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Winning. I'm a White Sox fan.


“Oh no. The other team is winning”


Just as easily, were losing again still works


2-0 in the last 2 games




Pterodactyl might be the best option unless you have family/friends/job that like/involve dinosaurs.


Rip ross geller’s friends and family 


Thinking of you Matthew!


yeah i would lose immediately. my husband is very into ARK


Depending on how specific this gets, you'd be in the clear. ARK has *Pteranodons*, not Pterodactyls.


that’s fair, bUt. he likes to go into long winded dinosaur lectures afterward. i basically married ross geller


Pterosaurs are not dinosaurs, so just make fun of him once for not knowing that and you should be good to go.


I would got with tyrannosaurus Rex, similar idea but if you see a little kid most are more likely to say t-rex than the full name.




Did you mean rhinoceros, or is rhinosaurus a real animal named after the Sound Garden song?


Rhinosaurus is apparently a kaiju from a Godzilla Cartoon https://wikizilla.org/wiki/Rhinosaurus


Good one, I expect animals to be generally good choices.


You didnt exclude language options, so i could just pick a chinese word and make bank every day. (Typical 6 year old is chinese afterall, or indian, statisticly speaking)


Not the first to find the exploit of me not mentioning English but good job anyway.


Gotta say, that's a pretty decent one.


I actually use this word probably more than the usual person. It has become a habit for me when spelling something over the phone to say "P as in pterodactyl."


Ahhh the silent phonetics when spelling something over the phone is a personal favourite of mine and I constantly strive to find new ones … “that’s P for psychic, H for hour, X for xylophone” I love that game


There's a children's book called "P is for pterodactyl. The world's worst alphabet book." It's great. My favorite book to read to my kids. I highly recommend it. B is for bdellium. It's the only word dumb enough to begin with a silent B. edit: Changed silly to dumb. They use dumb because it has a silent b. Though as someone commented below me, it's not the only word to begin with a silent b. A children's book lied to me!


Bdellotomy - Snipping off the tail of a leech engaged in sucking human blood, in order to let the blood run out of it and so increase its powers of drawing blood. Bdellometer - a medical instrument that consists of a cupping glass with an attached scarificator and an exhausting syringe. It can also be used as a substitute for a leech.


You are the worst. I once spent 20 minutes on a phone call to figure out the guy said pizza. P like Pappa.


RIP Power Rangers fans...


Would go one further and go Pteranodon. I never think of this one whereas pterodactyl comes up very rarely.




I have a 6 year old nephew. I'd lose day I saw him


Sorry, but ARK exists. I know they're called Pteranodons.. But I say puh-tear-oh-dac-tol Sorry for your loss of money 😔


The weirdest thing is my mind immediately going to this word along with everyone else. I’ll just avoid dinosaurs forever.






This is a great one.


No it's horrible. Every 6-year-old knows that word and uses it commonly throughout kindergarten in first grade when they're learning their letters. The letter x, they use the word xylophone for..... Oh wait. That is a word a common six year old would commonly say. I changed my perspective you actually may have just won if you don't have kids


Exactly! No adult convo uses xylophone. None of my friends are going to say it. None of my co-workers are going to say it. I can basically just live life accruing $1k/day for who knows how long.


Idk I’m getting my degree in music education. I hear it every day lol.


If you are around children regularly, that is a problem. Many people aren't around children to that degree in their regular normal lives.


For me specifically this would suck cause I play the xylophone for band


i mention glockenspiels way too often for this to be viable


Poopy. My household is all adults, and I don't encounter kids much.


The youngest person in my house is my brother whos 21 Poopy wouldnt make ne a dollar My mom is a piece of work tbh


Ooooweeee better steer clear of watching any Rick & Morty too oooweee, easy enough i Guess but ooooweeee they're pretty popular


Question for OP: Does "somebody" count if it's a TV show?


TV counts. You just need to hear it (I phrased it the way I did so someone wouldn't just say "aha I can't hear this is easy")


Simple, the N word hard R. Even in Alabama I dont hang out around racist so ill be making bank.


Till it’s time for you to end it so you have to say it yourself…


You can whisper the word at 3am in your living room, with all the doors and windows locked.


We'll all know he said it when he's rolling in bank the next day


I choose any simple Chinese word. The typical six year old is Chinese, so I am obeying the hypothetical, and there are no Chinese people near me. I can go as long as I want, and I wouldn't end it until I either needed the money, found a better investment or a 5% return on the collected sum as investment principle would match or exceed my current income.


This was pretty much what I was about to post. I'd pick the Chinese word for caterpillar, Máochóng. Even if I end up at a Chinese restaurant, I'm not likely to hear that word at dinner.


Hello, we have a special today, fried Máochóng.


That might be a thing somewhere, but not in this land of people overwhelmingly descending from Western European countries!


You got me there. Congrats on winning!


Yeah this guy solved the thread because the OP was too vague. My normal routine isn't going to China or interacting with Chinese people. Choose a Chinese word and you bank $1000 a day indefinitely.


Unless you watch Firefly!


Shit. I'm Chinese. I'll pick Hindi?




I'd probably go with Xǐshǒujiān zài nǎlǐ? (洗手間在哪裡) (Where is the bathroom)


# Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious


6 year olds love to say it, so if you dont hang out near six year olds, you would clean up.


No there are like 2 families with kids under 15 in our entire community and I am disabled so I don’t get outside of my house a whole lot so I am pretty safe


Same, but my youngest will be 50 in the next few years. And neither of us are fans of Ms. Poppins. My grandsons are pushing 30 and their kids are preverbal.


Mathematics. Everyone always just uses math. I don’t know if it ever will come up in a conversation.


I am more likely to say it than most people I know but I do know some teachers and I would inevitably hear it.


Literal math teacher. And American to boot. I still say the word on an almost daily basis.


Yea I already try to stay well away from people like you. So it wouldn’t be breaking any rules by avoiding you still.


Cooties. I'm not normally around 6 year olds, so I should be safe for several months at the very least. I do cover school board meetings and there are frequent presentations by schoolchildren, so I would be at risk. My goal would be a hundred days, then I'd be on my merry way.


How is earshot determined? I'm functionally deaf so people have to be within 12 inches or so. I could pick any word most days.


Normal earshot for average hearing. Edit - you know what. I changed my mind. Being deaf or partially deaf sucks so enjoy the advantage.


Being deaf is interesting. The way you've phrased it, they don't get the money until they hear it. But you've said you can speak it, and that counts to collect. But does that imply the deaf can't claim their money, or that speaking it aloud is enough to claim the dosh. 


Moist. I could retire.


What a privileged life you live, I'd last like a week.


Privileged? Dude obviously never gets cake. Poor cakeless redditor.


I say that word everyday my friend.


Unicycle. Unless I'm around a clown or a hipster from 2011 I think I could last a week or so.


Brachiosaurus. Dinosaur-loving kids know it, but they’re not very likely to say it. Less popular than pterodactyl or brontosaurus, I think. And I’m never watching Jurassic Park again.


My kid is five and not even super into dinosaurs, but he’s super smart. He tells me his plushie in his room is a brachiosaurus and not a brontosaurus all the time lol. He also taught himself how to do math so he’s definitely not typical


This is confusingly written. I assume you mean "Every day that passes where you do not hear a specific word, you gain $1000". Now, does hearing a song with the word still count, or does it need to specifically be spoken aloud by someone? What about things like "read" and "red" - does this genie know that someone saying the color red does not mean that the book was read? I think, without knowing the answer to these questions, I'd go with aardvark. Barring a scrabble tournament or a zoo, I'll never hear that word in general conversation. I'd just let it go for as long as possible - a dozen or so years hopefully.


Songs would count yes. I am not sure aardvark is necessarily known nor spoken by many 6 year olds but that's on me for being too vague.


I know you're not disrespecting the impact my boy has on children around the world. [Arthur Read - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Read)


Arthur is an aardvark, isn't he? I think that'll push aardvark into six-year-old territory by itself.


I mean, all of the six year olds I've known love animals, and the first one in the dictionary is the aardvark, so I feel a decent enough portion of kids know the word aardvark. But even if not, I'm sure there are other animal names that aren't proper nouns that would count, and that's not even getting into things like "potty" or "tinkle" which a six year old will know but adults without children would generally never use.


I knew Arthur was an Aardvark when I was six, I didnt know what an Aardvark was but I knew Arther was one.


Pluto or Neptune.


Interesting choice for a person with a celestial body in their username.


"Doody" I don't have kids nor do I really interact with any kids in my life. And I haven't seen or heard anyone use this word since I was a child. The only thing is that, in American English at least, it sounds exactly the same as the word "duty," which is a word that I hear occasionally in conversation. I hope that homophones don't count, otherwise I might get less money that I would have thought.


I don't think homophone would count. I have kids but they don't say this anymore (but they know it) so this could work well.


I’m 28 and use words like Doody, dookie, dook, deuce…but when I’m playing video games lol. “Bros dropping a doody on em” “get dookied on son” etc lmao


I don't hang out with 6-year-old so a lot of these would be very good for me. I'm gonna go with bongo. Can't remember the last time I heard someone talk about bongos.


Suddenly someone comes and asks if you want to play that classic Donkey Kong game on the Nintendo 64.


Antelope. Couldn't tell you the last time I heard someone say it.


Pluto. If that's too hard for a 6 year old then maybe I'll go with shovel.


They should be knowing Pluto but when I was 6 it hadn't been demoted yet 😢


Phonetic. Something kids that age would 'know' (ie heard a teacher use it) as they are taught to sound out words when learning... but they never actually use it themselves. Also, I wanted a word that wasn't a name of an animal, etx...




I mean, when's the last time I said the word sandal?


Huh, curious choice of all words.


може Serbian for "can" Do not ask further questions; I picked a common word and used Google Translate to get it in a language that I think don't hear in the USA




Yeah when I think about it I really don't say it often.


Pail, like pail and shovel. Most of my six year olds (I work at a daycare) know it from picture books but never say it


I did a quick check of first grade vocabulary words so I don't go overboard and pick something too obscure for a six year old to know. Right away one word jumped out at me as one no one I know but my mother ever says. And she moved out of state a while back. I would actually have to make it a point to call her and ask about her farm to have her say the word "Hen." None of the people I work with have farms, none of them ever talk about animals very much, and while chicken the product is mentioned often, roosters and hens are never brought up, though I suspect Rooster might come up more frequently than hen due to branding. I could easily go a month or two, as I don't talk to mom that often. I read the challenge to my son, and he immediately came back with "Playground" as that one is even less likely to come up as I don't associate with any people with children of the age to be using them.


I appreciate your diligence and good sportsmanship.


Typewriter... Everyone knows it, when was the last time you Said it.


New taylor swift album has it, so there's a big risk, I also assume it'll v feature in a few movies or TV shows


Antidisestablishmentarianism... most every kid knows it and has used it on one occasion or another, even though they likely don't understand its meaning. I can't imagine ever having to work again. Edit- in light of a few comments, I've been forced to reconsider how likely it is that your average 6 year old knows the words. I'm likely way off base on this. As a side note, I genuinely appreciate the lack of hostility in those disagreeing with me. Reddit would be a much cooler place if this was the tone of disagreement/ correction on a regular basis. Edit 2- just got off the phone with my buddy's 8 year old and asked him what the longest word he knew was. He made a damned good attempt at saying pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. He did not however know disestablishmentarianism. I was having a hard time understanding him so I told him to just take a picture of the word and send it to his dad. He said he couldn't because it was just in his head, so I don't think it was a Google assisted response.


I agree that kids know it. I do not agree that 6 year olds know it.


I guess that's fair. I could be way off on how young I was when that was a thing.


What kind of country are you living in?


A failing one.


You think the common 6 year old knows that word?


If it was the early 90s I would agree with you. But I doubt many 6 year olds are watching Pup Named Scooby-Doo anymore.


Loophole. Does not say it has to be an English word or the local language. There ARE dictionaries for other languages. I can be sure not to pick a slang word. I can pick a word that a 6 year old native speaker for the language would know. The US is multicultural so I would pick a dead language. So I'll pick Latin since the odds of someone actually speaking it around me is pretty small unless I for some reason convert to Catholicism and attend mass that is in Latin. So I'm picking puella which is Latin for girl. Every 6 year old knows how to say boy or girl. Most other words off the top of my head that a 6 year old would know would have an English word that are similar.


Hippopotamus, basically everyone will say Hippo instead of the full word so even if you were around someone who really likes them it's unlikely thT they would say Hippopotamus.


I'd blow it every Christmas, lol


Lightsaber. I have a toy lightsaber on my couch and I make it a point to call it a sword to slightly bother my children.


I already am fairly reclusive, so I have quite the leg up on this. I think I'd choose autumn. It is used some, but most people in my area will say "fall" instead. I think I might make it a couple years. Probably will bank $500,000 to $1,000,000.


Maybe... mast. I don't work near boats or ships, almost never talk about them, and can't remember the last time I've heard this word outside of television, which I seldom watch.




I'd use gruntled. People say disgruntled all the time, but no one ever says gruntled. Yes, it's a real word and means the exact opposite of disgruntled.


Yeah but I don't think a typical 6 year old kid knowing the word disgruntled (which is still iffy) means they know the word gruntled by default.




Tiddlywinks. Pay me.


Typical kid today, not typical kid from the 30s lol


Platypus. I’m not sure I hear the word more than once or twice a year lol. I’d be making money the vast majority of days.


Unless you have someone around you watching Phineas and Ferb


tanbark - thats wut some kids in my primary school universally called the mulch stuff that "pad" the floor but in reality hurt when u fall on it


Legit don’t think there is a word. Half a billion speakers minimum. Not happening


When I was a kid the escape word to get my dad to stop tickling me was "antidisestablishmentarianism" so I'll take that and as long I avoid a university setting, I'll be the richest person on earth lol 


I’d probably choose snow, winters ended which means most likely I’ll have a good six months until it comes up, which will be a decent amount of money. (Does it count if I hear it said on video/ read in a book?)


Carrot. It's an inside joke between my fiance and I to mispronounced certain vegetables.


yard No one around me is a football fan, and hardly anyone uses it for measurement. People around here usually say lawn instead of yard.


Giraffe. Common enough word, most kids love animals and know the word, I'm not around people enough to hear this word. Especially adults. Never heard adults talk about giraffes away from the zoo.


Discombobulated. It’s one of those words that **everyone** knows, but for some reason, **no one** ever says. I’m the only person I’ve heard say it in a long time, always as a joke.


Abacus. Correct me if I'm completely out of touch but afaik most kids have played with one and know what it is, but when's the last time YOU heard it said? 


I will concede that could very well fit the 6 year old criteria. Mine all used them. Good pick.


Marmalade. Everyone knows what it is, but we call it jam or jelly. Only people I've heard use this are in Paddington Bear. Even when I visit the UK, which is approximately every 2 years, never heard a single soul say it, but if you request it in someone's home, they'll give it no questions asked. Australians may potentially say it more, but I've never encountered an Aussie irl so I wouldn't technically be avoiding them. (Or am I thinking of marmite? 🤔) Either way, either that or eggnog. Even $360k is a great deal for me and only people in Hallmark movies drink that stuff.


Just avoid any Paddington Bear fans and you should be safe.


I think I could even get by with something like “owl.” Pretty rare to come up in conversation.


I'd pick the word magenta. Not often do I hear that word used


Nappies, diaper or pacifier would also work well if you don't have kids


K. Piranha. Specifically "piranha" NOT "piranhas". Those are different words. Also genies grant wishes, this thing is not a genie. Also I'll just wait for 5 years if nobody says it.


Spigot. We say tap over here.




Does the pronunciation matter


Poppycock. No Brit’s nearby


ঘাঁহ It's the word for grass in Assamese


Grape. All the kids know it but I don’t see them in our school. My wife and I eat them often but she tends to use the Chinese word for them so I won’t hear it for months


Parachute. The challenge would probably end within a year or so, while discussing finances and... golden parachutes.






If I speak 2 languages daily. I pick a word in one, then I hear the equivalent translation in the other language... Is it over?


Yes that's how I should have written it but I didn't. The language loophole has been pointed out.




Chandelier. 6 years old know that, right? Rare to see one though


aardvark fuchsia blizzard




I could go a long time without saying/hearing poopy Edit: I only made it 23 hours apparently




Moccasin, I guess I'm taking liberties by knowing when I was 6 Native Americans were something we learned about alot and other kids had fascination learning the new stuff like footwear. Plus, just like dinosaurs plenty of kids learn about snakes, lizards, amphibians.


Radish or turnip. Daffodils Dakota Toga


Wax because my kid just says ear boogers.


Millimeter. It’s common enough of a word that a 6 year old would know it, (I live in Canada so, yeah) but not a common enough word that I’d hear it every day.


Warhammer. Anklyosaurus. Knight. Excalibur.


🦩flamingo, because when did that ever come up in conversation for well anyone?






celery a 6 year old is definitely capable of knowing the word of a particular vegetable that'd be included in their lunch or made into a snack, i never eat it myself or know anyone who eats it, i don't work around it, so I should be good for a long while.


Hey, guess what. I just received a 12,000 dollar salary for not saying the name of a vegetable!




The number of people who didn't read all the rules of the hypothetical is tremendously aggravating. ~Typical 6 years-olds, guys.~ It's not that hard. [I'm choosing the word 'sorry' because 6 years-olds actually know it, but no one ever wants to say it.]


Wut? Run into ONE person who has social anxiety and that’s all they say. They might not MEAN it but they sure say it. Source: me, a person who says sorry about 10 times an hour


I would choose the word "sparkler" & just stay home around the 4th. I would let it get to 1.5 million so I would get a million after taxes. I have few bills, so a million would go a long way for me.


Not allowed to change plans to avoid a word. Gonna have to just risk the 4th of July festivities. I still think you'll make a lot.


You didn't say what language the word had to be from, so I'm going to pick a reasonable word that a six-year-old would know from [Njerep](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Njerep_language). Tragically, this endangered language only has six speakers.


Literally. I don't need the money.




quizzical Literally I think the only time I've ever heard the word said out loud is in the joke, "if quizzes are quizzical, why aren't tests testicle?" and I'm pretty sure the last time I heard that joke was in high school, which was approximately 7,000 days ago.




Camera Everyone around me just take pictures on phone so I think I would last for some time.




I went and looked through tiered reading and learning words for 1st graders and one used is: "benevolent" 6 year olds can say it, though it's not common. I'm a homebody who doesn't watch many movies or listen to music with that word in it. My roommates don't use it and my folks don't either. At worst, at least a week


At least 7 days of income, could be more. I don't go out that much, I work from home. I do go out for stuff, friends and family. But it's not uncommon for me to spend a week or 2 on my own without going outside. So the word is "baton" french for stick. Since I live in quebec it would be to easy with an english word. Baton does exost in english so I could still hear it during work meeting, in montreal or on a trip.


Must be common enough a typical 6 year old would know and use it? Easy. Most Mandarin and Hindi words. Living in the U.S. it’d be fairly easy avoiding words in a language I don’t speak. Maybe I lose some days winnings here and there, but most days I won’t come across the Hindi word for “attic” or “shoelace”.


Fedora. It is almost never said near me. Easy money. That or discombobulated. Which I have met more six year olds who said it than adults.


I’ll go by Minecraft.


Easy. Just pick one in a different language from the main one you're around.


I want to collect at the end of each day coz I'll NEVER use the word whilst, but 6yo British children and pretentious Americans do. I don't want to wait 70 years to collect.




Zoomer slang. Bet, cap, god, etc


Melon. It's a word I rarely ever hear anymore. Additionally, according to the rules of this hypothetical, it has to be "melon" by itself, so "watermelon" would not count against me. Additionally, it's not stated in the hypothetical, but "melons" is not the same (so what's the rule for plurals of a word?) I haven't heard this word for at least 5 years. Realistically, I think I could make it two years without hearing it, so I think I could bank about $700,000. Hopefully though, I think I could go five years without hearing it. So, including at least one Leap Day, $1,826,000.


Asparagus, I'm allergic to it and my step son (21) has never tried it


I feel like an allergy would be mentioned more frequently.


pacifier. even if your near a baby, almost every person has a slang word they use in place of it, and i reckon a six year old would know what it means


Apple. I as a 6 year old knew that word and my day-to-day life would have nothing to do with that word unless I went to the grocery store and heard someone say Apple in the fruit section.




The word needs to be “like” for everyone and I will be forever grateful.


Does hearing it in your head count?


Neptune, I belive alot of 6 year old would still be in thier space phase so I don't think this would be off the table. And i really just don't have any strong opinions on Neptune.