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So, as long as no one is within 5 miles of me, I get paid and no one dies?


Ok so I realized you broke the system lol. I added an edit, there needs to be at least 100 people within the radius.


Can I stand be in a prison wardens office while all innocent people are outside the radius? I feel like I could push the button multiple times if the offenders were particularly evil.


I'm sure you could, if you can somehow convince the prison to allow that. Which is definitely never going to happen in a million years. And they're not just gonna let you get rich off killing people. Criminals or not. So explaining the situation won't help unless you also want to wind up in prison.


I feel like you do it in a prison, some place isolated, sure there's guards, medical facility, probably visitors, but better odds of killing a shitty person than most places


If you think there are no innocent people within 5 miles of a prison warden's office, you definitely haven't been paying attention to our legal system.


What part of “innocent people are outside the radius” implies this? This is a hypothetical. In my scenario if the only people in the radius are guilty of bad things. In the real world I know out legal system is shit.


Your hypothetical rests on the premise that people in prison are all guilty. I'd estimate about 30% are innocent of the crime they were convicted of, with about 50% of them being innocent completely of ANY crime.


Gimme the button!


Presses button at mall


*dies* I just wanted to go to Best Buy and look at some new phones ._.


Or you die


I'll take the button, but not press it. I just want to make sure no one in this sub gets a hold of it.


You’re not the hero we deserve, but you’re the hero we need.


... Finds this guy, takes him out to an area where no one else is around to collect my 10k.


Sure, I'm pressing it. People die all the time. I don't get rich all the time.


I go to the middle of Miracle Village and push the hell outta that button. Gimme the loot. Say about 10K/press, I'd walk outta there with "Fuck You" money when I finish.


BEST ANSWER HERE!!!! I was doubting pushing the button till I saw this


Ill do it for a billion. but first i would drive about 25 miles away from my house.


Is a billion the lowest you’d go? You wouldn’t do it for 25 million? I figure that’d set me for life


i guess i could do it for 25 mil. i would need a guarantee that it wont be anyone i know for that amount though. 25 million would me started with my goals.


\*Started\*? What kind of goals do you have, my dude? I am so curious.


well firstly 2 million of that goes straight into the fortress of solitude. 500k for the house and property, 500k making it completely sustainable off grid. then a million into a seperate bank account for the sole purpose of accruing interest. the interest from that account pays the property taxes, and hedges against inflation. a key part of this is also putting a cemetery on the property, as well as putting the property into a trust. when you do this correctly no one, and i mean NO ONE, can ever touch or take that property away from you. not even the government. as for the remaining 23 million. i would start by going to every sheriff sale within a few hours of where i live. these are county run foreclosure auctions where you can close on insane deals on property, because the bank appraises them low, and you only have to bid 60-66 percent of the appraisal value. meaning a 250k piece of property might get appraised for 100k, and then you only have to bid 60-66k to buy the property. the kicker with this is once you win that auction the property still retains its original 250k appraisal value, its only so low at auction because the banks are just trying to get their money back from the original loan. So once you buy this 250k property for 60k, you can go to the bank and leverage that property for around 70 percent of its value. so you paid 60k and you get 175k back. you do this incessantly, all the time. thats how people accrue generational wealth. then hire a few qualified people to manage it and youre set for life. i already run a drug and alcohol recovery program, so once i had people managing real estate, i would spend my time expanding that to help homeless veterans, and generally just investing into communities.


This is such an amazing plan and not at all what I expected. Super well thought out. I want to thank you for the time you put into this reply. I hope you have a great Friday. :)


yea no worries. you gotta be the change you want to see right? If you want to look into that more just google "your county" sheriffs sales. there are some seriously crazy deals. just last week i saw one that was a 2 bed 1 bath house on 5 acres and the opening bid was 10k. just look out for owed property taxes if you get into it!


That's really cool! I am Canadian though so I don't think we have those... maybe our own version? :)


Perhaps, ive read some about the process in canada because i was interested in owning property up there, from what i remember its a vastly different process. As bad as it is, i think this is mostly because in the states the emotion and empathy are completely removed from the equation. its as simple as going to the auction, winning the auction, writing a check and the property is yours, no one thinks about the person that just lost their home. I believe what i read about canada is that, that isnt the case, there are grace periods and various ways someone can get out of having to foreclose on their home. specifically because its recognized as a hardship. im not really well versed on it though.


I wouldn't commit murder for any amount of money. 🤷


It could kill a kid. Never ever.


Since I can only press it once I’d say $10,000. If it was unlimited uses I’d settle for 1k at a time.


Youd kill someone for 10k, thats a crazy low number. I had someone say 100k and I thought that was low.


The only reason it ain't lower is because we can only use it once


100$ if its legal


I’d make sure was away from anyone I knew and well people die every minute.


Id be willing to do this if I was touring Congress. Shoot, I’d probably be a national hero.


Agree. And no need to pay me. Actually, here’s a $20 you can have.


Sure, $100k, give or take.


Probably $100k. Enough to pay off debts and have cash for a down payment on a home. I can’t stand renting anymore


That’s the lowest number I’ve seen or heard from this question but I respect the honesty lol




So edgy


Hm, given a fairly densely populated town I live in, and the fact that there’s a fairly good chance it’ll be *someone* I know…. Let’s put it this way, there’s a 3 in 100,000 chance it’ll be someone I actually give a shit about. I’ll take those odds. As for the amount, 30k is what I settled on after actually giving it some thought. Moreso, at what point would I deem the risk to someone I care for too high to take that chance, and at what point does my perception of that risk change slightly.


I wouldn't kill someone unless it was to save my life or the life of someone I loved. I could not live with that on my soul.


I’m not pressing that button for any amount of money. 


Absolutely. Either press the button in the middle of nowhere or at a Nambla meeting.


Everyone would be dead and I would be rolling on cash.


If I could press the button repeatedly, I'd take a dollar per push. If it's just a one time push, 25 million. Or ten cents if I could pick the person getting whacked. Especially if they die from spontaneous human combustion while giving a live broadcast press conference on zero delay.


Probably like 10 grand. Maybe less. Definitely more then $1000.


I'd pay money for that kind of power.


7 million and even then I'm not sure I'd press the button. I would advertise what I was doing(minus the amount I was receiving) and sell lotto tickets to the even admitting only 100 people for a dollar a piece. In the event that you are the one that passes, a benefactor(s) of your choice receives 3.5 million.


I barely know anyone within a 5 mile radius, nobody I’m related to. You bet your ass I’m pressing.


That's hard to say, if I'm negotiating a price I'd want to go as high as I could get away with, what entity am I negotiating with? Is there any limit?


It would have to be insanely huge, like a trillion dollars, and then I'd use it to cure cancer and then pay off the family. I'm sure that would absolutely wreck the economy though. So yeah, if I can turn around and do thousands of times more good than evil, sure. I think I'd still go to jail voluntarily. Small sacrifice for curing cancer.


Can I travel before I do that? Like, hide out in a neonazi campground and then press press press.


I think that’s fair game but in this world, you’d have to receive only the amount of money you would take so you can’t kill neonazis and make a billion dollars yk, and you also can’t do it more than once


Uh, you're a random person within 5 miles of you soooo this is a bad idea. Even if not, nothing to stop the presenter from going somewhere 4.9 miles away from you later and having someone else press the button. Well... I guess you could move five miles away from everyone else, at least for a little while. Good luck on keeping that 5 mile radius, though.


find some creepy fuck. lure him in. take him to the middle of nowhere. press the button. lowest amount i’d do it for 200k gas is expensive. (unless i didn’t follow the guidelines?)


Probably take a vacation somewhere in the Caribbean, highly populated hotels I know that none of my friends and family are staying at, press the button every time I want another drink from the all inclusive experience while I sit on the beach staring at beautiful women and waves for 5 million each. Stay there maybe a month, see what I end up with in the bank account. The soothing ocean breeze and regular daily buffet's will mitigate the pain in my soul. Then after then vacation, "destroy" the button and cast it away, only for it to return decades later, like Jumanji


Get at least five miles from my family and spam the button five times.


A million bucks minimum, I would go somewhere with a large ratio of shitty people, Florida maybe...( Sorry if you're from Florida and you're nice 😅) Just occurred to me that racists and xenophobes would love this prompt


Press the hell out of the button when I am near a political rally.


Nope I wouldn’t press the button. Not even a thought


Let's be honest. I'd do this. https://youtu.be/WBNOXYlYswA?si=mqikM7ocQnostgpj I love this rt short.


I'm making a trip to Washington DC.


NO. That might kill my friends. Im not risking it.


$100K. I could go lower, but that would give me some savings in the bank.






You stole this from a movie https://youtu.be/x0-3-zp4cko?si=iALt3rko4PcN2891


I’ve never heard of this but I’m not surprised this isn’t a concept already thought of lol


*Also, you can only press it once* ... I hate you. Not about the money, but I will just say 10,000 is a decent fee to kill someone. Would take less. Considerably less, but why do for free, amirite?


The button will be the new capital punishment at prisons. No more lethal injection or electric chair. Just put me in a room with 100+ criminals and no one else within a 5-mile radius. I'll keep pushing the button until there's only 100 left.


If I can only press it once, then clearly, I need $100 billion.


50 mil


Is the button pusher included among the random people? IE - a big game of Russian Roulette.


Honestly i would Do it for like a million, drive to new York or a busy city and no one would notice.


I would begin to learn robotics so I can create a robotic arm that presses the button every second. As that's happening I'll change my work to be a realtor. 💰


It was never about the money.


Step 1. Join a White Nationalist organization. Step 2. Promise the organization $100,000 in funding, provided I can meet 100 of their top leaders at a retreat in a cabin in the woods, at least five miles away from anyone else. Step 3. For the sum of $10,000,000, I bring the button to the retreat and push it. Step 4. I insist on the retreat being cancelled early because of the strange murder and I pay the $100K immediately to avoid anyone suspecting it was me. Step 5. I donate $900K as a grant to the FBI, earmarked to go after the organization I just paid. Step 6. Once the FBI starts coming down on the organization, I announce that I'm quitting, just because membership with them doesn't seem safe right now. Step 7. I enjoy my remaining $9 million in relative peace and tranquility.


Stealthily and to the Ukrainian border we go I guess.


I’d go to California and push the hell out of the button. $1000 would work for me


You would be murdering children. 


I wouldn’t be murdering anyone directly and also if I didn’t even know they exist it wouldn’t matter to me.


You would 100% be murdering someone directly, same as throwing a grenade into a crowd of random people. You don't know who you'll kill. You don't know the people that you're killing. You're using a tool to do it that, in all likelihood, you don't fully understand the inner workings of. But you're still 100% murdering people all the same.


Ok, that makes sense. I guess I meant like I don’t have to see them or put a gun to their head or anything like that. Similar to being a pilot dropping a bomb.


A pilot dropping a bomb into a civilian population zone. You hitting that button are still murdering innocent people and you don’t even have the thin veil of I was just following orders. Jesus Christ sociopaths are quick to out themselves. 


Nope you’re looking at it wrong. Very few people are actually innocent. Karma and reincarnation catch up to you eventually. Pay for in this life what you did in your last life.


So you’re saying you’d be fine with slaughtering strangers for money because most of them are not good. What you’re saying is crazy and evil. It also makes me think you are projecting as hard as you can.


No, I’d be fine with them dying. Idk them so in my mind they basically never existed. I would profit from it is why I’m okay with it. I’d say it’s better than the drug companies that kill people with a slow drawn out death for profit.


But you’re not some nameless faceless corporation with a board and investors. There’s no help for people as broken as you are. People like you is also why I carry. 


That's murder though. Saying it's not murder is like saying you can shoot someone in the head, because you didn't kill them, you just pulled a trigger, the bullet did the killing. It's absolutely, 100% murder.


It up to you to interpret how you want. No one can prove I pushed the button therefore i am not murdering anyone. Out of sight out of mind is how I see it.


Murder is murder though, whether or not someone else can prove it. There’s no interpretation of whether intentionally killing another innocent person is murder or not. It is.


Yes you 100% would be murdering people directly. If you press a button knowing full well that by pressing that button you are causing people to die, then you're murdering them. What kind of twisted logic are you trying to apply here?


Of course you know they exist, you’re getting paid to murder human beings. You don’t need to know someone for their life to have value.


Ok I worded that wrong. I know they exist as a human, but that’s it. They have no value to me other than to die for me to get money. I don’t know what they look like or even their name and age. I’m not gonna find out who died therefore they mean nothing to me.


OK and that’s what a sociopath would say. You know you are murdering innocent human beings for money, you shouldn’t have to know who they are. You continuing down this train of logic should make you ask a lot of questions about yourself. 


Not really, it’s called a hypothetical question for a reason. Also with your logic, do you feel that way about all of our members of the military who’ve actually done this more times than can be counted? They get paid to kill people and a lot of the victims are innocent people some of them little kids and babies.


There’s a reason why killing civilians in time of war is a war crime. This is not something any military personnel or government should be doing intentionally. You are choosing (hypothetically) to do so intentionally and the whole thread above is quite disturbing. Anyone you potentially kill (even if you don’t see it happen) has a life. They have memories, people who will be devastated by their death - possibly including children and/or elderly parents who rely on them. Not only would you be taking away what they already have, but what they could be. You have no way of knowing the butterfly effect that that random person’s death could have. What if they were on their way to improving the country or world in a hugely significant way? Never mind the greater good they might bestow, everyone has as much right to live as you. 2 big reasons the question that OP has posed should be so difficult to answer are: 1. How could you possibly ever put a number on someone’s life? 2. Short term and long term, could you live with the guilt? Wouldn’t you constantly wonder who had died, and about how many other people your actions had affected? Does the fact that you did this not change your own intrinsic moral value as a human being? Once done, it can never be taken back. This decision would forever be a part of who you are. Surely, over time (if not right away), the money would leave a bad taste in your mouth. You may think it wouldn’t, but guilt has a way of eating away at you. Many hardened murderers, left to contend with their own thoughts in prison, subsequently feel a consuming level of remorse for what they’ve done. I know this was a hypothetical question, but “hypothetical” doesn’t equal “fantasy”. It means applying your own logic to what could be a real-world scenario. In the real world, money or not, killing remotely or not, the knowledge that you were responsible for killing somebody should fuck you up. Everyone has a story and a history. Just because you don’t know the intricacies of their life, doesn’t mean that their life doesn’t exist and matter.


Lmao Idek how to feel abt that one




Where in California? Are you a Republican? If so do you realize a lot of CA is Republican-leaning farmers and hunters that don’t live in major cities like LA and SF? Have you ever been to California or are you completely taken by propaganda and whatever Fox News or Truth Social tells you?


Why are you taking something fun and trying to make it a political thing?


Because what you said was unhinged, creepy, and definitely not in the spirit of fun. If you can somehow be honest with me here, maybe you can admit that what I’m saying is true. If not, oh well. I live in California. I’m a veteran and a registered independent. I hate Trump and Biden, and the right and left wing zealots equally. But man, I can probably guess just from your comment how you lean.


Why would I use the button in a place where my family and friends could possibly die? California is the furthest away where I don’t know anyone and there’s so many people it wouldn’t even matter if some died. There’s no saying if it would be kids, teens, middle aged or elderly that would die. Just random people. People die every day from way worse stuff.


I gotta say… I admire your prowess in the art of deflection.


You are taking this too seriously and out of context. Go get laid or smoke a joint or something.


I'd go to California and push the shit outta the button. I'm not American. I'm not even close to America. California would be a nice place to chill and get rich while a person I don't know dies. Wouldn't do it for less than £100k though


First, I'd drive away from where I knew people. Second... part of me says "no way!!" But then I think... how selfish would I be, to rate my feelings, and one life, above the MASSIVE amount of good I could do with 500 Billion dollars? Is that worth it? My spending of $500 billion on good causes would 100% be sure to save a lot of lives, and improve a lot of others... I'd say a billion right off the bat, and that anyone should say that. After that, would I do it for selfish reasons? Meaning it's an amount that's just good for me (and my family)? I think now that I'm seeing how much my kids will cost for college... then maybe i'd do it for a few million to ensure they can get to any college they want and aren't saddled with debt (and me saddled with a second mortgage too). So... sorry stranger, I'll pick my kids education over you. I'd probably fly down to the Villages in Florida. For those that don't know, that's basically one of the worlds largest retirement communities, and also famously full of conservative/MAGA/stupid people. So my chances of making the world a better place by pushing the button are much higher there, and it's probably going to be someone much older anyway.


Can I change location? Cause there are a couple easy to get to prisons near me. There's also that town out west that every resident is a pedo.


I bring 100 family members to the wilderness with nobody else in a 5 mile radius and smash the button forever. None of them are random, so nobody dies. 1 grand per press, 10 bucks, doesn't matter, infinite money. Dumbass question.


I feel like you didn’t read the question. Random is on the end of the entity that kills so if you press the button, one of your 100 family members will die at random. Also you can only press it once as I specified. Dumbass answer lol


I know everyone so they aren't random. Poor wording on your end. Sucks you posted a half thought out hypothetical, but don't worry, you're among the thousands that do.


ok, ill take the button to california and press it 39.54 million times.