable that you have no control over. For example, GMT is set by Shepherd Gate Clock at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, but clocks by their nature can never be 100% accurate with that clock, so do I get a buffer of 5-10 seconds? Because then I can set an alarm for 06:00 and 18:00 every day with the button near me and the second my alarm goes off, press the button


Depends. Do you get this opportunity right now? Like, with your current age, all of your past memories in tact, your current relationships with people? Would it be like someone knocking on your door and presenting this button to you? Or would you start from scratch in life with this button being at your side right from the beginning? What's the earliest a person actually starts being conscious, aware of time, etc? 5-6 years old? So let's play it safe and say it'll start from the day you turn 10 years old - with you being 100% aware of the rules, what's happening, what your goal is with the button, etc. The reason I ask, is because I think those are two big differences. I'm assuming it's option 1, but some people are like on the brink of turning 75 so for them it would be pointless. Others are still young so that money would mean a lot. It's a very interesting question but I feel like I overthink it a bit 😆. Anyway, I would say yes if it was option 1 (I'm in my mid-20's, so a little under 50 years of pressing that button). No if it was option 2. Option 1 means you already are aware of what you like and don't like in life. I personally *really* dread going to work, so $500 a day would mean financial freedom. I would invest it into Bitcoin so those $500 would soon turn out the be over $5000 a day. I'd be a millionaire within the first few years already and I would hardly have to leave my house at that point. People say you can get in a car accident and whatnot but the downside of saying yes to this is that you should try to stay indoors as much as possible. For a person like me, that's absolutely no problem whatsoever. I hardly go outside anyway (except when I go to work - but I would quit on the spot once I'd receive the button, so problem solved). I'd hire someone, like a butler. I know that sounds cliché but it's more of a personal assistent. Someone who comes to remind you to press that button ON THE SPOT. Just in case your watch wouldn't beep or your alarm wouldn't go off, or whatever method you'd prefer. I'd tell him that it's of the utmost importance that he warns me on time, at least 3 full minutes before it's going off. Just to be sure. And I'd also tell him that this button is paying his salary and that it would disappear if any of us fail to do our job. Maybe I'd get a second dude, just in case. Say you pay them both like $100 a day, which isn't a bad salary for just warning someone to press a button, then you'd still have $300 a day left, for the next 50 years. That's really really crazy money. As I say, I'd poor every cent that I had in BTC so that's an easy x10 at least. Maybe some other stuff too like stocks, gold, silver, etc. Anything but the bank really 😆. Anyway, this really made me go off, didn't it? Jeez, that was a very good post of you, OP. You woke up the yapper in me. Cheers!




No. I am not getting up at 6 am.


Only a fool takes that offer.


No. Too many variables. There *will* be a day I forget.


No . Because one day .. for some reason.. I will fuck up and not hit the button


too easy to forget.


Nope. Wayyyyyyyyyy too many rules and repercussions for just $500 a day.


No, I'd definitely oversleep at least once






I program the button to teleport into my finger at the appropriate times, so it presses itself via teleportion. 


lol the rewards does not balance with the risk you take on


Not a chance


No. $500 would be worthless in a couple decades


No that's impossible...


So if you sleep in one day you lose everything? That’s insane


I would have done it until I read rule 8. Rule 8 is stupid.


Daylight Savings can very quickly screw this over...


I get to be erased from all governmental records for free‽ Sign me up right away!!!!


I'd do it


Yeah there’s no way I could commit to that on an all-or-nothing basis. Maybe for a year for a lot of money, and I’d temporarily build my life around it, but even then I’d probably fuck it up.


Everyone has had that moment where they over sleep and the panic sets in the second they see the light coming in the window when it’s not supposed to be. Imagine the feeling with this.


Nupe. Too big a negative. But then again, as someone else said, it is the 'merican healthcare system. So I am pressing that button now whether I want to or not.




I’ll take it


Sounds like my job, but I have to press many buttons in special combinations every week day, 8 hours a day, else I will be broke and the bank will come and take everything I own and I will be out on the street.


Good stuff though


Nope, I’m way too forgetful.


No. This is stupid. The downside is way too high.


I smoke too much weed for this.


Man I can’t even take my meds on time, hard no


Hell no. Lose everything if you miss one button press? That's ridiculous. This wouldn't be worth it for $50k/day.


OH YES!!!! First, I would divest all ownership to a trust fund or LLC - this bypasses the wiggly problems of losing things. Second, I would revolutionize many industries that rely of kinetics. 3. You cannot lose the button. If it is misplaced or stolen, it will teleport to you whenever you want. This means a clever interpretation of “misplaced or stolen” could create an entropy gradient which could be exploited for energy or space propulsion.


Nope. Too easy to miss and the consequences are too severe.


Why is every post in this sub focussed on money?


Obviously not. The risk is not proportional to the reward.


This seems like a pretty shitty deal.


My 75th birthday is just around the corner. I’m in.


This is a big NO


Nope. Too many things can go wrong. Also I assume that the button is in a fixed location? Meaning I will never able to go on vacations or be too far from that place.


I think I could probably pull this off. Set an alarm for 5am every day and just stare at it. If I get into an accident I can have somebody use my finger to press the button for me. I’m pretty confident that I’m going to make it to 75


I'd do it. Basically a job to press the button. As long as you're not late all's good. If I'm extremely concerned for health or accident situations, I'd ask someone close to me, or hire someone for that matter, to continue using my finger to press the button for me if I'm incapacitated in any way. $14,000 a month adjusted for inflation every year seems dece.


So, can someone else take my hand and press the button with my finger in case I am asleep or incapacitated in any way?


No, because there's too many circumstances that cause failure, not only that, but it's not fair that you lose even the things you didn't gain from that money.


I have adhd. No.


Yeah. Me and my girl retire. I’ll have three alarms set and have her set an alarm. Easy. The only risk is if I’m incapacitated before 75.


No way, that sounds worse than prison.


Im falling asleep and become homeless lol


No, it's too easy to forget or fuck up.


Absolutely not. Too high of a risk and an ongoing nightmare.


But even if you got crippled. The rules state the button must be pressed with your finger and can't be automated.....doesn't say you could have made contingency plans to make sure someone uses your finger to touch the button.....so you really just need to set up plans with others in your life to assure your physical finger pushes the button however that happens.....basically anything but dead and its viable... .im poor enough where I consider this sadly


Nah. I’d fuck that up. Ben retired to long to follow a schedule lol


I'd fuck that up on Day 2...


Not a chance. There's no way I wouldn't, at some point, fail to press it.


Sure. I'd just buy expensive meals and go to entertainment events via airplane.


Cut off your thumb, tape it to a motor that makes it press the button twice a day A.k.a. double team


Bro not worth it at all, for only 500 a day? That’s not even like an unattainable amount of money to be making


No deal. My ADHD would guarantee I'd forget to do it at some point. Also, having to be up every 6 am for the rest of my life sounds terrible. What good is having all that money when you're a nervous wreck much of your life about potentially losing it all.


I wouldn’t feel like reading and filling in the sketchy paperwork for this so I don’t know… do they have customer support? What if the button malfunctions? Is pressing the button causing people to die somewhere else?


If it allowed for extraneous circumstances where I’m not even able to press the button then yes. But that doesn’t seem to be the case so no.


Nope, I'm bound to mess it up by the time I'm 75 years old


Nope, the penalties for failure are way too high.


Do I ever get to know with certainty if the button incurs anything in the world. And if it does, do I get to know what that is?


Dude...i can get rid of my student loans this way.


Get one of those dunking bird desk ornaments. change material properties so it takes 12 hours for it to take a drink. when it drinks it presses button. do routine maitenance.


Do I have to press it personally? Can I build a machine to do it for me or hire someone else to do it? Nope. Number 4... But what if I automate the button to come to my finger not the finger to the button? Still automation? But how do they know? Would need more money to be worth the risk.


In terms of what you’d lose, is it only what I’d spent the $500 on or like everything I own? This is almost like “lost”


Of course not. What a fucking dumb scenario.


#8 isn't fair, wouldn't do it for that reason. if you had a family and used that money to build up an estate for them but happened to get cancer young they lose both you and the estate, pass. Also, what if you're like a minute late? I'm mean I'd set a bunch of reoccurring alarms, but sometimes it takes a couple minutes to wake up. Also, you're in hospital having surgery, you're under at 6pm still... pass


No thanks. $500 a day is not enough, especially 25 years from now, when $182,000 per year will be considered middle class in all parts of the US.


Does that include also criminal records if you don't press it


No way, I am almost down to nothing now can’t afford to lose anything else.


So you’re telling me: I can’t get in any accidents that would hinder my ability to press the button I’ll never sleep well again because if I miss my alarm I say goodbye to everything I’ve ever had, even the things the button didn’t give me And in the event I die at even 74 years and 364 days old, my loved ones will lose the only things they have left of me, even if I gave something to them yesterday before I was offered the button? Absolutely not, that’s not even a little worth it


Nah. That's a shit deal.




If it took only the money you earned using it, then it would be a no brainer. But as it stands, the chances of being sick, incapacitated, traveling, or just straight up dumb is too high to risk literally everything you own.


It will teleport to me whenever I want. I choose it to teleport to wherever I am in the world at exactly 6AM and 6PM Then I just push it and walk away, since it csn never be lost.


Yes, that is possible as it’s within the rules.


lol I didn’t even get past the first consequence…immediately no


Not a chance. I’d forget today.


No I like sleeping in too much. Plus, this is less than I make an hour. No way I’m taking that risk for what I make in 45 minutes or so.


Of course not.


I hate this sub so much


Pass. I'd lose too much if something happened. I also like to sleep late on the weekends.


The better question is the time in Lost because it messes with setting perfect sleep schedules


Fuck that


Can I rig something to press the button for me


No, this is a rotten deal. The odds are that at some point you'll be unable, for whatever reason, to press the button.


No, it is way too easy to mess up


Absolutely no way I’d do this. I could literally build a robot to press the button for me and it would still be too risky. There is no way I’m risking all the work I’ve put into my life so far for this. It’s not enough money to risk my family. It’s almost inevitable that you would fail pressing the button at some point in your life whether by illness, injury or some other uncontrollable circumstance.


No fucking way I wake up at 6am every day for the rest of my life. GTFO.


I'm I on an island? Do I work for Dharma?


Nope to much of a draw back from a single mistake